close the door and wonder
just how we could ponder
the life of another
from the land up and under
"Did you hear?"
"No, no. I did not. What is it? What is it?"
"They've caught something— a creature. It's ship landed by the grooves. Now they've taken it prisoner."
"Hehehe. What a foolish creature."
"Yes, yes. But it seems they've put quite a lot of effort keeping her there."
"Yes, the she-beast is now a common talk among scouts. They're even thinking of putting her on display."
"Hehehe. Where?"
"In the Collection of course."
"Perhaps we should satisfy our curiosity, then?"
"Ha. I agree."
A week.
It had been a week since the incident.
Gaz had no plans staying in this filthy planet any longer but the sheer thought of her broken down ship as well as her stolen gear were making the task of getting the hell out of here quite difficult. She couldn't even begin to think how she loathed the natives though.
But first of all, her containment cell was crap.
It was just a white box that seemed to present itself as a hospital room without any furniture, all boring and very much just a place to be useless in. What separated her from the outside world was a rather thick clear wall that beeped unfamiliar characters on its screen-like surface whenever she tried to do anything too 'forceful'. And whenever it did beeped out an alarm, the strange looking guards would come out to restrain her.
The first time she awoke in her cell, she felt rather odd.
Her usual strength to carry herself was gone and was then replaced by the limpness of her body. Gaz, at that time, knew nothing. The last time she was conscious was before she crashed— right after she lost contact with her brother. What followed soon after her realization that she was in fact in an unfamiliar place and was probably being held prisoner was chaos.
She had thrown a fit despite her weakened state and even managed to destroy some kind of ventilation machine at the same time, injure two or three guards in the process.
Yep, all hell broke loose just to get her to calm down.
The strange creatures that were native to that planet barked out sounds that sounded like orders at each other, demanding someone to do something about the flailing dangerous female that was destroying its containment cell.
Everything was going great until someone actually did find a way to constrain her. And it was through a specialized drug that the creatures managed to inject on her that did the trick.
With the days that followed, Gaz woke up to a now empty cell. It was a space specifically made for viewing her, observing her every action and behavior in various tests. Everything was left empty, save for a small room that would open it's doors and she would be greeted with what looked like a bathroom.
But to say the least, Gaz was not fine.
She needed to get out of here— out of this cell in whatever facility this was on this god forsaken planet.
It was on the eight day that she learned the planet's name.
"Subject F-313, can you understand what I am saying now?" She glared at the being. "Yes."
"Good." It said, pressing down buttons that adjusted the seat Gaz was currently strapped on. "It is good that we can communicate now. I was starting to think you were too barbaric to be tested on. Fortunately, I was able to make sense of the irratic sounds you would often make and identified the language from planet 11-44029-vir 0015."
"Yeah, I'm not the barbaric one here."
The green being who wore goggles and reenforced gloves turned it's head to her, antennas flicking up as well.
"On the contrary, F-313, it was you that behaved quite violently upon consiousness. We were simply trying to figure out what to do with a creature like you crashing to our planet."
Gaz scoffed.
"Locking up and caging said creature would've given that obvious result. And whose fault do you think it is treating me like an animal?"
The creature did not respond, instead, removed it's goggles to look at her directly.
Gaz stared at the bright blue irises in front of her, expression to her usual intimidating one. Her amber gaze was directed at the alien as well, pretty much scowlling at it for not giving her a response.
The alien, after a few seconds of looking at her, switched on the mahine that was connected on the thing she was strapped on as it hummed to life. Pink light came from one of it's appendages and started a scan on her face.
"You are a very strange creature, very different from the others." It said.
The machine made a noise and started to produce the results. Paper let out from it's printer-like device as the unknown characters appeared on every page.
"Very feeble from the others, soft- seeming to have no defence at all but flailing your limbs."
It was reading the papers now, eyes focused on the results, scanning every detail. One of it's three fingers tapped on the railings of her chair and Gaz could only look at it in confusion as the alien submerged itself on the information before it.
"Yet..." It said quietly to itself, eyes rereading what was in the paper again and again. "-dare I say... very intelligent."
Gaz said nothing as its hand went to stroke its antenae in utter astonishment. Upon landing on the last few lines, it's eyes grew big and it's jaws almost dropped.
"What on Irk..."
Gaz smirked, finding it's reaction a bit entertaining but nonetheless retained her usual indifference. One thing came to mind though.
So she was on planet Irk.
To be continued...