
"KYAA! KYAA!" The girls are screamed as they saw their new, extremely handsome classmate. Snapping Shinwoo out of his sleep and Giotto out of his lovely daydreams of his precious sister.

"Wha?!" Giotto yelps as he falls out of his chair onto the ground. He whips his head left and right asking what was going on.

"Eh? That guy is..." Giotto heard Shinwoo trail off behind him so he faced the front and found a strange male standing next to the teacher. Giotto and Tsuna immediately became suspicious of the male since they could sense that this guy was not human but did not worry about it since their father would never put his students in danger so the guy would not be a danger to anyone. (But his enemies!)

"Everyone... be quiet," Pedro ordered his students, "he was born in a foreign country, and it's his first time here in Korea. He doesn't know about our culture, so you all need to help him out. His name is..." he stops once he realises he never heard the student's name.

The transfer student spoke his name in another language, befuddling everyone in the room and the students then turned to their teacher whom they believe could translate the mysterious language. Pedro, who knew nothing of the language, was about to admit he didn't understand when the stranger spoke again.

"Cadis Etrama di Raizel," the mysterious, suave voice spoke again, "that's how you would pronounce it here."

Everyone's attention was back onto Raizel and the girls were back to squealing at how cool his name sounded. Giotto fell into depression when he realised his sister was also blushing and squealing and he then decided that he didn't like the transfer student at all. Shinwoo interupted the lesson when he came to a realisation.

"What..? You can speak Korean?!" Shinwoo exclaims as he jumps right of his seat and points accusingly at Raizel. Pedro agreed with Shinwoo as Raizel had not spoken Korean to them earlier at the gates. Raizel responded by saying he was not fluent which the rest of them did not believe. The conversation carried on for a few more minutes before it was again interupted by Shinwoo and Giotto.

"Teacher!" They yell in unison, grabbing everyone's attention and weirding out the teacher.

"He's being disrespectful!" Giotto accused

"Yeah! He's talking to you as if you were an equal," Shinwoo added, angering Pedro once he realised that they were speaking the truth while the students were scared of their teacher blowing up.

"Teacher! It was probably an honest mistake, since he's from a foreign country," Shinwoo informed before his teacher blew up.

"Anyone could have made the same mistake if they knew nothing of our culture," Giotto added. Their classmates, especially the girls, were impressed with the two boys unusual show of kindness.

"Taking that into consideration..." Giotto trailed off, letting Shinwoo finish his sentence.

"Let's compromise with a 5 second arm-lock, filled with your love," he said, his face totally serious.

"Make it 10 seconds!" Giotto demanded loudly.

"The guillotine choke hold would work just as well," Tsuna muttered, exasperated with her brother's and friend's childish suggestion.

"Shinwoo... Giotto," they say yes when they heard their names, "how about I put you guys in a loving arm-lock?" Pedro threatened and muttered that he really wants to use those techiques on them which made them shrink back into their chairs in humiliation.

Pedro ignored them and assigned Raizel a seat.

"There is an empty desk behind Shinwoo," Raizel made no attempts at moving so the teacher added on.

"Shinwoo is red haired idiot behind the blond blockhead," Raizel then walks over to his seat, annoying the red haired idiot and the blond blockhead as they wondered how he understood that when he didn't even know Shinwoo's name despite it being said multiple times.

And with that, class started.

Abandoned Apartment Complex

"What?! How... could this be? I swear I left it right here..." a man stammered in disbelief. "I swear it was right here just a few days ago no one knows anything about this. Time... give me time. I promise..."

"Can I eat him?" A larger man asks his partner.

"EEEK! S-spare me. Please... don't do this," the man begged for his life.

"Do whatever you want," his partner consented.

The larger man grabbed the other guy, his beefy hand engulfed the man's entire head and he bit into his neck, draining the victim of all his blood.

The leader began to complain about how their easy mission had just turned more complicated and rejected the offer of killing off the man, stating it would be interesting despite knowing it would trouble his superiors. The man began to shrivel up and mutate.

At Night

After school, Shinwoo and his childhood friend Ikhan decided to take Raizel to PC Bang to play some online games. They invited Tsuna and Giotto but they turned down the offer since Tsuna had cooking club and Giotto planned to take a nap in his father's office until she was done. The boys headed off on their own by the time they had finished it was already nightfall so they were now all walking home.

"Tch, why do I keep losing?" Shinwoo complained.

"Shinwoo, it's funny that you'd even dream of beating me at games," Ikhan chuckled as his friend pouted. Ikhan then turned to Raizel and stated that they should play together next time. Shinwoo just complained and wondered why Raizel just stood there watching them play for hours. He then said that he would teach Raizel how to play next time but Ikhan quickly quiped that Shinwoo would make a terrible teacher due to his temper.

"KYAA!" A scream echoed in the distance and Shinwoo immediately dashed to the scene when he realised who had screamed.

"Yuna!" Shinwoo cried out when he saw that she was grabbed by some strange man.

"Hey! Are you out of your mind?!" Shinwoo attacked the man by aiming a kick at his shoulder. The man flew back and crashed into some trash, seemingly disorientated.

Ikhan and Raizel soon arrived and Ikhan checked over Yuna who had no injuries much to the relief of Shinwoo. Shinwoo and Ikhan helped Yuna to her feet while Raizel just stared at the strange being who soon got up like the kick was nothing to him. The infected glared at the teens and they found themselves terrified of his sickly body and his glowing red eyes.

"There's a laser coming from his eyes!" Shinwoo couldn't help but scream out, confusing his friends who tried to reassure him that the man's eyes were not glowing.

The man staggered around and they realise that the man was not normal. Shinwoo looked around for something to use and found a metal bin and hurled it at the man, hitting him square in the face and knocking back to the ground.

They took this chance to run and while everyone else tried to escape Raizel stood still, observing the deranged man. Shinwoo glanced behind and was shocked that Raizel was still standing there so he grabbed his arm, forcing him to run.

No one had notice the two strangers who had hidden in shadows throughout the entire exchange.

"Interesting," the two came from the shadows, "I came just in case, but I still didn't expect to see something this intriguing," the leader, M21, says amused. "Even if you're still weak from hunger, it was still pretty impressive of them to beat you so easily."

"I guess this one's no use to us either," his partner, M24, growled.

"Can't be helped. That kid's moves weren't normal."

"Tch. Even so, losing to a kid... I guess trash will always be trash. Losing to helpless pray..." the notice that the teen's bag was left behind so the mutant threw the contents to the ground to find more information on him.

With the Kids

Shinwoo and the others had stopped running once they were a great distance away from the man. They panted heavily as they mentioned how strange he looked and acted. Shinwoo brought up the eyes again.

"You guys saw the lasers shooting out of his eyes right?!" Shinwoo yelled as he pointed to his own eyes. His theory was calmly debugged by Ikhan.

"It was probably light flashing on a vein that popped in his eyes," Shinwoo tch'ed when he realised he was one upped and change the subject by question Yuna if she was alright.

"Yeah, thanks to you guys," She replied.

"I didn't do anything. Luckily, Shinwoo heard you scream and acted fast," Ikhan corrected.

"Shinwoo, thank you so much" She smiled "if it wasn't for you..." Shinwoo scratched his head in embarrassment. She glanced at Raizel.

"Rai thanks," Shinwoo and Ikhan looked at her in confusion and questioned her.

"Ah... the girls made up that nickname. We didn't know what to call him so we took the first part of his name, 'Raizel'. Of course, if he doesn't like it..." She trailed off.

"You can call me whatever you want," she smiled once he said that then asked them what they were doing at this hour.

"We were playing games at PC Bang," Shinwoo informed her.

"Really? Where does Rai live? Does he live close by?" Yuna asked them which made them all face Rai for an answer. Rai does not answer as he does not know where he is currently living which reminds him to bring out a piece of paper which he gives to Shinwoo.

Much to Shinwoo's surprise and disbelief, it was a photo of the principal! He flips it over to find some writing: I'm lost! Please help me 01x-9000-0000