Harry started awake when he felt a hand resting on his head, yanking him out of sleep and the nightmares that he had been having quickly. Green eyes snapped open as he jerked upright, and he stared into brown eyes looking back at him.
Brown eyes that were full of emotional pain as well as physical.
Brown eyes that were so uncertain, so lost and confused.
Without a second thought, Harry reached out and covered the pale white hand that was lying on the bed, clutching it tightly as something passed between them, shared trauma, shared horror.
"You ok?" Harry asked softly. To some, it might have sounded the most stupid question imaginable, because there was not a chance that the other boy was ok. But with what they had shared tonight. What they had shared the last few months really, he knew that Marcus would understand.
"I really don't know," Marcus shook his head. His voice sounded like sandpaper.
"Ok," Harry nodded, tightening his grip as he reached out with a trembling free hand to grab the water gablet beside Marcus' bed.
"You ok?" Marcus croaked, not taking the goblet yet.
"I'm fine," Harry nodded when he pressed the goblet of water closer Marcus took the drink this time.
"Harry?" Both teens turned quickly at the voice to see a slightly sleepy Sirius standing there.
"Huh," Marcus nodded, a little shocked clearly at the sight of the escaped convict, though not looking worried meaning he obviously knew Sirius was innocent.
"Harry, what are you doing out of bed?!" Sirius scolded hurrying a little closer.
"I was just checking on Marcus," Harry huffed.
"Harry, you were seriously hurt, you shouldn't be up!"
"You were seriously hurt?" Marcus was frowning now.
"I'm fine, honestly, I'm ok," Harry argued with both of them. "I needed to know Marcus was alright,"
"Go back to bed Harry, I will be here when you wake," Marcus urged.
"I don't want to leave you alone," Harry shook his head, tightening his hand around Marcus'.
"Ok, so how about we lie down here instead?" Sirius indicated to the bed next to Marcus'.
"I will be right here," Marcus managed to chuckle a little, amused despite himself at the suspicious look on Harry's face.
"Fine," Harry huffed. "Have you had enough water?"
"Yes, thank you," Marcus nodded.
Harry allowed Sirius to help him up and into the next bed, settling him down before he transformed into Padfoot and hopped up onto the bed himself.
"Do you know how we got taken there?" Marcus asked softly.
"It was Moody," Harry sighed burying his fingers into Padfoot's fur for comfort as he wriggled up the bed a little looking concerned.
"What?" Moody frowned confused.
"He was Barty Crouch Jr, using polyjuice, the real Moody was locked in a trunk. He's in a private room here," Harry explained.
"Merlin," Marcus groaned dropping his head onto his pillow. "How did you find out?!" He asked sharply lifting his head quickly, with a grimace.
"He took me when they were rushing you here, I thought you were... anyway he took me, and told me everything,"
"Did he hurt you?" Marcus was actually moving to get out of bed.
"No, no. Dumbledore and the others got there before he could do anything," Harry reassured him.
"Ok," Marcus nodded settling back down to stare at the ceiling.
Harry could not imagine what he was going through. His own night had been eventful, emotional and confusing enough. He could not even begin to imagine how Marcus felt. Afer they had agreed to take the Triwizard cup together they had been whisked to the Graveyard. Marcus had been suspicious straight away and they had been on guard, which was probably the only reason that Marcus had managed to avoid the killing curse being thrown at him.
Voldemort had identified Marcus straight away as the Flint heir and then had told Wormtail to imprison the spare so that he could have fun with him later. The look of shock on Marcus' face had made it apparent that he was stunned at being spoken about like that by the man that his father and family, his friends followed.
And Wormtail had made it very clear that by fun, Voldemort meant kill.
Before he had released from the gravestone he had had to watch Voldemort torturing Marcus, he had had to listen to his screams and watch him writhe. And while he had not seen Voldemort kill Marcus, he had been sure that that was what had happened when a smug Voldemort came back and told them all that that was what happened when he was betrayed. That he would kill the families of those that betrayed him.
He had laughed when Harry had not been able to hold back a few tears before he had released and their fight had happened. He had used the time his parents and the other ghosts had given him to make it to where Marcus had been lying, and he had summoned the cup to himself.
When he had felt a pulse in Marcus' neck he had not been able to hold back his sobs, the relief swooping through his battered body.
His own mind was spinning, but he could only imagine what was going through Marcus' and he did not take his eyes off of them until he started nodding off. Everything that Marcus had likely been told had been a lie, everything that he had been raised to believe, the person that he expected Voldemort to be, had been snatched away from him. And he should have died tonight, he would have if Harry had not gotten to him.
And now he had no idea where he would go, or what he would do.
They had become...friends of sorts because of the tournament. Honestly, Harry had formed respect of sort for Marcus from the moment his name came out of the Cup. It had been a little embarrassing really, the reaction of the school in front of the delegates from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Hogwarts students had not been impressed that it was not a Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or even Hufflepuff that had been selected to be the Champion of their school. Instead, it had been a Slytherin.
A lot of people had actually booed when Marcus had stood and made his way across the hall. But the Slytherin had walked with his back straight, and head held high. He had not flinched or let on how he felt about the reaction. And when Harry had appeared as the 4th champion, he had not said a word.
The school was split, they were angry that Harry had somehow managed to get more fame and beat the age line, and they had been unhappy that a Slytherin was the official Champion. The Slytherins had not been happy that he had been a champion, and they had gone after Harry, Marcus had not.
When he found out about the dragons, he had barely hesitated before tracking Marcus down and giving him the heads up. The fact that the other teen had not attacked him as well, the way he had acted when faced with the disapproval of the school had driven Harry on.
Marcus had said very little when Harry told him, simply looked thoughtful. But he had nodded to Harry after the First Task. Harry had thought that would be it, and aside from the painful Yule Ball, they had very little interaction between the First and Second task.
Except when Marcus had stalked up to him one day in the corridor, caught Harry's arm and dragged him into an alcove. Harry had wondered what the hell was happening, and if Marcus was going to curse him. When the Slytherin had told him to open the egg underwater to hear the mermaid song which would explain their second task he had been a little stunned, but very grateful.
After that, they had a sort of...respect for each other. It had been difficult considering the animosity between their houses, and what Marcus believed in. But Harry came to actually like Marcus. They had managed to have a few chats together, meeting in the library as they researched for the Third Task, amassing as many spells as they could.
In the maze, Harry had felt that respect, the liking he had for Marcus swelling in his chest, and that was why had pushed for Marcus to take the cup, because the teen deserved it because he wanted to hear the school cheering for Marcus and not booing him. He wanted the Slytherin to be able to hold his head high because he had won.
Marcus had, of course, argued with him. And in the end, they had agreed to take the cup together, Hogwarts victory anyway. And that had whisked them away to the horror of the Graveyard, where Marcus had tried to protect Harry.
"Harry, Harry!" Harry gasped and jerked upright, staring around as he tried to pull himself from the nightmares.
"Hey it's ok," Sirius smiled pulling him into a hug.
"Siri?" He managed to croak.
"Yes it's me, you're ok," Sirius assured him.
"I'm right here," Harry turned to see Marcus hanging over the edge of his bed being held back by Snape.
"You were calling for him," Sirius said softly, combing back Harry's fringe.
"I'm alright Harry," Marcus said firmly.
"It was a nightmare," Sirius told him gently.
"It was a memory," Harry sighed before flopping onto his hospital bed.
"Are you ok Harry?" Sirius asked gently.
"I'm fine,"
"Harry even I can see how much pain you are in from over here," Marcus glared slightly.
"If you say fine Harry I will get out of this bed and come over there!"
"My chest hurts a little, and my head," Harry sighed.
"I am keeping you around kid," Sirius smiled thankfully at Marcus before hurrying to Pomphrey's office, Snape stalking after him, leaving Harry and Marcus alone.
"How are you doing?" Harry asked softly, turning onto his side to get more comfortable and watched Marcus heave himself up a little more in his bed. He was sitting up and looking a hell of a lot more better than he had the night before.
"Confused, mainly, a little lost," Marcus sighed scrubbing at his face. He looked up and down the wing, making sure they were alone before turning to look at Harry with sad eyes. "My dad was there last night,"
Harry closed his eyes.
"I am not going to be able to go home, not now,"
"I'm sorry Marcus," Harry said slowly.
"Hey, you have nothing to apologise for, if you hadn't done what you did, I would be dead. I would rather be alive and homeless. I will survive don't worry. It's just... everything was a lie,"
"He was charming once, and saner, I am not sure when the whole insanity thing happened, but I saw what he was like before, and I can understand how he could draw people in," Harry tried.
"Well we have progressed to snake-faced, and he did not have a nose!" Marcus grimaced. Harry snorted a little amused. "Harry, I spent my life being told that he would make the world a better place, the right place, the way it should be. I was told that mud...muggleborns were inferior and that they had no place in our world. I was told that he would look after people like me, purebloods, and he would give us our rightful place in this world. But that...thing I saw...what he said..." Marcus shook his head.
"Marcus..." Harry bit his lip before forcing himself into a sitting position, looking seriously at the Slytherin.
"You have never hesitated in saying anything to me before, why now," Marcus urged him.
"In real life Marcus, there is no place that you deserve or don't, there is no one who is better than anyone else because of a circumstance of birth. Marcus, can you really say that Hermione is any less of a witch because of the fact she is muggleborn, that she is less than Pansy Parkinson, Susan Bones, Lavender Brown? My mum was muggleborn and she was one of the most powerful charms casters in decades. The circumstances of your birth do not dictate what you are entitled to, no one has the right to be better than someone else just because they were lucky enough to be born into a certain family. Your heart and your brains determine what you are, nothing else...I am not describing this very well," Harry sighed.
"You are doing pretty well," Marcus smiled just a little.
"The best example I can give you is Voldemort himself," Harry reckoned Marcus would listen to him, so he met his eyes and decided it was worth a try.
"What?" Marcus asked confused.
"Voldemort was a half-blood Marcus. His mother was pureblood, his father was a muggle. The gravestone I was tied to, was his muggle fathers. TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE. I AM LORD VOLDEMORT. He grew up in a muggle orphanage, and when he came to Hogwarts and discovered he was descended from Slytherin he cast away his muggle father's name and hid all trace of that side of him. The most powerful Dark Lord seen for centuries, is half-blood, hell my blood is purer than his if you want to get technical about it seeing as my mum was actually a witch,"
"You're serious?!" Marcus gasped.
"I know that it can be hard, letting go of everything that you have believed, especially when it has been drummed into your head. It was a little easier for me, seeing as I had never really 100% believed it, but it's difficult," Sirius said softly from where he was standing behind Marcus.
"How did you..." Marcus started to ask before gritting his teeth.
"My first year at Hogwarts. I was on the train, a little firsty, all excited and eager to learn magic. And oh so reassured of the fact that I would be better at magic than most of the others on the train considering that I had been taught young and because of course, I was a Black. Magic was in my blood and I was superior to the others on that train for it. There were very few in my year who would be able to compete with me. Even the esteemed Potter blood would be no match, despite being nearly as powerful," Sirius smirked as he moved to sit on the edge of Harry's bed and drew him into his side.
"What happened?" Harry asked curiously.
"I watched the Potter Heir try and ask out a red-headed muggleborn. When she turned him down he got a little mouthy, and I watched her hex his arse so hard I am shocked their son isn't still feeling it," Sirius shuddered.
"Their son?" Marcus asked confused at the seemingly random jump. At least until Harry burst out laughing and wiggled his fingers.
"Lily Potter was one of the finest, smartest, fiercest, quickest, powerful witches that I ever had the honour of meeting. And she was muggleborn. It's difficult to argue that you are better with someone at magic because of your blood and family name when they regularly wiped the floor with you and your idiot, equally pureblood, best friend who happened to be madly in love with her," Sirius said dryly.
"Not Remus?" Harry asked curiously.
"Nah, he was way too smart to rile her, when James started trying to impress her Remus would disappear like a bloody ghost," Sirius rolled his eyes.
"This is a lot," Marcus sighed pulling himself to his feet as he felt himself becoming agitated.
"I know, but you are a smart guy. And you aren't alone," Harry shrugged. "You have me and Siri,"
"Why am I being dragged into this, you rescued the puppy, you look after him!"
"Puppy..." Harry raised his eyebrow and looked up, and up, and up at Marcus, who also raised an eyebrow at Sirius.
"I will think of a better analogy, and go see what is taking Poppy so long!" Sirius squeaked before hurrying off, leaving Harry snickering after him.
Though he did stop when Marcus moved to stand right in front of him.
"I have you huh?" Marcus asked.
"I know this isn't easy for you, and you are going to be going through a lot now, you don't have to do it alone. I'm not expecting you just to be all pro muggleborn all of a sudden, and I know this will take a lot of adjusting. I am not saying all muggleborns and muggles are amazing. But then neither are all Purebloods. In the end we are all just human. It is our choices that decide who we are, and you have the chance to make that choice for yourself. I won't pressure you, but if you need me, I am here," Harry shrugged.
The squeak he let out when Marcus reached out and yanked him against his very muscled chest was frankly, a little embarrassing. But when Marcus didn't let go he slowly twined his own arms around Marcus' waist and closed his eyes as he rested his cheek against Marcus' chest.
"I haven't said it yet," Marcus said before bowing his head to press his lips to Harry's ear as he let go of him. "Thank you for saving my life,"
Harry was glad that the Slytherin had let go of him so that he wouldn't feel the shudder going through Harry's body, the blush on his cheeks, however, he could do nothing about, and Marcus seemed a little aware of it if the light smirk he got was anything to go by. Sirius also looked a little suspicious when he walked back with Madame Pomphrey, looking between his tomato of a godson and the lightly smirking snake standing nearby.
"What. Was. That. About?" Harry flinched visibly, turning slowly to see Marcus standing near to him, as though he had been behind the corner while Harry had been talking to Hermione.
"What was what about?" Harry tried smiling sweetly, but Marcus stalked towards him, only with a slight limp now, and gripped the top of his arm.
"What the hell was Granger going on about? Who are the Dursleys and why is she so worried about you going back to them?" Marcus demanded.
"It's not important, she was just being dramatic," Harry shook his head.
"Of everything that I have said about Granger and accused her of being, dramatic is not one of them," Marcus glared darker at him. "The truth Harry, now!"
"It's personal!"
"Wonderful I can personally be told then!" Marcus answered quickly.
"We're not friends, I am not going to just tell you my personal life," Harry snapped yanking his arm away and started to walk away. This time Marcus grabbed his hand, and when Harry turned, a furious glare on his face, the Slytherin was watching concerned.
"I am fairly sure we are friends Harry, and for you to say something like that to me, kind of makes me think that this is pretty serious and Granger had every reason to be concerned about whoever these Dursley people are,"
"I'm sorry," Harry grimaced.
"Hey none of that, but I am not letting this go, Harry, Granger sounded really worried, what is going on?"
"You can't mention any of this to Sirius," Harry said softly, his hand tightening around Marcus'. "He would be...he would end up in even more trouble, please, I won't say anything until you swear to me,"
"Fine, I won't say anything to Sirius," Marcus grit out.
"The Dursleys...they are my mum's muggle family, her sister, brother in law and my cousin,"
"And Granger is worried about them, what the hell is going on Harry?" Marcus looked thunderous.
"They don't really...like magic, I don't really know why they kept me, why they agreed to me staying with them. But they weren't happy about it. They don't love me, or care for me," Harry sighed.
"And you are underplaying everything, Granger sounded scared!" Marcus demanded.
"It's fine Marcus. They can be a little harsh, and I don't look forward to the summer while I stay with them. But it isn't the whole summer, and I will be fine. Hermione just worries, and she is doing more so after what has happened this year," Harry shrugged.
Marcus narrowed his eyes but then he stepped back and allowed the subject to drop.
"How was your walk?" Harry asked nervously.
"Interesting," Marcus hummed.
"Ok... that is an intriguing description for a quick walk around the castle to stretch your legs," Harry blinked.
"I got approached by a lot of Slytherins asking what the hell had happened. Honestly, it was like they knew that I was about to take a walk," Marcus rolled his eyes as he hopped up onto Harry's bed and stretched his damaged leg a little.
"What did you say to them?" Harry asked curiously hopping up beside Marcus, as normal feeling the size difference between them intently.
"The truth, what I saw, what happened to me, what was said," Marcus said slowly.
"Are you alright?" Harry asked softly.
"Not really," Marcus laughed. "But I'm a Slytherin, I survive. I think they all have a lot to think about,"
"They believe you?" Harry asked gently, not wanting Marcus to take it the wrong way.
"No, but they will when they view my memories," Marcus shrugged.
"Oh wow, that will be interesting," Harry hummed.
"I don't want any of my friends being the 'spares' either," Marcus said quietly. He started a little when Harry reached out and covered his hand, squeezing it gently.
"You are far from a spare," Harry said. "Not many people would have survived that night,"
"You did most of the work,"
"You were ready for the attack, that first Avada would have killed most people," Harry bit his lip before smiling at Marcus. "I am glad you are safe,"
"I'm glad you are too," Harry smiled happily at the sentiment from the Slytherin, but he was a little confused at the undertone.
Uncomfortable. Tense. Icy. Awkward.
That about summed up the atmosphere currently in the carriage. Ron was sitting glaring at Marcus from the corner of the carriage he had stashed himself in.
Harry was sitting next to Marcus where the Slytherin had just walked in and plonked himself down next to him. And next to Marcus was Adrian Pucey and Blaise Zabini, both looking more blank than a cleaned blackboard.
Hermione was sitting opposite Harry, trying to look welcoming, but obviously not really sure that the Slytherins would even acknowledge her, and so she was hiding behind her book, also shooting worried looks at Harry when she thought he wouldn't notice. Which he did, as did Marcus.
Neville was looking like a mouse cornered by a cat but was trying to smile and have a conversation with a strange but lovely girl Luna, who had walked in and just sat down with them.
And Harry was about to bash his head against the carriage window if something didn't change soon.
Sirius had disappeared who knew where once Harry had been dismissed from the Hospital Wing with a tight hug and promise to see him soon. Marcus had disappeared into the Slytherin mass, and Harry had barely seen him since leaving the Wing. He had been having a lot of intent discussions and was constantly surrounded by Slytherins. Harry had not wanted to risk getting him into more trouble or face the abuse of trying to speak to the older teen, and Marcus had not approached him.
He and Ron had barely been on proper speaking terms since the whole accusation of him putting his name in the Goblet, but honestly if a Slytherin he didn't really know knew him well enough to know he wouldn't have put his name in, surely his best friend should have.
"Granger!" Marcus suddenly barked breaking the silence in the carriage.
"Yes! I'm here!" Hermione squeaked jumping nearly a foot into the air.
"Is that Junsung's Theory of Defence Curses and Hexes?" He asked.
"Yes!" Hermione nodded frantically.
"Have you got to Chapter 14 yet?"
"On the Theory of using physical as well as magical means during a duel, yes," Hermione narrowed her eyes.
"What did you think of it? I found it quite intriguing," Marcus grunted. Harry pressed his fingers to his lips and leant a little further into the Slytherin in thanks as he realised Marcus was making the effort to have a conversation with Hermione.
Hermione seemed to click onto this as well, and after a little hesitant start, she and Marcus were talking quite animatedly about the subject. Adrian joined in after a little while as well, and the three of them seemed to be quite enjoying himself.
"Have you any plans for the summer Nev?" Harry asked softly.
"I am going to be planting a new greenhouse actually, my Grandmother and uncle chipped in together as an early birthday present. So I will be busy getting it set up and secure before the start of the new year," Neville smiled brightly.
"Actually Longbottom there was a question on the herbology homework that I wanted to ask you about," Blaise fished the work out his bag and started going over one of the questions with Neville, who seemed quite pleased and as normal quite enthusiastically explained the herbology answer.
"...more than free to owl me if you want to ask anything else over the summer," Neville had just finished saying to Blaise when the door to their carriage slammed open and a smug looking Draco stood there. Though he did waver a little at the sight of three from his own house sitting there.
"Say one word Malfoy and I will hex your arse off," Marcus growled.
"You can't speak to me like that you traitor I will..."
Everyone blinked when Draco bounced into the carriage opposite them before sliding down as he also turned a lurid pink, green and purple colour.
Marcus turned open-mouthed to see Harry waving his wand to close the door before casually tucking his wand back away and settled into the seat again.
"Harry..." Marcus said slowly.
"Is anyone else getting hungry?" Harry chirped.
Marcus covered his mouth as a wide smile of amusement crossed his lips, Adrian and Blaise were staring a little stunned at Harry. Hermione snickered and dug into her bag to start pulling out the food that the House elves had made for them.
Harry smiled a little sadly and waved at his friends before he turned and walked over to where the Dursleys were standing waiting for him. They were looking as thunderous as Hermione...and Harry had feared. As expected they clearly had not forgotten the ton-tongue toffee incident. He was definitely going to be feeling that one.
"Hurry up boy!" Vernon snapped as Harry reached them, the three of them turning and stomping towards the exit, shoving their way through the crowds, leaving Harry to hurry after them.
He felt a small thrum of panic at the look that Dudley shot him. This summer was not going to be pleasant. The only thing he reckoned that was going to get him through was that he reckoned Marcus would write to them through the summer along with his other friends. Though he was a little worried about where Marcus was planning on going. Whenever Harry had brought it up he had avoided the subject. And he did not want to push him on such a delicate subject.
He grimaced to himself as Vernon slammed someone out of the way as they exited the train station and made their way to where the Dursleys were parked.
"Put your things into the boot Freak, you will be scrubbing out every inch of it to get your freakishness out of my car!" Vernon snapped as they reached the vehicle.
All four of them started, Dudley squealing, when a fist slammed hard enough into the side of the car that it caused a dent. Turning around Harry stared wide-eyed at Marcus who was looking furious. Vernon looked up at the taller man, looking totally lost and stunned at the teenager towered over him.
"You dare speak to him like that?!" Marcus snarled.
"Marcus it's fine, it's ok, you have scared them, they will behave now!" Harry tried soothing the other as he noted how murderous exactly Marcus was looking.
"Yes, we will not speak to him like that the whole time, and we will not touch him, he will be fine safe ok!" Petunia nodded quickly.
"Oh I know he will be fine," Marcus growled. "Get into the car Harry," He ordered.
Confused Harry did what he was bid, and then quickly scrambled further over when Marcus started getting into the car as well. "Marcus?"
"What do you think you are doing?!" Vernon looked like he was about to have a heart attack.
"You will very kindly be putting me up this summer, at least until it is time for Harry and I to leave. Now, get into the car and drive," Marcus ordered.
"Marcus what are you doing?!" Harry hissed.
"I had a chat with Granger after our talk in the Hospital Wing, she said in not so many words that you had to go back to their home for the wards and because of ... Voldemort. But if you think that I am letting you go with these pigs alone, you are very much mistaken. And it sorts out the issue of where I can stay over the summer," Marcus smirked as he got comfortable and slammed the car door shut.
The Dursleys were standing outside the car and looked as though they would rather be anywhere else right now, including in the middle of a volcano.
"Marcus... You can't..." Harry stopped when Marcus reached out and gripped his chin gently.
"Do not tell me what I can and can't do Harry. I will not let you go alone with these animals, I will be staying with you, I will be looking after you, and I will be making sure they don' so much as look at you wrong," Marcus grit out.
"Ok," Harry said softly.
"Good," Marcus smiled a little. "Now get into the car and drive!" He snapped at the Dursleys.
"I...I will n...not be s...s...spoken to like that b...by..."
"B..b..b..by what?" Marcus sneered stepping out of the car and backing the fat man against the side of it. "Listen to me Muggle because I will say this only once. Harry needs to stay with you to be safe, I will be staying with him to keep him safe from you. You are going to get into the car, drive us to your house, and then you will do everything that I say. I am 17, and going from that look in your eyes you know that means that I can do magic. I have tortured muggles before, and I know spells that would make sure you will be scared to close your eyes for the rest of your miserable, little, pathetic lives. Do we have an understanding?"
"Y...y...y...y...y...y...e...e...e...s...s...s...yes," Vernon stammered, his whole body trembling.
"Wonderful," Marcus slipped back into the car. "Oh, yes, and the blonde pig will make his own way home, I will not share close quarters with him. I do not care what the horse does," He said before shutting the door behind himself again.
Harry stared completely stunned at the Slytherin, unable to believe what was happening. Vernon, Dudley and Petunia looked as though they did not know whether to be angry, furious, cry, scream or wet themselves.
"Marcus..." He said quietly, watching as Petunia and Dudley practically ran back to the train station, and Vernon seemed to be trying to force his feet to move to get into the car as he had been ordered.
"Yes?" Marcus turned chocolate brown eyes back onto him.
"Thank you,"
"You have nothing to thank me for," Marcus smiled just a little at him, but it made everything in Harry relax. He would not be alone this summer.