Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating certain stories recently, and then there's some I haven't updated in a while

It shows why I can't have an update schedule, I'd never properly meet it since things just hit me like a truck and then I need to type it up otherwise the spark might disappear

Anyway, there's some new art on my DeviantArt account that someone by the name of WhipCream50 made me (it's lewd). They're really nice so go check them out, and me of course, my name's Super Ryuko on there

Disclaimer: I don't own SWTCW or anything related to the show


Ryuko, Rex, and Cody were royally pissed, though Ryuko had an extra reason. First; Grievous had the nerve to attack cadets. Second; It was for an invasion on Kamino, a world that wasn't suited to hold off a Separatist invasion at the moment. Ryuko's extra reason however, was because the leader of the droid army had dared to attack her soldiers. "Grievous's days are numbered. I don't care about what the Jedi Council says, if he faces me again, he dies."

Cody and Rex give each other a glance, before looking to Ryuko. "Listen, Ryuko, we're not questioning your authority or anything, but maybe you should calm down and focus on the situation at hand?" "Yeah, plenty of time to kill the head clanker later." The young Jedi Knight sighs and nods, before she closes her eyes and reaches out with the force. After just a few seconds, she holds her hand out towards some rocks and pulls seven clone troopers out from behind them, smirking a bit. "When are you gonna learn that you can't sneak up on me boys? Also, I see you've made some new friends."

Five of the troopers chuckle, taking off their helmets and revealing themselves to be Domino Squad. "Sorry Ryuko, we thought we might get ya this time. Captain, Commander." They nod in recognition towards the two clones by Ryuko's side, making them smile a bit. "Still hate formalities Admiral~?" Ryuko's eye twitches a bit as an annoyed smile makes it's way onto her face. "When we get off this moon, I'm beating you into the ground."

Rex couldn't help but laugh and cross his arms, before adopting a serious tone. "Ok Shinies, so here's the plan.."


Timeskip: 10 minutes later


Ryuko was currently leaning against the wall of the outpost trying not to laugh as Rex tries to fool the commando droids into thinking he was one of them, while Cody shakes his head. "This plan's never gonna work." Just a few seconds after that, Ryuko takes out her blaster pistols and stands beside Rex as the doors open to reveal several droids. "Clones!" "Roger. Roger." They both begin firing at the nearest droids, prompting the others to join in and make short work of them. "Glad to see that you can still shoot with that shoulder of yours Ryuko."

She looks to the clone captain and shrugs with only one shoulder. "Meh, I dislocated it when we jumped off the bridge, no big deal. It went back in it's socket after all." Domino Squad and company couldn't help but shudder a bit when they hear this. Granted, it's not a serious battlefield injury, but powering through the pain while firing a powerful blaster pistol is something completely different, something Ryuko did without so much as a grimace. "Ok boys, can we disable the all clear signal?"

Fives shakes his head and sighs. "O'Niner tried, the signal's been hot wired to broadcast, we can't shut it off." They all stand there and try to think of a solution, before Echo suddenly seems to get some spring in his step. "What about the Liquid Tibana? We use it to heat the base when it gets cold for half the year." Ryuko looks to Rex and Cody, before a devious smirk starts to spread across her face. "Good on ya Echo. Come on boys, let's get that LT."

As the clones go about grabbing the Liquid Tibana tanks, Ryuko looks out the window as a droid landing ship comes down onto the platform. "They really don't want us to shut off the signal, huh? Guys, you're almost done right? We're about to have an entire battalion on our doorstep." Echo looks up from the bundle of tanks and the detonator and gives Ryuko a thumbs up. "Don't worry, Cutup and Droidbait got the detonator all hooked up, I was just checking it over." This makes Ryuko grin evilly, and she turns away from the window and starts walking towards them. "Ok boys, into the vent, we need to leave now."

Cutup goes and pulls a vent cover off, making sure everyone had gotten in before moving into the vent himself. Ryuko smiles and climbs in herself, closing the vent behind her and following the vent to her men, who'd already gotten out of the building and were moving away. She then quickly runs after them as droids enter the control room. "The base is ours again, but.. Where did the clones go?" "They can't have gone far. Hey, what's this?" A droid walks up to the Liquid Tibana tanks and observes them, looking at the detonator.

Ryuko meanwhile, was running to the hill the clones had taken cover behind. "Blow it, now!" Not needing to be told twice, Hevy hits the detonator and the base erupts into a massive explosion, taking the droid ship with it. The explosion soared overhead just as Ryuko jumped behind the hill with the clones. "Think we used a bit too much?" "Nonsense, that was perfect haha!" Hevy just stares at the fires and sighs. "I always did hate that place."

Ryuko pats his shoulder as Republic Star Destroyers drop out of hyperspace above them, causing the Separatist invasion force to retreat. "We did it boys, this is a day to celebrate!" Ryuko then holds a lightsaber up high and activates it, the bright white blade seemingly a beacon. "I won't stop fighting until this war is over and the galaxy is at peace again! Now, who's with me?!" This causes a round of cheers from the clones as a LAAT gunship comes in to land next to them. "Now let's go home boys, you've earned some rest."


Timeskip: 1 week later


Ryuko was currently attending a meeting in the Senate building, leaning on the rim of her hover pod with an extremely bored look in her eyes. Chancellor Palpatine takes notice of this and chuckles softly. "Miss Nakamura, forgive me if this meeting is rather dull." This makes her shoot up and blush a bit, rubbing the back of her head and chuckling in embarrassment. "S-sorry, I just never thought I'd be chosen as a representative of Mandalore for the Republic is all, I'm not one who enjoys standing around talking about finances and whatnot. I'd much rather hear how my troops and I might be able to help world in need, such as Rodia and Ryloth."

"Oh? Well, if you'd like to speak, then please, say what's on your mind. This isn't a dictatorship after all." Ryuko smiles and nods, moving her pod up next to the Chancellor's. "With all due respect, the reason this war wages on is because of corruption in the Republic, something the Confederacy of Independent Systems is right about. This is the reason the CIS was formed, yes?" Palpatine nods and gives Ryuko a look of utmost curiosity. "Please, do continue Miss Nakamura, I believe you've caught the attention of more people than just myself now."

Ryuko couldn't help but give Padme a knowing look, causing the Senator to blush ever so slightly. "Well, there is corruption in the CIS as well, the Trade Federation backs the Separatists because it earns them a considerable amount of money." The representative of the Trade Federation for the Republic slams his fist on the rim of his hover pod. "That is an outrageous claim!" Ryuko sends him a glare, which promptly shuts him up. "Then why haven't you frozen Nute Gunray's accounts yet? Surely you can do that, unless your Trade Federation supports him and other warmongering Neimoidians like Lok Durd."

Now the man looks scared, looking around at the Senators as they cast him distrustful looks. "I believe I promised to root out and expose all those who sought to keep this war going for profit and self gain, did I not?" The man nods nervously and gulps. "Well, Nute Gunray is quite high on that list, having committed a number of war crimes and having been the cause of far too many civilian deaths for my liking. Once he's stood trial for his crimes I will execute him, and anyone who helped him get his way during the war."

The man faints from fear, making Ryuko chuckle. "Now, onto a different topic, Mandalore's military strength is steadily rising, soon we'll have enough capital ships, corvettes, and frigates to start sending ships out on missions instead of having them defending the planet. We're gaining manpower as well, not only that but I... I-I seem to have gained a following, some planets wish to fly flags of my family crest rather than the Republic or CIS, stating I'm right to try and root out corruption in both governments instead of trying to put one of the governments to the sword."

The Chancellors eyes reflect rage for only a split second, before he schools his features and looks on with more curiosity. "T-they've sent ambassadors to me personally, stating their allegiance would lie with Mandalore and only Mandalore until at least one of these factions could be rid of corruption." Palpatine smiles at her and laughs a bit. "Well I suppose that isn't so bad, since you're not going out of your way to destroy the Republic. I'm curious however ,you've told us about your military, how is Mandalore doing in terms of resources?"

"Amazing Chancellor, with our new allies our military restoration will take months, perhaps even weeks instead of years. The Star Forge has been moved into Mandalore's orbit and we've put as many defences as we could around it, Mandalore will stand as a military super power to rival even the CIS in a year, perhaps less." Internally Palpatine was fuming with rage, wishing he could just kill the young Jedi now and be done with his troubles. 'That little brat is ruining my plans one after the other, her and her friends! I cannot allow this to continue, I must separate them and kill them one by one, starting with her.'

"I'm quite happy to hear it, not to sound rude, but this means we won't have to funnel resources to Mandalore and can use them for more important tasks." "None taken Chancellor, I understand what you mean." 'Hmm.. The Chancellor has so much rage inside of him for some reason, could he be?... No, impossible, Master Yoda would have sensed if he was a Sith long ago.' Palpatine claps his hands together with a big smile and turns to the Senators. "I believe this meeting is adjourned, I bid you all a good day."

Ryuko smiles and pilots her hover pod over to it's docking port, making sure it was secure before hopping off and walking over to Padme as well as Senators Organa and Farr. "Hey, you guys wanna go over to Dex's Diner? I'll pay~" The three Senators chuckle and smile at the young woman and shrug. "Sure, why not?" "I suppose I have some free time." "This'll be a good opportunity to discuss how you can help my people Ryuko, so of course."

They walk out of the Senate building after everyone had left, talking amongst themselves and laughing as they hop into Ryuko's ship, greeting Zannah, Tapion, and Juno as they sat down and Ryuko took off toward the small diner. "So Farr, you mentioned something about your homeworld, feel free to share." The Rodian sighs and slumps in his seat. "Rodia and it's people are starving, if your people could transport food to the planet I would be eternally grateful to you."

Ryuko smiles softly and nods. "I have absolutely no problem with that, though there's one thing that bugs me. You twitched back in the Senate building when I mentioned Nute Gunray, what did he say he wanted in exchange for transport of food to your people? None of us will hold anything against you, you're looking out for your people." The Rodian Senator rests his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. "He.. He said he wanted Padme, captive, in exchange for food for my people."

This causes Ryuko to huff as she lands her ship a little ways away from Dex's Diner. "Onaconda, I'm sorry to tell you this but he would've killed her and then used your people's starvation to secure loyalty and enslave your race. I'm glad you said this Farr, rather than let it happen. Padme, what are your thoughts on the matter?" The young woman grits her teeth and clenches her fists. "Nute Gunray needs to be stopped, I fully support your decision to pass judgement the second you see him."

Bail Organa nods in approval and crosses his arms. "I don't know who should be hunted down first, General Grievous or Nute Gunray." Zannah chuckles and stands up, walking to the access ramp and opening it for everyone. "No need to worry about that, easiest way to decide is to just go after whoever's closer when the time is right. Now come on, I'm hungry, maybe I'll even test out how good Padme is with that shoto blade Ryuko gave her."

Bail and Onaconda look at Padme in shock, who blushes hard and squirms in place. "I-it's true, Ryuko made one specifically for me." The two Senators look at Ryuko in shock. "W-wow, that's a pretty big gift to give her Ryuko." "I agree, though I can't help but wonder if you're trying to woo my surrogate niece." This makes Ryuko laugh while the girls give her a knowing smirk. "No no, I just want her to be able to defend herself, a blaster can't get you everywhere after all, and people fear a lightsaber more no matter the size."

They all walk down the access ramp, joking and laughing until Ryuko suddenly stopped walking. Padme walks up to her and places a hand on her shoulder. "Ryuko, what's wrong? Why did you stop?" Ryuko's eyes were flicking around the rooftops, her hands sliding closer to her lightsabers. "Zannah, you and the girls take the Senators to Dex's Diner and stay there, I'll be along shortly." Zannah nods and without hesitation starts ushering the Senators away.

Padme turned around once they'd gotten a decent ways away only to see Ryuko surrounded by ten Death Watch members, all with their jetpack mounted rockets aimed at her. "Damn, you all have that little faith in your aim? Oh well, those toys of yours still won't work." The group of Senators round the corner to stay out of harm's way, but watch in curiosity as Ryuko doesn't activate her lightsabers. "I'll give you all one chance, surrender, or die."

The response of the Death Watch members was to fire all ten of their rockets at Ryuko, who simply catches them with the force and smirks. "I warned you~" They tried to run away, but each Death Watch member was only hunted down by their rockets and blown up, not even leaving any body parts, just their helmets. "Such a pitiful effort, I almost wish there were more of them." She then continues walking as if nothing ever happened, leaving ten scorched Death Watch helmets on the ground for the local authorities to find.

Once she regroups with everyone, she smiles and continues walking. "Come on, I'm hungry, so let's go." They all stare at her in shock, but follow her regardless. After only another minute of walking they arrive at the small diner and open the doors. "Hey Dex! You back there friend?!" Some clanking of pots and pans can be heard, but soon a hulking alien with four arms comes out from the kitchen and chickles happily. "Ryuko! I see you've brought the gang and even a few Senators! Come, give me your orders and I'll be out in a bit, I wanna hear from you about these exploits I've been hearing about with Mandalore."

Things were looking up for the girls for now, but things were about to get harder. Much, much harder.