Cairnholm Island


The grass was cold and wet from the morning dew. Getting up turned out to be harder when you have a Percy sitting on you. "Percy!" Annabeth tried to squirm free.

"Sorry." He got off and stood up as well. His pants had mud stains on them as he dusted himself off. They both helped up Nico and Leo off the ground. "Nico, are you okay?" Percy cautiously asked. He stood up, waving back and forth like he was on a ship.

"Ya, I'm fine just a little tired that's all."

Leo looked around. "Where are we?"

"We're on Cairnholm Island." They gave Annabeth a puzzling look.

"How do you know?" Sometimes she wondered how boys could be so stupid.

"It's on that big sign," She pointed behind them. And, there stood a rusty old sign covered with moss a mud. The writing was smeared but Annabeth was able to make it out.

Leo clapped his hands together, "Well as much as I want to visit Cairnholm. I have a project at camp I need to work on, so Nico, if you could do the honors." He made gestures with his thumbs, pointing at Nico to do his thang. Like it was a party trick.

Nico gestured for all of us to gather around. A couple of minutes passed and nothing happened. He pulled away, "It's not working."

Percy sighed, "Is it the fog? I think we found the ghost king's weakness."

Nico rolled his eyes, "No it's not the fog. It's this land, it's like blocking my view."

"Well, how did you get us here then?" Annabeth asked quizzically.

Nico shrugged,"It was the only channel open at the time. I could get us in but I can't get us out."

Leo threw his hands in the air,"Well now what?"

Annabeth picked up a stick and threw it. "Percy, can you take us to the mainland?"

Percy looked unsure, " It's pretty far I won't be able to take you all. And, there's something weird about the water I rather stay away from it." Peeking over the edge of the cliff, all three of them popped over their heads to see the water. The water had a green hue tint, and it was so murky that when Leo flung a bolt, it was engulfed in the water's veil.

Annabeth looked around, "I guess we walk until we find a town."

The island was filthy. The ground was still soft from the morning, but the sun was high and felt warm against Annabeth's neck.

"We've been walking for hours!" Leo whined.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "It's been five minutes."

"But still can we sit for a minute."

With a defeated sigh Annabeth stopped all gathered together under one of the trees to cool down. A soft breeze arose from the trees and made her hair fly around in tiny golden strands.

"Leo, can you make something to eat?" Percy asked.

She gave him a frustrating look. "We just ate Percy!"

He gave her a crooked smile. "I know, but walking five minutes can really get someone hungry." When you date Percy you just learn to give up on his childlike behavior. Annabeth let out a withered sigh.

Leo rested his hands on his chalky toolbelt. "I'll see what I can do."

Leo left, which left Nico and Percy. "So, any ideas on how to get off this island?" They just sat there thinking for a minute.

"Finding a town is the only option right now," Nico said studying the water and throwing rocks into it making the water rip from its calm state. Annabeth got off the ground and started to look around. There was a path so there must have been people here at some point in time. The woods were growing wild around the soft but bumpy path as if a gardener just stopped working and went on a vacation. It was so peaceful when it was quiet. The wind whisking between the branches of the trees making them dance and play a song. There was a river nearby the path, though it was hidden, Annabeth was able to hear the trickling of water. In a way, the island had a hidden beauty that can't be seen on the outside but was buried deep down hiding only for someone special.

The song of nature was ruined by Leo's terrible singing. "I've made tacos!" He threw down a beautiful display of soft tacos covered in cheese, lettuce, cream cheese, and bacon. Annabeth quickly hushed him, "Can you be any louder?" She rushed over to them.

"I don't see what was wrong?" Percy said in between bites. He managed to spill have of his taco onto the floor.

Annabeth sat back down near them. "Don't you think we're here for a reason? I mean, Nico can't get us out, and the water is strange. What if someone put us here?" She jerked her head in Leo's direction "And singing about tacos is the worst way to get caught."

"No singing about salads is the worst way to get caught," Leo added.

"Whatever we've wasted enough time as it is. We need to keep going." They made their way down the path to find a split in the road.

"So what do we do now?' Nico asked.

"We pick a random side of course," Leo stated.

Annabeth pushed her way in between the boys, "No we don't, we pick the most worn down road. Higher chance of finding a town." So, they went down the left side. The road got smoother as they went. The sun went down and the stars started to sprout in the dark purple sky. It was beautiful. It was nothing like New York where all you saw where helicopters and airplanes. It was a good change.

Annabeth turned to her friends to see how they were holding up. Leo was making something out of wires and wood, Nico was messing with his sword, and Percy was complaining.

"All I wanted was pizza! Was that so hard to ask?"

She chuckled "For four demigods ya, that's a lot to ask for."

He gave her a sad look, "I know but I would think they would give us a break. You know to live a somewhat normal life." She has been thinking that for quite some time now but, hearing it out loud sounded sad and depressing. Annabeth looked up at the sky and just focused on the stars to clear her head from all the problems. She was startled out of her trance when a big hawk-like bird came down on them.

She fell to the ground hard sending dust into the air. Percy helped her up, "Are you okay?" She rubbed her head, "Ya, that stupid bird came out of nowhere."She looked at the horizon and saw a shape forming. "Guys I think our luck is coming around," she said.

"Why do you say that?" They all asked.

Annabeth gave them a big smile, "Because we just found a town."

Leo snickered, "Demigods with luck! That's dangerous!"

They made their way down the path heading for the town. Maybe this could turn around for them.