Hi guys,

So, just for a bit of a life update, I mentioned last time that I lost someone to COVID-19, and just a few days ago my aunt got it too. She's a nurse, so my family was kind of expecting it, but I'm still really afraid for her because she is someone I am really close too.

This is also not the only story I'm writing right now. I have another one that I am actually really passionate about and that I am putting a lot of work into, and I very much enjoy writing. This one is, however, one that I started writing over two years ago, and when I started writing I didn't anticipate how long it was going to be. (This story is almost 80,000 words, which is the length of a small novel, and I'm not even halfway through the book)

So, due to all of this, I will be putting this story on HIATUS. If there are other people who want to continue this on there own, I'll give you full permission to write new chapters and I will make another note in this that will connect this story to those, but you do have to contact me before you do. I will not be giving up the rights to what I have already written though.

I will probably continue this, but if I do it will probably just be a chapter here and there, not constant updates as I have been doing in the past.

I am very thankful to everyone who has read and supported my story up until this point. You guys really do mean a lot to me. Knowing that something that I have put many, many hours of my life into is being received so positively has been very rewarding


P.S: I know you have probably heard this hundreds of times, but please, for the sake of everyone who is at risk during this pandemic, take the extra precautions that the government has laid out. Try to social distance as much as possible and wear a mask in public settings. COVID-19 might not directly effect you, but there are a lot of people like my uncle who was at high risk and my aunt who risks her life everyday for people who have fallen ill. There are also millions people like me and probably most of the people reading this, who might not be at high risk, but who know many people who are