The sun began to rise on the morning of December 22nd, and Max, in Chloe's body, was curled up on Chloe's bathroom floor, knees tucked right up to her chest, arms wrapped around her knees and she was rocking herself back and forth. Her breathing was quick and quivering.
"W-What the hell is happening?" Max asked aloud, "Is this another messed up evolution of my powers? First I can rewind time, now I can become someone else entirely?!"
Then a thought occurred to Max, "Wait! If I'm here... In Chloe's body... Does that mean that... She's back in Seattle... in my body?!"
Horrified at the thought, Max quickly ran back to Chloe's room and desperately searched for Chloe's phone. Tossing items out of the way, but it wasn't gonna be an easy task.
"How the hell can Chloe find anything in this mess?!" Max complained aloud as she continued to search drawers, under Chloe's bed and under clothes littered all over the floor of Chloe's incredibly messy and unorganized room.
She finally found it in the pair of pants Chloe must've worn that day. She quickly checked the time, it was 7:30 am. "I hope Chloe's awake..." prayed Max as she dialled in her cellphone number, which felt extremely weird to do.
Max paced around Chloe's room, breathing in and out heavily as Chloe's phone continued to ring. She stopped and looked at herself in the reflection of Chloe's big stand up mirror. She tilted her head side to side, just to make sure the reflection of herself in Chloe's body was real... It was.
Finally, the line was picked up, "Hellooooo?" A voice answered cheerfully. Max's heart skipped a beat, her mind blown. It was her own voice!
"Chloe! Chloe Price, is that you?!"
"No, this is Max Caulfield. Who's this?" the voice replied with a slight snicker at the end.
"You're not Max, I am!" Max shouted in Chloe's voice.
"Are you sure about that? Have you looked in the mirror lately? I know I have and I can tell you one thing for certain, I'm Max Caulfield now!" Chloe shouted triumphantly in Max's voice.
"Oh, you evil bitch, you're loving this aren't you, Chloe?" Max asked annoyedly.
"Hella enjoying it, Chloe Price!"
"Chloe, stop! This is serious! What the hell are we going to do about this?!" Max asked worriedly, "I-I can't be you and you can't be me forever! It's-it's just not right!"
"I dunno about that, I could get used to this!" Chloe said in Max's voice. Meanwhile, she was in Max's room, standing in front of a bedroom mirror, and admiring herself in Max's body. She was wearing black leggings and a green and red hand-knitted Christmas sweater with reindeer and Santa's sleigh on the front, "You have a wicked nice house, Max! A huge room all to yourself, your fridge is stocked to the brim with food, all kinds of goodies in the cupboards, and freaking Satellite TV in every room?! You're Hella lucky, Max!" Chloe complimented.
"Chloe, please just help me figure all this out! I mean what the actual hell happened to us?!"
"What's there to figure out?" Chloe asked as she laid back in Max's bed, crossed one leg over the other and munched on a Christmas cookie, "I got my Christmas wish!"
"Your what?!" Max asked in shock, "You wished for this?!"
"Sure did!" Chloe replied excitedly, "When you left, I wish that you could see what kind of situation you actually left me in, and now you can!"
"So... This isn't because of my powers then is it?"
"Oh, That reminds me!" Chloe responded energetically as she said sat back up and swung her legs over the side of Max's bed, "Have you noticed anything... missing at all?"
"What?" Max asked in confusion, then she clued in and slowly raised her right hand while looked at the reflection of herself as Chloe in the mirror. Then, she concentrated and attempted to use her rewind powers... But nothing happened.
"What?! No way! I don't have any powers anymore?!"
"Nope!" Chloe replied, "hang on one second."
Chloe then picked up the plate of cookies from off of Max's bed and then tossed it like a frisbee hard at the nearby wall, shattering it into a dozen pieces. She smiled and then raised her right hand and time began to reverse, the plate reforming, the cookies coming back onto the plate and then spinning backwards as time continued to reverse back. The plate of cookies then settled into place back on the bed in its original position.
"Yes!" Chloe shouted triumphantly as she pumped her fist in victory.
"Yes, what?" Max asked on the other end of the line.
"It seems we switched more than just bodies, I've got your powers too!" Chloe replied excitedly.
"Oh no! Chloe, be careful with my powers, you don't know how dangerous they can be!" Max pleaded urgently.
"Relax! I'm not going to travel back in time or anything. But this really helps me solve one problem; If I'm not 'Maxine' enough to your parents or family, I can just rewind and try again! I bet you've done that hundreds of times with other people, haven't you, Max?"
"Well... That's true, yes..."
Suddenly, Max could hear the front door to Chloe's house open up. Someone was home!
"Oh no! Chloe! Your parents are home! What do I do?!" Max whispered in sheer panic.
"Beats me," Chloe replied plainly, "Guess you'll just have to 'Price' it up with my mom and Step Douch David for now. And remember, you can't simple rewind to get out of awkward moments!"
"Chloe! Help! You can't just leave me here like this!"
"Relax, you've got this!" Chloe said encouragingly, "Just don't do anything that I wouldn't do. And definitely don't do anything that I would do, cuz you'd be pure shit at that and they'd know something was up. But if all else fails, just blame it on the weed they know I smoke or should I say that you smoke, Chloe Price!"
"That's it?! That's all the help you're going to give?"
"Hey, let's just say it's Payback time, little miss Caulfield!"
Just then, there was a knock on the bedroom door, "Chloe? Sweetie, are you awake already? You left the bathroom light on!" said Joyce's voice on the other end of the door.
"Shit! Your mom is here!" Max whispered into the receiver.
"Well, I wish you all the best of luck then! Oh and have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Chloe Price!" And the line clicked and the dial tone followed soon after, leaving Max stunned and unable to believe that Chloe had just hung up on her.
"Is this what abandonment feels like?" Max asked softly as she let go of the phone and it landed against the floor boards loudly.
"Chloe?! Is everything ok? Can you please just answer me already, sweetie! Please can I just come in?" Joyce said as she repeatedly knocked on the bedroom door.
Max's heart raced in fear, but she had to do something, "Uh... Y-yeah, mom, everything's ok! I-I just fell out of bed. Just give me a second."
And Max turned out the lights and quickly climbed back into Chloe's bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. She turned into her side and breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly to calm herself. She had to act, talk and think like Chloe from now on. She then looked toward the door, "O-ok... Mom... You can come in now."
Then slowly, the doorknob began to turn. Max's heart beat so hard that she could hear each thump deeply within her, Chloe's ears, sweat forming on her brow and under her nose. Then slowly, inch by inch, the door began to creak open, light from the hallway spilling into Chloe's dark room, "Chloe?" Joyce's mom asked as she started coming into view, this was it...
"Chloe? Is everything ok? You're certainly up early for a change?" Joyce asked as she strolled over to Chloe's bedside. She was dressed in her waitress uniform and she smelled like home cooking from the two whales diner.
"Yeah, I'm ok, Mom." Max thought about what to say next? What could Chloe have said? "I'm just feeling... Hella sick."
Joyce then knelt down, brushed the hair away from her forehead and lovingly held her forehead against Chloe's. "Hmmm, well you do feel a little warm. And you do look kind of... Off today? Do I need to take you to the doctors? I can take you right now if you need it?"
"Wow, Joyce really loves her daughter..." Max thought to herself. She then shook her head, "No, I think I'll just go back to sleep, Mom. Thanks for asking though... It's Hella sweet of you."
"Alright, sweetie. You rest up and I hope you feel better." Joyce said as she stood back up, turned and headed for the door. "Do you want me to cook you anything before I go to bed?"
"No, you worked hard enough at the diner. I'll be fine. Goodnight, mom."
Joyce smiled, "Goodnight, sweetie and Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas to you too, Mom!"
Joyce then exited the room and closed the door. As she did, Max began to slowly sit upright in bed.
"Joyce didn't notice anything out of the ordinary? Maybe I can do this? Maybe I can get through Christmas time as Chloe Price!" Max thought hopefully!
She also prayed that this holiday magic spell of Chloe's would wear off after the holidays? Because even now, she missed her real family and friends and home in Seattle. She wondered what they were doing now? And would Chloe be able to fool the Caulfield family just as easily?
Lastly, she prayed extra hard that Chloe didn't do anything to embarrass herself or make Max look like a fool in front of her whole family over Christmas Holidays...