With permission from Thayerblue1, I am going to do a reading/watching of Naruto : Tornado of Souls.

You all maybe wondering ' Danial, why so late ?'

Well, it's simple, currently my University's terminal exams are near and I am working on an animation which will be on YouTube. By what name, well that is undecided. For now.

There will be some OC pairing in this, namely Kakashi x Shizune ( Of Pugs and Pigs )

Key :-

Thayerblue1's story in bold.

Readers/ Watcher's speech and actions in plain.

Thoughts of said readers/watchers in italics

Naruto was having a good time. It had been roughly a year since the Toneri incident and life had never been more peaceful. He proposed to Hinata six months after their first kiss and got married soon after. Currently, he was on his way back to his new house which he bought.

He smiled as he entered the lawn of his new house. He couldn't believe that he had reached this point. Since his childhood, he always had dreamed about having a family, but his condition at that point in life was plain awful. But he never let his spirits fall low. His wife, Uzumaki Hinata, had confessed to him during Pein's invasion on Konoha. And truth be told, he never felt more loved at that point than all his life.

" Hey, Hina, I'm back." Naruto yelled as he opened the front door of his house. Since he got no response from her, he began to search the house for her. He found her sitting on their bed.

And there stood his wife in all her glory, Uzumaki Hinata, her long dark blue hair reaching down her waist. Her beautiful Byakugan eyes staring deeply in his cerulean blue. " Naruto-kun, I took a test today."

Naruto tilted his head, what test was she talking about.

Seeing his confusion, she clarified more, " The pregnancy test."

With that his eyes widened. He always dreamed about being a father and giving his child the childhood he never had. " And ?"

Hinata smiled the same smile that made him weak in the knees, knowing that she chose him, " I'm pregnant." She had barely gotten the words out of her mouth when she was enveloped into a big hug. She gently patted his back when she felt something wet on her shoulder. She realized that Naruto was crying.

" Thank you." He spoke gently.

He repeated those words over and over again. After getting off her shoulder, he looked at her eyes and slowly brought his lips closer to hers, as she was doing the same to him.

Gently their lips touched and they were connected once again.

And with flash of white light, they vanished.

Kakashi sighed as he finished another stack of paperwork. They just wouldn't stop spawning. He would literally burn them to ashes but he understood that that wouldn't work. He had tried once and that failed. On that day he learned that paperwork was stronger Will of Fire than he had. He got up from his desk as the door opened and his wife, Hatake Shizune, came in.

After the war, Kakashi had gone to a bar along with every other Jonin who had taken part in the Fourth Ninja War and had gotten drunk, well who wouldn't after fighting a man on par with the Shodaime, a Primordial beast known as the Juubi and a Goddess. Not to mention that the whole thing was orchestrated by his supposed dead friend, Obito, even though he reformed in the end.

And since Shizune had experience with dealing with drunk people, cough Tsunade cough, she had to help him back to his house. And on the way he spoke his mind, and Shizune blushed, since all his thoughts compromised of her being beautiful. And so to speak, after he sobered up, they had gone on a date, where she was the first person to see his face after who knows how many years.

Well any way, back to the topic at hand. His wife came in, carrying a large stack of paperwork, " Oh come on." He cried comically.

" Now now, don't fret dear husband, this is the final stack, and you can rest easily." She told him setting the huge paperwork down.

" But I barely spend time with you anymore." He whined.

Shizune blushed. There was it again. Kakashi somehow always said things unknowingly sweet. " If you work quickly, you will get a present." She hinted and gave him some motivation.

Kakashi's eyes glinted as his hands began to move at phenomenal speed and with a flash both of them disappeared in a flash of white.

Team RWBY and JNPR were having a day off. It had been a few weeks since the Grimm attack on Beacon. Their efforts were well paid when Ozpin announced that they had a week off.

Blake was doing her usual, sitting in a corner and reading her ' Ninjas of Love', while Ruby was reading a magazine about weapons, being the nerd she was.

Yang, on the other hand, was checking some movies she had rented, with all of them being safe for Ruby.

" How about that one." Weiss commented.

" Already seen that one, not interesting." Yang replied. Truth be told, it was good, so was the actor, but it had the theme not suited for her baby sister.

Weiss got the hint and let it slide.

In JNPR dorm room, Pyrrah was deciding on what to train Jaune in. Jaune was reading his collection of comics while Nora was busy eating pancakes. Ren was sitting in the corner, wondering if there was anyone sane left in the world.

In a flash of white, they all disappeared.

In a room, a figure sat alone. His messy long hair was black, reaching the top of his shoulders. His dark brown eyes were calculating and calm. He wore a black jacket, cause he was fucking shivering. He stood up and turned off the air conditioner someone had left open. Yep, there would be hell to pay for whoever did that.

His plan was going perfectly, he was going to bring some people to his personal dimension.

" Honey, when are you going to leave that basement ?" His mom yelled. " Your dinner is getting cold."

He sighed, losing his aura of mystery.

" Just a few hours mom, I am doing something very important." He replied.

" Well, you better not do something you did to our neighbor. He still screams whenever he sees me or you." With that she left.

Serves that bastard right. Perving on his mom and having the gall to ask him to force his father into divorce with her.

With a flash of white light, he left this dimension and entered his own. There twelve people were present, confused.

Naruto was the first to speak. " Hey, where the hell are we, -ttebayo ?" He internally slapped himself for his verbal tick. He had worked so hard to stop that habit.

"Please remain calm, my name is Danial, please introduce yourself to others." Danial replied calmly. And with that he disappeared.

Naruto looked the other, from Remnant obviously, before speaking. " Hey, my name is Uzumaki Naruto, and this is my wife Uzumaki Hinata." He proclaimed as he hugged his wife and brought her closer, who gave a small eep.

" Wait, your married ?" Weiss asked. When Naruto nodded, she continued, " How could you be that idiotic ? Do you even care about your future education ?"

She would have continued on if Yang hadn't interfered, " My name's Yang, Yang Xio Long and this is my little sister Ruby Rose." She eyed him, sad he was taken. Feeling the looks the blonde girl was giving her husband, she gripped him harder.

" Blake Belladonna." The cat-eared faunas spoke.

Grumbling that Yang had cut her off, Weiss told her name.

" Hatake Kakashi, Rokudaime Hokage of Konoha. And this is my beloved wife Shizune." Shizune blushed again as he said his mind again. She now had the feeling that he was a bit drunk.

" My name is Lie Ren, and whatever you do, don't give Nora sugar."

" But Ren.." Nora whined.

" My name is Jaune Arc, this is Pyrrah Nikos." Jaune introduced himself.

Naruto noticed something and laughed.

" What's funny ?" Yang inquired. If it made him laugh just from seeing Jaune, she was willing to know about it.

" Well, they sort of remind me of my parents." Soon Kakashi too began to laugh, causing Jaune to get a little confused.

" Come on, tell us already."

" Well, my mother had beautiful red hair." At this Pyrrah blushed. " And she told me that when she first met dad, she thought that he was lanky."

At this Jaune blushed with embarrassment, remembering that at first, he wasn't physically fit to be a Hunter.

"At least he ain't weak now." Nora told them.

That got Naruto's attention, they all seemed to train, and Pyrrah seemed to be stronger than the rest.

Kakashi also seemed to get the same point and he asked them. When they told him that they were hunters and their future profession, he smiled, " Well, at least you guys get a childhood."

This made them confused, what did he mean by that. Seeing their confusion, he told them. " Well, we are ninjas."

Cue a squeal from Ruby.

" And our profession starts when we are twelve."

This shocked everyone. " That's barbaric." Weiss spoke. " You mean to say that you actually make children, who are barely teenagers, soldiers."

Kakashi gained a thoughtful expression. " Well, not all." This made every non-ninja sigh in relief, until he continued, " I graduated when I was five, Itachi Uchiha graduated when he was seven. You get the point."

Cue silence, " Yang." Well, it was bound to be broken sometime.

" What about your parents, didn't they say anything, on you becoming a ninja at such a young age ! What type of awful parent would allow that !"

Every Remnant dweller knew that she fucked up. One simply does not say that about parents.

Every ninja gained a steely look as they glared at Weiss, even Hinata. Kakashi calmed himself down. " My mother died in child birth while my father committed suicide when I was five. The reason, he saved his comrades rather than complete the mission, making other ninja get humiliate him for that."

Everyone was quiet after that.

Naruto just kept quiet for a while before he spoke. " My parents died minutes after I was born, protecting me from an attack. They were ninjas and I will do them proud by being the greatest ninja ever." He spoke with emotion. Hinata grabbed his arm and kissed his cheek.

Ruby could relate with him, since her mother was declared KIA when she was very young.

" I see that the introductions are over." Danial stated as he reappeared. " Well, my initial phase is complete, so let's move on to phase 2." With that he conjured a book out of nowhere. Blake and Shizune perked up, the former since it was her hobby to read, and the later since when she was traveling with Tsunade, she needed something to pass time.

Naruto got a hold of the book and read the title " Naruto : Tornado of Souls". " Wait, why's my name on it."

" Well, it is, in a manner, about an alternate you." Danial said, before he grinned, " Well, who'll read first ?" And in an instant Blake raised her hand.

" Chapter 1…" She spoke before a cinema screen appeared.

" Oh yeah, whatever will be read will appear on the screen as well. Like a movie of sorts." Danial spoke before he vanished.

How was that for a start ? I know that I have been taking a lot of time but c'mon, I have my exams, which will help me in my career. On the upside, I got a new ship name for Kakashi and Shizune, which has become one of my favorite pairs, right behind NaruHina and MinaKushi.

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