Me: I'm back once again everybody! Coming to you with another chapter.

Steven: Yes! I finally get to see who is that voice. Will you give me a hit DJ?

Me: Nope! You'll have to read like everyone else. *Chuckles evilly*

Steven: *frowning* Awww! Come on! i want to know them already.

Me: Don't worry Steven, you will see them in this chapter. It's my own character I created. You might like them.

Steven: *Jumping and cheering* Alright! Let's go!

Me: Don't forget the disclaimer.

Steven: Oh... Yeah! DJMash does not own 'Steven Universe', that honor belongs to Rebecca sugar and Cartoon Network.

Me: Sadly she owns it but oh well. On to the story!

Chapter Three: I Only Need You

When Steven opened his eyes, he was surrounded by nothing but darkness. It wasn't dark, he could still see his hands, and it didn't feel cold like most would think in a black room. The room was warm, soothing, and a bit calming for the boy.

Steven wasn't scared a bit as he walked a bit into the black nothing. As he walked to look for anything around, he thought on how he got here. It was that voice that put him asleep. It... it told him that it was going to show the teen something. How can it show anything if the whole place inside his head seem so... hollow?

/It's not hollow Steven... just keep walking./

Steven gasped and looked around for the voice. It was distant again, but as he walked it seem to have gotten louder. The hybrid looked around as he called out, "Where are you? Please tell me."

Steven heard the voice chuckle softly again and Steven couldn't help but shiver. Was it fear? He didn't know. Then, he saw something ahead of his view. It looked to be a pink door with a star in the middle.

The door seemed to be calling out to the boy, cause soon he felt his own feet take him closer and closer to the pink door. As he got closer, Steven could hear the voice softly whispering to him to get closer. It kept the soothing whisper in his ear going until he was right up to the door. Steven looked up at the top of the tall door, then down at the door knob. What did this door lead to?

/Why not find out Steven... open it./

Throwing all caution out the window, Steven nods and opens the door. He is then completely swallowed but bright blinding light.

As soon as the light dims, and Steven's eyesight came back, the teen looks around and gasped at the sight before. Before and all around now. It was a garden. It was filled with flowers, trees, and even a little river going down a path near by. the only thing to make it weird though.

The garden... was bright pink.

Steven was surprise to see so much pink. It was even more awesome then Rose's room. The teen chuckled and walked around the whole area. He saw a few birds fly by and fish swim in the water, all of them a different shade of pink. Everything and everywhere you looked it was pink. Steven liked the nice place, and it made him feel so safe and for the first time in a week, really happy.

The boy stopped though as soon as he had seen what looked to be a little house near by. Steven was shocked however, because the house was a completely different color. It was red and a bit black as well. It was a bit off from all of the pink around, but Steven kid of liked it and walked up to it. He made it to the front door, and it opened up with a happy voice coming from the other end.

"Steven! You finally came!"

Steven could only gasp in shock and let his eyes wide at the face this person had.

The face... was his own.

Steven was looking at another Steven, yet the hybrid could tell a few differences about him. Instead of brown eyes and brown hair this other copy had red eyes and raven black hair. Even his clothes were different as the copy Steven wore a black T-shirt with a skull on it and long jeans to top off the look.

The copy Steven just smiled warmly at the real Steven and opened his door more to welcome him inside. His voice became more clear and sounded even deeper then Steven. Almost like an older model. "Come on in Steven. Heh, don't worry. I won't bite."

"Um... okay." Steven walked in with the copy and looked around the room. It was really only one room of the whole place. The theme was red, black, and a hint of dark blue here and there. There were a table, a couch, and a chair next to that couch. All of them black. Steven saw a book case near one of the windows and edged in the wood of it said 'Steven's Memories' on the top in bold letters. It looked to be poorly down.

As Steven was brought to the couch, the darker copy sat on the chair and smirked in a friendly manner at the confused boy. Soon, the copy spoke once more, "I'm so happy you made it here Steven. I've waited along time to meet you again. Almost thought I never be here again."

"Oh... well," Steven smiled, but he was still hopelessly confused. "Uh, other me... where is exactly is here?"

"I'm surprise you don't remember Steven," Copy Steven had said with a soft chuckle. He waved his hand around as he exclaimed, "Welcome to your mind Steven! The very center of everything that makes you, you."

"What?" Steven looked around once more and then grinned at his copy. "Really!? This is so cool other me!"

The Copy just chuckled once more and shook his head. "Steven, call me Red. You use to call me that all the time when we were just kids."

Steven was confused again. He met Cop- Red before. When they were kids? Who is Red anyhow, and why was he so much like him but hair, eyes and clothes which looked a bit cool on the other. Steven focused once more and looked at Red's face for answers.

"I'm sorry... Red, but I don't seem to remember you. Who are you really, and why are you looking like a darker me?"

Red looked worried at that point. He bit his lip and looked off into the garden before looking at the table in front of him. He sighed and got up to go get something. Steven watched with curious eyes as he sees Red grab a dusty old looking book and came back to Steven, but sat on the couch beside him.

He shows the teen the cover, and Steven focused to see it read 'Sad Memories'. Steven looked back up at Red as the other spoke a bit sadly, "You see Steven... you think this was the first time you actually hated the gems... but that's not true. You use to hate them. Long ago."

Red then opens the book, and instead of words... it showed a video like picture. Steven looked back up at read before looking back down at the book. The boy was confused at first, but then the memory hit him like a train. He remembered these days now.

It was the ones before the house was built.

{Flashback... age one}

Little Steven was just one when he first started to remember things well. He was in another house, Sour Cream's house to be right, and he sat on the couch as he looked curiously at his father and what looked to be Pearl in her old outfit. They seemed to be yelling.

It was also the time that Steven's hearing became a bit clear as well.

"Forget it Pearl," Greg shouted at the angry white gem, "I'm not letting you near Steven after what you did! That's the third time I've seen you mess with his gem! Enough is enough!"

Pearl looked hurt, but also upset. "You don't understand Greg! Everytime he's with me, Rose's gem shines. It's like she's calling out to me. She must be trying to get out! I just know it!"

Steven looked a bit sad and scared when she yelled. He didn't cry just yet, but he looked to be getting there. He looked up at Pearl sacred and she went closer to him, but she wasn't looking at the baby. She was looking at his gem showing through his onesie.

"It's... It's like she's saying to help her. Like she's saying that she's here and that she's trapped. I've got to save her! I've got save Rose from this baby!"

She went to grab at him, but Steven was smart and moved a bit away and started to cry. Greg was quicker then Pearl and took Steven in his arms and back away from the crazed gem. Pearl looked hurt at Steven, but then snapped.

"You disgusting little rat! You're trapping My Rose in you! I won't let you! NOT ONE MORE SECOND!"

Pearl went to grab him again, but before she could they heard someone walk in. It was Sour Cream and his mother. They looked at the scene with shocked eyes, and the woman glares before pointing at Pearl.

"You need to leave. You're making the baby cry. Leave now before I call the cops!"

Pearl looks at her in anger, but then nods and looks at Greg for one last time. Then growls down at Steven.

"I hate you! You hear me you little monster! You killed Rose and I'll never love you for it!"

The baby cried, but no longer screamed as he watched Pearl leave the house. Happy that she was gone. Then he laughed in joy as he saw his favorite color across the room. Red.

{Change Flashback... age three}

Little toddler Steven was crying once more as he walked from Sour Creams room yet another fight. This time is was with Garnet and Greg.

The little boy was hugging his blue blanket as he shivered in fear. He only calmed down when he heard a voice sooth him.

/It's okay Steven. She won't hurt you. I won't let her./

Steven looked behind himself and saw his friend come up to him and hug him. He was completely red, but with arms and legs and had a soothing voice to calm the boy.

Steven wiped his nose and shook his head, "But Red... wha if she huwts me? Like the big white lady?"

Red shook his head and patted the boys head once more. /No need to worry Steven. You can trust me. I won't let them hurt you anymore. Okay?/

Steven nodded and hug back, "Thank you Red... you're my best fwiend."

"What do you mean you can't tell him!"

Steven jumped and shivered in Red's transpartent arms as he looked to see that Greg had yelled at the anger big red gem.

"Just like what I said Greg," Garnet says coldly, "You will not tell Steven about the war! You'll only make Steven hate Rose and we don't want that. We need him to think she's a good person."

Greg shook his head to that, "You just want to make Rose look like angel! She may look like that in face, and yes I do love her, but making someone prefect like you say will only keep him in a bubble. Everyone has a bad side, even his mother!"

Garnet then snapped completely, "But Steven doesn't need to know that! Rose is prefect, and you are a fool to believe other wise! I thought you love her!?"

"I do!"

"It seems you didn't. You only seem to have used her to make the boy! You will not say a word to Steven about his mother, or else! Am I clear!?"

Before Steven could even hear his response, Garnet leaves and Greg just sheds tears. Steven sobs some more and went back to bed. Red calmed him down and he went to bed that night with good dreams.

{Change flashback... age five}

Another image is shown, but this time Steven was more angry then sad. He slammed the door to his shared room and looked around for someone.

"Red! Red are you there!?"

Just as Steven called, Red had shown up again. This time he looked a bit more like Steven, but with different hair and eyes. He had full teeth while Steven only had a few.

Red hugged Steven and asked happily, /What up Steven? What's wrong?/

Steven frowned and shook his head in anger. "Dad is fighting with the gems again, and Amethyst destroyed my Castle. She told me to bug off and destroyed it more. She always ruins everything! Then the others yelled at me. I just want to go away right now. Can we go to your place Red? Please?"

Red frowned and then growled in anger before smiling at Steven and messing with his hair, making Steven giggle and laugh. /Sure Steven. You know what to do to get there./

The five year old nods and gets in bed before drifting to Red's place. Red told him it was really Steven's, but the boy gave it to Red so he would have a place to stay. As soon as Steven got to the same house, but smaller, the two played little games and run around in the garden. Steven laughed and played for what seemed like hours before the boy woke up once more.

As Steven opened his eyes, he went to go down stairs and hope that they were gone, but frowned to see they were still fighting with Greg.

The boy frowned and tried not to cry as he sat up the top of the stairs. Red came out to the boy and hugged him. Steven hugged back and whispered angrily to them.

"I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them!" Steven repeats that the whole time as Red just frowned and glared out to the bottom of the stairs. Praying he could kill them were they stood right now, but took care of his master and friend first.

{Flashback ends}

Steven looks away from the now blank book, and then up at Red who looked to be really angry. The other closed the book and placed it down on the table. Steven had said nothing at first as he let his mind tak in all of these lost memories.

So it wasn't just Pearl. Even Garnet and Amethyst used him, and didn't like him. They told his dad not to tell anything about Rose so they could. They just wanted to make her look nice and good in his eyes, and Steven ate the lies all up. He was mad beyond reason, but then looked at Red to see he was fuming more them him.

Looking at him, Steven sighed and finally spoke. "So... you were always there with me?"

Red looked up at Steven and nodded, "Yeah. I was there until you turned seven. You just... seem to forgot and started to like the gems. They saw this and started to act like they loved you. Every year I was fading away, but then I came back about a week ago. When you started to hate them again."

"What... what are you Red?"

Red sighed as he shrugged his shoulders. "At first, I was your calming agent. A piece of your mind that wanted to have a friend to help you get trough all of the hate and sadness. That part made me and little by little I took a face you wanted me to have. You named me Red and I stayed with you. When you forgot and forgave, you didn't need me so I just stayed here and slowly start to disappear from your mind. Like an imaginary friend you start to grow up from.

"This time though... it's different," Red looked around the house and then outside before explaining more, "Now Steven, I'm seem to be your anger. All of your hate and negative emotions are all from me. I control it at times, but also fuel it. I'm... you could say your other half. The most... tougher, selfish, and meaner side of you."

Steven nods to that as he understood what that meant. He then looked unsure about all of this, and asked once more. "Red... does that mean that you'll try and control me. You kind of did that with Pearl back there. I... I think I went to hard hon her."

Red chuckled and shook his head. "Trust me Steven, we didn't do enough. Don't you see it yet?"

No. Steven didn't see it at all, so Red explained further, grabbing onto the teen's shoulder. "Steven, open your eyes. The moment you forgot about me, about what they did to you, they took their chance and acted to be nice to you. They filled your head with lies, and never cared how we felt or how stupid you looked around them not knowing anything. Amethyst belittles you. Garnet keeps you scared with her future visions. Pearl is the worst of them all and called you, called us, disgusting trash. Just like before!"

Red then brings Steven into a one sided hug. The teen being frozen as he lets his other half's words sink in to his mind.

Red continued with a dark but soothing tone. "You don't need them Steven. We don't need any one. We can be who ever we want to be! Don't follow the path they all made for you. We can make our own. A better one, and no one will stop us. Don't be their Rose 2.0... be just Steven... be my friend again."

Steven sat there in silence for about five minutes before slowly hugging his dark half back. He heard Red chuckle darkly, and Steven joined right on in. He spoke softly, truthfully, "Okay Red. I... I trust you. You're my best friend. My only friend."

Red smiled in a dark way and almost evil as they hug even tighter. What Steven doesn't know yet is that a rose outside...

Had turned blood red.

Me:And that ends the chapter! What you think Steven?

Steven: *Looking a bit uneasy* A bit creepy if you ask me, but it's really good. I like how you made it to where Red was with me before. Honestly, I don't remember the times before I moved in with the gems. It's... all just a big blur.

Me: *looking a bit worried* Try not to think about it so hard. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Now... you want to see Red!?

Steven: *Smiling* Sure.

(Red walks into the room)

Red: Hey DJ.

Me: Welcome to the chat Red. How do you feel about the story so far?

Red: It's great to me, but I'm just pissed right now that I had to show Steven those awful memories. Could it kill you to write a better way for us to meet?

Me: Another way, Red, and Steven and the Readers wouldn't trust you as much.

Red: *growling at Me* Whatever. Just don't make the gems hurt him.

Steven: *simling at Red* Don't worry Red. If they do hurt me, then I know you'll protect me! Cheer up a bit!

Red: Thanks Steven.

Me: Please leave a review if you want more! High Five The Sky Everybody! *pumps a fist in the air*

Red: Isn't That punching the sky?

Me: *Frowning* Don't judge me Red!

Steven: *Waving at the Readers* See you next time!