Week later…

The fighting between John and Peter didn't really stop; Peter becomes a creeper than normal he is now crawling into bed with Stiles while the teen slept. That just pissed Derek off and his dad, the great big sour wolf is complaining that Stiles is smelling of Peter…which is so not my fault…Stiles tells himself. He has lost count how many times his dad had shot Peter, in the end, he had to take the gun from him and put it in the lock box and hides the key on his person.

The next problem was Theo has bitten everyone who got remotely close to Stiles including John, and then his spats with Scott seem to have gotten worst. They fought all over everything from cookies to who gets to sit on Stiles lap, it seems the witch's hex seems to have affected him the worst, his mind almost going back to a toddler. While the others retain some of their knowledge of their teenage self but the Coywolf doesn't part from he thinks Stiles is mummy and Scott he just dislikes him. He keeps changes into a Coywolf and runs amuck. Liam seems to like to stay with Mason and Corey and the two seem to love cooing over tiny Liam and his wolfy temper tantrum. "We are never going to find this which like this?" Stiles sighed as he sat down gently on the sofa with Theo still in his arms, the rest of pups are down for a nap.

"Can we just leave them like this?" Mellissa asked as she cooed over her son and Isaac as they lay sleeping in a puppy pile.

"No, god no!" Derek cried out as he dropped onto the sofa next to Stiles. "I have been bitten, spat at, my hair has been pulled and I am pretty sure my uncle is trying to drive me crazy!" He groaned and ran his fingers down his face.

"We are still no closer to finding her, Deaton is now saying this spell she used on these lot will wear off. But that doesn't help us protect Scott if she is after him?" Stiles said.

"He is not touching my baby," Mellissa said with a scowl.

Stiles would hate to be the witch that comes up against the Alpha's mother, he had been hit in the head by her, clearly, it was an accident but still, it hurt. Stiles sighed as he leaned back on the sofa as he held Theo closer to him, the boy whimpered in his sleep and nuzzled his shoulder.

"He is evil," Derek mumbled

"Nawww don't Sour wolf he is only a puppy," Stiles mumbled

"He likes to bites me," Derek growled as he watched the pup sucking his thumb as Stiles runs his fingers through his hair.

"And everyone who isn't Stiles," Corey mumbled as he eye drop and drifts off to sleep his head resting on Mason's shoulder.

"Well something isn't right; the spell she used must have fried his brain," Stiles said as he looked at the others.

"Well if we ever find her we can ask her," Derek mumbles as he stands back up again and walks into the kitchen.

The next day brought Stiles with an even bigger headache he had just finished speaking to his tutors and told him that he thinks he has to stay longer. They weren't happy but what choice did he have? He wasn't about to let some witch bitch take his best friend and do whatever she wants with him. There was a knock at the door sighing Stiles carried his cup of coffee with him and opens the front door to see Derek standing there panting. "Did we run here?" Stiles asked

"No 3 of the pups decide to go for a little run around the supermarket." He growled

"Let me guess Erica, Boyd and Isaac? You know they run together right? Their little click." Stiles mumbled as he let Derek into the house.

"I had to pay 500 dollars in damages." He growled as he stepped inside, the whiskey eyed teen turned to him and was about to ask where they when Derek jumped in "I left them with Chris and Peter."

"You sure that is wise?"

"No, but I need a break?" The wolf growled, Stiles frowned at him as he pushed a cup of coffee into his hand.

"I can't wait to see what type of father you will be." He rolled his eyes as he sipped his drink.

The wolf growled as he walked up to teen that backed himself into the kitchen counter and stared up at Derek. The wolf grabbed his coffee cup and placed it on the counter "I can look after them! Don't think for a second I can't they are my pack!" He snarled his eyes flashed blue and then flickered to red, making Stiles blinked and shakes his head.

"Are you feeling okay Derek?" Stiles asked he hasn't forgotten that the man is partly wolfed out in his kitchen."

"No." He growled, "My wolf is itching to come out."

"I notice the big guy." Derek leaned in and nuzzled this throat as he breathed in Stiles scent and growled softly. "So-So what do you want to do?" He asked, his body was now feeling hot, he bites his bottom lip to stop himself from moaning Derek's name.

There was a pair of lips on his throat and it made him jump his skin felt hot and his heart was beating a hundred miles an hour as Derek fucking hot as hell Hale is mouthing and sucking a hickey onto his throat. "D-Derek." He moaned, his mouth yet again failed to shut up. Pulling back the wolf growled as he licked his lip, Stiles spotted the blood and whimpered…so hickey I'm going to have, god I will have to do an Isaac…he tells himself.

"I think we should go and fuck." Stiles blinked at him his brain not understanding what he as saying "Is that alright with you?"

"Here or in my bed?"