Author Note: I think it has been TEN YEARS since I've bothered to write anything for a fandom that's not Code Geass - but My Hero Academia has me by the balls.

I'll be trying my best to handle these characters well and improve as I go along. Pardon if it's clunky for now. (I love All Might, oh my god. And I'm absolutely fascinated by the Midoriya-Todoroki-Bakugo trio of drama. How fun.)

"YOU GOT THAT, DEKUUU?!" shouted Bakugo.

The yell made Shoto's nostrils flare. He wriggled a finger inside his ear, too. Shoto didn't come out from behind the hedges in front of the school where he'd stopped to analyze the situation, however.

He watched Midoriya standing with one hand holding his backpack, currently facing Bakugo in the courtyard. He could see Midoriya flinch.

Bakugo wasn't finished yet. Shoto had learned by now that Bakugo never quite finished.


"W-well," Midoriya said, in an attempt to cut Bakugo off. "Actually, Kacchan..."

Amazingly, Bakugo's mouth closed — but his ears were still dyed fuchsia with ire. Shoto raised both his eyebrows and kept watching. If Bakugo had possessed Shoto's Quirk, Shoto was certain Bakugo would be steaming.

The silence only lasted half an instant. "SPIT IT OUT, DEKU."

Shoto sighed. Just listening to Bakugo made him exasperated.

Midoriya raised both hands, while Bakugo looked like he might start swearing. Shoto heard a female groan, and realized Uraraka must be there as well; Shoto just couldn't see around the hedge. What a scene Bakugo stood there making.

Midoriya's voice stammered, as if to mimic the way his knees shook. "It's just that, you did win," Midoriya said.

Shoto couldn't help but notice — again — the bandages that criss-crossed Midoriya's broken fingers. To think Midoriya would stand there and argue with Bakugo just to congratulate him, when he'd been injured... and when Bakugo so obviously didn't care to talk.

But that was just who Midoriya was in the end, wasn't it.

"Even All Might has acknowledged you, s-so—"

"I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT," hollered Bakugo.

Uraraka moved; Shoto could see her now around the hedge. He stepped back so she wouldn't see him, too. No need for them to know that Shoto was here, that he hadn't simply gone home with his father. Shoto wasn't sure yet whether Midoriya's gang saw him as anything besides a threat; right now, they didn't need more threats.

He watched Uraraka straightening beside Midoriya. He figured Uraraka must be dying to yell at Bakugo... so Shoto felt very surprised when she didn't open her mouth. Her hands were balled in fists in front of her chest, but she looked as hunkered down and scared of Bakugo as Midoriya did. Was it because Bakugo had defeated her during their match?

"DEKU," Bakugo was roaring, "you make me want to MURDER you..."

Shoto wondered if he should interfere, even if he might not be completely trusted. He didn't see Iida anywhere... and he still worried about that. A family emergency, he had overheard a student say. Shoto understood those kinds of matters. But if Iida wasn't okay, and worse, if Iida couldn't be here now... Well, that meant Midoriya was down one good friend to defend him, if things got bad. Was it time Shoto showed himself? He wasn't friends with Midoriya in the sense Iida and Uraraka were. But—

A moment passed. Bakugo huffed. Then the explosive student shoved his hands in his pockets and stalked away— probably because Midoriya no longer appeared capable of answering him.

Midoriya looked entirely cowed. He was even hanging his head. Shoto thought, That's what Bakugo wants from you, idiot. He sighed again and moved to step out.

Except Midoriya moved, too. He took a step after Bakugo. "K-Kacchan—!"

"SHUT UP!" Bakugo hollered. The command stopped Midoriya in his tracks. "I really hate you, Deku... If you follow me, I will kill you."

Shoto heard Uraraka hiss. It was... sort of cute, the way her hackles raised because Bakugo threatened her friend. After another moment, however, Shoto wondered if Uraraka would have the same reaction were Bakugo to threaten someone else. It was pretty obvious Uraraka had special feelings for Midoriya.

Bakugo rounded the corner to the left, where he finally disappeared.

Shoto blinked to clear his head of amusement and assessment regarding Uraraka — and even of relief that Bakugo had gone. He stared for a moment at the ground.

He could hear Midoriya sigh. And Shoto was surprised to feel the pang the sound sent through him, like a small zap straight to his heart.

He felt concerned. It was why he had stopped, rather than simply taking another route home. Facing down Bakugo wasn't a laughing matter. But Shoto also felt perplexed, and worried beyond his general concern. He didn't know what to make of that.

Midoriya clearly cared. He cared enough about Bakugo that he would risk facing Bakugo's temper, even after a stressful day... and Shoto didn't understand why.

Recently, that lack of understanding had begun to bother him.

Uraraka's shriek of frustration startled him. "Aaaaah, that guy's temper is so terrible! Let's go home," Uraraka said. "Deku, you must be tired..."

Shoto looked up in time to see Uraraka start to walk ahead.

Midoriya laughed and scratched his head. To Shoto, the reaction both sounded and looked fake. Forced. "You should go on," Midoriya answered her.

Uraraka looked back. "But—"

"I forgot something in Recovery Girl's surgery room."

Uraraka stood still for a short time. Shoto wondered if she was about to offer to go back with Midoriya... or if she could see through the lie, and tell that what Midoriya really wanted was to be alone.

Finally, Uraraka smiled. "All right. I'll see you when school starts up again. Have a good break!"

"Yeah. You too."

Shoto noted the stiff shape of Midoriya's back when Midoriya turned to watch her leave. Midoriya seemed to relax a little once Uraraka strolled away, however. Uraraka went around the corner to the right, in the opposite direction Bakugo had gone.

Shoto rather liked Uraraka. And Iida, if he thought about it. At the least, both students had a good sense about social situations. They had a good read on Midoriya, especially. A lot better than Shoto did. Indeed, it seemed Midoriya made a lot of good-hearted and capable friends.

Then Shoto blinked. Why was he thinking that? It wasn't as if he wanted to cultivate the same skills Midoriya's friends had. There wasn't any need for him to become one of Midoriya's closer friends.

Shoto wanted to continue being the worthy rival he'd declared himself. Didn't he?

Midoriya raked back unkempt hair. Shoto shook his head and tensed again.

Now that Midoriya was alone, Shoto should stay here... and see where Midoriya went. Was the forgotten item in Recovery Girl's room the truth, or just an excuse to cover something else? All Might had his eye on Midoriya, after all. So maybe if Shoto stayed, and Midoriya went off somewhere, Shoto could follow—

He heard a sniff.

Midoriya hadn't moved from where he stood in the UA courtyard. His hands had dropped from his hair.

Shoto felt his heart rate pick up. Had Bakugo's insults this time...?

He stepped out from from behind the hedge when Midoriya swiped the back of one bandaged wrist across his eyes.

Midoriya had no plan; he'd just wanted to be alone, to cry. Was it because of Bakugo, or everything else the day had brought with it?

Midoriya turned around upon hearing Shoto's nearing steps; he sniffed again, and then forced another laugh. "A-ah, Todoroki. I-I—"

"He's always like that toward you, isn't he." The words were out of Shoto's mouth before he could think about why he said them.

Instinct said Midoriya's tears were reactions to Bakugo, yes. But if that were the case, why did Shoto risk making Midoriya's upset worse, by drawing attention back again to the loudmouth who'd finally left?

Shoto should just leave the matter alone. He took another step toward Midoriya. It wasn't any of his business what kind of relationship Bakugo and Midoriya had, or how Midoriya handled it. It wasn't his business what kind of classmates or friends they had been in the past, or why Bakugo picked on Midoriya so much. But if Shoto was honest with himself... he didn't understand it.

He wanted to.

Seeing Midoriya so affected made Shoto... well, irritated. Bakugo was a total ass. Why taunt Midoriya so much, outside of their class's competitions? What good could it possible bring anyone?

"His anger is always disproportionate to the situation," Shoto said, "but when it comes to you, it's even worse. He goes so far as to be abrasive toward you personally — rather than obnoxious generally toward anyone in his vicinity, the way he normally is." Shoto stood in front of Midoriya, who wiped his eyes again and laughed.

"He's just a passionate person. I think he's always been like that, ever since we both were kids. He doesn't mean anything by it... even though it is a little scary, I guess, despite how many times now I've seen it." The pain in Midoriya's eyes, however, said the excuse sounded hollow even to him.

"Are you an idiot?" Shoto replied.

Midoriya flinched. "I-I'm sorry! I don't know, maybe I am? I guess it looks that way to you, huh."

Shoto shouldn't have gotten in deeper... but he called Midoriya out yet again on his pitiful attempt to justify Bakugo's behavior. "You're not using good logic when it comes to assessing his verbal attacks. Passion toward a goal is fine, even if it's a bit angry. But passion toward people you like should be different. The definition isn't as violent." Shoto watched Midoriya for a reaction. "He shouldn't be cruel toward somebody he's friends with, if he really is."

"I'm not sure how much Bakugo actually likes me," Midoriya said, "or whether we really still count as friends."

Shoto frowned. "Exactly. Yes." He was glad Midoriya admitted it. It meant he wasn't completely clueless. Shoto got the feeling still, however, that Midoriya didn't quite get it.

"You shouldn't waste your energy on him. Then you'll only become as misguided as he is," Shoto said, trying to clarify.

"You're probably right." Midoriya avoided locking their gazes. "People should be warmer toward each other, right? Although, I don't know how you say things like that... when you're mostly very cold, Todoroki."

Shoto considered that for a time. An awkward, drawn out silence passed, in which Midoriya appeared to end up almost twice as nervous as before.

Midoriya started to wave his hands again and stammer. "S-Sorry, it was a sort of pun? I'm really tired, so I just—"

"I don't know how cold I'll stay from now on," Shoto said, cutting Midoriya off.

Of course this was where the conversation would go — back in the direction of the fight they'd had... and what Shoto had realized thanks to it. He should have expected that. Was he prepared to talk about his own thoughts?

If he wasn't, he shouldn't have interfered here.

When Midoriya stopped flailing and gazed at him, Shoto looked aside this time instead. "You've made me consider whether I should use my other side more," he uttered. "It's worth thinking about, at least. So I've decided I'll do that."

His words seemed to change the mood.

Midoriya dropped his eyes to the ground as well, despite that Shoto finally looked back. "I need to apologize," Midoriya said. "I did a stupid thing to you. I pushed you too far on that stage, thinking I could help you out. But I can't even help myself." The smile on his face appeared bitter. Midoriya clutched one of his bandaged hands, too. "Kacchan is right when he says all those things. I only—"

"No, he isn't right."

Midoriya flinched again. Shoto hated when he did that. For a person who was so confident and powerful in a fight—

"Look at me," Shoto ordered.

He very nearly sighed again. Bakugo wasn't even around now, but somehow his presence still seemed like it infected Midoriya's mind. Like it subtracted from the poignancy of what Shoto was trying to convey just then.

Midoriya raised his eyes.

"Don't listen to that guy when he puts you down. Even All Might is interested in you," Shoto said.

Then Shoto ran out of good words. He'd never been talented at giving rousing speeches to people to boost their confidence.

Midoriya stared at him. Shoto almost flushed at that. Did he sound silly? Maybe insincere? Perhaps he shouldn't have bothered with awkward words of comfort in this case. It wasn't as if Midoriya had asked to be comforted. Rivals, worthy opponents, friends... Should Shoto even be here like this, when both of them were fighting to become the school's number one?

They couldn't both win.

It was just that... Midoriya made something tender want to come out inside him — thanks likely to the way his wake-up call during their match had humbled him. Shoto was grateful to this boy. That was it. And gratitude made him want to treat Midoriya more softly than he had before.

"Thank you for being so concerned," said Midoriya, "but—"

Shoto twitched. He knew Midoriya was about to make another excuse on Bakugo's behalf. It made him itch inside. He wanted to yell. Why couldn't Midoriya understand?

But Shoto controlled himself. If he lost his temper, he'd be no better than Bakugo. God, but Midoriya could have such a hard head...

Shoto used his concern instead. "Does it hurt?" His question cut Midoriya's further excuses for Bakugo short.

Shoto didn't want to hurt Midoriya like Bakugo did. He'd injured Midoriya in the ring... but now he could make up for it.

That was more like a Hero, wasn't it?

Midoriya looked down at the hand he still clutched, the one Shoto stood gazing at. "Yeah, it does hurt," Midoriya murmured, looking almost surprised that he admitted it. "And that startled me into realization, I guess. Recovery Girl helped as much as she could, but I'll have to heal myself from here on out. I'm not used to the pain... but I'll either have to get used to it now, or learn how not to do this in a fight like ours again."

"Let me help out with the pain," Shoto said.

Then he looked away and bit his lip. Speaking without thinking again.

"H-huh?" Midoriya asked him.

Shoto didn't answer right away. He didn't know how to, right after that. He wasn't really going to do what he was thinking about, was he? Not for Midoriya, of all people. Even if Shoto had decided to be kind to Midoriya, never cruel...

Midoriya was stronger than he looked. He probably didn't need the help, or wouldn't be affected much by it. So giving the offer was patronizing, and an insult. Probably.

"Todoroki?" Midoriya asked.

But nothing changed the fact that Midoriya had destroyed all of his fingers because he'd been fighting Shoto. It was Shoto's fault — at least in part — that Midoriya now felt pain like this.

Shoto wanted to offer something back to replace what he'd made Midoriya lose.

He put his book bag on the ground. "If your brain already hurts from taking Bakugo's thuggish insults, then there's no reason to let your injuries throb all the way home, too. Give me that hand you're holding," Shoto said.

As Midoriya looked at him, flushing, Shoto held out his own hand — his right one.

He watched Midoriya hesitate. Then, like an uncertain maiden — ah, but why was Shoto thinking that? — Midoriya put his own book bag down as well, and rested his wrapped fingers on Shoto's open palm lightly.

Shoto shut his eyes and took a breath. Then, incrementally and carefully, he formed crystals of ice around Midoriya's bandaged appendages using his touch.

Midoriya jumped. "Y-you're freezing—?"

Shoto tossed his hair out of his face. "It's like temperature therapy. The cold will take down the swelling, and numb a little of the pain. Just hold still for a few seconds."

"Oh. Right," Midoriya said. He looked down at his icing fingers then, as if in wonderment. "You're right. The cold makes it feel better. I never know when I should use heat versus cold... or try both. H-how long do I have to—"

"Not long. It's too bitterly cold to keep it frozen for more than a couple minutes. As long as I'm here, then you'll know at what point it needs to stop, so you don't get frostbite instead." Then Shoto cleared his throat. He had run out of things to say again.

Midoriya stared at his hand, and for a minute or so, they didn't look at each other. They just listened to the birds chirp. Then sun was beginning to set.

It felt like eons were passing. Shoto felt fidgety, but he didn't show it.

Then Midoriya's iced hand twitched.

"Just another moment, Midoriya. This still works faster than the hot and cold lotion they put on sore muscles and joints in doctor's offices."

Midoriya murmured back. "You know a lot about relieving pain."

"I've been in lots of fights," Shoto told him. "I've had to learn how to use my Quirk to help people, not just hurt them." But Shoto stopped talking after that. Midoriya was looking off over the courtyard again — in the direction Bakugo had gone.

Shoto tried not to tighten, seeing that. But somehow, he felt disappointed. Cheated. Shoto could freeze Midoriya's fingers, in the hopes it might take away physical pain. But whatever Midoriya felt—

Shoto couldn't touch it, and that irked him.

Annoyed, he closed the gap between them and lifted Midoriya's chilled fingers to his lips. Midoriya started. "O-oh—"

I want him to pay attention to me, Shoto realized, holding Midoriya's hand. It was a selfish, stupid thought, but it pricked at him nonetheless.

And as if the intensity of it showed in his eyes, Midoriya caught his breath. He trembled when Shoto held his gaze.

Carefully, Shoto placed Midoriya's fingers up against his parted lips. Then Shoto exhaled over them. In a puff of steam, the ice started to melt. Water dripped to the paving stones.

Before Shoto could breath out again, he faltered.

Now Midoriya's bandages were wet. He... he hadn't thought of that. How stupid of him. Was he so distracted?

"What's wrong?"

"Tch... Nothing," Shoto said. He exhaled over Midoriya's slender, bound fingers again. He would just have to fix it, in addition to easing Midoriya's pain.

"The heat..."

Shoto didn't speak; he just concentrated. He hoped the bandages dried out. He also hoped he didn't dry out any ointments that might have been applied beneath. He hoped he didn't scald Midoriya's skin. Stupid, to try doing this. His breath puffed out in hot clouds that he tried his best to regulate.

"The heat..." Midoriya said again. He shuddered. "It's good, too." Shoto looked up. Something in him fluttered. "I wasn't wrong. It's the other half of you... and it's good to feel you use it, Todoroki."

A hitch interrupted Shoto's breath. Why did Midoriya say it with so much satisfaction?

Shoto let go of Midoriya's hand.

Midoriya took the hand back and began to examine it. Shoto made sure to breath a few normal breaths, to regulate his temperature back to its normal place. His lips burned with the force of the heat he'd used; he swiped his knuckles against them as if he could rub away the sting.

His lips would be chapped now, and red or swollen. Shoto had wanted so badly to help Midoriya that he had inconvenienced himself. He wondered if Endeavor would call him foolish or weak for that. Was helping someone else when it wasn't even a combat situation really worth it?

Except now Midoriya was flexing his hand, and his face had the first genuine smile on it that Shoto had seen yet that afternoon.

Yes. He thought that made it somewhat worth it.

"Wow. It feels much better now. You're pretty powerful even in regular situations, aren't you?"

Shoto didn't say anything. He stood with his hands at his sides, merely looking at the boy who so threw him into confusion... and made him want to try things he wouldn't normally bother to try.

"Todoroki... you're not mad about today, are you?" Midoriya next asked him.

Shoto picked up his book bag again. He passed Midoriya swiftly. "I'm not. I'm grateful for what you said out there. You weren't wrong to tell me to come at you with everything I had. I said already, didn't I? The point you brought up is worth thinking about."


"Get better, Midoriya." Shoto didn't want to stay and talk. He worried he might try something stupid again. When Midoriya's eyes lit up like Shoto had just seen, and he seemed relaxed... it made Shoto feel relaxed, too. Shoto wasn't used to being sent off guard so easily.

Shoto heard Midoriya hesitate behind him. He hitched his backpack up further.

Then Midoriya replied, "Yeah."

It almost made Shoto smile. He could picture the way Midoriya was probably nodding his head.

"You have a good break," Midoriya called.


Shoto walked out the school gate and turned left, leaving Midoriya behind. Something had definitely happened to him to change him today, after their fight. Shoto breathed out and shook his head.

Then his foot scuffed, as he realized someone lounged against the high wall, watching him.

Bakugo. He hadn't left. In fact, he'd probably listened to every word Shoto and Midoriya had said. Shoto felt all his muscles tense.

"The fuck do you think you're doing," Bakugo growled, "messing with Deku, Half-and-Half?" Shoto was certain Bakugo would have yelled... if he wasn't concerned that 'Deku' might be able to overhear him.

Shoto considered walking on. He considered ignoring Bakugo again, the way he had in the waiting room when Bakugo had thundered in. After all, he had no reason to reply to a question to he had no clear answer to anyway.

Then again, if he didn't answer, Bakugo might just make something explode.

After a long moment in which Shoto thought, and Bakugo appeared to be slowly simmering into rage, Shoto decided to answer. "You're the one who messes with him."

"Huh?! What the hell did you say?" Bakugo's hand flew to Shoto's collar.

Shoto gripped Bakugo's wrist, but otherwise he didn't move. He looked into Bakugo's bloodshot eyes.

What was it that so unhinged this person? What about Midoriya triggered these reactions? Was it that—

Bakugo snarled. He wasn't finished yet. Of course.

"After you put out your flames and robbed me of the victory you knew I wanted, how dare you—"

"Midoriya's not your punching bag." Shoto tightened his defensive grip. He didn't care that he interrupted. "And it makes you look pathetic to bully him, Bakugo. It doesn't make you look a bit like a Hero."

"What in the fuck do you know?!" Shoto turned his head aside, when spittle flew from Bakugo's curled lips. "Deku's lied to me, he's mocked me, he's—"

"He's only tried to be your friend."

Bakugo faltered.

In that moment, Shoto employed ice to freeze Bakugo's hand. He stepped out of Bakugo's grip.

He started to walk away to Bakugo's infuriated hiss. "The fuck do you know about what's between us?! Stay out of it, Todoroki! The only one who has the right to do anything about that guy's crybaby existence—"

"Is me," Shoto said, icily.

Then Shoto hesitated. There he went, saying something even he himself hadn't expected, yet again. But in that moment, Shoto knew it was true. He knew it was what he wanted.

He wanted to witness and affect what Midoriya did... and maybe even protect him. Because perhaps if Shoto did those things... then he'd learn how to beat Midoriya and eventually win.

A worthy opponent should be learned from, defended, and respected. Bakugo didn't have any respect — and that made Shoto the better man for rivalry with Midoriya. And maybe even for friendship, if people could be friends and rivals at once.

Shoto glanced back. Bakugo's eyes bulged out of his head, as he began to understand the weight of what Shoto had said.

Shoto shrugged and spoke again. "I'm going to fix the pain people like you have put him in. I want to see Midoriya's full passion and skill realized... so that I can defeat him and be number one."

Bakugo frothed at the mouth, seemingly failing to come up with a satisfactory string of swears.

Shoto didn't like talking badly to people, just to put them in their place. In fact, a part of Shoto felt sorry for Bakugo, under all the layers of his annoyance. He didn't know Bakugo's background; maybe there was a reason Bakugo could only manage to be cruel toward Midoriya, despite obviously maintaining some interest in the green-haired boy. And Shoto understood the frustration Bakugo felt in terms of the match Bakugo had just 'won'... as well as his part in causing that frustration. Shoto felt guilty; he knew he would have hated it had somebody he wanted to beat gone easy on him, or just lost on purpose.

Bakugo was a worthy opponent, too, in the end. But the way he treated his childhood friend made him less worthy of an opponent — and certainly less of a human being — than Midoriya was. Shoto's hand made a fist. For Midoriya's sake, he couldn't just let Bakugo have dominance over whatever he wanted.

"Enjoy that you won today," Shoto said. "Because after this, you'll be in third place." He moved to walk away at last.


An explosion sounded. Shoto moved his head an inch to the left to avoid the blaze of it.

"K-Kacchan?" Shoto heard distinctly, from back in the school courtyard.

Shoto sighed. Midoriya hadn't left to go home. He must have still been standing there, contemplating what had occurred.

But when Shoto turned around, Bakugo had fled. He'd used his explosion to propel himself into the street — and now he was retreating. From Shoto, or from Midoriya's call?

Midoriya ran out of the courtyard. He looked around and around him.

Before he could notice Shoto again, Shoto turned another corner. He wasn't certain what he'd gotten into, butting his nose into all this. Whatever it was, it was right between Midoriya and Bakugo — and that seemed a dangerous position to put himself in.

And yet as Shoto walked away, he didn't feel bad about what he had done. Midoriya was worth getting more involved with.

Shoto could only hope that doing so would be worth Bakugo's wanting him dead as well.