Disclaimer: The avengers and any other recognizable character does not belong to me they are property of Marvel.
N/A: I learned English by myself, it is not my native language. Story does not have a beta.
Dark Gray Tony? Depends on perspective, but most likely.
Not taking into consideration Thor the Dark World and Thor Ragnarok, changes in Spiderman Homecoming.
Other Marvel character that will appear in the story: Daredevil, the Punisher, Deadpool, X-Men, Dr. Strange.
Summary: Tony Stark, had power, influence, contacts and determination. After much betrayals, backstabbing, lack of trust in him and underestimation from the people that he consider friends, he decided that it was enough after the mess in Siberia. Anthony Stark was a grieving teen that has a deep secret, but is that really the truth?
The Shadow Prince
Chapter 2
It was a hard plan but one that they were willing to take into action. It was something that Tony had taken into consideration for some time now. He even performed it on some occasions, especially when dealing with Frank Castle. Professor X was the only one who knew the truth, and was ready to help if needed. Anthony Edward Stark needed to die in order for his son, Anthony Edwin Stark, to take his place. Considering that Anthony was a seventeen year old, getting along with Peter would not be a problem. How Anthony came to be? Well it started with Tony noticing that he stopped aging when he was fifteen, some blood work, questions to Professor X and he found out that Howard's work with the Tesseract had in some way affected Tony. So in response Tony develop a projection to show that he was aging at a normal rate. When he wanted to be left alone in recent years he just had to show his real appearance, that is how he met Frank Castle and Matt Murdock.
The people thought that Tony had taken the Arc Reactor out of his chest, but in reality at some point in time it had to be put back in. However he never went public with the knowledge, instead Anthony was the one with the reactor in his chest.
He as Anthony was not going to be a push-over, he was going to stand up for himself and amend the Accords. With Loki's help he was going to plant evidence to make sure that his back story was believable. The good thing was that he could still count on J.A.R.V.I.S. He manage to restore Jarvis in one of his secret houses, the emergency backup did help after all, and manage to repair Ultron's code. Considering everything that happened since the Ultron incident, he decided to create another android AI, her name was J.O.C.A.S.T.A. Using Jocasta's base, he manage to create a body made from Vibranium for Jarvis, while both Jocasta and Ultron's bodies were made from Titanium. It was all very strange in his mechanical family, Ultron somehow develop a crush for Jarvis, how did that came to be? He had no idea, but he did not wanted to know either. Somethings were better not knowing, but considering that they were technically Vision's parents, maybe it was not so surprising.
Jarvis, Ultron, and Friday would be the ones to ruin the Ex-Avengers, with the exception of Scott Lang and Bucky Barnes. Lang because his situation was like Peter's, and Bucky because it would hurt Steve. He was a Stark, and Stark men were made of iron, were petty and knew were to hit in order to hurt and make them bleed with the most amount of pain. Unfortunately Peter was going to be part of his plan, as Rhodey was in the hospital and Vision was with him. Loki as Lady Loki (he still couldn't believe that Thor never notice that it was actually Loki, based on what the second prince had told him about their younger years) was going to go as well. His identity as Lady Loki was a seventeen year old girl named Larke Lynn. Getting a quinjet and asking for permission to the Accords to pick up Spider Man and to enter Siberia, hopefully everything would end out being fine.