The ride on the nimbus was very comforting. Chi-Chi was in Goku's lap with her arms wrapped around his neck. She felt as if she could fall asleep from how comfortable she was. Goku held her close to him. He always liked holding his wife. It gave him a feeling of peace. Goku might have always seem peaceful and happy which was true for the most part. But Chi-Chi brought a different type of peace to him. He could never put his finger on the reason for that.
A few minutes later the arrived in the nearest city. As they were flying by the buildings. Chi-Chi noticed it was a grocery store up ahead. "Goku stop at the store up ahead." She pointed out to him. Goku nodded and did just that. Once they arrived in the front. Chi-Chi hopped out of her husband's lap onto the ground. Goku did the same and the nimbus took off into the sky. The couple walked in the store. Chi looked around for a shopping cart. It didn't take long for her to find one. The princess grabbed it before anyone else could. They walked around the isles. Chi already knew the groceries they needed. She was about to do what she would normally do and grab everything herself. But an idea came into her head.
"Goku" She called out.
Goku was looking around the isle. "Yeah?"
"Would like to learn a few things about shopping?"
"Sure" He replied.
"Ok you should pay attention to everything I'm about to tell you then. First when it comes to shopping for food you should always have a general idea of things that you need." She said.
Goku nodded at her as they walked down a different isle.
"It's not bad if you don't but it'll be easier so you won't spend so much time shopping. Second, try to always have a budget."
"What's That Chi?" Goku asked.
"It's when you can only spend a certain amount of money so you can save the rest of your money." She explained to him.
"Ohh I think Master Roshi said something like that one time." He responded. "Something about the amount of money he can spend on those magazines of his."
Chi-Chi shook her head. "In a way yes it's like that but the old pervert was a negative influence on you."
Once Chi grabbed everything they needed. The couple went to the cashier to pay for it.
It didn't take long for the cashier to ring them up and bag all of their groceries. Goku picked up the bags from the counter and waited for Chi to finish up things with the cashier. The couple walked outside the store. Goku called for nimbus. Once the yellow cloud came down he sat the groceries on top on it.
"Chi since nimbus is holding the bags, how about I carry you back?" He asked.
She nodded and hopped into his arms. Goku held her tight as he took off into the sky along with nimbus. While the couple were in the sky. Chi just couldn't keep her eyes on her husband. 'He actually paid attention to me in the store. He's really putting some effort into this.' She thought to herself as she nuzzled her face into his neck. Goku looked at her a bit confused but didn't think much of it as he kept flying through the sky.
The married couple finally arrived to their home. When the landed, Goku released his hold onto the Chi and grabbed the bags of groceries off of nimbus. Chi-Chi had opened the door and walked into the kitchen. Goku followed her and sat the bags on the table. The princess went to close the door then began taking everything they bought out of the bags. Goku watched her placed everything in the cabinets and refrigerator. He wondered how did she know where to put everything. It was like everything had a specific place to be in.
Chi-Chi felt a pair of eyes starring at her. She turned around to see Goku was starring at her while she put up the food.
"Goku? Something wrong?" She asked.
"No nothing at all." He replied.
"Well after this I'm going to start cleaning the house a bit. You can go and train if you want." She told him.
Goku had the urge to hop out of his chair and run out the front door. But he held himself back.
"No I said I wanted to help you clean remember?"
Chi-Chi was shocked that he didn't take off once she had told him he could go. "Well I remember but it's not a lot to do."
"I don't care I still want to be here with you Chi." He said honestly.
Chi-Chi felt her heart skip a beat at those words. They sounded so pure and genuine. She couldn't keep a small blush from creeping on to her cheeks. "Ok Goku just let me finish this up before we do."
He grinned and nodded. About 5 mins had passed and Chi was done putting the food up. The only rooms to clean was the living room and their bedroom. Chi decided to start with the living room. "Goku do you know where the vacuum is?"
"Vacuum? What's that?" He asked.
"The thing I use to clean the floor."
"Oh um I think it's in the closet." He responded.
Chi-Chi couldn't help but laugh at her husbands cluelessness. She went to the closet and look to see if the vacuum was in there. Sure enough it was. She took it out and placed it by the couch. "Goku I want you to watch me dust the furniture so you can see how to do it without breaking anything. So pay close attention."
Chi took a duster from a shelf and started dusting around the living room. Goku studied her every move for the next 10mins. He really didn't get how she made it look so easy. Whenever she tried to get him to help. He would only end up breaking something. He kept watching her until she stopped. "Wow Chi you make it look so easy." He said sounding very impressed.
"It is easy sweetheart, you're just too clumsy but you'll get it with practice. Now I know you can wipe off tables without breaking them so do that then I'll show you how to use the vacuum correctly." Chi-Chi instructed.
Goku did as he was told and went to go get supplies to clean the tables. When he came back he began wiping down the tables. Chi-Chi watched him to make sure he didn't miss a spot. She was also in her own thoughts. 'He looks so adorable trying to help out.' A small smile crept onto her face. It didn't take Goku long to finish the tables. Once he was done, he went to plug in the vacuum. He turned it on and started moving it around. Chi-Chi noticed he was missing things on the floor. She walked up to him and put her hand over his and guided him.
Goku soon forgot he was even vacuuming as he was staring at his wife. He never realized how much she actually did to keep the house together. She has to cook and clean every day by herself. To him it was amazing that she could do all these things by herself. It seemed like a lot to remember. Especially cooking since you have to remember so many ingredients to make dinner. The only thing he knew how to cook was animals in the wild. Granted it's pretty useful information but it was so much more to it that he never thought of.
Before he realized it, he was done vacuuming. "There so do you see how clean the floor is? That's how it's supposed to look all the time." Chi-Chi said.
"Yeah thanks for being a good teacher Chi." Goku told her with his usual grin.
"Don't thank me yet mister, we still have to do laundry and clean our bedroom. To be honest the only thing we have to do in our bedroom is make our bed and vacuum." She told him.
"Sounds simple enough."
The couple made their way into their bedroom. Goku figured he could vacuum it himself now thanks to his wife. He went back to the living room to grab the vacuum and brought it into the bedroom. He found a plug to plug in the vacuum. Then he turned it on and began vacuuming. Chi-Chi sat down on the bed and watched him. To her surprise, he was doing very well. Picking up mostly everything the vacuum could pick up. After about 5mins he was done. He looked around and realized he actually used the vacuum the correct way for the first time. He couldn't help but to feel proud that he did it right without any help. Chi was happy for him too he was really progressing and fast at that.