Thank you all for the feedback. I'm kind of just writing in between teaching so sorry for the late update.

Onyx paced the hallway of the hospital once again. A crowd of white-robed healers stood over Jaime shaking their heads and occasionally breaking out into arguments over his condition. Mom and Ollie would be arriving any moment and she dreaded telling her family the circumstances that brought them here.

"Nyxie!" Ollie's little voice cried out from the down hall. Onyx turned in time to see him running to her with his arms wide open and hair flopping wildly in his face.

"Hey buddy!" Onyx leaned down and wrapped the small boy in a big hug while putting on a brave face. "How was your school trip?"

"Good. We went to the aquarium, I let the octopus out on accident." Ollie giggled at Onyx who took the opportunity to look at her brother more closely. He looked like Jaime, with black messy hair and dark eyes that always seemed to be thinking up some new way of getting in trouble. She thought of Harry, the eyes were different, but Onyx would bet that when the boy who lived was only seven he was also skinny and all limbs like Ollie. "Is dad ok?" Ollie looked anxiously through the window where the healers were still figuring things out.

Before she had a chance to answer Onyx was distracted by the sound of high heels clicking on the marble floors. Her mother and grandmother came walking down the hallway deep in conversation. Both women pulled her into a an embrace then her mom headed to the window.

"What. Happened?" Onyx recoiled at her mom's harsh tone. Pearl Osborne was normally sugary sweet. Today though, her curly blonde hair stuck out at odd angles and she had a fire in her eyes that Onyx had only seen on a couple of rare occasions. Next to her, Onyx's grandmother looked just as fierce as she watched the healer's work. No doubt she was judging their every move and comparing it to how she would have treated the patient when she was a healer.

"He collapsed." Onyx bit her lower lip and looked at three pairs of expectant eyes. "We were in the diner and he collapsed."

"Mrs. Osborne?" One of the healers poked his head out of the room. "Can I have a word with you?"

"Of course." Pearl nodded at the healer then instructed Onyx to keep an eye on her brother.

"What else happened, dear?" Onyx's grandmother sat on a waiting bench and motioned for Onyx to join her.

"Oh Gram!" Onyx wanted to fall into her grandmother's arms. The older woman looked stern, always in pristine clothes with not a hair out of place, but her coolness was set aside when it came to family. "I think it's all my fault."

Onyx leaned forward and rested her forehead in her palms. Strangely enough, she thought of Sirius. She didn't want to talk right now, didn't want to tell her Gram of the discovery that would tear their family apart. If he were here, Sirius would quietly hand her a glass of whiskey and sit with his hand on her back until she was ready.

"How is this possibly your fault?" Gram shook her head and waved her hand in the air dismissively.

Ollie was glued to the glass partition, barely moving while he watched the healers work and argue. "Oliver," Gram called him over to her and pulled out some coins. "Go downstairs and get me a tea, you can grab some candy too while you're at it."

"Is my dad gonna wake up?" Ollie asked quietly as he accepted the money.

"Of course, darling." Gram patted the boy on the head then scooted him towards the hallway. Once he was gone she turned back to Onyx. "Now tell me why you could possibly be blaming this on yourself? Did you curse him?"

"No!" Onyx leaned back and folded her arms across her chest. "I just showed him a picture." She pulled the photograph of the old Order out of her pocket. "I found this at...where I was on mission in England. I think it's Jaime. I'm pretty sure it's Jaime."

She handed the photo over to her grandma who gasped when she saw it. "It's been years." Gram ghosted her fingers across the photo and it's subjects continued to laugh with one another.

"Gram?" Onyx watched as tears started to pool in her grandma's eyes. "You know who this is?"

"They were all so young..." Gram stared at the photo, lost in her own memories. Onyx looked at her young grandma. She still had a full head of curly brown hair, while some wrinkles had started to show around her eyes, she still looked too young to have a grandchild Onyx's age. Then again, Onyx had been born to teenage parents, so in a way Gram was too young. "Where did you get this, dear?" Gram looked imploringly at Onyx.

Something in the way she said 'dear' made Onyx view her grandmother in a different light. The slight lilt to her voice stood out and a though occurred to her, "Gram, were you a member of," Onyx looked around the abandoned hallway before leaning in and whispering. "The Order?"

Before she could get an answer Mom came out of the room that held Jaime. "They can't figure out what's wrong with him." She shook her head sadly and wrung her hands together. "They're saying it's magic, but they can't figure out what." Tears started to freely fall her face and Onyx ran to embrace her mother.

"I have to go." Gram stood up and smoothed down her skirt.

"Mama, please." Mom pleaded with Gram. "Stay with us tonight."

Gram shook her head. "I just can't. I have...some urgent matters to attend to." Before she could hear any more protests Gram hurried down the hallway.

"Take Ollie home. I'm staying here tonight."

"Mom, I really don't think-" Onyx began to argue with her mother's plan.

"'Nyx, please. Just take care of your brother."

Sirius paced his bedroom. He could hear the comings and goings of the rest of the occupants of the house down below but had no desire to join them. He couldn't stomach looking at Harry and not telling him the truth. Not letting him in on the secrets of the Order. He couldn't stand one more minute of watching Molly treat Harry - his goddam godson - like a delicate child. He appreciated the Weasleys for taking in Harry, really, he did. But. They shouldn't have had to. It should be Lily taking care of him, should be James warning him. And now his mind was spiraling down that road.

"You're going crazy, mate." James spoke to him from the corner. One side of his lips curling into a smile.

"I'm not!" Sirius snarled back.

"You're seeing things, Padfoot." Remus stepped out from the other corner. His hair was brown once again, devoid of gray streaks, and his face less scarred than the last time Sirius had seen him.

"How do you know you're not back in Azkaban?" Now it was his own voice he heard. Much younger. He stepped out from the shadows and came face to face with himself.

"Like I said, complete nutter." James muttered in the corner.

"You're not real." Sirius glared at his younger self. "None of you are." He whispered to James and Remus. They disappeared like smoke and he was along again.

A bottle of firewhiskey sat on his desk casting a rust colored reflection by the shaft of sunlight pouring in. His mind wandered - leaped, really - to Onyx. These episodes never happened when she was around. But she was gone, back to her life. And Sirius was still here. Still stuck in this house and he could think of nothing better to do, so he drank.