Mirror of our land. (moon Universe)
Summary: Noël and Anabel both found with no past memory. Only, Noël cannot speak, and they only time she's ever said a thing was to save Anabel from a rock. Noël also had a Cosmog in her bag. Unable to fine her place of origin, Noël joined the International Police. Four years and five months later, a portal at the Altar of Moone with random people just appearing in random spots and people randomly disappearing. With everyone off trying to solve this mystery, Noël is left minding the base when a familiar, and distressed woman bursts in. Why is this woman distressed? Who is she? And can Noël help her and stop the coming doom?
An idea I got playing Pokémon sun. Not even sure why.
Note: the Pokémon world is split into two worlds. Most the people in one world don't exist in the other or are very different. In the moon Universe, the regions that exist are Alola, Unova, Hoenn and the Orange Islands. In the sun world: Alola, Kalos, Johto, Kanto and Sinnoh. Alola is the only region which is in both.
Pairings: Not sure. At the moment I will say no major ones to be safe. If I include Ash, I would like to do a Ash X Lillie or a Ash X Dawn pairing.
Another note: It is set after the events of Sun and Moon. All of that leading up to it will be much the same as the games.
Note 3: The international Police don't really have their Pokémon out outside of doing missions and stuff. A few will every now and then, but, other than that, yeah.
Questions are worth millions, just don't be rude!
Chapter 1: the girl on the beach
"It's a beautiful evening, isn't it, Looker?" Anabel asked her work partner, as he and Anabel watched another Alolan sunset in Heahea City. Nothing like watching a sunset after a long hard day!
"Yes, it is. I feel a little uneasy about it, though," said Looker, who was looking a little uneasy.
Anabel and Looker were high ranked officers who worked for the International Police force. The main difference between the International Police Force and normal Police forces, was the fact that any of the officers in the International Police for could get moved at any point during their work time and were only asked out for extreme cases. The ones who worked in Alola had mostly been moved there nearly five years ago.
It was a bit of a mystery where Anabel came from: she had been found by a dead International Police officer's wife, who had brought her in. They did everything in their power to try and find where she was from: posters, emails, random phone calls. Even the bases in other regions helped out! No one had any luck, though. They had done a lot of work: everyone was tired by the time they went home, and quite a few times they fell asleep before they could go home.
When they had been working for over two months, they decided they had done everything they could: there was no way by now they could have done all this and not had even someone ring up and ask about her, everyone decided that the best thing would be to stop the investigation. There was nothing more they could do!
Over that period, Anabel knew she really liked the International Police force and everyone in it, so she decided to work for them. Not a soul who worked there wasn't happy about this. While they were investigating Anabel's case, Anabel had spent a lot of time with Looker. Getting on very well, and Anabel being very sensible, Anabel became Looker's work partner. Looker was not very good at being sensible. However, that work partnership won't last for much longer, as Anabel was getting good at the job very quickly, which meant she would get an upgrade very soon.
"I'm sure it's nothing: but how about we check the beach, just to make sure?" Anabel suggested. She thought that maybe Looker was feeling that way because they had been solving ghost mysteries at their nearby trainer's school for the last couple of days, and he was still on edge from that; Anabel knew she was. To put Looker's mind at ease, she had suggested they give the beach a quick check.
"I think that is a good idea," Looker agreed, feeling better they were going to have a look around.
As they walked down the steps to the beach, the receptionist for the International police; Epona, came by and asked, "You two coming for pizzas?"
"Yep! Won't be too long; just checking the beach," Anabel said. She loved pizza! They only got to have it once a week, which made it even more special when they did have it.
"Okay. They will arrive in half an hour; or so I was told. After all, last week they told us that and they arrived two hours later," Epona said rolling her eyes.
Epona was quite a young Pokémon trainer with honey blonde hair. She was normally seen dressed in orange, and she wore contacts that made her eyes light, misty blue. No one was sure what her real eye colour was. Epona had been sourced for the receptionist job by Anabel, after the last one had walked out on the job. Epona had just completed her Island challenge back then, and she wasn't really sure what she wanted to do: so, she decided to give it a shot. Epona had been very nervous when she first started: first job and it was for the International Police for no less. But five weeks down the track and she was part of the family, so to speak.
"Ha, and if we came late they would be on time. It was very annoying that happening last week, especially when Orlanda had to rush off," Anabel said knowing how these things worked. It had been very annoying; everyone had been very angry it happened, and they even told the pizza people so.
"That does seem to be how these things work," Looker agreed.
"Yes, probably. Anyway, see you two soon," Epona said, then she walked on.
"Nice girl, Epona; isn't she?" Looker said as they continued on.
"Yes. I'm so glad working for the international police worked out for her; after all the things she's been through. I always wondered if I was doing the right thing by asking her to join; but now, I believe it was," Anabel said. Anabel had grown to see Epona has her little sister.
"Yes. Her mother and father had a rather nasty break up, didn't they?" Looker asked, thinking back.
"Yes, they did. It wasn't too bad for Epona from what I can gather; because she didn't really like her father. I think the only reason it was a problem for her, was because of how upset her mum got," Anabel said, not really knowing any of it for sure.
"Hey, what's that white thing lying just over there?" Looker asked suddenly, pointing at a white mass not that far away.
After staring for a minute, Anabel shock her head and said, worrying, "I think it's a person! Let's go and look!"
They nervously ran closer. As they drew closer, they both saw that it was indeed a person. When they were close, they both saw it was an around nine-year-old child (girl). She was dressed in a white knee length dress with white flowers on it, and she wore a huge, white, floppy hat. She had white knee length boots, too. She was partly lying on a white and pink travelling bag. There was something wriggling inside the bag.
"What's she doing here?" Looker asked finding the whole situation odd and concerning. He hoped it wasn't child abuse or a child being dumped after a kidnapping, or something.
"It seems odd and I'm concerned. I hope she's all right, though! I'll check to see if she's breathing," Anabel said going historical. She bent down and checked the girl's pulse. "She still is! Thank the lord for that!"
"Try shaking her to see if she wakes up?" Looker suggested. He was worried: it was very odd that someone had passed out on the beach. They could just hope she woke up when Anabel jiggled her; as that would show nothing too bad was wrong. From what he could see she looked fine, but that was not a teller, especially with internal problems.
"Good idea," Anabel nodded, and she jiggled the young girl gently.
That seemed to work because the young girl started to wake up. She bolted up right, and she looked panicked and got a fright when she saw Looker and Anabel. The poor thing was getting so worked up, and Looker and Anabel were worried she was going to have a panic attack! They were starting to stress about calming her before she did.
"Hey, there! Don't panic, Looker and I won't hurt you. I'm Anabel; who are you?" Anabel said gently.
She stared blankly at Anabel. Looker wondered aloud, never seeing anything like that happen before, "Maybe she doesn't understand English?"
The girl waved at them shyly, but she didn't say a thing.
"What do we do? We can't help her unless we know what she's saying," Anabel said, feeling bad they couldn't help the young girl.
"For now, let's take her back to base. That's all we can do: we need help from the others," Looker said, hoping someone else would have ideas on how to help.
"Okay. Let me help you up," Anabel said to the girl, grabbing both her hands and pulling her up. Anabel knew that if you hadn't moved for a while, getting up could be hard because you were often quite stiff. She was always reminded of that fact when you had to hide in a cupboard for an extended period.
The child had been shocked about how quickly it had all happened. When she recovered, she nodded at Anabel, and from her expression, Anabel thought she was saying thank you. Then Anabel noticed the girl's bag move, again. "Is there something in your bag?" Anabel asked. What could be in there?
She gave a look as if to say, 'huh?' and then she looked to see her bag move. She opened it, and a dark blue and purple Pokémon sprang out and land on the ground in front of her. The Pokémon seemed happy to see the girl, but she was very confused, and couldn't for the life of her work out why this Pokémon was happy to see her when she hadn't seen it before.
"Don't worry: we will sort it all out. How about you but this Pokémon in the bag, and we go to our base; where we can get all our friends to help you?" Anabel asked the girl gently. Anabel knew neither she or Looker knew the stress this girl had been through, and she didn't want to seem too aggressive or frightening to the girl. Though, she was suspecting she was taking it to an extreme.
The child nodded, and grabbed the Pokémon; (after a couple of tries,) after quite a bit of a struggle, she got it into the bag. The girl looked at Anabel and Looker and nodded; then with Looker leading, they returned to the International Police Station.
When they were nearly there, Anabel asked the girl while doing a writing action, "Can you write?"
The child glared at Anabel (probably because she felt like she was being treated like a two-year-old) and then nodded quite frantically. Anabel said, "Good: that will make things easier. We will need to ask you questions, and if you can write your answer down; it will make life much easier."
Anabel knew if there was no way for her to communicate with them, they would have had to use Pokémon such as her espeon and alakazam to peer into her mind.
The girl nodded, again. Looker said approvingly to Anabel, "Good idea, Anabel."
"Well, I had to think of something," Anabel said, not wanting this to get into a big drama.
Their base was located between the Outa Space Lab and the Pokémon Centre, and right next to an Over the Blue outlet. Considering there were not a lot of streets, it wouldn't have mattered where it was, but everyone who worked for the International Police liked to think they had prime location. Anabel, Looker and the girl just reached the Station/base.
As they entered the building, Looker said to the girl, "Now, despite some of their demeanours, everyone here is lovely and are trying to help; so, don't worry."
she nodded to give her message of understanding.
The interior of their base was pretty none descript: it could have anything in it! But, that was the way the liked it. The colouring was pretty dull and boring too, but everyone liked that, too. The only person who ever had a problem with it was the Island Kahuna, Jamie, and if she had been in charge of decorating, the whole building would have been done in pink and white checks or something. Which would have looked fine, but not everyone liked pink.
Looker called out to the empty building, "Hello?"
"In the computer room!" The chief of the Alolan branch of the International Police Force, Saniel, called.
"Right: to the computer room," Looker said nodding; and they started up the stairs.
When they reached the computer room, (on the second floor,) all the members of the International Police for Alola wherein there. The computer room was what its name suggested, and was filled with computers. A whole lot had been put on one table so they could have somewhere to put the pizzas. On the floor next to the pizzas were a whole heap of bowls full of Pokémon Food.
Anabel after everyone had seen them, said, "Hi, everyone. When we were walking on the beach, we found this girl, here. She seems to know nothing about who she is or where she's from: she doesn't even know her own name or how a pokémon got into her bag!"
The girl/child looked down in shame. Anabel said, quickly realising she had put her foot in it, "I didn't mean it like that! Sorry! But, it's okay!"
There was a low mutter and whisper through everyone. They all jumped to the first conclusion that sprang to mind, and that was a kidnapping.
"Right: can we eat pizzas first? She can join us, of course. We will sort everything out after dinner," Saniel said. Saniel was a burly looking police officer with brown hair and light grey eyes. He had a bottomless pit for a stomach; which surprised everyone that met him.
"Yeah, sure!" Anabel said, trying not to laugh, along with everyone else.
"Alright, let's eat," Looker said. Everyone set their Pokémon free, then they all made their way over to the pizzas.
As everyone else dug in, the child just stared at the food. "Help yourself!" Epona said to her, and she nodded in a way to try and say thank you. When she had gotten her share, she and Epona moved over to some chairs and sat down. The strange Pokémon sprang out of the bag and went to sleep on a nearby chair.
As they ate, Saniel groaned to Looker, "I get a feeling it's going to be a long night, with all the stuff we need to do."
"I'll say. But that's part of the job contract," Looker said. He didn't like the late nights, but a job was a job.
"Your fond of that line; aren't you, Looker?" said Saniel rolling his eyes.
"Well; it is true," Looker simply stated.
"You're a pretty thing, aren't you?" Epona said to the girl, with slight awe. Because they were sitting together and Epona was having trouble thinking up things to say, and she would feel a bit bad if she didn't say anything.
The girl smiled and bowed her head to Epona. Assuming that meant thank you, Epona said smiling, "No problem."
Then a big dog-like Pokémon came over and demanded a pat from Epona. "This is my Arcanine, Theo. Would you like to pat it?" Epona asked the girl, who nodded, and slowly came over to pat Theo.
When she was close, she gave it a rub on the head. "That's his favourite spot," Epona supplied. Then she asked, "Do you like pokémon?"
The girl nodded, with a big smile. "Let me call another one. Ursula!" Epona cried.
A big bear Pokémon came over. "This is my Ursaring, Ursula. Would you like to pat it?"
Epona asked, and the girl nodded. "Okay, Ursula; this girl would like to pat you."
"Urs," Ursula said, lowing her head so the girl could pat it, and she did. Theo saw this though and pushed Ursula out of the way so he could be patted.
(Overside of the room)
"So, Anabel: what's with the girl?" asked Muller. He and Anabel were standing nearby the pizzas, and Anabel was slowly eating through a Meat Lovers Special which was right next to her. She had eaten three pieces so far.
"We found her on the beach. She can't remember anything! Not even how a Pokémon got into her bag!" Anabel said, still disbelieving of the whole thing.
"Odd. Is Saniel going to write up some missing/found person posters?" Muller guessed. That was always what Saniel did in cases like this.
"That's what I'd assume," Anabel said, finishing a fourth piece of pizza.
"Great. Well, I know what my next job is," said Muller. He normally got the job of sticking posters up, and he hated it.
"Don't be so selfish, Muller; it's better you do that, then she goes to an orphan or something," Anabel said starting to get angry.
"True, but she wouldn't be there for long," Muller argued, also starting to sound mad.
"I wouldn't be so sure; looks can be deceptive," Anabel said; flinging her hair around, grabbing another piece of pizza and walking off and joining said girl and Epona, before she yelled at Muller and made a scene.
"Have you been upsetting Muller again?" Epona asked amused. She had been worried about the two of them standing together, as they quite often got arguing when they were talking.
"No, just been talking," Anabel said. And it was true; she had left before they started arguing.
"Oh, that's all," Epona said disbelieving.
The girl gave a confused smile. Epona quickly explained realising what the child meant, "Anabel has a reputation of upsetting Muller."
She nodded, then Epona and Anabel started exchanging days. A few of Anabel's Pokémon came over, but not many, her Alakazam and Espeon came over, and Espeon let the girl stroke it, but other than that, Epona and Anabel chatted and ate, while the girl ate and patted Theo.
When the pizzas had been eaten, they finally stopped talking and the girl finally got the strange Pokémon into her bag; Saniel, Looker, Anabel and the girl all went to Saniel's office. Everyone sat down except for Saniel, and he brought a paper pad and pen over to his desk and then sat down.
"Right: miss, tell us what you know about yourself and what you remember," Saniel said, guessing she had some sort of amnesia and not knowing the extent.
The girl wrote quite a bit down. When she had finished, Saniel picked it up, and spent five minutes working out what it said. Her writing wasn't too bad for an eight/nine-year-old, but it was hard for him to read because he was used to nice, neat writing.
When he had worked it out, he read aloud, "I don't know: I can't remember. All I can remember is someone screaming something like, 'Noel!' and then feeling like I'm falling. I screamed then, too. Other than that, and remembering how to write and what words mean, I can't remember, anything."
"Weird, what could have happened?" Looker said pondering. In his 30 something years with the intentional Police, he had not heard of, or seen anything like it. It seemed the girl except for one longish memory, couldn't remember anything.
"I'm so sorry. Noel: that must be some variation of your name," Anabel guessed. It made sense; why else would someone call it out? And it couldn't be her actual name, because Noel was a boy's name; unless of course, her name was Noël, and the person who shouted said it wrong, or the girl spelt it wrong. After all, the girl might not know French, or even if she didn't, she might not remember what she did learn.
The girl shrugged, then wrote down, "Who knows? I can't remember."
"How about we call you Noël; since it is similar to what you remember someone calling out to you?" Anabel suggested. She at least, thought there was a very good chance her name was actually Noël.
The girl nodded excitedly. "Well it's settled: Noël you shall be," said Saniel, typing it into his computer. He was glad they had a name to call her now!
They sat in silence for a while, with the only sound being the sound of tapping fingers. Then the strange Pokémon hopped out of Noël's bag. Saniel said glancing over, "I'll have to ask Acerola, but that might be the Pokémon, Cos… ugh; I can't remember. All I can remember is it might be some rare Pokémon," Then he smiled embarrassedly.
"Co?" the strange Pokémon said, looking at him curiously.
"Well, maybe: Acerola is the person to ask, considering her background," Looker said, still thinking.
"Alright, how does this sound," started Saniel. "Found: nine-year-old girl with long, light blonde hair, and light green eyes. Around five feet and a very pale complexion. Has a white travel bag, wearing long white boots, a knee length white dress with flowers and a big white hat. Please call the International Police on 34444232221 or 2222, if you have any ideas of origin, know something or are family."
Noël quickly wrote something down. Anabel picked it up and read aloud, "I'm eight, not nine."
"Oh, thanks," Saniel said, replacing what he had written.
"Other than that, it sounds good," Looker nodded. It did sound really good!
"Okay," Saniel said standing up and picking up a camera. "Noël, could you please sit on that stool in front of that white background?"
Noël nodded, and sat on the stool. Saniel stood in front of her and said, "On the count of three smile. One, two, three!"
Then the photo was taken. Saniel said showing her, "Pretty good, eh?"
Noël nodded. Looker and Anabel came over to look, too. "Very nice," Anabel praised.
"Yes," Looker nodded, which annoyed Saniel: couldn't he say something more than yes?!
Saniel sat down, took the memory card out of the camera, and plugged it into his computer. Seven minutes later, the printer went off. Saniel took what was printed and showed everyone. It was the poster.
"That would be fine," Looker said. It was the best that could be done; and hopefully it would help them find Noël's home.
Noël nodded and wrote, "I like it."
"That is nice, hopefully it will do the job. Can I take Noël to a room for her to sleep in?" Anabel asked glancing at Noël, who was looking tired and trying very hard to stay awake.
"Sure. I'll print of a few thousand of these, and get them ready for posting tomorrow," Saniel said. He was not looking forward to putting them up; but was anyone?
"Alright. Night' you two," Anabel said.
"Night' Anabel, night' Noël," Saniel nodded.
"Good night," Looker said.
Noël wrote down, "Good night."
Anabel lead Noël upstairs, after Noël 'stole' the paper pad and pen and put the strange Pokémon in her bag. Noël thought she had stolen the paper and pen, but Saniel had seen and he just let her take it. Anabel led her to a room on one of the upstairs floors.
"These are for people who have someone who wants to kill them after them: but there's no reason why you couldn't use them too!" Anabel said leading Noël into one. Really, it was better if someone stayed in the rooms, because they stayed nice and clean then, because someone had to clean them.
The room was pretty simple; red walls, green roof, and orange bed sheets. It didn't go all that well, but Noël didn't really care. Anabel said, "Well, good night. see yo—"
But Noël started writing something down, so Anabel stopped. Anabel read it, and asked, "You want me to stay?"
Noël nodded. Noël opened up her bag and emptied it out. What came out was: what looked like a music box, a pair of light blue Mary Janes, A dark blue and white High Waist outfit, a dark blue hair ribbon, a light blue bag pack and a pair of knee high, white (long) socks. There was also a book on herbs and a small pouch. Inside the pouch was a bit of money.
"Wow. It's kind of like you were planning a run away or something," Anabel said, and Noël nodded. Anabel wasn't sure if that was the case; but this did seem like an odd collection of stuff to be carrying around in a bag. Then Anabel supposed Noël could have been going on a school trip to a town. But why the music box if that were the case? Something seemed really odd about it, sinister almost. This really did make Anabel wonder if kidnapping was involved.
Then Noël wrote something down. "I need a name for the Pokémon until we find out what it is."
"Neddy?" Anabel randomly suggested. Noël shook her head hurriedly. "Nabby?" (another head shake) "Rosa?"
"Yes!" Noël wrote, looking happy.
"Rosa it is then. Can I go now?" Anabel asked, knowing she would be wanted downstairs for something. Fortunately, Noël nodded.
"Alright, good night," Anabel said waving.
"Good night," Noël wrote, with a nod.
Then, Anabel remembered something! "Wait here! I'll be back!"
Then she ran off. Anabel wasn't gone long. When she came back, she was carrying some black clothes.
"Here are some Pyjamas. Now, night," Anabel said, then she went off.
Noël put the pyjamas on. They were a little big, but she didn't mind too much.
After crawling into bed, Noël opened the music box. The tune was very pretty, soft and light; it sounded like a lullaby of some sort. Noël had a feeling she had heard it a lot before: listening to it now made her smile fondly, and she had no idea why.
"Cos!" Rosa said tiredly.
Noël nodded, then she got up again and put the stuff back in her bag. Then she went to sleep, with Rosa joining her by snuggling up to Noël's chest.
After closing the door to the room that Noël was sleeping in, Anabel started down the stairs to the computer room. It was four floors Anabel had to go down, and she couldn't help but feel glad that she wouldn't have to go up another set of stairs for the rest of the day.
When Anabel arrived to the computer room, Saniel had just finished bringing posters down from his office, which was the next floor up. "Ah, just in time, Anabel," he said.
"For what?" Anabel asked, confused.
"Just wait and hear," Epona said, even though she had no idea of what was happening, either.
"Right: so, with Noël turning up, we need to do our best to find where she's from. So, for the next week, one will be staying with her, while everyone else sticks the posters around the region." He held on of the posters up. "Actually, whoever stays can go about their life with Noël tagging along; there is no reason to sit around getting chubby. We must be vigilant though; and have someone contactable and ready to help anyone who needs it. In two weeks, I vote we put more posters up, then again two weeks after. I have just sent these posters to our bases in other regions so they can be put up there. If four weeks go by and we don't hear anything, let's do it one more time and then, just assume she is from a faraway place, or her family has just disappeared off the face of the earth. Any questions?" Saniel asked sounding official.
"Who's staying first?" asked Orlanda. Orlanda was the trainer of new recruits.
"Looker can stay first: he's going to be more use if he stays as he has no Pokémon," Saniel responded without a second of hesitation. Looker glared at Saniel, but he couldn't really deny it wasn't true.
With no one asking anything or saying anything, Saniel nodded and said, "Right, off to bed everyone; big, busy day tomorrow."
"Good night!" they all called, then they went to bed.
Okay, here is the first chapter. What do yous think?