Hahne-Kedar Weapons Technologies
A south african-australian weapons manufacturer founded during the 2120s, HK Weapons Technologies grew out of (Hahne-Kedar) FabTech, a start-up specializing in fully automated, AI-driven manufacture of systems with on-demand, rapid-reorientation lines. As FabTech expanded its reach, the corporation soon branched into weapons technology. The end result was Haehne-Kedar Weapons Technologies. In 2174, HKWT was in turn put under MilFab Technologies together with the absorbed JSC Kalashnikov Concern and several other bought-up arms manufacturers.

Haehne-Kedar is known as an average, but cheap gear producer, with good pricing, delivery and superb logistics, and a good personal combat system line aimed at transhumans primarily. By Citadel standards, Hahne-Kedar gear used to be quite good, a position that has fallen somewhat behind. HKWT Armor is designed for transhuman combat Shells in mind, with integrated interfacing options and minimal direct power assistance. The corporation also manufacture for full Synthmorph frames, with Rapid-On, Rapid-Off (RORO) armor solutions that can be snapped directly to the synthetic body. HKWT has also established itself as the entry-level market supplier for non-human armor solutions, aimed at aqua-, aero- and terramobile uplifts alike. In consequence, it also offers armor systems for adapted and hybrid frames such as used by Systems Alliance Marines Combat Selkies.

Besides weapons, HKWT also produces cheap Mechs, Combat Robots, and drone combat systems. These are all made from simple to fabricate, hard-edge components with few advanced systems, making them easy to manufacture and maintain, and lightweight to transport. HKWT also produces a set of in-field fabrication arrays and container-portable field assembly solutions for making these units on the frontline, from space to underwater, for easy replenishment without a finished-fabrication aerospace supply train. The Systems Alliance uses HKWT Mechs and robots extensively for planetary security and surveillance operations, as well as expendable assets in the case of war. During the Second Verge War, the Systems Alliance fabricated more than 600 billion HKR MCR-45B4 "Loki" Combat Mechs for planetary suppression and patrol duties.

In general, Hahne-Kedar products range from cheap to very good, with a few excellent product lines that Hahne-Kedar has secured for themselves. The corporation is well-known for its practise of releasing dozens of variants of a base platform, with varying capabilities, manufacturing grade and thus price and logistics footprint.

Flagship products:

- M8A1 Block 4 "Avenger" Assault Rifle (for combat robot/drone use)

- M15A4 "Storm" Semi-Automatic Combat Shotgun (for combat robot/drone use)

- HKR-45 Series "Loki" Humanoid Patrol Mech

- HKR-63 Wächter Aeromobile Sentry Plattform

- Gallern Series Ammunition Blocks

Heckler & Koch
Transhuman arms manufacturer, based in the former ESF. Reputation for a core plattform of trusted weapon systems with superior engineering. H&K systems are modular, use cutting-edge materials, and are superior ballistic products, but at the cost of pricing. H&K weapons are throughout the bank build on cutting-edge, yet robust solutions. Conventional mechanical parts have been abandoned in favor of microgrown metamaterials, the weapons structural frame are build from cutting-edge foamed memory materials, and the extreme-performance plasma-jacket railguns and eezonic systems give H&K guns superior punch while minimizing recoil.

Most H&K guns are addressed at the mainline infantry market, with a side note in law enforcement, civilian defense, and in recent decades, superheavy humanoid combat arms. They are throughout the bank kinetic guns, with very few deviations into the energy weapons sector, but H&K has cultivated a set of advanced payload guns firing smart grenades and seekers for infantry use. H&K guns tend to be customizable, multi-situation gun systems with multiple sub-weapons, usually a core mass accelerator supporting two, in special forces systems three or even four ammo blocks with high-performance shavers, as well as a high-capacity payload launcher system. H&K tactical carbines are often equipped to accept even a third overbarrel option.

H&K is also (in)famous for pushing the boundary of personal kinetic arms with some more unique products. The "Rangers Carbine", or officially Massenbeschleunigergewehr 120R, exploits the same barrel stacking technology used in essentially all modern compacting mass drivers, and marries it to micromachine active sintering technology. The end result is a weapon that is, while not as compacting as normal weapons, fully able to switch between a variable-length assault rifle and a DMR at a moments notice. Both as a handheld weapon and weapon mount, the MBG-120R was used extensively during the Cold Verge War and the Second Verge War against the Batarian Hegemony.

Flagship products

- (MB)G-455S Subsonic Stealth Carbine

- (MB)G-120R Assault Rifle/Battle Rifle/DMR Hybrid

- (MB)G-130 Battle Rifle

- (TB)G-110 Multiple Weapon System

- (MBM)G-70 Close-Quarters Carbine

- RSK-30 "Der Schredder" Rotary Railgun System (for use on Exosuits and IPS)

- GGW-17 Automatic Grenade Launcher

- SDRW-68 Automatic Seeker Launcher

Seburo Corp
A Japanese-Indonesian Arms manufacturer founded in the 2030s out of the South-East Asia Security Alliance, Seburo Corp rode the Post-World War 3 arms market developments at the forefront of personal defense weapons, close-quarters arms, and special forces/paramilitary armaments.

Seburo weapons of the chemical and electrochemical age were marked by compact shapes, small cartridges with high impact power, reliability and high ergonomics, as well as excellent gun quality and a unique design.

The modern Seburo Corp are marked by the same design choices. Eschewing compacting ability almost entirely, Seburo instead chose to pack as much punching power as feasible into its weapon designs. The result are slim, compact designs firing plasma-jacketed sabots with, for infantry weapons, very high velocity; or Directed Energy Guns using highly advanced plaser or proton beamer weapons.

The only disadvantage of this is that Seburo weapons are incompatible with most common ammo block systems; the plasma jacket technology that permits the rounds their high velocity without excessive atmospheric ablation demands metamaterial saboting of the rounds fired. Seburo DEWs in a similiar manner are dependant on custom high-energy cells, though beam weapons can be supplied with standard high-pressure hydrogen cartridges.

The other feature modern Seburo Corp products are lauded for is their excellent SmartLink system and onboard weapon electronics. Optimized for ECM-ladden, snap-decision close-quarters combat in cyberwarfare-heavy environments, Seburo weapons have excellent onboard targeting and ballistics sensors, an onboard targeting LAI, separate SnapShot server for hosting usually user-based combat apps on the gun itself, and all with extremely low lag and latency. This ensures on-point auto-targeting, HALO fire control and IFF lock-out, as well as general targeting through smoke, flashbangs, dazzlers and environmental obstacles without issues, lags, or crashing.

Flagship products

- ETH-2 Medium Pistol

- ETC-2i Combat Carbine

- ETC-5R Combat Carbine

- ETC-6B Tactical Carbine

- ETC-30 Assault System

- ETS-241 Automatic Shotgun System

- ETEH-51 P-Beamer Pistol

- ETER-36 Plaser Rifle

Tairon Arms
A Brasilian Start-Up of the early 22nd-century colonial years, Tairon Arms started as a modern Elephant gun manufacturer, producing high-powered hunting and self-defense guns. Adapting military mass driver tech to the civilian environmental, Tairon Arms soon fused into one of the early Webcorps - networks of smaller companies with common representation and IP share arrangements - to produce everything needed for a colonist to tame the wild of new habitable worlds that were discovered left and right. Special cybernetics and civilian exoskeletons and exo-suits joined high-powered bush guns.

Tairon Arms never tried to compete in the mainline military market by itself. Instead, the corporation turned to the growing scene of mercenaries and tactical gun owners, as well as soldiers, who wanted high-powered, reliable weapons. However, as mass driver technology advanced, Tairon Arms adherence to staying un-miniaturized and un-compacting gave their weapons an increased rep-cred of being reliable and unhackable. Where other guns failed and shut down, Tairon continued to function. The heavy punch was always nice, of course.

And thus started the career of one of transhumanities unlikeliest weaponsmithing companies. Nowadays, Tairon Arms is as much known for „cool" as for „practical", with a main selling point of „punchy". This has earned Tairon Arms a quite significant alien following however - and the Systems Alliance contracts Tairon Arms for Anti-Krogan and Anti-wildlife weaponry both.

One noteworthy point: No Tairon weapon uses ammo blocks. Fired rounds are throughout the bank macroscopic projectiles handled in magazines.

Flagship Products (Military market)

- TACW-6|9 "Tacawa" Heavy Revolver Hand Cannon

- TACR-7/80 "Tayrec" Battle Rifle

- TACS-2|2 Medium Machine Gun

- TARC-1 "Otorongo" Heavy Anti-Material Railcannon