
Start of Preliminaries and

Maple Rescue


Today is the day of preliminaries. Rose woke up early at 6 in the morning and had a light training with her pokemon. At 7:30, she was back in her room and took shower and got in her usual dress. She then hurried for the breakfast.

Down she found many of her friends were already having their breakfast. She happily greeted them and sat down on her table. One of the maids got her breakfast. After having their breakfast, they chatted about their schedules. All of their matches were from day after tomorrow.

"Hey Rose. What is your schedule for the week?" Serena asked.

"Well since I am all three I am quite packed up. I am having first two priliminaries today and tomorrow. Then I have the appeal round for Grand Festival and performance for Master Class next two days followed by the remaining two matches on the same day. I will be free at the weekends." Rose explained.

"Thats great. Most of our matches and performances will end by Saturday. So what do you think of having a beach holiday that day?" Serena asked.

"I have no problem with it. A day of relaxation will be good. I will make sure everything will be arranged." Rose said.

Most of the girls cheered up.

"Charles, Scott and the Champions including Steven and Diantha. I want to have a word in private. Can you please come with me?" Rose said with a serious face.

Everyone looked confused at her. It was rare that the happy go lucky sweet girl became serious. The told person nodded and followed her. She led them to a meeting room. They settled down waited.

"Before I say something I want you to watch this." Rose said as her eyes glowed blue. Everyone present in the room had many images and voices entering in their mind.

After 10 minutes, everyone had an angry face.

"How dare they? They made two lifes miserable and made them like them." Lance growled in anger.

"I agree with you Lance. I have ordered mewtwo to take any measure to remove any remains of that video. That could lead to the destruction of May's whole life along with a bad name to Maple family." Rose said.

"So what do you want us to do?" Cynthia asked.

"All of us are busy in the tournament, so it will be impossible for us to handle it alone. I want each of you to use your sources and find out any information on each of them, especially Charles and Scott. I want every single information. I am giving you all full control of my investigation team of psychics headed by mewtwo."

"Ok we will do but my question is why do you care about the Maples after what they did?" Wallace asked.

"Wallace you don't know but Maples have a special place in my heart. Even though I am angry on them but I can't stand and see any bad happen to them. Everyone else I had travelled with, had something for their dreams but May didn't. She was lonely. She only wanted to start her journey to go and visit places. She hated pokemon as due to them she was not able to spend time with Norman. She knew nothing about pokemon and journeys. Nor did she had many friends. She had only Max. Then I had helped her from that state of lonliness and made her Princess of Hoenn. In just two years, she made to finals of Grand Festival. It was both our efforts. She was like a sister to me. When I got her I have got the younger sister. We both brushed off to each other. Then Max was the annoying little brother I wanted. Seeing them in this state breaks my heart. Max's defeat, my revealation, Norman's scolding and their separation had brought a mountain to fall on them. When a person is in extreme emotions they speak only truth. That was seen between the siblings after their separation with their parents. I know they had become bad during the course of time but they both want to change. I am not saying that I am trusting them but I am not in a state to remain angry to her. I love her as a real sister and it is my duty as an older sister to protect her from any problem." Rose declared.

Everyone in the room was amazed by her. She was ready to help them even though they tried to harm her. Everone smiled and said.

"Consider the job done. We will wait for your signal to expose them." Scott said as all nodded to him.

"For now Rose what will you do the Maples." Lance asked.

"Mewtwo will destroy any trace of video by today. As it will be done, both Maple siblings will be teleported instantly to the Aether facility with their parents. Then I will meet with them. May be I can give them a chance to earn my trust back." Rose said. All of them nodded.

"Anyways, its already 9. My battle starts in an hour. I must go now." Rose said.

All of them nodded and left. Rose asked mew to teleport her to the stadium after taking only one pokeball. She left everyone back there. In a moment, she was infront of the stadium. She thanked mew and she teleported back. She made her way to the stands. She was quite common to see in Alola so she was not much approached by fans here.

On her way, she saw the traitors and Drew was added to them. She looked at the Maple siblings. They both looked miserable. They had eyes red and dark circles under their eyes. Their eyes didn't shine. They didn't show any signs of arrogance instead only guilt, sadness, remorse and fear. May was looking at Drew in fear. But the fact that most angered Rose was that both siblings had their cheeks red like someone had slapped them harshly and continuously. Max had a bandage on his head.

She took a deep breath and calmed herself down. She concentrated and formed the mental link with mewtwo.

"How much time left mewtwo? I can't stand to see them this miserable.""Ony two to three hours Mistress. I have much more data on them. Do you wish me to take them?""Yes. Bring every sort of data you find. Don't leave anything.""Ok Mistress. It will be done by noon."With that they ended the connection. After moving for about ten minutes, she came across a familiar figure. She immediately ran to them.

"Bianca, Lorenzo."

Said people looked towards the voice and their face brightened. Bianca ran to her and gave a tight hug.

"Rose it's good to see you here." Lorenzo said. Rose gave him a loving hug.

"What are you two doing here?" Rose asked.

"We are just taking a vacation. Since, the tournament was taking place we decided to come here and cheer you." Bianca said cheerfully.

"That's great. Latias will be happy to see you. I will call her now." Rose said as she sent latias a mental message. Immediately, a girl looking just like Bianca teleported infront of them. A tick mark grew on Bianca's face.

"Latias you seriously still like to disguise as me." Bianca said in annoyance.

Rose, latias and Lorenzo laughed at her. Rose informed them of her match and they immediately headed for the battle.

At the stadium, 10 am

"This is the priliminary one-on-one battle between Kalos Champion, Roselia Ashura Ketchum on Red side and Derek Frost from Newbark City on Blue Side. The battle will continue until any of the pokemon is unable to battle. Being the champion, Rose will have to show her pokemon first." The MC announced.

The crowd cheered loudly for her.

"It will be an honour to battle you Mistress Rose." Derek said annoying Rose.

"Where did you hear that?"

"Everyone in Alola says that."

Rose sighed and shook her head.

"Anyway lets continue our battle. I will not go easy on anyone. Kommo-o, I choose you." Rose said as she tossed the pokeball. Out came came the scaly pokemon in its full glory and power. He gave a mighty roar and took battle stance. The crowd cheered loudly.

And Mistress Rose calls out our Alola's mighty dragon. What will Derek do now?"

Rose grew a tick mark as the MC called her Mistress.

"HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TOLD NOT TO CALL ME MISTRESS?" She roared as mighty as her kommo-o in anger. The crowd just laughed as the MC backed away in fear.

Derek called out a sylveon.

"So you are making use of type advantage." Rose said.

"Yeah. I know I still have to go much far to defeat you but I want to try my best." Derek said.

"Very well lets begin then."

"Kommo-o vs. Sylveon. Battle begin." Refree stated.

"You can have the first move." Rose said.

"My pleasure. Sylveon swift and then use fairy wind." Derek shouted.

Rose didn't say anything as well as Kommo-o didn't move a bit. He stood there bored. The attack connected and exploded. When the dust cleared, Derek was shocked. Despite being type effective, it didn't land a scratch. Kommo-o stood tall with a smirk.

"Ariel ace followed by metal claw." Rose ordered calmly.

Derek knew if it hit then he will lose. He knew how powerful champions were.

"Sylveon use agility and double team to dodge." Derek called out. Sylveon immediately formed 10 copies and started to move fast.

"Impressive but it can't stop us. Earthquake then follow up with metal claw." Rose said with a smirk.

Kommo-o slammed his left leg on the field and created tremors powerful enough to shake the whole stadium. Sylveon was greatly damaged by the move but before she could react kommo-o hit her with metal claw fainting her.

"And with a mighty blow, Kommo-o has defeated Derek's Sylveon."

"Sylveon is unable to battle. Kommo-o wins. So the winner is Mistress Rose." The refree stated. The crowd cheered while Rose gave the refree a death glare before sighing.

Kommo-o then picked sylveon up and took her to Derek. He placed her infront of him and bowed. Derek stood shocked at the dragon's behaviour.

"Thats the sportsmanship shown by the pokemon of our Mistress Rose." The MC shouted and the crowd cheered more louder.

"T-thank you." Derek stumbled over his words.

Kommo-o grunted and went back to Rose. She patted him and gave a kiss on his cheek.

"Good boy. I am proud of you." Rose said.

Kommo-o blushed and roared happily. She then returned him and went to greet Derek who had returned sylveon and was moving towards her.

"Good match." Rose said with a smile bringing her hand foreward.

"Thank you for the match. You totally overpowered me. It was nice to battle a champion. Thank you for bringing my sylveon too." Derek said returning the handshake.

"It was nothing. Me and my pokemon respect every opponent." Rose said with her infectious smile in pride. Derek nodded. They both left to their sides.

Outside the stadium, they met up with Bianca, Lorenzo and Latias. They made their way to the pokemon centre. Her pokemon wasn't much winded but she always get them checked up after a battle. She don't want any issue over their health. They then moved to Pallet House for lunch. They talked about many things.

"So where are you staying?" Rose asked.

"We booked a hotel down the road." Lorenzo said.

"Now you pack the bag. You are staying with me." Rose said in an orderly tone.

"But Rose, we don't want to disturb you. You are quite busy in the tournament." Bianca said.

"Nonsense. You two are family. I will not let any family member stay away from me. You are coming with me and that's final." Rose declared not giving any room for further argument.

Both Lorenzo and Bianca sighed and nodded.


Rose smiled brightly and hugged them. She then looked at her watch. It was 11:45 am.

"Ok guys I have some work. You both will pack your bags and go with latias. Latias give them the guest room beside my room."

Latias nodded and went with them. Rose then teleported to Aether facility. She asked mewtwo if everything was complete over the link. Mewtwo replied affirmitively. She told hit to wait for her order. She went straight to the room where Maples were staying. She had already inquired if they were out but was told that they don't even want to come out of their room. His today's battle was postponed to next day on her order.

She knocked at the door. Caroline opened it and was shocked to see her. She was totally shaken from past events. Dry tears, red eyes, dark circles, wrinkles and mishevaled hair was seen on her. Rose entered and saw Norman in similar state.

"Have you both done lunch?" Rose asked.

Caroline nodded but Rose knew she was telling lie.

"I know you both haven't even done breakfast. I will not allow that. You both are coming now with me to have lunch." Rose ordered.

"Why?" Norman asked in a low voice.

"What?" Rose asked not hearing his words properly or just making them show that she didn't. Her hearing strength was more greater than normal.

"Why do you even care about us after what we did?" Norman said.

"Because a family is a family." Rose said straightforward.

Caroline again burst into tears. They both nodded and followed her. She led them to cafeteria of the facilty and made them sit. She then order for four people and a simple juice and ice cream for herself.

"Rose why did you ordered for four?" Caroline asked in confusion.

"Because we are missing two more Maples." She said with a small smile.

Just then both Maple siblings appeared infront of them looking confused and shocked.

45 minutes before with traitors

Misty with Drew, Brock with Dawn and Cilan with Iris were heading towards an expensive restaurant for lunch. The Maples were silently following them.

"Hey you two? Move fast. We are hungry and you are gonna pay for what your parents did." Drew said with a smug smile.

The Maples just nodded and followed them. They entered the restaurant and ordered a fancy meal for themselves. When May was about to order, Misty snatched the menu from her hands and closed it.

"You dare order for yourselves after what happened."

"But Misty we haven't had our breakfast too." May argued.

"How dare you argue to my girlfriend. You are going to get your punishment today. You both will not get any food for whole day." Drew said giving a glare. May backed away in fear.

The waiter was angry at them. No one in Alola was to be treated like that. He was about to throw them out of the restaurant but mewtwo's voice in his mind stopped him. Mewtwo may not be social to people but the people of Alola knew him well due to his involvement with Aether's rescue squad. The waiter went away with the order.

In fifteen minutes, their order arrived. They were eating their lunch happily. May and Max were controlling their hunger hard. They wanted to leave but couldn't as they feared what will happen after. The waiter had brought both of them oran berry juice by himself. They were both grateful to him. The others glared at the waiter in anger but it didn't affect him. Their lunch ended in next 30 minutes. They called for the bill and gave that to May. May was shocked to see the bill. It would take all her and Max's money left, leaving them broke for the stay. Others had already wasted the sibling's money for their desires. She reluctantly stood up to pay but at that moment both Maple siblings vanished in air.

"What the hell! Where did they go?" Misty shouted. The other customers were displeased of her shouting.

"Miss we don't allow such behaviour in our restaurant. Please pay up and leave before we have to take extreme measures." The waiter threatened.

"But we don't have money with ourselves. May and Max were to pay the bill." Misty retorted.

"Whom are you talking about?" The waiter said.

"The two who were here and just vanished in air." Misty argued.

"Miss, I think you are hallucinating. I remember only six of you coming here." The waiter argued back.

"But we were 8. You yourself gave them juice." Misty said angrily.

"Sorry miss but the order was made for 6 people and we don't give free services." The waiter replied with a smirk.

Misty was about to punch him on his face but Drew stopped her.

"Misty there is no need to argue more. They are all in this. Brock pay up. We are leaving." He said.

"Why me?" Brock whined but still brought his trainer card. The waiter took it and went. He came back after sometime and returned his trainer card. But little did they know that they were charged double for the food. They immediately left the hotel.

The waiter sighed and turned to the customers.

"Sorry for the cummotion. They needed to be taught lesson for torturing an innocent. For making this up, we offer all of you a free juice of your choice."

Most of them said it wasn't a problem and it was done right to teach them a lesson. They refused the offer but the manager came and insisted for it.

The traitors immediately headed to their trainer's cabin as they didn't have any matches.

"I am going to kill both of them when I find them." Misty shouted.

"Dear calm down. Why killing them when we can do something greater than death." Drew said with an evil smirk.

"You are right. May your life is going to become hell now." Misty said laughing evilly.

She took out a laptop from her bag and then searched for a video. After 5 minutes of searching she became frusrated.

"What the hell! Where is that damn video?" Misty shouted in anger.

"Don't worry Misty. We all have the copies of it." Drew said.

The other traitors tried to search for the copies but couldn't find one.

"Damn it. Why couldn't we find it? This doesn't feel right." Drew said in annoyance.

"Hey everyone look at these pictures." Cilan said frantically. They looked at the albums they had, both physical and virtual.

"This is wierd. There is no trace of May and Max. Not even in the pictures. What is happening?" Misty said in frustration.

"Guys, I don't think it is work of a normal person. They both disappeared in front of us. Then every trace of them disappeared. It is done by a very powerful person." Cilan reasoned.

"But who do you think would have done it?" Misty said.

"Do you think Rose did it?" Iris questioned.

"Don't be ridiculous. After what is done, I don't think she will do it?" Drew said.

"Actually that may be true." Brock said.

"What are you saying Brock?" Cilan said.

"You all don't know but when we used to travel Ash or Rose or whatever was too protective of May. Though they faught a lot but Ash didn't let any harm come to her or Max, espescially May. I always thought that he finally showed some interest in girls but one day on the ending Kanto Grand Fest., he said that he loved her as a sister. I haven't seen him interact with anyone like that not even Dawn even though he worked same for both." Brock said.

"Even if she did it, how did she know about it? Anyways we can get our revenge with them anytime. Where are they gonna go? Eventually they will come to the tournament. There we can humiliate them." Drew said.

Everyone nodded to him.

Back with the Maples and Rose

"What are they doing here? We don't want any connection with them. They are dead for us." Norman shouted at May and Max who just hung their head in shame.

"Norman calm down. Lets talk after lunch. I am sure they haven't eaten also." Rose said calmly.

This fact immediately loosened their anger. Which parent could see their children hungry?

"Why haven't you eaten?" Caroline asked in concern. They didn't reply.

"All of you first eat. We can talk later on. And May you are going to eat everything on the plate without any complain." Rose ordered.

They nodded and sat down. A few minutes later the food arrived. They were shocked. Everyone had their favourite food and smelled great. May's plate was piled up with food just like she ate. May and Max ate like hungry snorlax. Norman and Caroline smiled at them and ate their food. It tasted great. Lunch was done pretty fast. They thanked her for the food.

She then led them back to the room where Norman and Caroline were staying. She made them settled on the big bed while she used her psychic powers to move nearby sofa and sat infront of them.

"Now you were wondering what is going on?" Rose said. They all nodded.

"You all will get your answers but first May tell them the incident with Drew." Rose said sternly.

May and Max were shocked. How did she knew about it?

"How did you know?" May asked nervously.

"What do you think that if I am angry on you, I will not care about you. You are my little sister afterall." Rose said.

May burst into tears and immediately jumped for hug. She dug deeper in her chest and cried for the five years of torture.

"Max I don't think she will be able to explain. You tell them." Rose said to him.

Max took a deep breath.

"Mom, dad we are sorry for all we have done. But we were not in the state to deny it. They would have destroyed May's life if we didn't support them."

"Max tell me everything. Don't dare to leave anything." Caroline said sternly.

"Mom, Drew forced May to sleep with him." Max said in single breath.

That sentence struck them like a brick.

"What?" They explaimed.

"Mom, dad. A month before we betrayed Ash, May told me that Drew forced her to sleep with her and in a way raped her. May thought he loved her but he secretly made a video clip and started to blackmail her. Then he told her to say bad things about Ash and make me do too. We denied but he threatened that he will show it to everyone. Then we came to know that Misty and the others had a part in it. I don't know how but they made Cilan and Iris join too. We didn't want to betray her. We loved her like a brother as we knew her back then. From that day May became too depressed. Thay didn't stop there. Do you know we both are almost broke? They used up all our money. If we denied they will beat us. There are lots of cut marks on May's back and private areas. Then as we started to stay with them we also become bad and arrogant. Our downfall started then. Until you scolded us last night. There we realised how much we changed. We made ourselves the things we despised of. I am sorry dad we lied to you but we were scared from them." Max said and he aslo started to cry. Caroline aslo had tears and she hugged him tightly. Norman was shocked and very angry.

"How dare they treat our children like a trash? I will kill each of them." Norman shouted.

"Norman calm down. Anger will only increase the problem. They will get their punishment soon." Rose said.

"But Rose he has ruined May's life. How can I stay calm?" Norman argued.

"There is nothing to worry. I have destroyed every video. They don't know what hit them. As for the damage done to May and Max I will heal it. Max come here." Rose said.

As Max came to her, she put both her hands on their head. It glowed blue and both Max and May were covered in a green light. A few minutes later, the glow faded. Both May and Max radiated a new light. The dark circles had faded.

"I have fixed every cut and injury they had and that includes May's virginity. I will not allow a person like Drew destroy her life." Rose said.

The Maples looked shocked.

"Why did you help me Rose?" May asked.

"As a previously said to Norman and Caroline, a family is a family." Rose said with a smile.

"Thank you." May said.

"Save it for now. I may have forgiven you but you all need to gain my trust." Rose said sternly.

"We will try our best. We will never give up until its over." May and Max declared.

"That's the spirit." Rose said with a smile. She stretched her hands in side. May and Max looked confused.

"Aren't you two gonna welcome me to the family again." Rose joked.

May and Max both jumped on her and hugged tightly. Norman and Caroline smiled at them. They started to catch up. The Maples were amazed by her travels and shocked of how much powerful and rich she was.

"So you are saying that you owned a mansion, a private island and lots of money and you didn't knew it." Max said.


"Thats lame. If I were you I would have known already."

May smacked him.

"Here we go again." Rose said laughing soon joined by the siblings.

"May, Max I am disappointed in both of you. You lost the spirit to fight." Rose scolded.

"Sorry but after we did that to you living life was more than a punishment." May said lowering her head.

Rose's face turned soft. She lifted her head and smiled.

"Don't worry. I will fix everything. But first you both need a change of look." Rose said.

"Why?" Both asked in confusion.

"I don't want them to harm you and you both need a new start like I did. So I am going to have a total change of looks for both of you. It will also ensure that they don't recognize you and make you feel better."

"Ok." Both replied.

"Also from now you all are staying with me at my island. May will stay with me in my room. Max will be with Gary. Don't worry I will handle him. Also you both are alike. Smart and sarcastic. There is a spare room left after the recent additions for Norman and Caroline. I will introduce you to everyone at dinner. Now lets go I have to do lots of job on you two." Rose said.

"I never thought that I will get it from you Ash."

Rose and May both laughed. The Maples got ready.

"I have already transferred your belongings to the spare room. There we can get it transferred to the rooms you will be staying." Rose said.

They all nodded and mewtwo teleported them to her room. Maples were shocked the room. The room was gorgeous with shades of blue. It contained everything.

"So how is it?"

"Fantastic." Max said.

Rose giggled. But soon Max was twitching on the floor. All because of a fiesty pikachu. First, he disturbed his sleep and second, he was traitor.

"Pikachu stop." Rose ordered.

"Rose what are they doing here." Pikachu growled.

"Let me show you." Rose said as her eyes glowed blue. Then Pikachu's face turned to horror from anger. He immediately jumped on May's shoulder and started liking her face and patting her head to console her.

"I am sorry pikachu for what I have done. I will do anything to make up to both of you." May said. Pikachu squeaked happily and nuzzled her cheek. By that time Max has also stood up. Seeing pikachu warm up, two figures takled each of them.

"Mama/Max" Manaphy and Jirachi cheered happily.

"Manaphy/Jirachi." May and Max cried meeting them again. They both hugged them tightly.

"Mommy brought Mama back." Manaphy squeaked happily.

"Yeah Manaphy, I brought your Mama back." Rose said with a smile.

"Now our little reunion is done then lets get settled. Mewtwo can you tell Gary to meet me in my room." Rose said. Mewtwo nodded and teleported away. Rose then led to the spare room. It was one room ahead of hers beside Gary's. His room was closed.

She opened the room and led them in. It was beautiful but not as Rose's but still quite high standard. They found their belongings properly packed in bags on the bed. May took her bag and left with Rose. Max stayed there with his parents.

By the time, they reached her room and found Gary already there. Rose said May to enter when she said.

"Hey Rose what did you want? Mewtwo said you needed me?" Gary asked.

"Telling you will take time. Let me show you." Rose said. She then sent all the pictures to Gary's mind. His facial expression changed drastically.

"I can't believe they can go that low." Gary said in disbelief.

"Yeah. I am ashamed of them being my friends once." Rose said in disgust.

Gary nodded.

"So they are here?"

"Yeah. May you can come in?" Rose said.

May came in with Manaphy in her arms, pikachu on her shoulder and her bag on her back.

Gary didn't know what to say. He just went and patted her other shoulder. May nodded.

"Gary can you share your room with Max." Rose asked.

"Ok but he shouldn't be a jerk like that day. Otherwise I will make it a hell for him." Gary said.

"Do what you want but don't make him a pervert, otherwise I will make you have a tour to distortion world with Giratina chasing you." Rose threatened darkly.

Gary chuckled nervously and nodded his head vigorously. May didn't understand what was going on but chose not to interfare.

"Max will be in the room next to yours with Caroline and Norman." Rose said. Gary hurried immediately and Rose started laughing crazily. May just sweatdropped.

"Sorry about that. He likes to tease me and I like to threaten him too much. It is common between us." Rose said.

They then made her settled. Rose then released every pokemon of May. They were confused seeing the room but as they saw pikachu they backed away. Blaziken being the bravest and Glaceon having crush slowly approached. Pikachu thought of having some fun. He narrowed his eyes and started growling. Now they were fear stricken. They were very ashamed of what had happened.

"Pikachu stop scaring them?" Rose scolded. Pikachu squeaked and started laughing. Next thing came an iron tail from glaceon and he was lying with swirls in his eyes. Glaceon huffed and started scolding pikachu. Now he jumped in fear and climbed Rose's head.

Rose and May laughed at them. May then explained what happened. They were happy for her. They settled in the room. Glaceon curled on pikachu and licked him. Pikachu was red despite his cheek pouches being red.

Rose told May to take a bath and then they could start her makeover. After 20 minutes May came out of the bathroom in just a towel. Her hair was straight and reached to her waist.

"You know May, you should keep your hair straight. You look much beautiful in it."

She blushed and nodded. Rose then spent about two hours and they came on the decision of blue sundress with white polkadots. Rose tied her hair in a ponytail which went to her waist. She looked beautiful. She then took out some gold and silver ear rings, simple siver necklace with a small blue ruby in it and platinum bracelet with some beautiful designs. May tried to argue to not have them but Rose was not going to listen.

(www. pinterest .com/pin/864057878482780672/?source_app=android)

When Rose brought her to Norman and Caroline, they were shocked to see her. She looked very beautiful and graceful. Caroline gave her a kiss on cheek.

At that time, Max entered with Gary.

"Who is this beautiful girl mom?" He asked.

Norman and Gary facepalmed while the girls and Caroline giggled.

"She is your sister, Max. How couldn't you identify your own sister?" Norman said in amusement.

"NOOOO. When did my brash and bossy sister became cute and beautiful? The world is gonna end." Max exclaimed. May grew a tick mark on her face and smacked him hard on his head showing him stars. When he recovered, he pleaded Rose to do the same magic on him. Then he could find a girlfriend for himself. Rose gave a glare to Gary who moved his hand frantically stating it wasn't his doing. She sighed and took him to her room. When he came back, not much was looking different. Rose had removed his glasses and given suitable lenses. He had a blue jeans with white undershirt and green jacket. His hair was same as before. But now he looked quite handsome rather than the geek persona.

"You look quite handsome little bro." May complimented.

"Stop teasing me." Max said while blushing. May and Rose giggled.

"Let me show you around." Rose said. She left with May, Max and Gary. As they exited the room, they saw Bianca and Latias. As latias, saw them she changed and started growling at May and Max dangerously.

"Latias calm down. See in my mind." Rose said. Latias saw the happenings and calmed down.

"You better be good or I will tear both of you apart." Latias threatened. Then her face softened and comforted May.

"This may be a problem." Rose muttered.


"Yes Mistress."

"Inform every pokemon about May's situation. I know some of them will not think a single time before killing them."

"As you wish Mistress."

She then ended the conservation and saw everyone except latias staring at her curiously.

"Sorry I was talking with mewtwo." Rose said. They nodded in understanding. They then explained everything to Bianca. They together went out for a walk. They didn't have much problem there. Others were busy training so they only met Goodshow, Scott and the professors. Professors were informed about the situation by Goodshow after the meeting. Professor Oak and Birch were surprised of the new look of Princess of Hoenn.

At dinner, May and Max were nervous to hell. Rose and Gary walked with the Maples to the dining hall. They were seated near her. There were different expressions on their faces anger, confusion, comfort and smiles. Anger due to them being one of the traitors, confusion of not knowing who they were or what was happening, comfort from whom they knew her situation and smiles from the people who knew Norman.

"All right guys I have something to tell all of you. Many of you may know it but still many of you don't know. I want you all to listen first. When I finish I will get your decision." Rose said loud.

Everyone became silent. Rose took a deep breath and started to say.

"Many of you don't know why I decided to take my real name and drop the face of Ash Ketchum. The reason was that I was betrayed at my crucial moments."

Many of them who didn't knew her much gasped. They thought her change was due to the death of her mother.

"When my mother died I was in very weak emotional condition. The so called travelling companions of mine called me weak because I didn't win any league. They tried to take my pokemon saying that I was unworthy of them. I would have died in any terms then and there if it wasn't for my pokemon beside me and a certain light of realisation of my mistakes and their true help. True to say none of them were like Serena, Clemont and Bonnie. My Kalos league had many ups and downs. Here I didn't have any specific rival. I didn't have anyone behind. I came here solely for winning. Clemont joined as he wanted to get his own light to fight. Bonnie for fun in journey and Serena to search for dreams. In all previous journeys, I didn't have much support other than just food while I did help them much. Serena and Bonnie were there for any mental support while Clemont was there to help me in battles and a true holder of Lumiose Gym. I moved foreward and never looked back and reached new heights."

Everyone looked happy for her. Maples had guilt but still smiled at her success.

"I was so angry at them that I never bothered anything about the my so-called friends. I didn't meet them over the five years till now in the tournament. Yesterday a truth came to me via mewtwo. Truth about Maples. Both parents were misguided by the traitors. Norman never wanted to leave my dream but wanted me to realize my mistake. He was against my leaving of dream but he agreed that a break of a month or two would help me. I was close to Maple family like a real member so they showing their backs was the most severe blow. But last night I came to know that Norman and Caroline were angry at me only due to them believing that I attacked their children. I don't blame them. Every parent is protective of their children. Last night in an argument, Misty attacked Caroline. Then and there they severed their ties with them. But May and Max didn't. It was a blow to their heart. They couldn't believe how they were still standing when someone attacked their own mother. This broke both their hearts which went extreme to disowning them and Norman taking his name back from tournament and going straight back home."

Everyone except champions, professors, Gary, Bianca, Goodshow and Scott were surprised. They looked at Norman in sadness. It takes a lot for a very good trainer to take his or her name back from a prestigious tournament like Masters Cup.

"Mewtwo scanned their memories. He was shocked to know the truth behind it. You should know here we are talking about mewtwo. He is not someone to be affected by any situation but this situation made him panic. He went straight to me and showed me everything. The truth was that I was not the only one to suffer. The Maple siblings have been suffering mental and physical abuse from them for five years. May was raped by Drew and was blackmailed to ruin her life and career. She and Max were forced to do things that they don't want to do. They were tortured by them. They lost their spirit, sanity, happiness, dignity and even money. The separation with their parents was the last blow for them. If I hadn't rescued them then I am sure they would have done something that would scar Norman and Caroline's mind forever."

It was even more shocking for them. Her life was nothing more than hell for these years. The Hoenn gym leaders were fuming at the fact.

"How dare they do that to our pride of Hoenn?" Roxanne and Flanerry growled.

"We were not happy for what she did to you but still there is a reason she is called Princess of Hoenn." Flannery added.

"We are going to make them suffer in hell." Both girls said in anger.

"Ok girls calm down. I know you are angry but we need proof for that. I and the Champions are investigating anything we can find on them. But that can be dealt later. For now I want you to meet the new form of Princess of Hoenn. Don't worry I have healed every injury of her including that special to a girl. Now let me show her." Rose said.

May stood up and greeted them. Now they were surprised to see her new look.

"Well Rose you sure did a number on her." The girls said in unison.

"You will be a great model for the fashion May. If you want I will be happy to have you as my fashion model. You are very beautiful in your new look." Valerie said.

May was shocked and Rose and others smiled at her. She immediately took the offer. Max then greeted everyone.

"Now I have a request to you all. Both May and Max are still mentally unstable. They had suffered even more than me over the years. I want you all to treat them well. Also I am not allowing both of them to leave the island for any sort of work except grand festival or the tournament. They are going to be accompanied by one of you everytime. I will call some of the island pokemon for their protection." Rose said.

"Rose you are doing too much for us. We are not worthy of all these." May said.

"May I am not going to make any argument. It's not a choice its an order. I can't forgive myself if something happens to my little sister. I have seen the fear in your eyes due to Drew. Tell me how will you protect yourself when you meet them?" Rose scolded.

May became silent at it.

"May when Rose becomes protective of something or someone then Arceus also decides not to argue with her. She only wants you to be safe." Gary said.

May nodded but then said "Can I stay beside you everytime."

Rose's face softened. She placed a hand on his shoulder and allowed.

"Ok guys thats all done. Now lets have our dinner."

They all nodded and have their dinner. It would take sometime to warmup with the Maples but the progress was more than satisfactory.

Rose took a nightwalk with May, Serena, Anabel and Bonnie. They talked to May as an old friend. Max stayed with Gary and Clemont.

At 9:30, everyone went to their room. Rose gave May a nightgown similar to her just pink in colour while hers was blue.

"May can you give me your pokedex?" Rose asked. May nodded and gave it to her. She then did some things and returned it to her.

"Rose what did you do?" May asked.

"I changed your name. Haruka Ketchum will be your name till you are ready enough to face the traitors. I told Gary to name Max, Masato Ketchum for the time being." Rose said.

"Thank you." May said with a sweet smile.

Rose hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"I am sorry I wasn't with you. I am sorry that you had to face them all alone." Rose said.

"It's not your fault big sister. You didn't knew and were angry after what happened." Haruka said.

(I will use Haruka until name changes.)

"So May-" Rose started but Haruka stopped her.

"Call me Haruka big sister."

Rose smiled and nodded.

"As I was saying Haruka, you don't have any new clothes and the older ones will lead to your recognition. So tomorrow we are going for shopping after I have my battle in the morning. I forgot to ask but when is your appeal?"

"It is on tomorrow at 4 pm." Haruka replied.

"Good, I have my appeal at the same time. I want you to give a wonderful appeal." Rose said.

"You bet. It will be the best till now." Haruka said with determination. They both giggled.

"Thank you for everything." Haruka said.

"Don't just say it. Do it with your appeal." Rose ordered.

"I will." Haruka smiled.

They both went to bed. May had manaphy while Rose had pikachu. Latias was with Bianca and jirachi with Max. All other pokemon were outside with her pokemon.

After few minutes, Haruka woke Rose up.

"Haruka go to sleep."

"Sorry Rose but I couldn't. I am having sleeping problems for years. Can I hug you while sleeping?" Haruka asked.

Rose nodded. Haruka immediately dug deep in her for comfort. Rose moved her fingers through her long hair. Haruka was calm as a baby in her arms.

"Don't worry Haruka. I will not leave you now. No one will harm you. They will pay for what they did?" Rose said softly.

A smile formed on Haruka's face while sleeping. Rose soon drifted off in her sleep.


* How was it?

* Next will be priliminaries and beach party.

Bye and Enjoy!!!