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Disclaimer: I do not own DC or Young Justice
"Wait you told her that you thought the birthmark on her back was cute?" Wally asked
Dick nodded still pacing back and forth on the living room of Wally's house
"Is it?" Wally asked curiously
Dick paused shrugging "Well yeah, I mean she hates it cause it's really big and she's pale, so it looks like the whole bottom half of her back is tan it just barely grazes each side of her hips. I only see it when she wears a bathing suit but-you know what that's not important. I made out with my best friend" he ran his fingers through his hair
Wally laughed sitting back on the couch "I don't see what the big deal is dude, for one you were drunk and for another it's not like you haven't done it before. Don't you two have that weird birthday tradition thing?"
Dick nodded "That's different we don't make out"
Wally nodded "You talked to her this morning before you came over here?"
Dick smiled "She called to check on me, we didn't mention the kiss at all" he watched Artemis entered the room opting to sit in Wally's lap. "Hey Arty "Dick waved
She smiled "Hey Dick, are you staying for lunch?" She asked
He shook his head "Naw I got some work to do for an upcoming mission with the team, so I really should be going" Dick looked at the clock on the wall
"See you guys later" he waved before letting himself out
Artemis shifted in Wally's lap so that she was looking at him "You wanna Tell me what had your little Dickie boy all worked up?" She cocked an eyebrow
Wally laughed rubbing small circles on her thigh with one of his thumbs "Apparently he got drunk last night"
Artemis laughed "I bet that was a sight"
Wally nodded "Well in his drunken state he made out with one Gordon"
"Doesn't he do that all the time?" She rose an eyebrow
Wally shrugged "They have that whole weird birthday kiss tradition, but I guess it doesn't go further than pecking on the lips" he explained
Artemis nodded "But Dick makes out with almost any girl"
Wally laughed moving his hands to her hair "Yeah I'll agree with you there, but this is Barbara"
"You got a point there, she's not just some other girl to him" she pointed
Wally smiled "I agree with ya there babe, once when he was 12—before I met you and before Barb knew the whole Bat secret, Flash and Batman were working on a Justice League case in the Batcave. Dick and I were bored out of our minds, so Bruce and my Uncle decided to let Robin and Kid Flash go out by ourselves...with some restrictions, of course, we were only allowed to patrol 2 city blocks and could only stop minor things." Wally laughed lightly "Personally I think they just wanted us out of their hair"
Artemis laughed reaching up and grabbing Wally's hand, she interlocked their fingers
"Anyways" Wally continued "We were patrolling the streets and I notice Robin is completely drawn to something on the street below. I look and there's this man walking behind this red-headed girl who was about the same age as Robin-I didn't know it at the time but that was Barbara. Anyways, the man attempted to attack Barb and let's just say I had to pull Robin of the would-be attacker. He just kept—-laying it on him like I had never seen before."
Artemis smiled leaning up to kiss Wally's lips "That's a cute story"
Wally nodded "If it gets me more kisses I'm full of cute stories"
She laughed "Or we could eat lunch?" She suggested
Quickly Wally sat up causing Artemis to fall to the ground "Lunch sounds amazing"
The next day Barbara made her way up the stairs to the front door of Wayne Manor. Giving it 3 knocks and waiting a few seconds before Alfred answered.
"Well hello this is quite the surprise" he spoke
Barbara smiled "I hope it's not a bad time?"
Alfred shook his head "Never for you"
Barbara stepped into the Manor "I went by Dick's apartment in Bludhaven, but he wasn't home. Is he here?" She asked setting her phone and car keys down
Alfred nodded "Yes I believe he is out lounging by the pool. Does he know you came to see him?"
Barbara shook her head "Nah I wanted to surprise him"
Alfred nodded "Well be my guest, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me" he stepped away
Barbara made way toward the back of the Manor that lead to the pool
When she stepped on to the pool deck she saw him, laying on a lounge chair in his bathing suit trunks, eyes closed, hair slicked back.
"Hello Babs" he spoke without even looking at her
"Darn him and his Bat senses," she thought
Marching forward she stood in front of him blocking the sunlight
This caused Dick to sit up sliding off his sunglasses "Can I help you?" He grinned
Without a word, Barbara lunged forward knocking him out of his chair and tackling to the ground
"Ouch Babs, that was my head" he groaned after his head thumped on the concrete
"You told Wally about it!" She grunted straddling his waist, pressing her hands on his shoulders to keep him down
Dick furrowed his eyebrows then flipped them, so he was over her "What are you talking about"
She struggled against his grip "I called Artemis for girl talk except she already knew about— our kiss" she mumbled the last part catching Dick off guard she flipped so she was on top again
"I didn't know we weren't supposed to talk about it—-Wait is this us talking about it?" He cocked an eyebrow
Barbara shook her head "No" she said quickly
Dick used this as his chance to be in control again
"You kiss girls all the time you should know there is no need to talk about it" Barbara grunted
Dick rolled his eyes rolling their body's once again as well "Yeah but you should know that you aren't-woah!"
With that, they both rolled right into the pool
When they came back up they were both laughing hysterically
Dick stopped though when he noticed something on Barbara's neck, gently he moved her wet hair out of the way "Did I do this?" He questioned his fingers thumbing the red patch on her neck
Barbara looked down to see what he was talking about and giggled "No, I umm—burned myself with my flat iron before the gala last night" she explained truthfully
Dick nodded and watched her as she incautiously traced a scar on his left peck
"Babs," he said softly
She looked up at him and he pressed their foreheads together "I love you" he attempted to lean forward
Barbara shook her head and pushed back from him "Dick we can't"
Dick moved through the water closer to her "What do you mean?"
She sighed "Dick, you know I love you too. You are literally my absolute best friend. But us—we can't the risks" she sighed
Dick nodded "I know it's just- "he licked his lips searching for the words
Barbara shook her head "I should go get changed"
"You look fine to me" Dick chuckled his eyes looking over her wet frame
Barbara rolled her eyes "I'm wearing jeans and a worn-out GCPD T-shirt in the pool."
Dick laughed again something she didn't hear very often anymore especially when he was Nightwing "Go ahead and borrow some sweats and a t-shirt from my room" he nodded his head toward the house
Barbara nodded "Thanks," she said quickly making her way out of the pool.
Artemis and Wally sat across from each other at their usual dinner table, both with books in front of them. Midterms were in full swing which meant an all-night study session. Right now, though they were taking a break, allowing their brains to relax. Wally was resting his eyes, feeling himself begin to doze off when Artemis said something that woke him up
"What do you think our baby would look like?"
Wally's eyes widened "Is this your way of telling me something?"
Quickly Artemis shook her head "No, heck no! One of the girls in my class recently had a baby, she's been posting pictures of it all over social media, so it got me just thinking."
Wally nodded relaxing, then shrugged "I don't know, there's a lot of possibilities he or she could have my hair and your eyes"
"Or Blonde hair and green eyes" Artemis smiled
Wally laughed "Or the poor sucker could look just like me. Maybe it would get lucky and look just like you" he winked. Earning a kiss on the cheek
They sat there in silence for a moment both picturing the same image. "Do you think it could have speedster abilities"
Wally tilted his head "That's a good question, Aunt Iris, and Uncle Barry haven't had kids yet so I'm not sure if that's genetic"
Artemis nodded and placed her hand over her stomach "I wonder what that would feel like" she thought of a baby growing inside of her kicking her at a speedster rate.
Wally laughed seeing her panic-stricken face. "You know we could always practice"
Artemis narrowed her eyes at him "We are studying no room for luckiness for you tonight"
Wally shook his head "You have such a dirty mind" he teased
Artemis looked at him signaling for him to continue "I mean why don't we get a dog? I saw that there is an adopt thon going on this weekend at the local shelter" he said with pleading eyes
"A dog?" Artemis sat back crossing her arm
Wally nodded puckering out his bottom lip "Please babe"
Artemis sighed in defeat "Alright we will go see what there is, but we if we get one it's going to be a big dog not one of those yippy dogs" she stuck out her tongue
Wally jumped up "Yes! Thank you, babe," he smiled kissing her lips
Artemis chuckled "Okay, Okay go sit back down Baywatch study break is over".
Nightwing paced in front of the caves indoor pool Aqualad beside him standing tall, the rest of the team standing at attention across from them on the other side of the pool.
"Today's training exercise is a little different. It is one of agility and defense. We will be working on water fighting." Nightwing spoke in his affirmative tone
This earned a few snickers from the younger members of the team.
Nightwing smirked "Yeah I know it sounds a little odd, but you never know when you will have to defend yourself. Therefore, we need to learn to fight in the water. You'd be surprised how difficult it can be. And who better to explain that then someone who is very used to fighting in the water our very own Aqualad" He motioned for the Atlantean to step forward where he began to explain what they would be doing.
Being the showman that he was when Aqualad finished Nightwing did a flip landing in the water gracefully "So, who wants to fight me?" he grinned
Tim knowing how competitive his 'Bat siblings' were glanced over at Batgirl waiting for her to jump in, but to his surprise, she remained still.
"Nobody wants to fight Nightwing?" Aqualad spoke surprised
Robin continued to look at Batgirl, she felt his glance but chose not to respond
"Come on guys, Aqualad needs a visual to explain the step by step movements" Nightwing spoke sternly
"I'll do it" Connor sighed sliding off his shirt and jumping into the pool
"Thank you Superboy" Nightwing nodded
As they began fighting Robing spoke up
"What was that?" He asked Barbara she turned and looked at him
"What?" She cocked an eyebrow
Robin shook his head "You never turn down an opportunity to beat Nightwing in front of everyone"
Batgirl shrugged "I wanted to observe"
"Sure, you did" he rolled his eyes
Barbara looked down at him narrowing her eyes "I will push you into the pool"
Later after the training session, Barbara was the only one remaining in the girl's locker room. She was pulling her hair back into a ponytail when she sensed someone enter. Like him, the day before she didn't have to turn to know who it was "This is the girl's locker room Nightwing"
She heard him chuckle then turned to face him as he walked closer "There's nobody else in here, so I don't see the problem" a grin played on his face. "Ya know, you're the one who inspired today's training session" he continued to walk toward her.
Barbara moved to lean back on the lockers. "Is that so?" She quirked an eyebrow
Dick nodded resting hands on either side of her shoulders caging her in
She looked up at Dick waiting for his response "Yeah I thought of it after we rolled ourselves into the pool"
They both laughed at the memory then became quiet
"Also, are you aware that you stole my favorite shirt yesterday?" He whispered
"Is that so?" Barbara teased
Dick nodded "Yeah, I'm very proud of my Gotham Academy Jersey"
Barbara shook her head "I never understood why they gave Mathletes jerseys like they were football players or something"
Dick grinned "Yeah Mathletes were so much hotter than football players"
Barbara shook her head "You keep telling yourself that Boy Wonder. But for the record I'm keeping your jersey it's really comfy to sleep in. You'll have to take it from me if you want it back"
Dick smirked bringing his hands to her waist "Is that a threat or a promise"
Barbara bit her lip and was about to come back with a cocky response when the door opened causing them to jump apart
"I—I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something... I Ugh I forgot my phone in here" Cassie stuttered quickly retrieving her phone from her locker
Batgirl shook her head "It's okay Cass you weren't interrupting anything" she assured her.
Nightwing stood awkwardly waiting for Wondergirl to exit once she did he hopped up on the counter. Waiting another couple minutes to make sure she was out of earshot before speaking "Now that the mood is broken"
Barbara shook her head "There was no mood" she looked in the mirror checking her hair, then turned smiling at her best friend
"Right, anyways there's a story about our civilian lives I've been wanting to tell you about but have been keeping secret for the other counterpart's privacy"
Barbara looked at him oddly before pushing herself up and sitting on the counter beside him signaling for him to continue
"Remember Shawn?" he asked
Barbara nodded "That girl you had a thing with for like 3 weeks a month ago?"
Dick nodded "That'd be her" he let out a breath "Well she called me last week"
"And let me guess wanted to get back together? "she grinned
Dick shook his head "Not exactly, she called to tell me she was late." He looked at Barbara to see her reaction
She was looking at him, trying to evaluate what his eyes looked like behind his domino mask
"Did she —-" for some reason the words wouldn't come out of her mouth
"Take a test?" Dick took the words out of her mouth he nodded his head "Yeah, she did"
Barbara continued to look at him waiting for him to continue "And?"
Dick shook his head "There won't be any little Dick Grayson's running around anytime soon" he laughed lightly
Barbara nodded "I guess that's... good?" She rose an eyebrow
Dick nodded "Yeah it's good, that relationship is over and done. The kid would have been raised in a separated home "he looked down fiddling with his hands "Besides people like me—-in my line of work. We don't get that life, we don't deserve it"
Barbara watched him for a moment "If it helps I don't picture myself being a mom one day either. Gotham isn't really the place to raise a child and Batgirl can't exactly be pregnant"
Dick laughed "Now that would be an image." He smiled letting out a sigh "But that whole scare made a part of me just get thinking I haven't laid eyes on someone who I share blood with since I was 8 years old. I never thought of that before"
Barbara sent him a half smile
"Don't get me wrong, my makeshift family I have now is amazing and I wouldn't trade them for anything but to actually look at someone that I helped make and know we share genetics it's- "he looked toward Barbara hoping she understood what he meant
Thankfully she nodded "I know what you mean" they both sent each other smiles
Dick was the first to break the stare down by jumping off the counter "We should be going back before the team suspects there really is something going on"
Barbara followed his lead and made her way out of the locker room