Illumination Base Selvaris

"I would have never imagined Chirrut could fight like that," marveled Jyn as she watched Chirrut whirl around the training arena.

"Oh," Baze said softly. "I always knew he had that in him."

Jyn watched as Chirrut stuck his left hand out and deflected a blaster stunning shot fired at him by Cassian from the edge of the arena. The blaster shot ricocheted off the stone wall, and then Chirrut's feet moved deftly toward Obi-Wan Kenobi. The two men brought their lightsabers together, and Chirrut's silvery white blade vibrated a little when it his Kenobi's. Jyn watched in wonder as the experienced Jedi Master staggered back a step. When Chirrut brought his vibrant white saber up in an elegant arc, Kenobi parried the strike. But then Chirrut yanked his saber away, bobbed his head to avoid Kenobi's swing, and brought his lightsaber hard toward Kenobi's hip.

Jyn gasped, afraid that Chirrut was going to slice the Jedi Master straight through. But Chirrut's hand froze just before his weapon struck Kenobi. Jyn lowered her shaking hand from her lips, and Chirrut turned toward her with a knowing smile.

"Just training, Jyn," he reassured her, his milky eyes glinting. In the far corner, Cassian tucked his blaster away and admitted,

"I'm impressed."

"So am I," said Obi-Wan Kenobi, turning off his own blue lightsaber and tucking the hilt away. As Chirrut did the same with his own newly-crafted weapon, Kenobi nodded and said to Jyn, "That was no ordinary kyber crystal you wore around your neck. This is no ordinary weapon."

"And no ordinary man bearing it," Baze added. "Once you put Kay-Tu and me around him - with repeater cannons, thanks - as guards, he'll be unstoppable."

"Guards?" Jyn repeated, her eyes flicking from Baze to Kenobi. "Kay-Tu an Baze are going to go with Chirrut to kill Anakin Skywalker?"

"We're assuming there will be a fair number of battle droids in the way," Kenobi admitted. "As for how they'll get there? That's where Bodhi Rook comes in, and Luke, once he's come back."

"I still fail to see how that so-called 'stealth corvette' is particularly stealthy," noted K-2 from behind Baze. He folded his mechanical arms a bit and tipped his head. "It's awfully loud. And fast. I think someone will see and hear that thing coming from a parsec away."

"Not if Bodhi and Luke can keep it in hyperspace until the very last moment," Cassian told K-2.

"And how, exactly, will they know where to pull out of hyperspace to find Anakin Skywalker?" K-2 demanded. "The odds of us knowing the location of Anakin Skywalker at any given point in time are -"

"That's where Cassian and Jyn come into play," said Kenobi. His face darkened a little where he stood in the training arena, and Cassian said from behind him,

"You want us to track Anakin Skywalker down and keep you all aware of his location."

Kenobi nodded. "We won't know until the time is right for an... assassination… until Leia has spread the truth about Anakin's tyranny. We can't make a martyr of him, or the Republic will never be restored."

There was acute sadness in Kenobi's blue eyes. Jyn remembered how Kenobi had explained that Anakin Skywalker had been his own student. The two had probably had a close relationship, she reckoned, and it was likely difficult for Kenobi to be going through with plans to assassinate Skywalker. But Jyn could tell that Kenobi was the type to separate his own personal emotions from the goal at hand. So she was unsurprised when he nodded and looked at Chirrut and said,

"I have confidence that we will succeed, now that you are all here."

"Chirrut looked downright terrifying with that white lightsaber," Jyn said to Cassian as the two of them hiked a good distance from the rebuilt Jedi Temple.

"It was the right thing to do," he said, "giving Chirrut your kyber crystal."

"I reckon maybe it was never actually mine ," Jyn said. Her boots scuffed on the red-orange dust on the trail and pushed aside a palm branch as they came to a clearing. Cassian's mouth fell open as they finally came to the source of the rushing sound they'd been hearing for a mile.

A wide waterfall, almost too serene for words, tumbled in uneven sheets over the semicircular rock that surrounded them overhead. Jyn stepped forward, not minding the way her boots got wet with the water that filled the turquoise grotto before them. The greenery around them was so dense that she could hardly see into the forest. It felt private and peaceful, and Jyn grinned for the first time in a while as she looked over her shoulder at Cassian and asked,

"Who knew paradise was all the way out here in Wild Space?"

Cassian's face was a little strange then as he shook his head and said, "It's been paradise since Scarif, Jyn."

Jyn wanted him then, very suddenly, but she overcame the base urge to snatch his face and kiss him for all she was worth. Instead, she glanced at the turquoise pool and asked him, "Can you swim?"

"Of course," he said, and Jyn smirked into the water. She peeled off her sleeveless tunic and her chest wrap and tossed them onto the large rocks nearby. She kicked off her boots and peeled off her leggings and underwear, and they joined her other clothes. Without looking back at Cassian, she began to walk over the smooth pebbles into the pool. Jyn gasped a little at the chill of the water, but once she realized the pool drained into a small stream, she understood why it was so clear and cold. Once she was chest-deep in the water, she turned round to see Cassian following her, naked and shivering a little at the feel of the water.

"I want to swim under the waterfall," Jyn informed him, and she kicked off the bottom of the pool as she started to paddle half-heartedly away. Cassian followed her there, too, quickly catching up with her as she approached the waterfall. Jyn laughed as she took hold of the rock wall in one hand and let her head go under the forceful stream of the waterfall. It was like the most intense shower she'd ever taken, and she shrieked a little at the feeling.

Suddenly she was being pulled backward by her elbow, and Jyn gasped as her body was guided away from the waterfall by Cassian's hands. She kept hold of the wall as he pressed himself against her in the grotto behind the waterfall, his voice echoing off the rock as he murmured,

"You're my wife, Jyn Erso."

"Yes," she nodded. "And you're my husband, Cassian Andor."

She shivered then, from the cold water and from the look in his dark eyes as his free hand cupped her jaw. He touched his cool lips to hers and whispered, "I love you."

"And I love you," she promised him. She flicked her eyes to the side and saw that the back of the grotto was smooth, multilayered shale. Jyn quirked up half her mouth and challenged Cassian, "I bet we can get up there and… you know."

Cassian snorted a little laugh as he shivered in the water. He shook his head. "That doesn't work very well after being submerged in cold water."

Jyn giggled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, letting him pin her to the wall as she said in the most seductive voice she could manage, "I'll warm it up for you, Cassian."

"Oh, you will, will you?" Cassian raised an eyebrow. "How are you going to do that?"

Jyn kissed him and pulled his tongue between her lips. She suckled his tongue hard and nibbled his lip, and then she reminded him, "The inside of my mouth is still warm, isn't it?"

He touched his forehead to hers and grunted a little. "Yes, it is."

"Let's go." Jyn released him and turned toward the wall. She started to climb, knowing that she looked profoundly ungraceful and not caring. Her arms and legs were strong after years of a hardscrabble existence, and as she hauled herself up onto the perimeter of the grotto, she could feel her own body warming solely from the exertion. She started to crawl back to the smooth, long planks of shale and called over her shoulder, "You're good, right?"

"Oh, sure. Just fine." Cassian's voice sounded strained, and when Jyn reached a platform of shale, she could see that Cassian had struggled with the climbing a bit more than she'd done. His dripping body was red-cheeked and his breath huffed as he crawled toward her. When he reached her, Jyn urged him to lie on his back with his knees bent and his hands beneath his head. Cassian laughed and shook his head. "This seems like a bad idea."

"No, no. It's a marvelous idea." Jyn shook so badly from climbing out of the cold water that she rather wished they'd found some sun-soaked place on the other side of the waterfall instead. She put her trembling hands on Cassian's slick chest and murmured, "Body heat."

She tried to achieve that then by rubbing her breasts and her arms all over him, by kissing the skin on his neck and his lips. She felt his head lower to the stone as his hands searched her wet form, his palms going over her back and hips and through her hair. Gradually, Jyn started to warm up. Then she started to feel wet between her legs, and finally she started to experience the throbbing need that always came after enough touching. Jyn ripped her mouth from Cassian's when she felt him going firm between their bodies. She laughed a little and slithered downward, hoping that whatever she did now would feel good for him.

She'd read a little, and seen a little in holovids, but she'd never done anything like this. She wrapped her fingers around Cassian's length and stared for a moment, just listening to the rush of the waterfall beside them as it crashed against the water in the grotto. Cassian's fingers, shaking terribly, came to rest on Jyn's shoulders, and he murmured,

"I love you, Jyn Erso."

That was it. That was all the encouragement Jyn needed. She swirled her tongue around his tip and relished the sound of his voice echoing off the rocks.

"Kriffing stars, Jyn," he moaned when she dipped her face down. It was a strange feeling, the way his tip touched the back of her throat. Jyn back a little before she could gag. Instead she just suckled him, adoring the soft-on-hard feel of him in her mouth. Her hand went on instinct between his thighs and caressed the twin orbs there, carefully and delicately weighing them in her hand as her head moved up and down his length. Jyn's own body was properly hot now, thudding with want and tingling all over. When she sucked on his tip again, Cassian jerked his hips a little and warned her,

"Jyn. Jyn, you have to… Jyn , I'm going to -"

She knew what he meant, and she wanted it anyway. She'd heard it tasted bad; she didn't care. She'd tasted worse. She knew she had. And, anyway, this was him , this was Cassian, and she wanted every bit of him that she could have. So Jyn put her hands on his hips and burrowed him as deeply into her mouth as she could without choking. She made swallowing motions, as though she were already drinking him in. Cassian's back arched a little, and his fists pounded the shale around him as he said through gritted teeth,

"Agh… Jyn. My Jyn."

It was bitter and salty and really not at all pleasant, but Jyn didn't care. It came in spurts echoed by the pulse of his cock, and she drank it down as quickly as she could. Her fingers quivered as she soothed him through his release, stroking at his clenched abdomen and his still-wet thighs. When she finally pulled back from him, Cassian was breathless with his eyes shut.

"Mmph," he moaned softly. "How am I supposed to get off these rocks after that ?"

"Well," Jyn informed him cheekily, "if you don't get off these rocks, you can't hike back to the Temple for supper. And if you don't do that, you can't curl up next to me in our bed tonight and return the favor I just did for you, eh?"

She glanced over the edge of the shale platform and then smirked at Cassian, who had cracked open his eyes. He reached for her cheek and whispered,

"If we were vaporized again tomorrow, I would have lived more than I ever thought possible."

Jyn covered his hand with hers and nodded once. "Let's hope we're not vaporized. Come on, now. Catch me if you can."

She sprang from the platform into the deep turquoise water below, landing with a splash and only just managing to keep from gasping as she made her way to the surface of the frigid water.

Confederation Stealth Cruiser Epiphany

Outer Rim, near Hoth

"President Skywalker, sir… a holo message from Count Dooku has been received for you over the ship's encrypted computers."

Anakin turned to see Tima'a, his loyal Togruta assistant, standing in the doorway of his very small office. He'd retreated to this stealth cruiser, with its cloaking devices, once it was evident to him that his children were trying to overthrow him. He held his hand out, and when Tima'a placed the small projector on his desk, he realized again how much she resembled Ahsoka Tano, the padawan learner he himself had had all those years ago. But Tima'a was different from Ahsoka; she was more meek and far more subservient. She would do anything Anakin wanted, anything he willed. He knew that.

For a half second, Anakin considered propositioning Tima'a. He was the President of the entire Confederation and he was stuck on this stealth cruiser with only a few crew and servants. He could have whatever he wanted.

Maybe later , he thought to himself. There were other matters at hand. He waved his cybernetic hand to dismiss Tima'a, who shut the door to the little office as she left. Anakin looked out the small triangular viewport beside him, gazing at the icy white waste of Hoth for a moment. Finally he pushed the button on the holoprojector, and the blue fuzzy image of Count Dooku appeared. His voice was hoarse and weak as he said,

" Anakin, there is absolutely no sign of them anywhere where the Confederation has surveillance. You know what that means. They are with Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi somewhere beyond our reach. If you want to harness the very foundations of your strength in the Force, you know what to do. To find them, you must use everything I have ever taught you. You must find all your power in the Dark Side of the Force. I fear I will die soon enough, but you are fearsome enough on your own. Use the Force to find them all, and then destroy them. Do not let what we have created be destroyed. You know where to go. Goodbye, Anakin. "

The blue holo message vanished, and Anakin blinked a few times. He gulped hard and shut his eyes, and his voice shook a bit as he said,


She wouldn't hear him if he spoke so quietly, he knew, scolding himself. He barked, far more viciously, "Tima'a!"

She came rushing into his office, breathless at having evidently dashed across the stealth cruiser. "Yes, sir?"

"Tell the pilots to set a new course," Anakin ordered. "We're going to Moraband."

"So, here we have the subspace transceivers, the searching hypertransceiver, and the antiradar defense unit. We're assuming Anakin Skywalker will be in a cloaked vessel, but since you'll be hacking and infiltrating communications, you might still catch a whiff of him. If you can get to Coruscant, you'll likely find that the Confederation Headquarters contains a wealth of useful intelligence."

Plo Kloon, the Kel Dor Jedi Master who was showing Jyn and Cassian around their spy vessel, sighed a bit and glanced toward the cockpit. He pointed a claw-like finger to the controls and told Cassian,

"This ship doesn't require a copilot, but it's not as high-powered as the ship aboard which you came here. It'll take you thirty days, easily, to get back to the Outer Rim. You've got more than enough rations and medical supplies for that time, but it'll push the hyperdrive to its limits. Check your navigation and the hyperdrive inhibitor frequently; on such a long journey through hyperspace, you're liable to drive straight into a planet."

Jyn gulped and looked around the ship. Called the Shadow , it was much smaller than Leia's luxury transport vessel. There were two bunks - a top and bottom unit - against one wall. There was a cabinet of holovids and holobooks. There were two small armchairs facing one another. There was an exercise machine, a cramped 'fresher, and a sonic washer for clothes. There was a galley consisting of stored rations, packets of fluids, and a rapid nanowave cooker. A cabinet near the cockpit was marked Medical in big red letters. And then there was a pilot's chair and a viewport. That was it.

Well, Jyn reckoned, if she and Cassian managed over a month aboard such a small ship without killing each other, their marriage was probably bound to last.

"We leave as soon as possible," Cassian noted to Plo Kloon, "before the planet's rotation adds too much to the journey."

"Leia is, as far as we know, already distributing materials against Anakin throughout the Confederation planets," Plo Kloon nodded. "By the time you two reach the Outer Rim and begin hunting Anakin, the populace will have likely turned against him."

"What about Baze, Chirrut, Kay-Tu, and Bodhi?" Jyn questioned, folding her arms. "If it takes them a month to reach us, what good does it do us to know where Anakin Skywalker is?"

"They're leaving tomorrow in their own ships," Plo Kloon said. "And, as far as I know, Masters Yoda and Kenobi will be taking several Jedi Generals and Knights in a ship of their own. As soon as you two find Skywalker, then…"

"Everything hits the fan, as it were," Cassian nodded. Plo Kloon was quiet for a moment, and then he said,

"Take a moment and bid farewell to your friends. It is never certain when we shall see those we care about again. Thank you both for your commitment to the cause."

Jyn still wondered what exactly 'the cause' was, but once Plo Kloon had stepped down the boarding ramp, she realized who was standing at the bottom. The entire rest of the Rogue One crew, the ones who had crossed boundless time and space with them, were standing in a row. This all felt terribly familiar, Jyn thought, remembering what it had been like to say goodbye to Chirrut and Baze on Dagobah. But things were different now.

She stepped down the ramp and gave Bodhi a warm smile and an embrace. "You fly safely," she told him. "No crashing allowed."

"No crashing. Got it." Bodhi pulled back and smiled at Jyn as he told her, "I never got to fly the good ships where we came from. Now's my chance. I won't muck it up."

"I know you won't, Bodhi," Jyn nodded. She came to Baze next, and she glanced at the repeater cannon he'd been given. She grinned and told Baze. "Careful with that thing; you hit Chirrut and we're all done for."

"I'm a crack shot, remember?" Baze told her. "Besides, Chirrut will be just fine. He doesn't need me. He's got the Force."

"I may have the Force, but I'll still take you," Chirrut said in a conciliatory voice, and Jyn's eyes seared as he pulled his lightsaber hilt from his belt. He took Jyn's fingers and dragged them over the slick silver hilt, and he whispered, "Do you feel your crystal inside here, Jyn?"

She didn't, not really, but Chirrut's milky eyes lit up just the same. He tucked the lightsaber away again and told her,

"You are one with the Force, and the Force is with you."

Jyn nodded once and swallowed hard. "I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me."

Cassian was beside Jyn saying goodbye to his long-time friend. K-2So looked down at Cassian and Jyn and said in a rather dry voice,

"Such a small ship. Such a long journey. I do wonder what two people such as yourselves might do for entertainment."

"Kay-Tu," Cassian warned, but K-2 continued,

"The odds of you two leaving vile stains all over that vessel are -"

"Kay, I'm going to miss you like mad," Jyn fibbed. She patted the droid's enormous metal chest, and then her hand failed to move away as she said more sincerely, "I am. I am going to miss all of you. Thank you."

"Thank you , Jyn Erso," K-2 said with an uncharacteristic lack of snark. His illuminated eyes turned to Cassian, but he spoke to Jyn as he said, "May I request that you keep Cassian alive for me?"

"I'll do my best, Kay," Jyn nodded. She seized Cassian's hand then, knowing they could drag these farewells out for hours if they weren't careful. The two of them walked back up the ramp onto the Shadow, but then a voice from behind them said,

"Jyn. Cassian."

Jyn turned to see that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda had joined their friends at the base of the ramp. Kenobi smiled serenely and nodded, and Yoda said,

"May the Force be with you."


Anakin Skywalker sat in the vacuous, ancient Sith training space inside his Moraband base. He'd folded his legs and descended into a level of meditation that his younger self would have envied mightily. Obi-Wan Kenobi had always possessed superior meditation abilities, which had frustrated Anakin endlessly. But Count Dooku had taught him new ways of losing himself in the void, and Anakin used those abilities now to their fullest.

He was nothing here, in this great black void. He had no body, no soul, no substance at all. He had no thoughts, no desires, no frustrations. He was nothing, and there was nothing around him. Anakin stayed there in that mighty nothing for a while until he knew he could channel the Force effectively.

He thought of Luke and Leia as babies wrapped up in Padmé's arms. He thought of them as children, running around and shrieking as they played. He thought of Luke as a young man, of Leia as a young woman, each of them dutifully taking on roles in his administration and military complex. Then Anakin thought of them now , right now, and tried to find them.


He usually felt an angry sort of red signature from Leia in the Force. Now? Nothing. From Luke, the normal blue throb was gone. His children had abandoned him. They were blocking him actively, Anakin knew, or else he would be able to track them.

Suddenly his meditative state was gone. Dooku had told him to come here to Moraband to seek out Luke and Leia, but for three days in a row, it had come to nothing. Anakin felt more rage go through him than he'd felt in years. He flew to his feet and stormed out of the training space. He dashed up the enormous ladder to the crow's nest above his base. He stared out at the dull orange peaks of Moraband's mountains. Anakin growled and held his hand out, sending all of the Force he could muster toward one mountain in particular. His hand shook fiercely as the mountain began to crumble. The soft rumble of stone turning to dust accelerated and got louder as Anakin used the Force to destroy the mountain. It started to topple and dissolve, and the ground trembled beneath Anakin's feet.

"President Skywalker!"

He flicked his eyes over his shoulder to where Tima'a, his Togruta assistant, stood looking terrified. She watched through the transparisteel as the mountain was destroyed beneath the immense power of Anakin Skywalker. She nearly dropped the holodoc in her hands, and Anakin flicked his fingers away from the mountain to summon the holodoc from Tima'a. She yelped a little as the holodoc soared through the air into Anakin's hands.

"What is this?" he snarled, pressing his good palm to the screen. Tima'a looked more frightened than ever as she admitted,

"It's a… a political publication, sir. It's being distributed throughout the galaxy. Someone's hacked into holozine and news systems. Many billions have seen it. It's only been out for a few hours, but… but they're already reporting unrest in the Core Worlds, sir."

Anakin's eyes went wide as he read the holodoc. It took everything he had to keep from destroying the holodoc long enough to read it in its entirety.


Civilians throughout the Confederation have been lied to for a very long time. The regime of Anakin Skywalker exists solely to give Skywalker personal power, not to provide any benefit to ordinary civilians. Whenever the slightest hint of resistance is detected, the regime sends death squads to eliminate anyone - adults and children alike - who dare to question the tyranny of Anakin Skywalker.

There was a looping video then showing a death squad under the command of Orson Krennic, mowing down a village full of humans and Rodians. Anakin's stomach clenched as the video loop showed, over and over, the way that the blaster bolts hit children straight in the chest, the way the children collapsed in death to the dusty ground. The holodoc continued,

Scientists, inventors, and healers have been forced to give their intellectual talents over entirely to the Confederation. Instead of being allowed to create in ways that benefit their fellow beings, these individuals are obligated to help perpetuate the dictatorial aims of Anakin Skywalker.

Last year's outbreak of Bandonian Plague was carefully designed to be treatment-resistant and to wipe out specific species that had shown resistance toward Skywalker. The disease was deliberately spread throughout 'troublesome' civilian areas. The hyper-powerful ion cannons used to destroy cities in recent years were developed by captive engineers. Some of the quickest droid advancements in recent years have been in the creation of new torture and interrogation droids, which are used to compel obedience.

Is this the world we wanted when we let the Republic dissolve twenty years ago? Why have we allowed ourselves to become the victims of an egomaniacal lunatic like Anakin Skywalker? He must be removed from power so that justice, instead of tyranny, can spread throughout the galaxy.

Anakin chomped so hard on his lip that he tasted the iron in his blood. He crunched the holodoc beneath his hands. His twisted it as it shattered and whined in protest, and when he threw it against the wall, it flew so hard that it left a mark. Then Anakin turned to face Tima'a, his chest heaving with rage.

"This is Leia's doing," he muttered, more to himself than to Tima'a. The Togruta's eyes went wide and wet, and she stammered,

"P-please, President Skywalker, just tell me what you'd like me to -"

Anakin cut her off then by raising up his hand and squeezing. Tima'a grasped desperately at her throat as she began to choke. It felt good, Anakin thought, to destroy a living being just now. He was more angry than he could ever remember being, and everything seemed to be falling down around him. But right here, right now, in this moment, the feeling of draining the life from Tima'a was a relief. Tima'a whimpered very softly as she fell to her knees, the color deepening on her pretty face as her eyes fluttered shut. She fell from her knees to lie on the ground, and still Anakin closed his hand more tightly. Tima'a raked her fingers over the ground, desperately inching forward. Then she stopped moving and flopped onto her back. Her pulse had stopped; Anakin could tell.

He stepped over the remnants of the holodoc and over the corpse of Tima'a as he made his way to the room where this base's subspace transceiver was kept. There was only one person in the galaxy Anakin trusted now.

The Shadow


Jyn grunted rather ungracefully as her thighs started to really burn. She'd been on the exercise machine for over a half hour now, and her body was starting to feel the full effects of the workout. The machine was designed to have a slim profile aboard the small ship, and it allowed a variety of exercises to be done with just a few arrangements to the mechanics. Jyn had spent a while crunching her elbows and knees together, which had sent a solid ache through her abdomen. Then she'd done quick vertical climbing steps while moving her arms up and down, and now she was bringing her legs up one at a time with resistance. She had stripped down to just leggings and an undershirt, both of which were now utterly soaked through with sweat.

"Well," Cassian told her from where he sat reading a holobook, "Nobody can accuse you of being lazy, Jyn Erso."

"Nope." Jyn brought her legs up a few more times and finally decided she'd had enough. She climbed off the machine, her legs feeling like jelly, and she staggered to the cabinet of water packets. She slurped one down and peeled off her sweaty clothes, shoving them into the sonic washer on the wall. She glanced over her shoulder to see Cassian eyeing her hungrily. She cocked up an eyebrow as she made her way into the 'fresher, and she said, "Be right back."

The sonic shower she took then felt better than any she'd ever taken in her life. Once she was completely clean and dry, Jyn stepped out of the 'fresher, boldly walking past Cassian to the bin where they kept their clean clothes. She had absolutely no modesty around him anymore, not now that they were actually married.

"How's the book?" Jyn asked as she sorted through the clothes and found fresh leggings and a shirt.

"Boring," she heard Cassian say. Jyn stood and turned to him, smirking as she said,

"You've never been much of a reader, though, have you?"

"Have you ?" Cassian demanded, and Jyn shrugged.

"I get enough excitement just living. What's the book about, anyway?"

Cassian glanced down to the holobook and shrugged. "A girl from a desert planet who goes to Corellia to try and make a life for herself. Gets a job as the assistant of a fabulously wealthy starship tycoon. They fall in love; he leaves his wife for the girl. Then she kills him and takes over the business."

"Well, that hardly sounds boring," Jyn laughed. She walked naked to where Cassian sat and pulled the holobook out of his hands. She read a few pages, giggling at the flowery language and the shocking plot. She set it down on the low table before the chairs and said down to Cassian, "Only a few more days until we're out of hyperspace and in full spy mode, eh?"

"Mm-hmm," Cassian nodded, his hands tightening on the arms of his chair as he looked Jyn up and down. She couldn't help but preen a little then, to stand just so until her chest was out a little. She spoke in a low, sibilant tone as she instructed Cassian,

"Take it out, will you?"

He knew what she meant. His eyes didn't leave hers as he opened his trousers and pulled himself out. He was already half hard, probably from the way Jyn was strutting around naked. She felt a sudden warm flush between her legs, and she felt her nipples go hard even in the warm interior of the ship. She swallowed hard and met Cassian's eyes.

"Touch it. I like to watch."

"Do you?" he asked, his hand visibly trembling as he pulled it up and around his cock. Jyn turned her attention to the way he was touching himself, feeling herself go wetter by the moment. She liked the way he throbbed beneath his own touch, the way Cassian's chest started to move more quickly under his thin shirt, the way his eyes were struggling to stay open.

Soon enough there would be a war in this strange sideways reality, Jyn knew. They would be hunting Anakin Skywalker, and Chirrut would try and kill him, and they would probably all die. Again. But for right now, for this moment, Jyn was Cassian's wife, and she was alone with him.

She crawled onto the small armchair, squeezing her knees between the bantha leather and Cassian's hips. She lowered herself onto him, her body tight and slick as he filled her. She snared her arms around Cassian's shoulders and felt his hands go to her waist. She kissed him, drinking him in so deeply that she lost herself entirely for a moment. Cassian's hands urged her to move, and she did, settling into a smooth, slow rhythm.

They stayed like that for a long time, and Jyn tried her hardest to lock it all into her memory. If she lost him for good, she would still have this, she thought. No matter what happened once this little ship came out of hyperspace, her mind would have this. Her mind would have him. So she rolled her hips and kissed her husband until her body clenched around him. He grunted against her neck as he found his pleasure and filled her, and Jyn moved her fingers to his hair. She massaged his scalp and kissed his cheek, and her voice was quiet and shaking as she told him,

"It doesn't matter what happens to me now, Cassian Andor. I'll always have you."