You guys, I owe you all an apology...I shouldn't have waited so long to update... You probably don't want to hear excuses, but to be honest, school has been quite overwhelming recently. I took the TSIA exam to begin dual credit classes at my community college, and I've been working on details for that; also, I've been doing paperwork for my upcoming trip to Washington D.C., as well as beginning drivers ed. HOWEVER- I should have made time for this. Now, at last, I can sit down and finish a chapter- I hurt my leg and can't really walk much without pain, so I'm stuck sitting.



wolf-that-is-dark:, find out what happens!

Dimensional Phaser: Okay! Thanks for your input!

theblueswordsman: I will write a sequel! I'll definitely try to be more diligent about getting chapters out. This should be the last one.

HarryPotterTheBallerina: Yes...poor Robin...*chuckles evilly*

KiSierra:'s your long-awaited chapter...

deloreansareawesome69: :D

Loftcat27: Thanks!

Guest #1: Alrighty! I will give you a sequel!

el: It is hard to find good TT fics sometimes. Let your friend know I said thanks! And I promise I'll do better when it comes to updating.

vi: Thanks!

vi: Here's your update. Yes...what happened to Robin...

HarleeT: Thanks for your support! I will definitely write a sequel.

Flora: Thank you! ;D

Stacey: Awww, thanks! Here's a chapter!

Xnia Red: Thanks!

Steve: Thank you! :D

H.K.: Well somebody's picky. I'm sorry you have so many problems with the characterization.

TheTeenWonder: I'm glad you enjoy it!

Jenny: Thank you very much.

vi: Lol, here's your chapter. Thank you!

Guest #2: I'll write one :D

vi: OKAY OKAY. I'm sorry for not updating...

Dossypet: You are right about that. Though I probably didn't actually kill him...or did I

vi: I'm SO SORRY for not reviewing...your last two reviews have been very encouraging and gave me the inspiration to finish this last chapter. I appreciate how you're reminding me without being rude; that's definitely helpful.

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans, Batman, JLA, or a car. I want a car.

Chapter Nine


The Flash sped towards Titans Tower, cradling Robin in his arms. The other Titans and Justice League members were also on their way, but it had been unanimously decided that Robin should be rushed to the Tower's med bay. After Raven had called attention to the Boy Wonder's state, she had been able to use her magic to place Robin in a sort of stasis….thing….. to keep him alive. Barry wasn't sure exactly how that worked, but as long as it kept the boy in his arms from dying, he was fine with it.

Like most of the Justice League, Barry held a certain fondness for Robin. As the first and youngest sidekick (and later partner), the Boy Wonder had inspired several other heroes to follow Batman's example- Green Arrow and Flash himself among them. Though eventually, their young partners left, in an effort to make names for themselves. Of course, Robin had little trouble with that, and within weeks of leaving Batman, was leading his own team.

It was ingenious what Robin had done with the Titans; the group had expanded worldwide. And now, every member was counting on their leader's recovery. Without Robin, the Titans wouldn't last. There was no one with his leadership skills; no one capable of pulling thirty diverse heroes into a team. The organization would dissolve, and their enemies could pick them off one by one. But if Barry and any of the League members had any say in the matter, there was no way any of that would happen. Robin would live; he would recover from his time with the Brotherhood.

The Tower was in sight now; Barry tightened his grip on Robin and skimmed over the water, setting foot on the island and moving towards the door. The Titans headquarters was eerily silent, but evidently the security recognized him as the Flash, because no alarms went off.

Raven was waiting in the medbay, apparently teleportation was also one of her powers. She greeted him coolly, then turned her attention to Robin. "Lay him down," she ordered. "I can heal some of his injuries, but we need him stable first."


The sight of the Titans and Justice League entering Titans Tower was a new one for the citizens of Jump City. First, the T-ship arrived, containing Cyborg, Speedy, and several of the honorary Titans. Then, a few moments later, the Batplane followed, and just behind it, figures began to descend from the sky. The original Titans, and essentially any hero with the power of flight, helped carry those without. Eventually, Titans Tower was filled with almost forty heroes.

Cyborg naturally adopted leadership of the bunch. After all, it was his tower. And his computers. Also his TV, sofa, kitchen, and garage. Heck, he was the flippin' second in command. Sure, Bruce Wayne paid for the place, but the Titans all knew leadership went to Robin, and ownership of the tower and everything in it went to Cyborg.

The Titans gathered in the main room, piled on whatever furniture they could find. Starfire was sobbing her heart out on the sofa, being consoled by a gentle Bumblebee, Melvin, and Mas and Menos, who simply sat with the alien girl, listening to her rant in Tameranian. Some of the boys were playing Mega Monkeys 4, including an incredibly overzealous Damian, who screamed threats at the console and at his opponent, Beast Boy. The changeling seemed halfhearted, but plastered on a fake smile as he crushed the mini-Robin like a bug.

Hours passed, with the Justice League members, Cyborg, and Raven still in the medbay. When they finally emerged, they all looked utterly exhausted. Immediately, the entire room went silent, the annoying, repetitive theme music to Mega Monkeys Four playing on loop in the background as both Damian and Beast Boy abandoned their game.

A few moments passed, then a voice broke the silence.

"Is... Is Robin okay?" Starfire asked timidly.

Raven smiled fondly, the expression looking unfamiliar on her grey features. "Yeah, Star. His injuries are severe, but he'll live. He's sleeping now."

Jericho moved forward silently from behind Star and glanced questioningly at the Dark Knight. His eyes widened as he signed a question. 'What about the injection that Slade used?'

If it was even possible, Batman looked even more grim than before. "When I found Robin, Slade followed me. We fought, but I was caught by surprise and temporarily immobilized. Slade took down Jericho, then used Robin as leverage to keep me from attacking. However, instead of attempting to take Robin then and there, Slade injected him with a syringe full of clear liquid."

" we know what it is?" Beast Boy asked.

The caped crusader shook his head. "No. At least, not for sure. The blood tests and Cyborg's scanners came up blank."

"That doesn't mean anything, though," Cyborg pointed out. "When Robin was infected by the hallucinogens, we never detected anything in his bloodstream..." He paused. "Oh. you think..."

"Slade claimed that the injection would make the next few days miserable for Robin. That's all he said," Batman relayed. "It could be similar to the dust from before."

"We didn't detect the dust then because it wasn't in his bloodstream," Raven murmured, following. "It was in his central nervous system already. We were able to counteract it in time, but it was almost too late."

"So, whatever Slade used is in Robin's system, but not necessarily in his bloodstream." Beast Boy sounded awed. "How did the guy pull that off?"

"He injected it straight into Robin's spinal cord," Cyborg realized. "Which means..." He paused, and suddenly went pale. "It will affect not only all the sensory nerves, but the motor nerves in his entire body!"

"And that means...?" Beast Boy questioned, sounding confused.

"Sensory nerves send signals to the brain," Cyborg explained. "They're responsible for everything we see, hear, feel, and sense in general. Motor nerves control movement. The hallucinogen Robin was infected with before only affected his senses, but that was when he inhaled it. If this drug is similar or more advanced..." He paled. "I need to get to the medbay now."

Suddenly a high-pitched, screeching alarm went off, and the lights flickered and bathed the entire tower in eerie red light. Out of habit, Starfire and Beast Boy dropped into fighting stances, the latter transforming into a snake and coiling up on the floor. Melvin, Timmy and Teether shrieked and hid behind Bobby.

"That's the alarm for an intruder!" Raven exclaimed, her usual monotone rising to a shout in an effort to be heard over the chaos.

Suddenly a gunshot rang out, and a single bullet was fired. As though time had slowed down, Raven sensed the bullet heading for Batman, spinning and glinting red in the dim light. At the same instant, she recognized the bullet's source- a single Sladebot, still holding its raised gun. But there was no time to take down the attacker. Using her powers, Raven formed a shield of dark energy in the middle of the room, intercepting the bullet before it could meet its target. Calmly acknowledging the Dark Knight's nod of thanks, Raven pointed towards where the Sladebot stood- but it was already gone, sprinting off through the halls.

"It's Slade!" She shouted.


"Cyborg, turn the damn alarm off!" She snapped.

Within a few seconds the noise stopped, and silence fell. Cyborg turned and looked questioningly at Raven. "What was that?"

She glared at him. "It's Slade. He's in the tower."

Black surrounded him. It felt like he was floating, merely drifting aimlessly through a cloud of...nothingness. He couldn't see. He couldn't hear. There was just...nothing.

The silence and blackness seemed to engulf him for what felt like ages. To him, however, it was the first moment he had achieved true rest. The darkness wasn't cold, but warm and inviting.

He liked the dark. It brought with it an ironic sense of security.

A voice echoed through the darkness, splitting through the silence like a knife through a plastic bag. "Robin."

He didn't know this voice. Nor did he know who Robin was. A vague thought-perhaps a memory- flitted to the forefront of his mind; a tiny, grey-and-orange bird, chirping happily.

" Richard."

This sparked another memory. Of two kind faces, creased with smiles and peering down at him; a man and a woman who looked vaguely familiar... an inexplicable feeling of sadness washed over him at the sight. Then the image changed, to a different figure; tall and dark-haired and smiling hesitantly. His form seemed to shimmer, flickering every now and then to that of a cloaked figure with a horned cowl. He heard the man's voice, and remembered.




But the voice beckoning to him now was not that voice. It was deeper; smoother, with a note of menace hidden behind the cold exterior.

"Wake up, boy. You're not finished yet."

And in one terrible moment, he remembered. Everything, from his childhood, to being Robin, to starting the Titans, to fighting Slade, to his capture by the Brotherhood of Evil. He remembered pain, and felt it weigh his limbs down as the darkness around him began to dissipate.

And then a hand seized him roughly by the arm, and pain flashed through his entire right side. "Robin. Wake up."

A whine escaped his throat- the only protest he could manage. He was suddenly aware of an unbearably loud siren wailing- no, it was an alarm. Specifically, it was the Titans' Tower alarm, alerting the building's inhabitants that an intruder was there. Some instinct deep within him made him stiffen up, fingers clenching -or at least, trying to clench- into fists. The movement sent another jolt of pain through his hands.

That was enough to wake him fully.

Dick woke with a start, lashing out subconsciously towards the person grabbing his arm. However, the movement only caused pain, which radiated out from his shoulder and fingers. He opened his eyes, only to see the two-tone mask of Slade.

A terrified scream erupted from his throat as he struggled weakly in the man's grip. However, even as the alarm stopped, his cries went unheard by anyone except for Slade. The man studied him calmly, and for a moment, Robin froze.

Two masked blue eyes met the single grey one. Neither of them moved.

Then Slade chuckled softly. "Robin. It's been a long time."

Footsteps became barely audible through the medbay door

"What do you want?" The Boy Wonder demanded fearfully.

"What I've always wanted."

So... yeah. Cliffhangers. And... that is the end of this story- BUT I will be posting a sequel very soon. It should pick up where this one left off. It will be called 'Titans Together: Caught.'

Make sure to leave a review on this, the last chapter!

Elena out!