Hello, everyone in the Camp Camp fandom this is my first Camp Camp fic, so I hope you enjoy. For the record this takes place after the 'Cookin Cookies' episode but before 'Parent's Day'.
With or Without Nutz
Monday Morning
The Sun rose in the distant over Lake Lilac creating a beautiful sight of reds, purples, and blues as clouds began to form. Dew drops appeared on the grass and flora as if they were masterfully painted by an famous artist, the lake was still, and everything was quie-
*Camp Bugle Horn Sounds*
The campers and co-counselor were awoken by the sound of the morning horn; moaning, groaning, and a few cursing.
"For fuck's sake, David." Max hissed as he laid back down in his cot Mr. Honeynuts by his side and raised his pillow above him and slammed the pillow into his face.
A scowl formed on Gwen's face; she was having a wonderful dream that she was a famous crime-supernatural-horror-mystery-fantasy-romance novelist, with so much money she couldn't spend it in just one life time, not living with her parents, and a list of secret admirers that were hot men and women who wanted to marry her. It was going great; until that dumb horn woke her up!
"Good morning, Gwen!" David greeted his CBFL like he did every morning.
Gwen rose up from her sheets to glare at David, she had to admit it was cute how David always seemed like a happy puppy, but not right now.
"What's so fucking great about today? It's just gonna be like every other horrid day." Gwen groaned foreshadowing today's events.
" First language, and second because today's the day we do our annual sale!" David said with excitement as he did a twirl.
That's when Gwen's eyes shot wide open and a wave of fear, anxiety, dread washed over her.
"Oh, no!" Gwen gasped.
"Oh, yes!" David said. "I have to sign for the delivery so I'll see you in the Mess Hall."
David cheerfully gave Gwen the Camp Campbell salute and practically skipped out of the counselors cabin.
'One of these days I'm gonna tell him what that salute stands for.' Gwen thought as she raised her pillow above her and slammed the pillow into her face.
The Mess Hall
The Camp Campbell campers were in the Mess Hall eating their breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and eggs and making bets who would win the tug-o-war of bacon between Nikki and Muack the platypus.
"There is no way this is sanitary!" Neil said in a disgusted voice as he watch Nikki and Muack tug on the stretchy slice of bacon with their teeth.
"Shut up, Neil!" Max spatted. "Maybe, I should make a side bet if they do the Lady and the Tramp kiss."
The door slammed open to reveal David, Gwen, and about a hundred boxes behind them. This caused the campers pause in alarm as Muack slipped from releasing the bacon.
"Good morning, Campers!" David greeted the campers. "Today's a special day."
"Christmas!" Nikki exclaimed with stars in her eyes.
"No, Nikki not Christmas." David answered trying not to damper the girl's spirits.
Sadly, it failed as Nikki pouted.
" We're finally getting a new ramp?" Ered questioned raising an eyebrow.
"Ugh, no." David answered.
" Hairspray the musical is back on Broadway?" Preston shouted at the top of his lungs.
"No." David answered.
"Christmas!" Space Kid jumped with glee.
"Jesus Christ!" Gwen shouted. " It's chocolate bar sales day we put up a fuckin' flyer over there!"
The campers followed where Gwen's finger pointed to the corner of the room where a poorly made flyer with a chocolate bar on it.
"Make more flyers next time that get our attention." Max said sarcastically as he drank his coffee.
"Why you little shit." Gwen rolled up her sleeves as she was about to grab Max.
"Anyway-" David cut into Gwen and Max. " It's a Camp Campbell tradition to sell chocolate bars to the good people of Sleepy Peak to help maintain and bring in more campers for the camp."
"Hold on, how can we sell candy bars?" Neil interrupted. "We almost had to brush our teeth with the tooth brushes we cleaned the Mess Hall with if Gwen didn't find those 'in-case-I-have-to-go-into-hiding-in-Canada-for-10-years-box.' in the attic."
"Don't remind me." Gwen shuddered at the memory as hugged herself.
"It's true, we had to stop selling candy bars eight years ago because the factory we used to go to shut down. What was the name again- Lax-O's I believe?" David said trying to remember.
"Lax-O's? As in chocolate laxatives?" Max laughed as he fell out of his seat. "This place sucks at names! HAHAHAHA!"
"Max, Language!" David scolded the ten year old. " Anyway, Mr. Campbell found out we can legally sale the candy bars we won at the Camporre, but don't worry campers there'll still be some chocolate bars left over for us since we won the year supplies of s'mores."
'Oh, now he wants to be legal.' Gwen thought as she rolled her eyes.
"The chocolate bars we'll be selling are: traditional milk, white, dark, peanut butter, caramel, crispy, mint, and almonds." David listed as he held the chocolate bars in his arms.
Nikki raised her hand in the air waving it like a student trying to gain their teacher's attention.
"Yes, Nikki?" David smiled at the adventures girl.
"I hate to break it to you David, but this is Flower Scout cookie sale season." Nikki said in a matter-of-fact voice. " We don't have a snow flakes chance in heck. Trust me, I was there last year we owned this town."
"Plus, I gave the Wood Scouts a head start on their popcorn sales to save Mr. Honeynuts." Gwen added with a smirk in Max's direction.
Max's face now had a light pink tint to it as the campers started to snicker. Max glared at them shutting them up, and jumped on the table red face pointing at Gwen.
"You did that on purpose you trash-reading-slacker!" Max yelled at the woman.
"Next time be careful who you blackmail you shit-son-of-satan!" Gwen retorted.
David cut into between the two before they could claw at each other.
"Guys, language and violence!" David interjected. " Now come on everybody, I'll get the bus started."
David and the campers left the Mess Hall leaving Max, Gwen, and Muack behind.
"How badly do you think this is gonna go?" Max asked looking up at Gwen in a dry voice.
"Kid, I predicted how this day was gonna go before I woke up." Gwen answered in tired voice.
"Muack!" Muack quacked.
So, that's chapter one! I got the idea for this fanfic after thinking if the Flower Scouts sell cookies, and the Wood Scouts sell popcorn, Camp Campbell would most likely sell chocolate bars since that's another fundraiser food item. Please, tell if you guys enjoyed it and what you think will happen next. Bye!