Life 1-1.

Kuoh Town

As usual, the late evening sky was dark as a crow, stretching out for infinity. There was no way to describe it, other than empty, dark and no ending.

For the brown haired teenager, who spends his time sleeping during the day, this was the usual sky he had to live under. Where everything was empty and pathetic, which he called life. The only part of his life that seemed to be lively, was when his parents were killed by the legendary evil dragon Crom Cruach. For the reasons of the murder was unknown, by this time Issei Hyoudou was able to defeat Crom Cruach and claim his victory.

And it was all thanks to Great Red, who he considered his best friend and mentor. But even after the swift sweet revenge and victory, Issei felt empty inside as Great Red's quote echoed through his head.


"After you have defeated the evil dragon, what will you do afterwards?"


The Dragon of Dreams was right from the beginning. Once he had defeated Crom Cruach and burned the evil dragon's soul, he had nothing left to do and was clueless on how he should live his life as the Red Dragon Emperor. Having Ddraig alongside him and having the body of Great Red, he could now live eternal life but was it really needed? What point is there to live if you're not going to live for revenge? Or perhaps, was the brown-haired boy too addicted to revenge?

In truth, there were many things the brown-haired Sekiryuutei could do to ease his selfish boredom. He could start attending school and live a normal life, or he could join a powerful faction and fight strong enemies to ease his boredom. Or he could decide to fly alongside Great Red for eternity in the dimensional gap, or maybe, find the White Dragon Emperor and challenge him/her for a dual considering that is the Heavenly Dragon's destiny.

But the feeling wasn't mutual for the brown-haired Sekiryuutei, with the historical destiny of the two Heavenly Dragons. He enjoyed fighting, training, laughing, and learning, but it wasn't that itself that amused and interested him. All those times he had were all because of Great Red, who was besides him whenever he trained, told stories, told jokes, and fought with.

Issei, the Sekiryuutei of the current generation then came to a conclusion: He needed somebody just like him, as a friend or a lover.



Unknown Location

Somewhere in the world, the opposite dragon of the Sekiryuutei was watching the same lonely dark sky, laying on a field of burnt grass with her face painted with her own blood, that came out of her scalp. As the blood slowly flowed out, the pain was somehow gone as she stared at the black field of infinity that she called sky.

Mixed with both her and her grandfather's blood, her long dark grey hair was drenched in the arrogant blood of the Lucifer. The blood she hated so much of, as she was the only Lucifer that didn't inherit her great-grandfather's arrogance and pride.

Almost 15 feet away from her was a sleeping corpse with the same colored hair as the female Hakuryuukou, but the hair a lot shorter. His frozen mouth was awing widely with blood splattered all over it, with a pair of unblinking eyes indicating that he was murdered by the woman next to him. His grey devil-prince armor was entirely shattered, and his soul was long gone.

The Hakuryuukou, Valerina Lucifer was able to finally defeat his grandfather, the real son of Lucifer and the leader of the forming Qlippoth. She made sure to destroy every part within the old man, including his soul as she didn't want his companion to revive the old man using the Sephiroth Graal, one of the Longinus series that can revive anyone as long as they held a piece of their own soul.

The silver-haired White Dragon Empress slowly attempted to get back up to her feet, as blood flew out from every direction. This was the aftermath of using intensive amount of power from the Empireo Juggernaut Drive, in order to defeat Rizevim Livan Lucifer who held a sacred gear that could cancel other sacred gears, including the Longinus series.

The amount of damage she had received and the amount of power she had used disabled her ability to activate balance breaker, in order to heal her wounds. So she had to suck it up and walk away alone, without any help from anybody.

(I congratulate you for defeating the prince of brat, however I'm afraid that your body won't be able to last more than 12 hours. Unless a soul finds and treats your wounds, I'm afraid the only choice available to you is bidding your farewells.)

The Heavenly White Dragon, Albion's voice echoed from the grey-haired girl's back, where the Divine Dividing Longinus was placed.

"Yeah.. *cough* I can see that." said the grey-haired girl, knowing that it was all hopeless. She was ready to be sent to Hell after defeating Rizevim Livan Lucifer, but an anonymous thought kept her from lying there on the floor and allowed the blood to flow out.\


"Is it really worth it to just die right here, after defeating the source of my hatred? Isn't this supposed to be the time where I live a life filled with happiness and dream?"


The truth was, she didn't want to die. She didn't want to meet Rizevim in the afterlife or her father who was killed by her grandfather. Wanting to live a happy life filled with her desires, she clung to her life and walked forward. Valerina didn't know where to go or which direction to head towards, but she still went on forward as if there was something in front of her that she must reach.

The corpse behind her was left behind, as it slowly decayed to nature's favor.



6:00 AM, Kuoh Town

The brown-haired Sekiryuutei tried variety of things which includes hunting random stray devils, until he eventually landed on a job in a office. It was better than doing nothing inside his house, and he was running out of money to pay rent for the next few months. A regular person might wonder why the Red Dragon Emperor would ever need to have money, but for Issei, he wasn't interested in combat and conflicts without reason, specially when he had to deal it all by himself.

"Maybe I should get a girlfriend. That might help," spoke the brown haired boy, wearing his usual black business suit as he drove his car near Kuoh Academy. That was the Academy he was suppose to attend if everything hadn't gone to shit, with the appearance of Crom Cruach. Instead, he spent his teenage years training with Great Red in order to defeat the Legendary Evil Dragon.

In human years, Issei was 40 years old. Due to his body being made out of a dragon, he lived the eternal life of 50,000 years, which explains his very young face and body. Getting a job in the first place was hard due to his young appearance, but he eventually made it into the office using different methods. And using this method, he could also attend Kuoh Academy if he wished.

[Then you should've started with school, am I wrong?]

A voice echoed on Issei's backhand, which was the sound of his Boosted Gear's soul, Ddraig.

"Perhaps. But I'm not interested in devil girls, I'd rather date a human and never tell her of my true identity." he drove off as he replied to Ddraig, heading towards work as the students started to swarm the gates of Kuoh Academy. He wanted to enter the school in the first place, but couldn't due to the devils claiming their territory.

Because he didn't want to get involved with the devils, his house was far away on the edge of Kuoh Academy. There were small parts that the devils didn't claim, and he took advantage of that situation and knowledge.


But ironically, the drama he didn't want to get sucked into later became his main hobby.


The office building he had to reach was not in Kuoh town, instead it was located in a city outside of the town zone. And on his way there he had to go through a large forest, where destiny would strike his life.

Just as Issei was about to exit the forest, his nose picked up a scent of iron which very much belonged to a human. It was blood, and he smelled too much of it to the point where he knew the type of it as well.

Then Issei stopped the car, and got out of it to smell the blood with more efficiency. "Human blood...? But also a mixture of a devil's." The brown haired boy turned the keys to the car, pulling it out and shoved it inside his pockets. He started to walk towards where the scent of blood was coming from.

To his surprise, this scent was abnormal and something he never smelled. It was possible that it was a blood of a dragon, human, and a devil. It was almost like a joke, but it was possible that all three of it's kind was lying dead on the ground, like a clueless murder case.

But that didn't seem to be the case, as he got closer to the proper location. Issei scouted a grey-haired female with her body covered in scratches, some being major wounds from an obvious attack. Maybe a bear? But wouldn't a bear completely kill off the human, instead of just damaging them?

[Careful partner. I can sense the White One inside that woman.]

"What? Are you serious?!" exclaimed the brown-haired boy, as he grabbed and felt the girl's pulse. Luckily for him she was still breathing and alive, but she didn't have much time left before she would eventually die from running out of blood.

Even with the knowledge of his destiny with the White Dragon, Issei wasn't the type of person to leave an innocent human being to die. Besides, if he had to fight her one day, he wouldn't be interested and won't fight anyways. He then carefully picked up the grey haired girl, and used his dragon wings to fly faster to the car. Once he got there, he immediately dropped her on the back seat and proceeded to take her to the nearby hospital.

Fortunately, because they were near a city finding a hospital was easy and swift. In less than 10 minutes he was able to take her to the city hospital, and treat her wounds using human technology. Bringing the bleeding girl to the hospital by princess carrying her caused his attire to be covered in small stains of blood.

"I can't go to work with this... guess I'm calling off today, if they believe me that I just saved a person from near death." said the brown-haired boy as he washed his suit on water, only for the blood to be stained. He sighed as he walked out the bathroom, only wearing his white long sleeved shirt where the blood didn't majorly stain.

He carried the wet black tuxedo on his left arm as he walked out the bathroom, heading towards the exit to go to work regardless of his messed up attire. He didn't want to face the consequences of missing work, since he was already having problems with paying the high rent outside of the devil territory. And on his way to the exit, a nurse with a troubled face approached the brown-haired boy.

"Sir, were you the one who brought the bleeding woman?" asked the nurse, as she held a single document that wasn't visible to Issei.

"Uhm, yeah. I found her in a forest when I was driving to work, I'm not sure-"

"Her blood doesn't match with any of the existing bloods! Even an negative O type blood isn't compatible for her. Do you happen to know any of her relatives?"

Issei's eyes widened as he heard the nurse, having to forget that she was a half devil with the White Dragon inside of her. However, it was impossible for Issei to save her as well, since he wasn't a devil like her.

[If you want to save her, you might be able to. Your blood is also a half dragon, belonging to Great Red. His blood is divine and pure so it would make sense if it worked on any being that exists in this universe.]

The truth was, he didn't have any reason to save her. What if she wakes up and happens to be a battle maniac and tries to dual Issei? But because of Issei's leftover kindness, he sighed and decided to help out the girl. There was no real reason to, but it was better than leaving somebody to just die.

"No, I don't know any of her relatives. But please try using my blood, I'm willing to offer it."

When the nurse and Issei reached the room where the grey-haired girl was held at, he was surprised that she was still breathing despite all the blood loss. Devils were known to live extra longer during fatal bleeding, but he didn't know that they were this persistent in holding onto their life. Issei sat down on the chair next to the girl, as the doctors prepared a blood transfusion for the two dragons they thought human.

"He said he wants to try his blood. This might be our last option, sir." said the nurse, as the doctor in charge frowned at the brown-haired boy's view.

"I told you we need her relative! She only has a few minutes to live, this is urgent!" the doctor shouted as he pointed at the door, indicating the nurse to leave and immediately find her unnamed relative. But how could she find them if they had zero information on the patient? It was near impossible.

However, the nurse fought back to Issei's defense. Eventually the Red Dragon Emperor got tired of it, as he punched the wall behind him and crushed the white wall. He made sure he didn't punch too hard, as it made a respectable small crunch.

"Just do it already. Come on, I don't got much time. I have work to attend to."

His hand was made out of a dragon meat, but Issei had an ability to soften or harden a piece of his skin. As he punched the wall he softened his skin to become those like a human's, so it started bleeding from the knuckled after he punched the wall behind him.

Reaching his fist towards the doctor, he indicated him to draw out the blood from his knuckles, in order to test to see if his blood was compatible. After testing to see if it was okay to use, the doctor showed a face of amazement, seeing that the blood was somehow compatible with the patient's.

"Oh.. alright, prepare the transfusion immediately!" the doctor ordered as the nurse pulled the tube, and connected his veins with the girl's. When the preparation was complete, the multiple doctors on the scene started the blood transfusion between the two Heavenly Dragons.

"This must be working because I have Great Red's blood flowing inside of me... what a dangerous blood."

The brown haired boy thought, as he felt the blood withdrawing from his arm.

And as two hours passed, they washed the blood off of the patient's hair, and patched her wounds during the process of the blood transfusion. The brown haired boy only stared at her blankly, as if he was reading her soul.

[I want to alarm you that you are reviving the White Dragon Empress from her death. I'm reckoning that you have a plan?]

Asked the Welsh Dragon, confused on why his host decided to save his eternal rival, that he would have to fight and kill one day.

But the brown haired boy only stayed silent, as he stared at the feminine face of the half devil. He knew her body type, and her long beautiful grey hair, but the only thing he didn't know about her appearance was her eye color.

Issei Hyoudou was roughly 5'11 in height, and the half-devil girl had a similar height but shorter. She had a buxom figure with a flat stomach, which was where the main wound was located, with several other small wounds all over her body. The wounds were an obvious feature, as it showed a clear answer of a battle between somebody and her. And it wasn't a normal fist fight, it was a all-out fight between two powerful beings.

By the time all the doctors and nurses were out of the room, the blood transfusion was completed and the girl was able to breathe normally. As a thanks, Issei Hyoudou's work clothes were washed and dried by the same nurse who caught him leaving the hospital, and saved the patient's life.

The brown haired boy got the information that the patient should be waking up within next week, as it was Monday today. The hospital also helped excuse Issei Hyoudou's work, with his company accepting his absence for the next few days. They thought he was a human, so blood regeneration would take a couple weeks but for the brown haired boy it would only take a day.

By the time Issei exited the hospital, the time was 1:00 PM in Japan with this week being Issei's free week. He got inside his car, and sighed loudly as he rolled his head back in tiredness. Today was one of the most unexpected days Issei Hyoudou lived, with the White Dragon Empress sucking up all his blood and saving her life, when he was supposed to end hers.

"So in the end, even she ended up using the Juggernaut Drive." stated Issei, as Ddraig was surprised that his host was able to figure it out.

[So you have noticed it as well. Seems you haven't lost your senses.]

"Hmph. We'll see how things go, and go see Red for today."



Dimensional Gap

After Issei returned to home, he took his business attires off and put on regular clothes to go see Great Red, nicknamed the Dragon of Dreams and the Apocalypse Dragon. He was the brown haired Red Dragon Emperor's both mentor and best friend, and somebody Issei could always rely on. Putting on a red shirt and black jeans, he made his way to the dimensional gap by cutting through reality, using his balance breaker.

It only lasted 3 seconds after it was cut, which was plenty of time for Issei to jump right in and find Great Red in the endless dimension. But using his scouting ability, it was easy to find Great Red.

"Yo. Saw anything interesting today?" asked the Red Dragon Emperor, as he sat next to Great Red's horn that was located on his snout. The Red Dragon slowly opened his eyes, to see that his student was sitting on his head.

"No, same as usual."

Issei then chuckled, as he said "So is my life not that interesting anymore?"

"Hmm? Did something happen?" Great Red asked Issei. Nodding, he replied with "I met the White Dragon, or rather found. She was badly hurt so I saved her using the blood you put inside me, when you reincarnated me using a piece of your body."

Great Red didn't look surprised, as if he already knew what type of person Issei was.

"So this generation of Albion's brat is a female, how amusing. If I remember correctly, there was no female host for the Divine Dividing." Great Red stated.

[That is correct. This is the first, and possibly the last.]

"She was in a state of exsanguination, so she needed blood that belonged to a Devil's. The girl also happens to be a half-devil and a half-human, which makes sense on why she is able to have a sacred gear." Issei explained, leaving Great Red even more amused than before.

It was normally very unusual for a half-human to even exist, unless they were reincarnated during their human life. But for the case of the White Dragon Empress, she had the blood of a pure-blooded devil, and a pure-blooded human.

"So I assume you used my blood to save her?" asked Great Red, which the brown haired boy nodded.

"I didn't know your blood could be used like that as well, it's truly a grievous blood." stated Issei.

"Just promise me you won't get your blood all over a vampire. Specially the Count Dracula, if he considers you an enemy it's best if you don't let him know of your blood. Just imagine his power increasing like a motherfucker, it could cause trouble." said Great Red, while he flew downwards of the dimensional gap, causing Issei's hair to flow upwards.

"Sure, I understand." smirked Issei, as he enjoyed the ride on Great Red's head for the next hour.

And when it was Issei's time to leave and think about how to deal with the White Dragon Empress, Great Red gave him a speech that would change his destiny, forever.

"I believe it's time that we rebuild the Dragon society, Issei Hyoudou and Ddraig." said the Apocalypse Dragon, surprising the Ddraig and it's brown haired host.

[May I ask what you mean by that, Great Red?"]

Asked the Welsh Dragon Ddraig, as Issei looked at Great Red in the eyes while standing next to his horn, curious.

"You'll know what I mean once you start talking to the White Dragon Empress. She has a strong heart and will, so she'll wake up within 3 days at most. I highly recommend you go see her if you wish to ease your boredom in the world, my dear student."

Truly, who knew this recommendation would change Issei Hyoudou's fate and destiny of his boring, human life.

Human World

Three days has passed since the brown haired boy visited his mentor, Great Red. And ever since, he was thinking about how he should interact with his eternal rival, who was said to be waking up by this afternoon, and Great Red was never wrong about stuff like that. Kind of excited and a bit nervous, Issei Hyoudou on his usual outfit drove his black Mercedes Benz to the known hospital, that held the White Dragon Empress.

"She's a strong one, she woke up within 3 days after the transfusion. We performed multiple surgeries as well, and she still woke up today." the nurse from the past greeted Issei first, before she started explaining about the grey haired girl's abnormal improvements.

"Thank you for allowing me to go see her." said Issei.

"No don't be thankful for me! When she woke up, she said she wanted to see the person that saved her." exclaimed the nurse, surprising Issei. Making his way up to the floor of the room the patient was kept in, while slightly nervous. He planned on what to say beforehand, but something made him a bit nervous to talk to the opposing Dragon host.

When he arrived to the supposed room the nurse said she was kept in, he slowly slid the sliding door to the right to reveal a beautiful woman who was sitting on her coma, with multiple patches on her arms. There was nobody in the room other than her, and now the brown haired boy who had made himself part of the existing factors.

"Please, come in." she spoke lightly, while pointing at the chair that was next to her bed. He made his way to the pointed area and sat down, as the tensions began to rise for the Red Dragon Emperor. Not only was she beautiful, but he saw something within her that he was very familiar with, but just couldn't get down to what it was.

It was her eyes, they were... somewhat similar to what he had.

"My name is Issei Hyoudou, but you can just call me Issei if you want." said the brown haired boy, awaiting for the grey haired girl to reply.

"Issei.. huh. I heard that your blood was able to save me, which makes me suggest that you're a devil." said the grey haired girl, who hasn't told Issei her name yet. The brown haired boy felt uneasy, deciding if he should tell her the truth or go with the lie.

[If she was able to perform the complete Juggernaut Drive, she should be able to identify that you're a half-dragon and a human. It seems that she's still damaged from her last fight, you could use this as your advantage.]

Ddraig spoke inside Issei's thoughts.

However, Issei didn't want to lie to her. After a second of thinking, the brown-haired boy came to the decision to tell her the truth.

"No, I'm actually a half-dragon and human. I have divine blood that belongs to Great Red, which miraculously worked on saving your life. I'm also the Red Dragon Emperor." it didn't go as Issei planned, because he didn't want to sound so blank. But because of his nervousness, it made him sound like somebody without a personality.

But the girl only giggled, in response to Issei's blank sentences.

"Didn't think you were going to reveal it so soon. I was hoping we would at least talk about our pasts before we told our true identities. So, you saved my life so you can fight me and take my life again?" asked the grey haired girl, as Issei bobbed his head in disapproval.

"No no no! I didn't mean it like that, I have no intention on fighting you. I don't think I have to fight you just because our two Dragons oppose each other. Besides, I'm not really a fighting maniac, even if I do enjoy fierce combat." explained the brown haired boy as he scratched the back of his head, blushing.

"So you're kind of like me, huh?" said the grey haired girl, as she looked out the window that was next to her. "My name is Valerina Lucifer. You can call me Vali." this surprised Issei, not expecting her to be a Lucifer.

"That's unexpected. What's the descendant of Lucifer doing here, all beaten up and shit?" he asked.

"Great-grandson, to be exact. And the reason I am like this right now is because I just got finished annihilating the last of my family, Rizevim Livan Lucifer."

Everything she had said surprised Issei even more by the second, first the Lucifer and now her fight with the real son of the Lucifer, Rizevim Lucifer. But it did explain why she was so damaged, since the son of Lucifer was on a equal, if not greater level above the current Satan Sirzechs Lucifer.

Issei spent his time being silent, allowing Vali to speak.

"When I was a child, there was a time when my family figured out that I had the Divine Dividing Longinus gifted inside me. It was by that time that my own father feared my future, of me turning into a stronger devil than him. So he went out of his way get advice from my grandfather, who told my father to abuse me in order to keep my progression in idle."

It was difficult for Issei to let it all in, since he had a family that cared for him. But for him, that family disappeared by a single Evil Dragon, who he casted his vengeance on.

"I was able to escape their grasp, and I eventually found Azazel of the Fallen Angels. He helped me get stronger, and I became his daughter in return."

Issei didn't know what to say, but came up with something after a short minute of thinking.

"And you killed your grandfather?"


"Yes. And now I'm empty," said the grey haired devil, looking at Issei in the eyes. "When I first met Azazel, I told him about my vengeance and hatred towards my family. Then he told me, 'What will you do afterwards, once you defeat your grandfather?' and since then I dusted that quote away for the rest of my training, but it came back to haunt me after I was laying down on the ground, with my grandfather's blood all over me."

Issei then began to chuckle, as if he had everything figured out. Ddraig than closed his eyes and held a small grin, knowing where this was going to head to.

"So this is what Great Red meant... when he said you'll be the savior of my boredom. What a damn dragon." Issei said under his breath, rising from his seat as he offered his hand to Vali, who was looking at him with a confused face.

"Uhm... yeah, I guess." she said as she attempted to get up from her coma, with the patches still on her. Some of them began to fall off, as she grabbed Issei's hand to gain help.

"Let's go to my place. You're hungry, no?" asked the brown haired boy. She then simply nodded in response, as a red magic circle appeared on both their feet, preparing to teleport the two Dragons to a new location.

Before Vali could say a word, the two vanished from sight, as the C.C TV in the room sparked, activating after it was turned off for the last 10 minutes of the discussion between the two Longinus users.

The Underworld

The sky of the Underworld had immense differentiability from the sky of the human world. It was darker, evil-looking and didn't have clouds that help symbolize the sky. It fit the name 'Underworld' respectably.

Because of this phenomenon, there was no day time or night time for the devils who lived in the Underworld. Because the outside world was always gloomy, the devils got used to sleeping with such daylight.

An area near the Belial territory, which was rather close to the large land of the Gremory family, was currently having the crimson-haired ruin princess and her peerage as a guest. It was Diehauser Belial with his peerage behind him, with Rias Gremory and her peerage behind her as the two devils sat eye to eye.

"So I heard you're marrying the playboy of the Phenex family, Riser Phenex." the rating games champion said, while taking a sip of the tea Rias Gremory's queen made. Even though it was the Belial's territory, Akeno Himejima offered to make tea for the two high-class devils.

Except, Diehauser Belial was an ultimate-class devil, and may even be considered a Maou-class.

"Then we can get to the point." spoke the crimson-haired ruin princess, as she crossed her arms beneath her breasts. The head of the Belial family only chuckled, "You're not going to need me to call of the engagement. Someone like-"

Before Diehauser Belial could finish, Rias interrupted and said "It won't be the end. If their youngest son fails, they'll try again with Ruval, a much stronger force." said Rias Gremory, the next heir of the Gremory family.

"So... you need insurance?" asked the white-haired devil, giving off a small grin as he looked at the crimson-haired ruin princess.

"If you must word it that way than yes. I do. Because Ruval Phenex is a man that I, or even Sairoarg have not a single chance with." said Rias.

"I understand that you do not want to marry Riser Phenex, considering he will use your body to gain profit off of underground sex organizations. And for that, I disgust him and I wish to face him off in a rating game in order to crush and teach the man a lesson. However, Ruval is a man that I fought in a rating game, and he's a man completely opposite of his youngest brother." claimed the white-haired devil, as Rias was looking away from his eyes, unsure on how to act to what the man has just said.

There was silence between the two, before Diehauser decided to speak.

"If you wish for me to deal with Riser and Ruval Phenex, and the next knight who gets in your way, than I assure you the price you will have to pay will be equally as great." said the white-haired devil, accepting her request.

Rias Gremory then slowly turned her eyes back to the white-haired devil, "And that is?"

"You must give up your peerage, and become my bishop." the white haired man said as he took out a unused mutated bishop piece from a small purple magic circle, that reflected the face of the horrified Rias Gremory.

Upon arriving to the Hyoudou residence, Valerina was quickly helped towards the couch in the living room, allowing her to rest while her host was serving dinner for the two.

But despite Issei Hyoudou's excitement to welcoming his eternal rival, Vali was confused on why he would take a sudden action like bringing her to his home. Wasn't he worried that she would suddenly attack her, since she was his rival?

As Issei brought two bacon omelets, she started biting onto the food before she started questioning him for his sanity.

"This is very good. Almost like a mother's." stated the grey-haired girl, before she took another bite with her fork.

"It's the only dish I learned from my mother while she was still alive, so it's kind of a special dish for me." said the brown-haired boy.

Vali felt sadness within her, as she kept eating the food she was provided with. It was silent for the entire dinner, while Issei sat on the opposite couch of where Vali was currently sitting at. The brown-haired boy then brought two can of coke from the refrigerator, and one to Vali.

After gulping down the can, Issei smiled as he lowered his plate to the glass table between the two heavenly dragons, and began to speak.

"First things first, I have no interest in living a life where I am told what to do." Vali then looked at Issei, with a somewhat surprised expression.

"In other words, I'm not going to battle you, unless you're going to attack me first."

Vali then giggled, realizing what he was saying. "Well that goes for the two of us then, I'm also not interested in following the destiny the past has placed upon us."

The brown-haired boy than thought of a question, that bothered him for the last few minutes when he was making the omelets. "That's good. Also, you said Azazel helped and trained you to become who you are today, so does that mean you're an ally to the fallen angel?" asked Issei, with Vali nodding to his question.

"That is correct, I am considered an ally even though I'm a half-devil and a Lucifer at that. So I have a good relationship with the other leaders."

Placing his fingers on his chin, he thought for a minute. Vali then continued to speak, "So tell me a bit about you, Red Dragon Emperor Issei Hyoudou?"

"Just Issei please." asked the brown-haired boy, much to Vali's amusement.

"Unlike you, I was born in a normal family with a normal life. They cared for me and loved me, and never did anything that made me sad and cry for help." he said, while looking at the framed picture next to Vali, as she noticed and looked behind her.

"That's them?" asked the grey-haired girl. Issei nodded as Vali looked back to Issei.

"I don't know why, but one of the strongest legendary dragon Crom Cruach appeared and killed them, while laughing hysterically. And he did it right in front of me, while I had their bloods all over me."

Issei paused for a second, before continuing his story. "It took me over 35 years to get strong enough to defeat and annihilate that bastard from existence. I made sure to send him to Hades's realm, and locked his soul forever."

Then Vali's vision went towards the time when she burned the living soul out of Rizevim, making sure to burn every bits of him so the Sephirath Graal wouldn't be able to revive him. They both hated their source of hatreds so much that they went as far as to burn and annihilate their souls, just so they wouldn't be revived and cause troubles for them.

But mostly, they were afraid that their past would come haunt them again, if their source was to be revived.

"In the end, I was killed as well. But my soul was saved by Great Red before the evil dragon could burn it down, telling me that he had saw my future and needed me for the future. And coincidentally, he just told me the reason why he saved me today, after I met you."

Vali sat silent, waiting for Issei to tell her the rest of his story.

"He wants to rebuild the dragon faction, and also make it the strongest faction in the entire universe. But he doesn't want his name printed on history, but rather mine." Issei explained, hoping that Vali would be interested.

"But why would he want it to be you? Will he not be participating?" asked the grey-haired girl, but before Issei could answer a red magic circle appeared inside the living room, which held a crest of a large Dragon Head with horns.

It was Great Red's special magic circle, one and only. Over the magic circle appeared a tall man with blood-red hair with a muscular build, wearing a black coat with black jeans that seemed similar to Issei.

"Hey, aren't those my father's clothes?"

But before Issei could ask the anonymous figure, the unnamed figure opened his eyes to reveal a pair of blood-red eyes, with vertically slitted pupils that represents the true dragon's eyes. It could only be one person, and it was Great Red, much to Issei's surprise.

"So that's your human form. I was beginning to wonder when you'll be coming to visit, Great Red." said Issei, immensely shocking the White Dragon Empress as she tried jumping up from her seat, only for her wounds to disrupt her from getting up.

"Owww.." she moaned as she covered her left knee, where the most pain was coming from. Issei remained calm, knowing that his mentor and best friend wouldn't hurt somebody that would later become their companion.

"Greetings, Lucifer. And of course you too, Albion." said the tall man, as he landed himself onto the couch Issei was sitting on, as he held his arm to the back of the couch, making himself home.

(I believe this is the first time we've met, Dragon of Dreams.)

Suddenly, from Vali's back sprung the white Divine Dividing without Vali's permission.

"Just Great Red will do. I was watching the whole time, and it seems things have exactly went as the future I saw from 35 years ago." Great Red spoke, while Issei looked at Great Red as he nodded.

"I'm sure Ddraig and Issei has everything figured out. But you, Valerina Lucifer and Albion deserves a better explanation." the legendary dragon then cleared his throat, and spoke.

"For centuries, I've been wanting to revive what a dragon truly is. All dragons were scattered and forced to join other factions for their survival, and this later lowered our ranks in the food chain in the universe, as dragons became less of a 'threat' to other factions. But were we the ones who caused troubles, or were the dragons deemed to be enemies?" asked Great Red, looking at the Divine Dividing Wings in particular.

Albion didn't talk for a couple seconds, before he replied with

(The Christian faction, undoubtedly.)

"During my time planning, the Ouroboros Dragon threw a tantrum about the fact that I used the dimensional gap as my base. Because of this, she's been gathering up an army in this world in order to defeat me, and one of her minions was Rizevim Livan Lucifer the brat you killed."

Vali looked at the legendary dragon with widened eyes, after knowing that her grandfather was part of a plan to defeat the very existent right in front of her eyes.

"Then wouldn't Ophis drop everything and head back to the dimensional gap, knowing that you're here now?" asked the brown-haired boy sitting next to the humanoid legendary dragon he called mentor and best friend.

"There's a another issue," said Great Red.

"There are multiple God-like beings that I cannot mind-infiltrate using my abilities. This list goes for Ophis and the God of Destruction Shiva, and a very few others whom I haven't met. I went to talk to Ophis myself without causing any trouble, telling her that I'll be leaving the dimensional gap so she could take it back. But it seems something else was part of her goal."

Few Years Ago

After a long day of training his pupil Issei Hyoudou, he was sent back to the human world in order for him to find Crom Cruach and defeat him at last. He was ready, and had Great Red's approval to go chase the evil dragon he ever so wanted to defeat.

And it was now time for Great Red to start fusing his plans together, for the revival of the dragon faction. And in order to get Ophis out of the way, he bid his farewells to the dimensional gap and jumped out using his human form, to start his revolution after Issei avenged his long-dead parents.

It was obvious for Great Red, the boy he teached wasn't the type to become evil or a threat to the world after he avenged his parents. He had already seen the future of Issei Hyoudou, and countless similar individuals who had the same fate as the brown-haired boy.

It was all going according to plan, until Great Red scouted the Ouroboros Dragon in order to talk things out instead of using violence. Upon finding the black dragon, his shapeshifting form had a old man with black hair, his eyes symbolizing infinity and endless, and emotionless.

Ophis was sitting at an abandon throne in Europe, with only the lights from the stars on the sky shined the inside of the throne. It fit right in for the Ouroboros Dragon, who was seeking the destruction of his enemy, Great Red.

As Great Red made his appearance towards Ophis, he walked towards the throne seat until he stopped, with Great Red being 20 feet away from the Ouroboros Dragon.

"I came here to give you your throne back, since you've been causing a lot of trouble in the human world to get it back. I won't be returning for the next few infinite years, if you know what I mean." Great Red spoke sarcastically. But the emotionless face on the Ouroboros Dragon didn't change, as his eyes stared directly to Great Red's dark-blood red eyes.

"... What seems to be the issue, Ouroboros?" asked Great Red, confused on what his opposite being was thinking. Since Ophis was one of the dragons that he couldn't read and go inside of, he had to rely on words to figure things out.

"Dimensional gap... isn't the goal, anymore." the Ouroboros Dragon finally spoke, rising up from his throne seat as he walked down the stairs, as Great Red took a step back.

If there was anything Great Red would like to avoid, it was a fight. He knew that there would be no point of coming down to the human world if the two dragons were going to fight, since the result of it would be fairly obvious.

Ophis then stopped his tracks, on the 3rd stairway which was the middle of it.

"This world has gotten too loud, wouldn't you agree? It is my duty to exterminate everything, and create a new balance." his words held a dark feeling, like everlasting darkness of destruction. He was a different dragon than the last time Great Red had met, which shocked Great Red to the core.

"He couldn't possibly be thinking... of complete destruction."

Then the Ouroboros Dragon continued.

"Shiva and Hades is right. Ragnarök and the destruction of the world must happen. And in order to achieve that, we shall revive the six during the process." explained the Ouroboros Dragon, slightly putting in fear inside the Dragon of Dreams as he took another step back.

"You're going to revive the Trihexa.. in order to end life itself?" asked Great Red, his teeth gritting as his aura was vastly rising.

"That's right. The world has gotten too far, Great Red. It is time for a new Antonius and Aureila." said the black-haired man, while the legendary dragon in front of the Ouroboros Dragon was shocked beyond belief, that his rival would take things this far.

"You're going to activate the Creator of Life?! Are you insane, Ophis?!" exclaimed and asked the red-haired man, his aura rising to the maximum of his power. By then the entire universe sensed his appearance, including the Heavens and the Underworld.

The ground beneath the two began to rumble, as to the reaction of Great Red's aura.

"So you are going to save yourself and your underlings, and watch the creation of the next A&A? Ophis, do you understand what would happen if that such event occurs?!" shouted Great Red, his energy rising over his limits.

"There will be a world, a peaceful world that would be controlled by the three of us."

It was a insane thought, mostly because this 'new world' would be controlled by Shiva and Hades, two of the most destructive gods in the world. Shiva was more calm, but still had the destructive nature due to his purpose in his creation, the God of Destruction. On the other hands Hades was a purely evil god who would do anything in order to rule the current world.

But as to take it as far as to annihilate everything, and wait for the next A&A to create life just so they could take control of it. It was obvious, that countless sorrowful war would be inevitable once it did happen.

"You are alone, Great Red. Against the four of us including the 666, you are the only major Dragon God that can hold his own. Even that Sekiryuutei of yours will never reach the same strength as us, so I recommend you surrender and become one of us." said the Ouroboros Dragon.

Variety of things went through Great Red's thought as his aura was rising. Was it better if he joined their side, or was there still hope in saving the world? But he had no chance against four of the most strongest Gods, even with Issei's help.

All he wanted to do was to revive the dragon faction, so how did things come to this? If they wish for a new A&A, they must destroy everything, including the dragons, and even small insects such as ants.

"What will your answer me, Great Red?" asked the Ouroboros Dragon. And much to his surprise, Great Red refused.

"I've been mostly known for being a Dragon God that didn't give a shit in the world and what happens to it. But really, I was looking forward to reviving the dragon faction, using my own powers if I had to." stated Great Red. The Ouroboros Dragon raised his eyebrows, showing a bit of a surprised expression.

"I was created by the dreams and illusions of the beings in this world. In return of my existence, I shall protect it." bravely spoke the red haired man, as he lowered his aura. The ground stopped shaking, as the Ouroboros Dragon showed a bit of anger.

"So be it. A being like you does not need to die in order for the Antonius & Aureilia project, but if you must get in our way we shall destroy you along with the others." said the Ouroboros Dragon, as a black field appeared under the black-haired man's feet.

Great Red watched as he disappeared, saying his last words "You and Little Red shall be the first to be gone."

The black field completely devoured the Ouroboros Dragon, with the proof of its existence being completely gone.

After explaining the issue to the Sekiryuutei and the Hakuryuukou, their faces looked troubled as both Ddraig and Albion was unsure on what to say. The Two Heavenly Dragons would also be affected by the mass destruction, since Ddraig and Albion wasn't nearly strong as Great Red. They clearly knew what the A&A meant, much to Issei and Vali's confusion.

"It seems that the Antonius & Aureilia project they want to perform seems to be a big issue. Care to explain what it is, though?" asked Issei.

"You'll come to learn it soon. I really don't want to be the one to explain it to you, ask your dragons if you want." stated Great Redas he pointed at Issei's backhand.

[Unfortunately, there were a few things that were sealed within me when the Biblical God put me inside the Boosted Gear. One of it was a minimal restriction of freedom-of-speech, including the restriction of the conversation of A&A.]

(That goes the same for me as well.)

The two Heavenly Dragons spoke, even furthering Issei and Vali's curiosity. But the two respected the choice of Great Red not wanting to tell them, as Vali made up her mind.

"It seems for that project to be activated, every single living beings besides the God Kings must die. So the reason for you to take the side of the lower beings is because you wish to rebuild the dragon faction?" asked Vali.

"Dragons alone will not be able to defeat the three Gods with their minions under them. We will need every faction's help in order to have even the slightest of chance in winning, so in return we will defend every race." explained the legendary dragon, while looking at Vali.

"Wouldn't they have started their attack already if they could overpower you? Why the wait?" asked the brown-haired boy, as Great Red changed his focus to his student.

"That's because Indra retaliated from the project. I went to see him personally as well, but it seemed that he wasn't interested in cooperating to stop Shiva and the other two Gods. But even he knows that he will end up fighting alongside me when the time comes to it, so we won't need to worry about him." explained Great Red.

"Don't worry about the major attack happening anytime soon for the next decade. They will only attack once they have revived the Trihexa, and announce their plans at the same time."

[Will we be ultimately acting towards your ability to see the future, Great Red?] asked Ddraig, which was an obvious question that kept the four listeners confused.

"Unfortunately, my future ability can only be used if I imagine the world without me. And since I will be in the human world from now on, doing that will be impossible so we will have to work by using the information gave to us during our mission to stop the three Gods, which will be a very difficult thing to do." stated Great Red.

The two Dragon hosts held a smile, as the brown-haired boy replied "I'm in. I didn't avenge my parents just for the world to be annihilated in the next few years. Besides, I kind of owe you one Red."

The same went for Vali, who held a similar history as his opposing Dragon, the Red Dragon Emperor.

"I shall participate as well, since I can't waste the life the Red Dragon Emperor saved." Vali said, giving off a slight blush as she looked at Issei, who also blushed at her comment. The legendary dragon sitting besides them began to laugh.

"Haha! Well this will certainly be interesting. Wouldn't you say, Ddraig and Albion?" asked the red-haired man as he rose from his couch, lending out his hand.

[I'm not looking forward to the romance, but I shall be looking forward on fighting the Ouroboros Dragon and his friends.]

Spoke the Welsh Dragon, as Issei blushed hotter than ever before.

"Hey! We just met this week, okay?!" Issei exclaimed, only for Vali to slightly giggle at her now-ally. The brown-haired boy then put his hand onto Great Red's backhand, as Vali did the same by putting her soft hands on top of Issei's.

"Her hands.. are really soft." thought Issei, triggering a thought.

"We cannot make this issue a public matter. Only those who will join our side will be allowed to know this event that will most likely occur in a decade from now on, unless the Ouroboros Dragon found a way to revive Trihexa. And the last thing I want to say is: Issei Hyoudou will be the leader of this group!"

Great Red said as he rose his hand rapidly, as Vali smiled and giggled at the thought. She could finally live a life that didn't involve revenge, and be next to the person she very much had a small love interests for.

The brown-haired boy next to her saved the grey-haired girl, and by finding her Issei gave Vali a gift of a new life. She now had a purpose: And it was to protect Issei Hyoudou who had saved her life, and be next to him for the next couple millennium.

But the brown-haired boy only shouted "What?! B-but won't it be more fitting if you became the leader, Red?!"

"I will act as the Trump Card of the team. You, the White Dragon Emperor will be the Second-In-Command for this team. Understood?" commanded Great Red, only for Vali to accept with a smile.

"Yes, sir!"

A week Later

As time passed, Issei gave up on his job and started planning things out with Great Red and his new love interest, Vali Lucifer on how to form a large team that would be able to handle Ophis's organization. And after a hour of talking, they fell onto the category of Kuoh Academy, where a important figure was currently attending.

It was Rias Gremory, who would be the first member for this team. Using some sort of a method, Issei and Vali was able to attend the school as a 3rd year, including Great Red who was going to attend as a 3rd year as well. This was only going to be temporary, as they recruited Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri.

Wearing their Kuoh academy uniforms, the three destiny-changing Dragons stood in front of the gates of Kuoh Academy, with Vali's wounds all healed up. She also had her body remodeled by Great Red, which made her skin similar to Issei's.

A/N: Here's the list of members that is planned to be in the team. You can give suggestion, if you want to see an anime character from a different universe.

Team Name: (Open for Suggestions)

Leader: Issei Hyoudou / (SIC) Valerina Lucifer

Alpha Commander: Tiamat

Beta Commander(s): Tannin (Very few open for suggestions)

Team Leaders: Rias Gremory, Sona Sitri, Three Faction Leaders, (Very few open for suggestion)

Members: R. Gremory Peerage, S. Sitri Peerage (Open for suggestions)

Ultimate Trump Card: Great Red (Codename for Public: Vino)