


Unmoving, Alex stared blankly at her sister. It had been about an hour since they returned from the warehouse. An hour since Kara's heart stopped beating. She let her eyes roam over her sister checking for the slightest hint of pain or discomfort. When she arrived at the DEO she found doctors trying to intubate her. She looked on with tears pouring down her face. Once they helped Kara to breathe they put her in a sun bed hoping to rid the blonde of the Kryptonite coursing through her veins.

Alex had remained at her side ever since. After finding a washcloth, she gently tried to wipe the blood from Kara's face and began to stich her up. She tried not to think about what would happen if she lost her sister, she honestly couldn't stomach the thought. She fought the urge to vomit when she realized how close she was to spending the rest of her days without her best friend. Losing Maggie and Kara, both? Well, that pain would be unimaginable.

She faintly heard J'onn directing orders to the agents in the command center, but couldn't understand what he was saying. It wasn't until she heard footsteps running down the hallway that she quickly stood up.

Alex watched as a teary-eyed Lena ran through the door. She didn't have time to prepare herself before she was incased in a strong hug. Once Lena was in her arms she felt the CEO's legs give out. They both sank to their knees as their sobs began. Alex pulled Lena tighter to her, both hanging on to the person they felt held the closest connection to Kara.

Lena looked over Alex's shoulder at her best friend and felt her heart drop. She had never seen the blonde look so fragile. She noticed the stitches on her face and the blood staining her hair. Lena let her eyes wander to the large machines surrounding her and the intubation tube entering Kara's mouth. The girl in the Super suit had never looked so helpless. She closed her eyes tightly willing the image to disappear.

They stayed wrapped in each other's arms for a long while before their sobs subsided.

"She is going to be just fine," Alex consoled her. She rubbed her hand gently along Lena's back trying to provide comfort.

Eventually, Lena pulled away. "What happened, Alex? Winn told me the basics, but I don't understand."

"We went to infiltrate the warehouse. When we got there, it was decided that Kara would go in first to make sure the area was clear. While she was in there examining the bomb, Winn deduced that it was a trap. We tried to warn her, but it was too late. They must have been watching."

"If – If she doesn't make it –"

"She will," Alex interrupted.

"But, if she doesn't," Lena urged. "The last time we talked I slammed the door in her face. I told her that I would never believe what she had to say. I told her to get out, Al."

"She is going to be fine, Lena. Kara is a fighter. You and I both know that she will do whatever it takes to come back to you."

Lena hesitantly reached over and grasped Kara's hand. She tried not to grip too tightly, but she was clinging to Kara as much as she could. Alex walked over to Kara's other side and gripped her other hand. They stood there in silence both clinging to Kara, hoping that she made a quick recovery.

Lena kept looking over at Alex nervously. She wanted to talk to Kara, but felt that what she had to say was too private. She didn't know how to ask Alex to leave though. She had more of a right to be here than Lena did. Alex noticed that Lena kept looking at her and gave her a small smile. She understood what Lena wanted.

"Why don't I leave you alone for a few minutes? I need to check in with J'onn anyways. I'll be right outside if you need me."

"Thank you."

Lena watched Alex leave before turning back to Kara. She watched her closely, willing her eyes to open.

"Oh, Kara," Lena began. "I'm so sorry. I should have never gotten so angry with you. I understand why you kept your secret. I was scared. I was scared that everything we shared was a lie. You know me, you know I'm not the best at handling these types of things. I have faced so much betrayal in my life, I just -," Lena paused. "I got scared that the person I loved more than anything in this world had betrayed me too."

"Please wake up. Come back to me," Lena pleaded. She reached up a hand and softly stroked Kara's tattered cheek. "You have to wake up. You have to wake up and forgive me. You have to wake up so I can ask you on a date. I already had the whole thing planned, I have for ages. Although, I might have to add a destination to my list. I want you, Kara. More than anything in this world. When I moved to National City, I never thought I would meet someone like you. Yet, there you were. You were this quirky shadow following Clark Kent and you blew me away the first time I saw you. From that moment on, I knew you would be so damn special to me."

Lena took a deep breath trying to control the tears that began pouring down her face. She struggled to remain in control of her emotions. Kara was the one person who could make her feel so unhinged. "You have to wake up, Kara. I need you. I thought we had all the time in the world."

"I can't wait to share our first kiss. I can't wait to hold your hand as we walk down the street. I can't wait to show everyone how much I love you. I can't wait to start, Kara. Please, don't make me wait," Lena finished before bringing a shaky hand to cover her mouth. She fought the sob building in her throat.

She bent down slowly and placed a gentle kiss on Kara's forehead. Lena lifted her face two inches before quietly whispering, "I love you, Kara. Come back to me." She gently wiped away a tear drop that fell on Kara's skin. Lena turned to grab a chair and positioned herself as close to Kara as possible.

She reached for Kara's hand once again and softly stroked her thumb over the smooth skin. Lena studied Kara's face lost in her own thoughts. It was safe to say that Lena blamed herself for what happened. Kara probably didn't have her head on straight because of her and this was her warehouse. This was her company, her family, her insane brother that did this to her. She didn't know how Kara would ever forgive her. She didn't know how Alex even allowed her to be here. She thought about the danger she continuously put Kara in and shook her head to try and get rid of the dark thoughts but they wouldn't go away. Worst case scenarios filled her head as she scanned Kara's beaten body. This was her fault. This was on her.

Lena felt her heart start to race. Her face became sweaty and her breathing was short. She closed her eyes trying to calm herself, but when she opened them and saw Kara lying there unconscious the panic returned. Kara would never forgive her. She tried to keep her breathing calm, but it was no use. Her eyes widened as she felt the coming attack. No, she thought, not here, not with people around. She quickly stood from her chair. She needed to get out of her, fast. She took off running down the hallway in the hopes of making a quick exit.

Luckily, Alex saw Lena running past the command center and took off worriedly after her.

"Lena," Alex shouted. She ran down the corridor, but stopped abruptly. She lost her. She quickly looked down either hallway, but couldn't find her. It wasn't until she heard the gasps for air that she started running in the right direction.

Alex found Lena curled into a ball on the floor in one of the empty hallways. Her heart clenched as she noticed the panicked expression on her face. She quickly sat down next to the brunette, but left some room in between them. She knew Lena may need her space.

"I can't – I can't breathe," Lena gasped. She had her back resting against the wall trying to draw in enough air to speak.

"Lena, you have to calm down. You are going to hyperventilate." Alex moved to sit directly in front of Lena. She watched as the brunette sat there with her eyes wide open struggling to breathe. Lena shook her head clutching at her hands. Alex immediately recognized the cramping. While she never experienced it herself, she knew that hand cramping during anxiety attacks were extremely painful. She gently took Lena's hands and tried to smooth out the tension, but knew that her attempt was futile.

"Lena, it's okay. Come on, deep breaths," Alex tried again. Lena didn't seem to be paying attention lost in her own panic. Alex gently raised Lena's hand to her own chest. Alex put Lena's hand over her heart and noticed that Lena's eyes followed her. "Follow me. In – one, two, three. Out – one, two three. Nice and slow."

Lena nodded her head and tried to breathe with Alex. She followed the movement of Alex's chest and found her breathing slowly changing.

"Good, keep going," Alex encouraged. "I'm here for you, Lee."

"Kara will be just fine. Keep breathing." She watched as Lena's breathing slowed and felt a small smile cross her face. "Good."

They remained quiet for a few minutes. Lena was still reeling from the panic attack.

"I'm sorry," Lena whispered to break the silence. She kept her head down in shame, determined not to make eye contact. She felt horrible that Alex had to witness that.

Alex noticed her embarrassment and quickly went to reassure her. "Never apologize for stuff like this, got it?"

"Thank you," Lena said as she lifted her head. Alex grabbed one of Lena's hands, noticing that they were loosening up, and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"I said always yesterday and I meant it. Now come on," Alex encouraged while pulling Lena to stand. She settled Lena against the wall just in case she was still dizzy. When Lena got her bearings, Alex nudged her forward. "Let's go for a walk."

"But Kara –," Lena went to question.

"Kara will be there when we get back. I think you need some air. We can walk to the balcony." Alex led them away.

Lena nodded and followed her. To say she was embarrassed for her panic attack was an understatement. Growing up, Lena would get attacks like that often, but she always tried to make sure she was alone when she had them. She couldn't imagine how weak Lillian would think she was if she found her gasping for air over school projects and family life. Although having someone help her through one was something new, she finally felt like she had the support she always desired.

She followed Alex down the hallway and to the balcony. Once they stepped outside Lena felt the quick relief of the morning sun. She realized that it must have been hours since Kara left her penthouse earlier.

The women failed to notice the angry gentleman speeding towards them, nor the nervous Winn chasing after him.

"What is she doing here?" James spat out. Alex and Lena immediately turned around to face him. Lena took a step back as she noticed the glare James was shot her way. "Are you kidding me, Alex? Bringing her here? Are you trying to endanger us all?"

"I –," Lena tried to explain, but Alex wouldn't let her.

"I wanted her to be here and I'm sure Kara would want her here too," Alex stated matter-of-factly, daring him to say something. She folded her arms and glared right back.

"But she's a –," James tried.

"Don't finish that sentence. If you can't respect my decision then leave." Lena looked on awkwardly at the pair glaring at each other.

"Maybe you are forgetting that it was her facility that stopped Kara's heart earlier." He shook his head at the women, "Unbelievable." Lena was about to speak up and say that she could leave, but James abruptly turned around and headed for the elevator.

"James –," Winn called out. They didn't need all this animosity while Kara was hurt.

"Let him go, Winn," Alex interrupted. "It's clear where he stands. If he won't stay to support Kara, then let him go." She turned to Lena to find her looking apprehensive. She hated that he had to come and created problems. She knew that if J'onn thought Lena was a threat in any way she would not be here. "Come on, Lena, let's go back to her room."

"Wait," Lena stopped her before turning to the tech genius. "Winn?"


"Thank you for bring me here," Lena stated. She gave him a small gracious smile and turned to follow Alex.

"You're welcome," Winn responded to her back. He really did like Lena. He thought that she was a good influence on his friends. He knew James would come around eventually. While they waited for that moment, he figured he could get the NDA's for Lena to sign to ease James' mind a little.

Alex and Lena headed back to Kara's room and noticed a doctor removing the intubation tube from her throat. When he was finished he gave both women a nod and left. Lena looked to Alex questioningly for an explanation.

"Kara has been breathing better on her own. I figured we should take her off of the intubation and reduce the sedative. I'm hoping she will wake up soon, but she took a nasty hit to the head so I can't be sure. The sun lamps seem to be working to heal her. Hopefully, they keep doing their job."

"How long before she wakes up?"

"I honestly couldn't tell you, Lena. It's anyone's guess. Right now, all we can do is wait."

Lena nodded her head in understanding.

They both resumed their positions next to Kara as they anxiously awaited her awakening.