She didn't know he watched her through the window. He was cleverer than that. Terms of decency didn't really apply to him anymore, everyone knew he was crazy and insane; no one would be surprised if slight stalker-ish tendencies were present as well. And he certainly didn't care, so yes, he watched her.
He watched as she sat underneath the trees, reading a new book every time. He'd say he watched her to make sure she didn't try to sneak away, but in all honesty (never his strong suit) watching her calmed him. When the stress piled high, his thoughts going so fast and to so many dark, hopeless places that even spinning couldn't stop them, for some reason watching her- so peaceful, so content- he instantly was able to get the inner storm to settle. He was able to think clearer, better. Sometimes, it only took a moment's look, other times he just sat at the window for hours. He watched her take small strolls, tend to or pick occasional flowers and make friends with the rare few creatures still brave enough to hang around the castle grounds.
This continued on for who knows how long until one day, as he watched her smile and laugh when a blue-jay landed on her finger, he was caught.
Her magnificent blue eyes turned up to his window and found his. He froze, uncertain of what to do, held his breath and waited. But he should have known, she always surprised him.
He saw her laugh, eyes twinkling. She raised a hand and waved up at him. He uncertainly raised his own and wiggled his fingers slightly in response. He saw her mouth move, saying something to him. He waved his hand before him and the window opened.
"Come again, dearie?"
She cupped her hands and called to him in a happy tone, "I said, come out here and join me!"
He merely stared at her for a few seconds. Finally, he made a sour face.
"But the sun…"
She snorted and rolled her eyes. "There is such a thing as shade, Rumple. But you can always bring an umbrella if you'd like!"
He felt himself give a small smile and snapped his fingers. She only jumped a little when he appeared beside her.
"I'll pass on that one, dearie. I can pull off many things, but a pretty parasol is not one of them."
His head cleared and heart swelled at the warm laugh she gave. She came up ad linked her arm with his.
"Well then, how about a walk in the nice, shady woods?"
He pretended to consider it, then shrugged, giggling softly.
"If you insist. Lead the way, dearie."
Avoiding the sun was soon to be the least amount of problems he would have. Because even the sun's glorious light paled in comparison with the dazzling smile she gave him.