Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Some people have to suffer and work hard to see another sunrise.

Young Eret has no parents and grows up working for his uncle who is a ruthless, stoic man. Eret never gets to experience the affectionate embrace of a parent or feel a sense of belonging within a family. For him life is a lonesome journey through hell, and he quickly gets used to watching his own back.

'There is no one in this world you should look after except yourself' is what he is constantly told. He quickly learns he is his greatest friend, his only friend. He is his own parent and his own father. He belongs to no one but himself. Thus he begins referring to himself as Eret.. Son of Eret.

Most of Eret's teen years are spent working in dangerous conditions. He does the work no one else wants to, wether it be jumping into icy water in the middle of the winter to retrieve lost tools and save the drowning, fixing roofs in the biting cold and almost having his fingers freeze off or building ships and weapons for the local merchants and townsmen. Eret possesses quite an array of talents, making him the go to person whenever trouble arises.

He lives in a small hut alone by himself. It's too tiny to be considered a proper house and he tries to avoid spending all his waking hours there. He rather not be consumed by all the darkness.

In spite of all his misfortunes, Eret prides himself for keeping an optimistic gaze on the horizon. He dreams of the sea and exploring outside the known world. His uncle refuses to take him along and Eret has to wait until he reaches full adulthood before he can set sail with a crew of his own.

In the meanwhile he intends to save every bit of penny. If he is to leave one day he will need resources and a base to build on.

When the time arrives, and Eret finally sets out on his voyage, a dark cloud sinks over the fishing village. He is gone for several moon cycles and completely oblivious to the horrors that await him at home when he returns back.

For just a mere month past his departure, a man named Drago Bludvist drops by and turns Eret's entire village into a slave market.

I have not decided the pairing yet. I'm open for suggestions..