Remnant's Angel of Death

Disclaimer: I do not own Hellsing or RWBY.

We had a good run Sir Integra...

- Walter C. Dornez, The Angel of Death

Walter woke up gasping. The last image he saw was the burning zeppelin of The Major before the fires consumed him in one massive explosion. However, rather than oblivion he seemed to be alive and well, lying on a grassy field.

Walter slowly stood up and looked around him. Rather than a grassy field as he had initially perceived, it was now clear that he was actually on an empty spot in a forest. Obviously he was no longer in London.

"Strange." He thought after a while.

There was no indication of his arrival unless you counted the imprint of his body on the grass. No footprints, tire tracks, summoning circles...nothing. Looking down, Walter saw that while he still had the clothes he wore in his fight with Alucard, his body was that of his teenage self. Which meant...the process done to him by The Doctor was not reversed.

After puzzling over the matter for several minutes Walter decided there was nothing to gain and decided to find some answers. After checking his position based on the sun and shadows Walter headed what he guessed to be north.

Along the way, meticulous as ever, Walter took stock of what he had on him. When he had left Sir Integra he carried with him three of his gloves, all of which were made with alchemy and contained his deadly, iconic monofilament wires. Upon this discovery he sighed with relief. If ever he would have to fight at least he wouldn't do so barehanded.

The rest of his check was not as long. The remaining items he had on his person were a pack of cigarettes, a simple lighter...and a spare monocle. As these were the only items he had on him when he fought Alucard he didn't know why he had expected more.

After hours of walking it was dusk and Walter had finally found something, or rather something found him.

Walter's heightened vampiric senses detected them long ago, but based on what he could infer they were simply animals so he only paid them the most basic heed. Two hours after the creatures started following him Walter began to think they were hunting him and he was right. Another hour had passed before his pursuers had finally decided to show themselves.

They came out of the woods snarling and slavering, clearly hungry for blood. Their bodies were as black as night while their eyes glowed red with hostility. The only other color on them was white which comprised of their claws, some spikes on their bodies and most prominently a skull like mask that perfectly matched the contours of their heads.

"Now what sort of animals are you?" Walter asked calmly as he fitted his white gloves.

The largest of the creatures stood on its hind legs and gave out a belligerent roar. However, before it could complete the motion it was split cleanly in half by a near invisible force.

"Heel beast!" Walter sneered, "You are not even pups compared to the The Black Hound of the Baskervilles."

As the rest of the Grimm finally realized what happened to their pack leader, Walter's monofilament wires lashed out, shredding them to pieces before they could even react.

Walter was disappointed. Not only were they weaker than an ordinary artificial vampire of Millennium, but he felt that these comical creatures could even be bested by trained humans, provided they were adequately armed.

"Hmm, curious." He mumbled as he noticed they were slowly but surely disappearing.

Was there a supernatural creature nearby? Were these its familiars?

Walter briefly thought of Alucard but quickly dismissed the thought. Not only did he see him die, but these things weren't his style even if had somehow managed to survive The Major's attempt on his un-life.

He spent the night on a tree, needing only an hour or so to "rest" and kept alert for the remainder of the time. He noticed several of the creatures in the distance so Walter suppressed his presence. While easy to deal with he knew nothing of his current situation and so decided to be prudent about how he went about things. When he looked up, however, he received the biggest shock of his life.

The moon was shattered.

Bits and pieces could be seen orbiting its main body, but there was no mistaking it.

"Definitely not in London, or Earth for that matter."

Morning arrived but Walter wasn't the least bit bothered by it. Whatever The Doctor did to him apparently included an immunity to sunlight, however, Walter noted that he felt a little bit better at night.

He continued his walk, and hours later came across a small village. A plain white wall appeared to encompass its perimeter and he could see people inside. Walking on a dirt path, he entered the village and, unsurprisingly, received questioning looks. Looking around, Walter judged that a merchant or someone in business would be the most familiar speaking with travelers and sought one out.

He came across a stall that was apparently empty, until a tiny head popped up from behind the stall.

"Hello customer! What can I get you?" A cheerful voice asked.

Walter found himself staring at a child of probably no more than 10. Bright blue eyes stared at him with mirth and curiosity as the child peeked above the counter.

"My name is Walter and excuse me, but may I ask where I am?" Walter said introducing himself.

"My name's Lucy! You're in the town of Verden!" She answered, "Are you traveling somewhere?"

"Actually I'm lost," Walter admitted, "And I would like to ask for directions. Is there someone in this village that can tell me where to go?"

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaad!" She called into the house.

"What is it?" Came a voice.

A man emerged from the house wearing an apron. After reintroducing himself, Walter asked his questions again and was directed to the house of the village leader. As he walked, Walter took in his surroundings again and found the village to be relatively small to what he had seen over the years. The people were seemed to be lively enough, and here and there he saw a few of them take out devices he was not familiar with. The former butler internally sighed, at least he was not stranded in some primitive place.

Once he reached the town hall, he entered and was told to wait for the mayor. After waiting for almost an hour Walter was ushered into a simple office. When asked about his circumstances Walter gave a heavily edited version of what happened to him in London. Essentially he claimed that the airship he was on crashed and he was the only survivor of the group, which was technically not a lie. He was willing to bet one of his gloves that Sir Integra and Seras Victoria would leave no enemy alive, especially since the latter had now become a full fledged vampire.

"In any case, Mr. Mayor," Walter concluded, "What is the nearest city from here? I intend to make my way there soon enough."

Walter could see no point in staying in this rural place.

"Hmm, if you're willing to wait, there will be some civil authorities coming from Vale in a few days," The mayor responded, stroking his mustache, "They'll be here for a census and viability report. Maybe you can ask them for a lift."

"A report?" Walter echoed.

"Yes, you see this is a pilot village, the Kingdom is trying to expand its land and wants to establish a hold outside of its walls." The mayor explained.

"I see, I suppose waiting would be the best option," Walter noted this information, "I do have another problem though, in that I only have the items on me..."

"Ah, I see," The mayor said, "Well, we do have a guest room here in the hall but you'll have to earn your keep. Not hard labor mind you, are you good at anything in particular?"

Walter hid a smile. As the butler of the Hellsing Organization he was well versed in not only their paranormal dealings but also domestic affairs. As such he was actually underselling himself when he stated his abilities when he informed the mayor of his skills that he thought were most useful.

"Hmm, your skill set seems varied, I think we can use the extra hand," The mayor extended his hand, "Welcome to Verden Mr. Dornez!"

~ Several days later... ~

The next few days were lazy for someone like Walter. Not only did improve the affairs of the town hall. While they weren't exactly bad at it, Walter had years of experience running an organization as he had often handled the affairs whenever Sir Integra did not have time to deal with specific matters. Walter didn't overextend himself, however, and only handled things as they came up, rather than make unsolicited suggestions. The slow pace also made Walter realize that he was virtually free from any obligations now, whether it was to himself or to an organization. The sole reason for his betrayal was so that he could fight Alucard but now, he didn't even have a foe to face.

During this time, Walter had discovered various things about his state. One of which was that he was, undoubtedly, a vampire. This was proven when he tried to eat and he almost retched out the food. Thankfully he was alone at the time. This proved a problem, but the silver lining was that vampires didn't need to feed as much as humans did. The case of Seras Victoria was proof of this, in that she had maintained her enhanced strength though she refused to drink blood.

But what of soil from his birth place? Could it be that because he was an artificial vampire he was not constrained by such a weakness?

Walter decided this was a matter for another time. At least he knew the specific weaknesses of a vampire and he could use a mental checklist to solve his problems as they came up. However, the matter of blood came up a day later.

As he was occupying his assigned station that day, a few men burst in the hall stating that Grimm had surrounded their group while they were out of the town walls. They pleaded for the mayor to send some help in rescuing those who couldn't escape.

Sensing an opportunity, Walter requested to accompany them. During his stay, he learned that creatures that had attacked him were called Grimm and they were attracted to negative emotions of people. They also attacked them on sight, regardless of their emotional state. The conversations he had listened to revealed that these Grimm were apparently an accepted organism in this world, albeit a hazardous one. The mayor was surprised that Walter could also fight, though the former butler downplayed his skills to simply knowing how to combat humanoid opponents.

As the group moved into the forest they heard a scream making them pause. Walter extended his superior senses outward and located the source. However, he would need to do something before that...

Giving out false directions, he stated he would investigate one area while he sent the others in another. The concern for their fellows extinguished any objections and the group ran off. Walter smiled- human were so easy to manipulate.

Arriving at the place where he heard the scream, Walter saw that most of the survivors were already dead, except one. A group of the wolf like creatures known as Grimm surrounded the terrified villager as they snarled and snapped.

Needing to hurry, Walter dispatched all but one of the creatures. The remaining one was flung into a tree and bound there by one of his wires. For good measure, Walter even had it's snout muzzled with another wire to keep it silent. He would have use for it later.

"T-Thanks!" The man stood up shakily, "I thought I was a goner, like the others..."

"Oh, but you are," Walter smiled, "Tragically, the creature tore out your throat before I could do anything to stop them..."

"Wait...what do you-"

Before he could finish his sentence Walter was upon him. His fangs extended outwards as his mouth clamped onto his victim's throat. Within moments he was feeding on precious life fluid, but stopped himself from being engorged, lest there be negative side effects.

As the corpse dropped onto the ground, Walter felt much better than he had in the previous days. He severed the neck of his victim just in case he might transform into a ghoul. Once he was sure he was clean of blood, Walter called out in a loud voice to the other villagers.

The group arrived a minute later and looked in shock and sadness at the scene.

"Sorry, I didn't get here in time." Walter said with a sad tone, "by the time I got here, the Grimm were ready to attack me as well."

The villagers looked at the rapidly evaporating corpses of the Grimm. Walter had damaged them in such a way that they looked like they were beaten in a mundane fashion, rather than his signature style. However, he wasn't done yet. He made sure his back was turned to the captive Grimm, and with a twitch of his finger he released the beast.

It dropped from the tree and shook itself angrily. Feigning surprise Walter turned around. As it leaped to attack him, Walter fought the beast with thoroughly mundane punches and kicks, always making sure to hold back his strength every time. Finally, he landed a chop to the back of its neck and brought it down.

The villagers stared in surprise that a young man was able to beat the creature with his bare hands. Not wanting to seem suspicious, Walter shook his hands and feet as if they were bruised from the fighting.

"What should we do now?" Walter asked. No matter what their next course of action was, it would give them an activity to take their mind off any suspicions they might have of him.

In the end, they decided that they couldn't bring back any of the remains as it would not only slow them down, but it might lead the Grimm back to the village. The villagers settled for bringing back any personal belongings to be given to the families of the deceased.

The day finally came when the ships from Vale would arrive. Walter heard the engines of the ships as they approached but something seemed off.

"They're early." The mayor mumbled, confirming Walter's suspicion.

The ships' approach seemed too fast for a mere inspection and when they did land it was a hasty one. Another sign of trouble was that the engines remained on.

Three pairs of men in uniforms rushed out and waved their arms frantically.

"There's a large horde of Grimm approaching!" They yelled before the reached the welcoming group.

As a large number of the villagers were present, the news spread quickly and the people murmured amongst themselves uneasily.

"How many?" The mayor asked nervously.

"Too much to handle," The leader of the Vale party said in a grave voice, "You'll have to evacuate the villagers."

This time cries of despair rang out from the crowd.

"We can't take all of you in," The Vale official said with a resigned tone, "We only have three ships with us..."

"I-I understand..." The mayor lowered his head, "Can you take the children with you?"

"We can, at the very least."

The mayor turned and began to relay this to the villagers. Walter had heard all of this as he was near the mayor. Entire families wept as parents gave instructions and their farewells to their children while assuring them that they would catch up.

Walter knew this was a lie. These people were just civilians and they were neither armed nor trained to deal with the Grimm.

As the children were ushered into the ships, he turned to the mayor who was speaking with the Vale officials.

"Mr. Mayor," Walter said, "If I may make a suggestion? It could help some people survive."

"What would that be Walter?" The mayor asked hopeful.

"Let the Grimm into the city," Both officials looked shocked at the suggestion but Walter pressed on, "Once they enter, destroy the exits with ship's guns."

Walter indicated the chin mounted guns of the vessels. Though there was obviously not enough ammunition to fight off a horde of Grimm, they could be used in another capacity.

"The people at this time should leave by the other main gate and once they are through, the gate should be destroyed as well."

"I see! The Grimm would be trapped here!" The Vale official stated, "But the walls would not hold them in for very long..."

"Its better than nothing," The mayor conceded, "Thank you Walter, you have a bright future ahead of you."

Walter nodded.

The Vale official wasted no time in conveying the plan to his subordinates. Once all the children were inside the vessels, Walter included, though heavy with passengers, they took off.

Once in the air Walter saw the mistake in his suggestion. He had suggested the plan as if he were dealing with a sentient opponent but the Grimm were not. They were advancing at an animal equivalent of a jog but once they had the small village in sight they rushed towards its with murderous intent. They streamed through the gate and Walter could see that roughly half the villagers were already out through the other gate. Some left in vehicles full of passengers, others in carts and even a few were on horses, but the rest were on foot...

As the ships circled around, Walter saw through the window he was looking at that the Grimm had caught up with the stragglers.

"No plan survives contact with the enemy." Walter thought. He filed what he learned of the Grimm during his time here as it would probably be useful in the future.

"Sir, most of the people made it through the gate," Walter's superior hearing heard the pilot through the open cockpit door.

"I see...let as much as you can through, then destroy the gate." The Vale official said with a resigned tone.

Walter heard the weapons on the ship fire and after a few moments, he felt the vessel shift and head for another direction.

"Seal the windows. Let's head back to Vale."

Walter's enhanced eyesight saw the remains of the gate as the ship pulled away. Before the shutter could fully close, he caught a glimpse of the people trapped in the village being devoured.

Author's note:

Here's another scenario I couldn't get out of my head unless I type it. So, as its stated its a Hellsing/RWBY crossover, starring (not) everyone's butler Walter C. Dornez. If this chapter seems rushed, that's because it probably is. I simply wanted to introduce Walter to the world of Remnant as quickly as possible so that we can enter the story proper. I also don't think that people would want to read a 2-4 chapter of Walter living in the village. For example, the little girl he meets? In my notes Walter was originally supposed to grow a bit fond of her but knowing his personality he might forget her after the Grimm wrecked the village. He was also supposed to drink her blood once he found out that the Grimm had killed her. This scenario was both too long and a bit out of character in my opinion.

Those not familiar with Hellsing might be wondering why Walter didn't just stop the Grimm horde when he can slice through buildings with ease. Well, first off he doesn't know too much about the world and so is wary of revealing himself. Hellsing's activities aren't really public as Ep. 1 of the OVA has shown. Second, he's far from a hero and eben then he's not exactly the nicest person in the show and I'm not talking about his betrayal. Whether or not he betrayed Hellsing, Walter is easily the scariest human in the show next Father Anderson because of his personality. I can think of other reasons but that would make this section too long. Essentially, I plan to keep his core personality intact for now though it may change as time goes on.

If the village seems too undefended, the only thing I can say is that Vol. 4 of RWBY shows us that places like these do exist.

Lastly, if any of you are wondering - Yes, Walter does get a weapon aside from his wires, but its probably not what you might expect.

Due to growing time constraints, I've decided to give my stories arcs so that the ending can stand on its own without affecting the end game so to speak. It might take a while but I see the arc end of one so this is probably the right choice for me.

See you in the next chapter!