I'm sorry for the long wait, but I was struggling with the usual writers block and still struggle with either an allergic reaction in my right eye or the common pink eye infection. What ever it is, it drives me crazy.

I hope people are still looking out for this story and don't think I abandoned it. I know some of my stories seem that way but I assure you they are not. I'm just very slow because I want to keep writing my stories good and not poorly written. I keep changing and rewriting bits because I'm not happy with how things go sometimes xD

"Wake up, Yuuri…"

Yuuri snapped his eyes open after Viktor's seductive whisper in his ear. The next thing he felt was two arms wrapped around him from behind. Viktor somehow had snuck his way into his room and into his bed, again.

"You really have to stop doing this, you know?!" Yuuri scolded and tried to squirm himself free from the mafia leader's grip to sit up and grab his glasses.

Viktor held Yuuri tighter then smirked into his ear; "You did invite me, remember?" Yuuri's eyes widened and his mind tried to remember what had happened the previous night. All he could remember were flashes of a party, could be a nightclub? It then hit him. He and Viktor had travelled to China for the next up competition and upon arrival grabbed a club and had way too many drinks. Why does this keeps happening to him? Yuuri grumbled in shame. Viktor smiled. "Don't worry, little piggy. I'm a gentleman, remember? I don't take advantages of a drunk person."

"Gentlemen are simply patient wolves, and you are the walking proof, Viktor," Yuuri mumbled then tried to break free but failed. Viktor was too strong.

"It's Vitya, remember?" Viktor sang into Yuuri's ear as he kept him in place. "Come on, say it. Otherwise I'll have to punish you and nibble at your ear."

Yuuri's face and earlobes instantly turned bright red, which wasn't helping Yuuri much in his favor. His heart even betrayed him and thumped loudly in his chest. Viktor better not feel it as he still had wrapped both arms around him.

"V-Vitya…" Yuuri quickly called out, reluctantly. He could already feel Viktor's warm breath touch his earlobe.

"Yes…?" Viktor smirked teasingly into the young skater's ear.

"S-Stop it…"

"Really? Your heart tells me something different…

Yuuri's eyes widened. "Crap! He does feel it!"

"Not to mention your earlobe. Maybe I should have a little taste any- Viktor was pretty surprised to see how fast Yuuri managed to free himself and jump out of bed. He didn't know whether he had to feel impressed or insulted. Yuuri quickly gathered some clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. Viktor sat up and sighed. "You can't hide from me forever! Our morning run starts in twenty minutes, remember?!"

The bathroom door suddenly swung open and Yuuri came out, fully dressed in his track suit. He threw a defiant glare at Viktor then harrumphed; "Good luck with trying to catch up with me!"

"Yuuri! Come back!" Viktor grumbled when Yuuri broke into a run and disappeared out the door. The mafia leader quickly kicked the sheets off then jumped out of bed and searched for his track clothes. He better not left them in Hasetsu by accident.

Once he found them he pulled them on and exited the room. He ignored the odd looks of the other hotel visitors then quickly stopped an elevator and used it to reach the lobby. Yuuri was nowhere to be seen, much to Viktor's frustration.

He was just about to exit the hotel when he bumped into Otabek who just returned with coffee. Lucky for him Otabek had some pretty fast reaction skills otherwise he might have had a stain on his track suit.

"Otabek! Quick! My Yuuri escapes!"

"Yeah, I just saw him jog away a few minutes ago when I left the coffee shop."

"What? I you didn't try to stop him?!" Viktor wailed dramatically. "For all we know he's on his way to the airport and flies back to Hasetsu!"

Otabek rolled his eyes. "I doubt it, Papochka. He didn't have anything on him, as far as I could see."

"Still, we have to catch up with him before someone tries to hurt him!"

Otabek shook his head in disbelieve. Who in China wanted to hurt Yuuri? Also, how was it possible Russia's most notorious mafia leader could be such a dramatic person. If other gang leaders saw him now they would laugh.

"You know what, Papochka?" Otabek said after a long, deep sigh. "You catch him, okay? He went that way. If you're quick you can see him in no time."

Viktor widened in his eyes in shock then wailed; "Me? I'm your boss and you do what I say, remember?"

"Only in dangerous situations, boss," Otabek said with stone cold face then forced himself past Viktor and walked inside the hotel. Viktor shot a glare at his subordinate then realized he no other option than to catch up with Yuuri.

Running has never been Viktor's strong points. In fact, he had n stamina at all. He didn't need to until now. What should he do? Go back inside and wait for Yuuri in their hotel room? No. He just had to try find Yuuri. Giving up easily was something he hadn't done before and he wasn't about to start now.

After was seemed an eternity, Viktor finally saw Yuuri run in the distance. The poor mafia boss tried to call out Yuuri's name but was too exhausted. Running and yelling at this point was too difficult. Besides, Yuuri probably would have ignored it anyway.

"Yuuri?!" a bubbly male voice suddenly called out from across the street. It was a good thing Yuuri wasn't listening music, otherwise he wouldn't have heard it. He stopped then looked.

"Phichit?" Yuuri frowned confused at his friend who waved at him, happily. What was Phichit doing in China? It then hit him. He was probably also selected for the next competition.

Viktor, who was basically tripping over his feet with each step due to exhaustion, saw how Yuuri ran across the street towards the other guy.

"Yuuri…wait…" Viktor managed to choke out but not loud enough then collapsed onto the sidewalk. Pedestrians who shared the same sidewalk gave him some odd looks then quickly hurried on. Viktor sobbed softly; "I can't believe my Yuuri is cheating on me."

Phichit, who saw Viktor make a terrible face plant on the concrete, looked worriedly then asked; "You think he's okay?"

Yuuri turned to look then rolled his eyes, inhaled a deep, annoyed sigh and replied; "He's fine, trust me."

"You know him?"

"Yeah, I unfortunately know him." Yuuri inhaled another breath then crossed the street and sauntered slowly towards Viktor to meet him. "You do know it's dangerous to lie down after running, right?"

Viktor slowly flopped over to his back then grumbled; "Cheating on me is even more dangerous. Yuuri rolled his eyes. Viktor inhaled a deep breath of air then sat up and pouted; "You abandoned me, even after you promised me we would do morning runs together."

Yuuri gave Viktor a defiant look then said, bluntly; "I didn't… Viktor."

"Oh, now you're just doing it deliberately. I would have punished you for it, right here on the spot if I hadn't been too exhausted." Viktor then got an idea and smirked; "But this doesn't mean you can't try make up for it. How about that kiss we agreed on, huh? This could be the right moment to try make me blush. It might even work, because I tend to blush easily when I'm exhausted. You know what, I'll just lie down again, close my eyes and you can do your thing."

Yuuri couldn't believe it. Viktor had no shame and just lied down on his back, closed his eyes and readied his lips. Phichit suddenly gasped.

"Wait, this is your new coach?" Without waiting for a reply, Phichit brandished his phone and start making pictures of Viktor lying on the street, still waiting for his kiss.

Yuuri slumped his head into his hands. Viktor slowly opened his left eye then glared through his bangs, angrily.

"Yuuri, tell that homewrecker I'm gonna send Otabek after him if he posts those on the internet!"

Phichit looked up from his phone then frowned; "Homewrecker?"

"Just ignore him, he doesn't know what he's saying," Yuuri quickly replied then nudged Viktor with the toe of his shoe and grumbled; "Viktor, get up and say hi to my friend like a normal person." Viktor looked away, stubbornly. Yuuri rolled his eyes. "Viktor?!"

"It's Vitya, remember?"

Yuuri inhaled a deep sigh then said, reluctantly; "Fine, Vitya." Yuuri then introduced the two. "Phichit, meet my idiotic coach, Viktor Nikiforov. Vitya, meet my friend, Phichit."

"Hi!" Phichit waved. "I like ice skating, making pictures, and hamsters."

Viktor got back onto his feet then shook Phichit's hand and said while piercing his eyes coldly into the skater's; "I'm Viktor Nikiforov. Coach by day, lover and mafia boss by night. I'm pretty notorious for my actions back in Russia."

Phichit looked back and forth between Viktor and Yuuri then asked, feeling uncomfortable; "Mafia? Notorious?"

"Don't forget the 'lover' part." Viktor glared at the young skater, coldly.

"He's joking…" Yuuri quickly said then tried to give his friend a reassuring smile. Viktor's face however, didn't move an inch nor did he let go of Phichit's hand. Yuuri couldn't help but feel a tad nervous. His mind tried to come up with something to say. Nothing. "V-Vitya…? Was all he could whisper then a voice called out for Viktor.

"HEY! Old fart!" Yuri came waltzing towards the three, shouting; "I didn't join your gang to be your assistant, you know?! Next time take your fucking phone with you!"

Viktor rolled his eyes, let go of Phichit's hand then turned to face Yurio and sighed, quite annoyed; "I hired you to be my assistant, remember?"

"In that case, I think it's time for me to move up! I want to become your subordinate!"

"Not until you're eighteen." Viktor rubbed the side of his head as if he felt a headache come up then sighed; "Why are you even here? Also, how did you know I was here?"

The blond teen shot a glare at his boss then replied; "Otabek pointed me in this direction!" Yuri reached Viktor the phone he was holding then grumbled; "It's Yakov! He wants to speak to you, urgently!"

"I don't have time for him. Just hang up."

"Yakov knew you would say that so he threatened me you would regret it if I hung up on him. Besides, he wasn't very pleased when I told him I had to put him on hold, which is for like ten minutes now!"

Viktor inhaled a deep breath then snatched the phone from Yurio's hand and snapped at the person on the other end of the line; "Make it quick, Yakov! I have better things to do than listening to your voice!"

"Watching you play pretend coach MAKES me sick to my stomach!" Yakov retorted back then inhaled a deep breath of air and grumbled; "And don't try to talk yourself out of this, I saw you on live TV! Coaching that Japanese figure skater!"

"Yakov, I never knew you liked watching sports, let alone figure skating competitions!" Viktor retorted, sarcastic. "Anyway, are you sure you didn't dream it? Or maybe perhaps saw someone looking like me? I mean, why would I ever coach…

"Stop playing pretend coach, you hear me?!" Yakov barked before Viktor could even finish what he wanted to say. "Your father would feel ashamed if he saw you right now. He trained and shaped you to replace him one day, so you better get your ass back to Russia and work for me again!"

Viktor clenched his fists. If he could he would have dragged Yakov through the phone and showed him every corner of the street, with force. How dared he to say what his father wanted. His father wanted to leave the mafia but before he even had the chance he disappeared. Working for Yakov is the last thing his father wanted. Working for Yakov again, after all those years, is the last thing Viktor would do. He rather would try killing himself first.


Yuuri's worried voice snapped Viktor back. Maybe a good thing otherwise he might have shouted all sorts of insults over to phone, something he didn't want Yuuri to witness. The plan was to win his trust and help him remember their past, not chase him further away.

"Yakov, as always, it wasn't nice talking to you. I have better things to do right now and you should think about your blood pressure. And one other thing, stop telling me what I should or shouldn't do!"

And with that, Viktor hung up the phone then blocked the number before turning around and sending a smile at Yuuri. The young skater looked clearly worried and his face showed all sorts of questions. Viktor never liked to talk about mafia related stuff and it was a good thing he learned how to change subjects.

"Yuuri! How about we go for hotpot tonight?!"

Yuuri glanced at himself in the mirror. Going for hotpot with Viktor was right now the last thing he wanted. He rather stayed in his room watching TV and do nothing. If he went out he would probably get drunk again, and that's exactly what he wanted to avoid right now. Showing up on the rink drunk and sleepy, not good.

There was a sudden knock on the bathroom door then Viktor's voice called out, impatiently; "Yuuri! What's taking you so long? We are waiting!"

"We?" Yuuri frowned first then realized Otabek and Yuri were coming as well. Whether that would be good or bad, Yuuri didn't know but, one thing was for sure. Viktor definitely wouldn't take a no for answer. Yuuri sighed then glanced one more time at himself and replied, reluctantly; "Coming!"

Once they were at the restaurant, Otabek and Yuri took a table in the back but still with a clear view on Viktor for when he needed them. Viktor just couldn't wait for his hotpot and immediately signalled at the waiter to take their order. Once it was brought to their table, Viktor's eyes sparkled like a child that got a birthday present.

"Look! Shanghai Crab! Drunken shrimp! Duck blood!" Viktor instantly wolfed down a shrimp then cried gleeful; "Vkusno!"

Yuuri still felt like he shouldn't be at the restaurant, but safe at the hotel room watching TV or talk on the phone with his parents. He already started to feel a bit homesick. He also felt too nervous to eat anything. His mind kept wandering back to the up-coming competition. What if he performed bad?

"Why aren't you eating the shrimp?" Viktor asked, interrupting Yuuri's worried thoughts.

Yuuri sighed then replied, still staring into space; "No raw food for me."

"But it's so good!" Viktor exclaimed then took a shrimp between two chopsticks and reached it towards Yuuri, persuading him to open his mouth. Yuuri kept refusing, though. Viktor pouted. "Come on, Yuuri. Eat with me."

"No, really. My stomach will get upset and you know what that means."

Viktor crunched his nose and nodded. Then suddenly they were interrupted by Phichit who acted quite surprised running into them, again. Viktor rolled his eyes, knowing Phichit knew exactly they would get hotpot. He was there when Viktor suggested it to Yuuri.

Phichit took out his phone and told Yuuri he would call a person named Celestino. Viktor had no idea who that was but, Yuuri didn't seem all too pleased with it.

As they were waiting for this Celestino character, Viktor started to feel a third wheel. Yuuri and Phichit kept talking about all the things they did together in Detroit. Phichit did try to get him into the conversation by showing him pictures of Yuuri on the ice rink but, all Viktor wanted was for the phone slash hamster fan to leave. This was supposed to be his date with Yuuri.

Phichit kept blabbing to Yuuri about his hamsters, telling him that each and one of them was equally missing him since he quit skating. Viktor rested his chin onto the palm of his hand, dully and sipped from his champagne. Drowning out Phichit's bubbly voice was not easy. Viktor even emitted some heavy sighs every now and then, but Phichit didn't seem to get the message. Nor did Yuuri.

"Chiao! Chiao!" a man suddenly called out and this time, both Yuuri and Phichit heard him. Viktor couldn't help but roll his eyes. He tried to get their attention for twenty minutes and they simply ignored him.

Viktor waved dully. His entire date was ruined. He didn't care anymore who joined their table. Maybe he might as well invite Otabek and Yuri.

"Celestino!" Yuuri exclaimed in surprise. He shifted nervously in his seat then mumbled; "Celestino, this is Viktor. Viktor, my old coach Celestino."

Viktor's head snapped up. Celestino was Yuuri's previous coach? This night suddenly changed. Viktor smirked to himself. He would show Yuuri how it felt being left out. He would show him he could make friends and have fun.

"Yes, I am Viktor Nikiforov! Please, join us…" Viktor smiled politely, ignoring the look in Yuuri's eyes. The one that said not to invite Celestino at their table. Viktor smiled then reached out the shrimp at Celestino and asked; "Want some shrimp?"

Celestino stepped back awakwardly then replied; "No thanks, not right before the competition."

"But it's so yummy, though!" Viktor wailed sadly. What was wrong with them? Why didn't neither of them want to eat anything? This guy was no fun either unless…Viktor smiled politely as he showed the alcohol. Again, he saw from the corner of his eyes how both Phichit and Yuuri shook their heads, vigorously but, he ignored it and asked ; "Champagne, then?"

"I guess one glass won't hurt, right?" Celestino replied.

Viktor shook his head and smirked; "Not at all." The mafia boss couldn't help but notice how both Yuuri and Phichit slumped their heads onto the table as if he had done something stupid. Viktor rolled his eyes then grumbled; "Don't be like that, Yuuri! And please come sit next to me."

With heavy heart and with a heavy sigh, Yuuri switched seats. He knew what would happen and he knew he wouldn't like it. He was right.

"Yuuri! I'm still waiting for that kiss we agreed on!" Viktor wailed drunken as he latched onto the young skater and rocked back and forth as if they were dancing.

Yuuri felt his face heat up with embarrassment and mumbled; "If you want to go back to Russia that bad, just leave. I won't mind."

"No, I don't wanna go back to Russia, ever!" Viktor wailed. "I wanna stay with you, FOREVER, but I first need to know if you can make me blush. You always blush, you did just now and it's not fair! It's my turn to blush!"

"What did you do to him?!" Yuri growled infuriated when he and Otabek joined the table and saw the state their boss was in.

Yuuri's mouth dropped speechless and the only word he could choke out was; "Me?!" Viktor continued singing flirtatiously into his ear as he nearly crushed Yuuri into his tight hug.

"Yes, you!" the blond teen shouted. "That old fart loves Russia and thanks to you he just said he never wants to return! You better not kiss him, you hear me? I don't wanna stay in that shitty town of yours much longer!"

Otabek rolled his eyes then grumbled; "You know that means he will only stay longer, right?"

Yuri wanted to retort something back but then, to his and the others shock, Viktor unbuttoned his shirt then took it off and threw it at Yuri's face.

"Some duck blood stained on it, Yurio! Please be a good boy and soak it out for me." The blond teen's face showed he nearly reached boiling point and Otabek had to calm him down. Viktor enveloped his arms around Yuuri's neck again and pressed against him with his naked chest. Yuuri's face heated up and so did his ears.


"Celestino is wasted!" Phichit cried out when he saw his coach slump his head onto the table and passed out.

Two other young competitors, Leo and Guang Hong who were friends of Phichit, recorded everything. All the young skater wanted was to just disappear into thin air. Could only the night go worse?

The thought hadn't flashed through Yuuri's head or a black clothing item flew through the air and landed on top of Guang Hong's head.

"Papochoka! Tell me that is not your—Otabek couldn't finish for Viktor already showed it was indeed his clothing item, his pants to be more precisely and tried to climb up onto the table to give Yuuri a performance. Otabek and Yuuri both grabbed onto the mafia boss to pull him back down.

"I'm sure I'm not old enough to watch this, but would it be okay to post it?" Guang Hong asked.

Leo shrugged and proceeded recording everything. Yuri who exploded in rage again upon seeing his boss trying to table dance for Yuuri. Otabek trying to stop his teen friend from attacking Yuuri, blaming him it was his fault Viktor opened a second bottle of champagne. Yuuri who begged Viktor to come down and snap out of it.

"I can't believe this is happening! I should have stayed at the hotel!" Yuuri exclaimed when Viktor finally came off the table but sat down onto Yuuri's lap instead. Yuuri turned red in embarrassment and feared his skating career might be really over now.