She was everything that he saw within himself. Reserved passion that had previously been hidden from the world, from view. She began to move now, removing threats to her current passion…. Yes, he noticed. How could he not?

He had been restraining himself ever since he moved to this school. He had been warned that another incident simply couldn't be risked. The school's reputation would not allow for incidents to simply go unnoticed. Yet, thus far, she had managed to avoid attention. How long would she pursue this? Would she eliminate the entire student body? Would she turn that blade she borrowed from the gardening shed in his direction?

He couldn't help but shudder at the thought even as he pondered the kitchen supplies he methodically sharpened. He lifted the knife blade and turned in the light, to inspect his work. The metal was smoothed, no longer holding onto the marks and clumsy nicks that the other students left in them. He studied the gleam, the beauty it caught in the light…. It would cut well and cleanly.

His smile stretched his face as he methodically turned the blade in his hand and pressed the metal flat against his arm. With his back to the empty room, he began to slide his arms into the sleeves of his jacket. He moved the arm hiding the blade close to his face, and for all appearances seemed merely to adjust the sleeve on his wrist, but this was the moment he took to tuck the handle of the blade into the strap of his watch, where the knife itself could be held secure, to await the moment he did wish to use it.

Wait a little longer, Senpai… He thought to himself as he left the room. His fingers grazed the switch and snapped it off. In the fading twilight, he saw his eyes catch the bleeding light of the sun. Living passion was the ember so beautifully reflected in his gaze. It seems like hers, he mused, when she moves and when she focuses on her target. Those eyes would notice him soon.

I come for you.