The following is a fan-based story. The anime & manga My Hero Academia and its characters with the exceptions of OCs is all owned by Funimation Entertainment, Crunchyroll, VRV, Weekly Shonen Jump Magazine, JNN (MBS), NNS (ytv), Viz Media, Bones, Kenji Nagasaki, Yosuke Kuroda, & Kohei Horikoshi. Please support the official release.
The story takes place during the My Hero Academia storyline, so scenes may or may not be altered. If you are not a fan of this kind of thing I advise you not to read ahead.
Kenta & Sabato my friends IRL; Couldn't have done this without ya ^_^. Kenta's OCs has the last names Aihara so they're rightfully owned by him! Sabato has an OC too but I'll let you know when he's a coming!
(Opening Theme: My Hero Academia Opening 1-The Day Performed By Porno Graffitti)
A groan escaped someone who had been buried under many layers of blankets on top of a soft and large futon. The sound of the rings was coming from what looked to be a smart phone. A hand reached put from underneath to take the phone up off the ground, only to throw it across the room; successfully landing in the trash bin that was just in the corner of the room.
"Need more sleep…" A girl had said, as she turned to lay on her stomach and put the pillow on top of her head. A door could be heard sliding open followed by the sound of footsteps. They approached the young girl that was trying to sleep.
"Hey Reina." A tired voice belonging to a man had said, "Get up."
"Go away…" The girl named Reina said with her voice muffled, "... Wanna sleep…"
The man started to nudge her with his foot earning yet another groan from her. "You can sleep on your own time, but today is a school day." He said, "That and your friends been banging on the door for quite awhile."
She was perplexed by what he meant at first until the sound of loud knocking became clear to her. From the banging had followed a voice, "OI REINA-CHAN! DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE STILL SLEEPING!? WE'RE GONNA BE LATE IF YOU DON'T HURRY IT UP!"
"He's been at it for the past ten minutes." The man said, "It's getting on my nerves."
Reina kept her head down as she waved her hand, "Okay I get it Scruffy. Just get out of my room so I can get ready."
"Make sure you hurry." He said before leaving her to it. With effort she finally stood up from her futon revealing her shoulder length purple and aqua green hair and odd colored eyes that were of red and violet. After retrieving her phone from the trash bin, she started to get ready for the day.
My name is Reina Nouki.
I've just turned 14 and I'm a senior in middle school. I live in a world where basically everyday is like a comic book; Meaning that everyone in every country has a superpower.
The short version is that someone in China had a baby that just glowed and I mean that in a literal sense.
No one knows how it happened or what the cause of it was, but since than people have been getting powers or better known as Quirks, left and right and it donned a new age in humanity.
Both in a good and bad way.
Nowadays people with Quirks can do two things with them. They can either use it for good, protect and save the innocent, or use it for evil, to steal and kill the innocent.
Like many, I have a Quirk too, and so do a couple of friends of mine.
Reina wrapped a set of bandages around her forehead before tying her hair back into a ponytail. After fixing up her uniform a bit she grabbed her bag and proceeded out the door of her room, entering the living room just down the hall. "I'm gonna be late getting home again." A familiar man with a tired voice had said, "So you're on your own for dinner tonight."
"Gotcha Scruffy." Reina said as she waved, "Have a good day."
"Safe trip." The man said as he drank from a juicy beverage.
When Reina went to the front door and opened it she was met with a familiar face; A young African-Japanese boy to be exact with hair that almost looked like a paint-brush. She was calm when she looked upon his hands; one being of pencils and the others being of pens.
"Morning Floyd-kun." Reina greeted as she shut the door behind her, "As usual Scruffy told me about you knocking like a madman."
"Well I wouldn't have if you actually woke up on time for once!" The young man named Floyd said, "Do you know how long I've been waiting!?"
"Yeah, yeah." Reina said, as she fixed her bangs a little, "I get it. Look can we just get to school before we both get a scolding from the teachers."
"I hear ya. My parents will kill me if they realize that I'm tardy again." Floyd said. With that being said, they proceeded down the block towards the train station that was nearby.
This is one of my best friends, Floyd Aihara, who I've known since the second year.
He moved to Japan around the time he had started to get his Quirk. We both met when I beated his ass in a race in PE class one time.
Sure he made a big deal out of it but, we both got along well after a few conversations with one another.
Turns out we had more in common than I thought when he first showed up.
His Quirk is he can draw all kinds of things that can help out, like weapons for example, though in some cases he can only draw things that are logical for the real world.
I'll have to admit it, it's really cool.
Despite it getting a little messy at times.
They had soon gotten off at their stop, both of them yet in an argument with each other as they had exited the train. "For the last time, I'm not letting you copy off the answers from my homework!" Reina yelled at Floyd, "You won't be able to solve the answers on your own if you don't do it yourself!"
Floyd couldn't help but beg, "Come on! I had stuff to work on at home!"
"THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE YOU LAZY BOZO!" Reina yelled as she shook him with a fast paced.
Soon enough they were both drawn to familiar voice from within the crowd.
"Hey! Reina-chan! Floyd-san!"
They both turned to see a young boy with messy green hair with freckles on both of his cheekes, with eyes that were of green too. He had on a large orange backpack as he waved to them while he approached them.
"Oh Izuku-kun!" Reina said as she let go of Floyd.
"Hey Izuku!" Floyd said as he started to wave when he accidentally sprayed his ink at a young girl making her cry.
Reina and Izuku both looked to Floyd just pretty much speechless before the mother of the girl had approached them. "HEY! DID YOU JUST SPRAY INK ON MY LITTLE GIRL!?" The mother yelled at Floyd.
Floyd had stammered as he said to the woman, "I-I'm sorry!"
"Oh boy he did it again…" Izuku said as a sweat dropped from his head.
"You really gotta learn how to control it." Reina said to Floyd.
Floyd couldn't help but say, "It's not like they have caps ya know?!"
Izuku just pulled Floyd away as the woman started to scold him, "Come on let's just hurry up and get to school."
The three of them quickly went down the block just as the woman still yelled at poor Floyd.
The green haired boy is named Izuku Midoriya, he's in the same year and class as me and Floyd. I met him when I was just starting out in middle school.
Before I enrolled I didn't think I would be capable of making friends because of what I had, but I was proven wrong when I met him.
The reason? It was because he was like me in a way; he was outcasted.
You see, he was one of the few people that was born without a Quirk in other words, he was Quirkless.
Many would say that he was unlucky.
Because of this people around him had made fun of him for it. I didn't think it was fair how they thought of him, just because he was Quirkless.
Luckily I wasn't one to judge, and we were quick to become friends on the first day of school, as was Floyd-kun when I introduced him in our second year.
The three of them walked down the street, just on their way to the school, until they're attention was drawn to a crowd. They soon saw what appeared to be a large man with a shark face on top of a subway train station, wreaking havoc just in the opposite direction of where they were heading. Midoriya's eyes brightened at the sight of this when he saw a couple of people fighting against the giant man.
"Oh boy, a Villain." Reina said, "Looks like people are gonna be late getting to work today."
"Not to mention the traffic is gonna be a nightmare for awhile." Floyd had added.
"Come on!" Izuku said running in the direction of where the Villain was, "Who knows what kind of a Pro Hero is going to show up this time around!"
Reina couldn't help but smile at Midoriya's enthusiasm, "You're such a dork." She said before running after him.
"Hey! Wait for me!" Floyd yelled as he started to run after them.
When they had arrived they managed to get through the crowd to the front to watch up close. Midoriya's eyes had gone wide as the crowds eyes laid upon a couple of hero's; one being of a large bulky man with two heavy metal bracelets with a black and yellow stripe pattern, one by the name Death Arms, and the other being of a man that looked to have woodlike features one by the name of Kamui.
Floyd had cheered as they watched Kamui attack, "ALRIGHT! YEAH! GO GET'EM KAMUI!"
"Man, I forget how amazing heroes like these are." Reina said.
Izuku had gotten out his book as he started to take down notes; Reina couldn't help but notice. "Wow, you breaking down the notes already?" She said.
"That was fast bro..." Floyd said.
They watched as Kamui jumped onto of the roof of the station annoying the villain.
"Using your skills for evil purposes when people are trying to get to work, while committing theft and assault." They heard Kamui say to the villain, "You truly are evil incarnate! Time for you to be punished!"
Izuku's eyes brightened when he saw his arms turn to branches as was Floyd, while Reina herself looked confused by this.
"What kind of a move is that?" Reina asked.
Floyd looked to her with disbelief, "Please tell me you're joking?"
"That's his famous special move!" Izuku added as he continued to write, "The Absolute Preemitive Confinement Lacquered Chains Poison!"
"That name seems pretty long for just one move." Reina said.
Floyd said to Reina, "I'm sure it's just as fine!"
The Villian found himself surrounded in branches; and just when it was about to entrap the Villain-
A giant woman suddenly came flying kicking the Villain in the side of his stomach making him fall off the track and leaving everyone stunned; though the guys started to have their faces turn red, Midoriya & Floyd included when they realized who the hero was. It was a woman named Mount. Lady.
Reina couldn't help but slap herself in her face when she saw the many camera people taking pictures mostly being of men. "Oh you're kidding me…" She said
"Giant Woman..." Floyd said in awe as his nose started to bleed.
"Eyes off, you pervert!" Reina said as she hit him on the head.
"Ow! Hey! Can't I dream?" Floyd asked.
"Not with what you dream up you can't!" She countered.
He couldn't help but argue, "Hey! I'm only 14, I have only a couple of years till I'm an old fart!"
"You guys come on don't argue." Izuku said as he continued to write, specifically about Mount. Lady
Mount. Lady seemed to enjoyed all the attention, just as the camera people gathered around, Izuku was going through his notes, but he was mutter loudly to himself, "Hertransformationisquitepopularwiththecrowdandit's reallygreatwithindividualitybutwhenyouconsiderthedamagecausedinthecity,canyoufearabad cost-benefitratioandlimitationstocome?..."
"Uhh dude?" Floyd asked as he waved his left hand in his face.
"Stop, think of the children." Reina said.
Izuku soon stopped when he looked to his watch, "AGH! GUYS! WE'VE GOT FIVE MINUTES UNTIL THE FIRST BELL RINGS!"
Floyd shouted as he started to run ahead, "I KNEW WE SHOULD HAVE GONE EARLY!"
The three of them started to run down the block minding the people that were in their way. "OH GOD WE'RE SO DEAD!" Reina yelled, "SCRUFFY IS NEVER GONNA LET ME LIVE THIS DOWN!"
"LET'S HOPE WE CAN GET THERE ON TIME!" Izuku yelled as he held onto his notebook.
Floyd picked up his pace as he shouted to the skies, "MAN, I SO BLAME YOU REINA-CHAN!"
"PUT A SOCK IN IT AND RUN!" Reina yelled.
"WE CAN MAKE IT!" Izuku exclaimed, "WE CAN MAKE IT!"
Needless to say they didn't make it as all three of them received a scolding from the teacher before class began. Both Reina and Floyd had their heads down the most of the time in class before they picked them up eventually due to the teachers nagging at them. It was just halfway through the school day as the students listened more to the lesson; that is except for Reina and Izuku, who were both in their own world, with Reina drawing in her sketchbook as well as Floyd via his quirk while Izuku was writing in his note book again.
"Alright then students!" The teacher said, "If this had been any other world I would say that this would be the time to think about your futures and hand out these career aspiration documents."
The teacher pulled out a pile of papers as he said this, before he tossed them in the air, "But there's no need for that since all of you want to be heroes!"
The students cheered as most used their Quirks to show their ambition, with Floyd included, while Izuku raised his hand. Though only two students didn't seem to want to use their Quirks, that was Reina herself and one more student in particular.
Floyd cheered on by saying, "Alright, hero's!"
"Well, well." The teacher said amused, "It seems that everyone here has wonderful Quirks, but please be aware that outside establishment is against the rules."
A student in particular had bursted out laughing at this remark, drawing the attention of every student in the classroom.
"Hey teach!" A young man with spiky blonde hair and red eyes who was leaning back in his seat had said, "Don't put me in the same bag as these extras! I really don't intend to make buddy-buddy with a bunch of rejects."
Reina turned to the young boy who had just sat behind her while everyone else seemed to have raged over what he was saying.
"BRING IT ON YOU SECOND RATERS!" The blonde spiky haired kid named Katsuki yelled, "I CAN TAKE YOU ON IN MY SLEEP!"
Katsuki yelled at Floyd, "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME, INKHEAD?!"
That right there last but not least, is Katsuki Bakugou, another friend of mine, and Floyd's rival. I've known him about as long as I've known Izuku-kun, though to be frank, he's known him longer than I have.
Both him and Izuku-kun grew up together in the same neighborhood, and they both refer to each other through a certain nickname. Izuku-kun's is Deku, and Bakugou-kun's is Kaa-chan from what I'm told at least. They're still friendly uh… Ish?
Their relationship is a bit complicated.
Bakugou-kun's Quirk is he can make explosions from his hands, but funny thing is he's known for his explosive personality, and by that I mean he's short tempered with everyone he comes across.
Well everyone except me.
I'm not sure why but he acts strange when I'm around or even when I'm in the same room with him. I mean that he weirdly clams up whenever I go to talk to him, and sometimes he's just frozen when I approach him. Sometimes I find him running the other way when I say something nice which is out of character for him.
Seriously I can't figure out the guy.
Huh? You wanna know what my Quirk is?
Uh… I'll tell you about it later.
Floyd yelled back from Katsuki as he stood from his chair, "YOU HEARD ME! UNLESS ALL THAT EXPLODING MUST HAVE MADE YOU LOSE YOUR HEARING!"
"BRING IT, YA BASTARD!" Katsuki yelled as he stood up from his seat, "I'LL TAKE YOU ON ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!"
Floyd yelled while preparing himself, "OH HO HO! YOU'RE ON BAKUGOU!"
The students cheered at Katsuki and Floyd, most of them had chanted the words fight as they banged their desks. Reina soon stood up from her seat before saying, "COME ON YOU TWO, KNOCK IT OFF! If you wanna fight you can take it outside, but not in here! Show some courtesy for the rest of us that aren't looking for a trip to the hospital today!"
Floyd said to Reina as he stuck his tongue out, "He started it!"
Katsuki on the other hand, couldn't utter a word as his face turned red, when Reina looked to him before he sat back down in his seat. Most of the students had gone ooh or snickered at the way that Katsuki acted while Reina was left clueless as to why they were laughing in the first place as she sat back down; the teacher soon shouted at Floyd, "Aihara-san! Please restrain yourself!"
"Yes sir." Floyd said as he sat back down; most of the other students couldn't help but snicker.
The teacher soon cleared his throat before saying to Katsuki, "On that note, Bakugou-san, I see that you want to enter the UA academy don't you?"
Many of the students gasped at this as they looked to Katsuki.
"Him? UA?" Floyd asked "No way!"
"You mean that National School?" One of the students said, "That school is really hard to get into!"
"Not to mention their acceptance rates is really low!" Another student had added.
"That's exactly why you guys are just a bunch of extra's!" Katsuki said before he jumped onto his desk, "I aced the mock test with flying colors! I'm the only in this school who could possibly get into the UA! I'll surpass All Might and become the top hero! My name will be inscribed on the top list of earners!"
The teacher looked through the papers and he was surprised to see who else was trying to get into the UA. "Oh, it looks like Nouki-san is looking to get into the UA too." The teacher added.
The students looked to Reina surprised, while Katsuki looked down on her with his face turning a little red again. Whispers from the other students could be heard among most of them, while Izuku and Floyd looked to Reina with worry as she started to draw in her sketchbook again.
"She wants to go to the UA too?"
"I bet Katsuki is really happy about that!"
"Yeah, look at his face, he's all red!"
"She's never shown her Quirk before right? Is a person like that even allowed?"
"Would they even accept someone like her?"
"I bet she doesn't even have a Quirk, she's just doing it so others can take pity on her."
"What a manipulative jerk."
"They should probably ban her from going to the UA all together."
Reina did her best to block them out but her hand had shook slightly at what the other students were saying. It wasn't long before Floyd and even Katsuki yelled to get the students to shut up.
"It's not like you turds wanna go too." Floyd shouted.
"Butt off half-breed!" One of the students said
"What are ya? Her boyfriend or something?" Another one teased
"SHUT UP, EXTRAS!" Katsuki joined.
"Aww Katsuki's in love with Reina too!" One of the students said before he made kissing sounds.
"I'M NOT, YOU SECOND RATERS!" Katsuki yelled with his face turning red like a cherry.
Floyd had added, "HE'S RIGHT! HE'S NOT!"
"DON'T ANSWER FOR ME, INKHEAD!" Katsuki shouted with his face still red.
The teacher decided not to make a big deal out of it as he looked through the papers more, "What's this?" The teacher said before taking a closer look, "You want to go to UA, Aihara-san?" Most of the students to looked to Aihara with even more surprised looks on their faces.
"Wha? The Half-Breed too?!"
"Awww, both of Reina's boyfriends want to go to the UA!"
"Why not go to an art school?"
"His Quirk is not hero material!"
"That Quirk is manga artist material!"
Floyd immediately countered by saying, with a confident smile, "Says the peeps who have useless quirks!"
"You starting a fight?!"
"He thinks he's SO SPECIAL because he discovered his Quirk early back in America!"
"Leave it to Reina's boyfriend to look down on us!"
Floyd yelled in denial, "I'm not her boyfriend you dinguses!"
"SHUT THE HELL UP BEFORE I BLOW YOU UP!" Katsuki yelled at Floyd.
Floyd yelled back at Katsuki, "I wanna see you try!"
The teacher noticed one more form, written by someone very familiar to the class. "Oh yeah, now I remember." The teacher said, "Midoriya-san wanted to go to UA too right?"
By this point Katsuki froze where he stood as well as everyone else in the class, except for Reina and Floyd. "Oh boy…" Reina said knowing exactly what was coming next.
Floyd added as he sat down, "This is not gonna end well…"
Just as this was said, all of the students started to laugh hysterically at the thought of Izuku going to the UA. "Hey lay off of him will ya!?" Reina said as she tried to get them to stop laughing, "It's not funny!"
"Are you serious!? Him going to the UA!?"
"No way! That's hilarious!"
"You can't get into the hero course just by studying! What are ya, stupid!?"
Izuku got up from his seat as he said, "H-hold on they got rid of that rule! There's just no precedent-"
Izuku was cut off suddenly when he was sent flying to the back of the room thanks to Katsuki's Quirk, making everyone in the room jump at this as his desk blew up.
"Hey Deku!" Katsuki yelled as his hands were seen smoking, "You're below these second raters! You're Quirkless! Do you even think you can stand in the same ring as me!?"
Izuku started to back up as he stammered, "N-No! Wa-wait Kaa-chan! It's not like I'm trying to compete with you or anything! Believe me!" He took a deep breath before he started to explain himself, "It's just been my goal since I was a kid. And, well… I'm not gonna know unless I try…"
"Hey!" Reina said as she stood in front of Izuku, making Katsuki freeze up again, "That's enough Bakugou-kun! You don't know what he's capable of doing! Who knows he might even just surprise you all when the entrance exams come on!"
Katsuki tried to say something or even just yell at Reina, but couldn't as his face flushed with red again; it wasn't long before Floyd joined in as he said, "Yeah, trigger happy explosion boy! Pick on someone your own size!"
"OH THAT'S IT, INKHEAD!" Katsuki yelled with his rage coming back and his hands in combat position, "YOU'RE GOING DOWN!"
Floyd shouted as he posed with his pens and pencils like wolverine. "BRING IT, BAKUGOU!"
The teacher had exclaimed, "HEY NO FIGHTING! CLASS IS STILL GOING ON!"
Reina rolled her eyes as she helped Izuku up off the ground, "Men, they're always so complicated."
Now, in case you have all been wondering, yes these things tend to happen like everyday of the week. Floyd-kun is the one that tends to start the fight as you can plainly tell. To be perfectly blunt, sometimes Bakugou-kun is the one that starts the fire if you know what I mean; Figuratively and literally of course.
I know what you're thinking, you talked about everyone else, but I want to know more about you Reina. And usually this would be the part where I tell you my whole life story right?
Honestly, I wish there was something to tell.
The truth is, I don't really know much about myself.
My childhood wasn't all that it was cracked up to be like most of the quote unquote normal kids. I spent most of my young years recovering in a hospital. Why you may ask?
Same as answer as before, I don't know.
I don't know if I was there since I was born, or if I was in some sort of an accident, but I tell you, it still bothers me to even this day.
It was because of my Quirk, that I couldn't go to an orphanage in the city, so a couple of certain people (Not the Government, mind you) put me with a Pro-Hero and he became my Guardian, when I was six; to tell you the truth, my Guardian was the closest thing I had to a father, despite how strict he can be.
I know you want to know about my Quirk, but like I said, I'll tell you about it later.
It wasn't long before the school day came to an end, and everyone started to pack up and either headed home or went to hang out with friends. Floyd of course was getting scolded by the teacher for picking a fight again, and Reina had just finished packing up and went to meet with Izuku. She noticed he was on his phone as he approached him.
"Whatcha doing, Izuku-kun?" Reina asked before looking over his shoulder; she saw that it was the info on the fight they had seen this morning, "We just saw that hours ago, how come you're looking through it?"
"I want to put this information in my notebook when I get back home." Izuku replied as he placed his phone in his pocket, "I gotta be ready if I want to go to the UA."
"Speaking of which, mind if I eat dinner at your place again?" Reina asked, "Scruffy's gonna be home late and I have no idea how to cook as you know."
"Oh sure, I could use an outside opinion." Izuku replied, "Wait, what about Floyd-san and Kaa-chan?"
"Truth be told I need some help studying for the upcoming exam." Reina said, "And you're the only smartest person I know when it comes to practical, so I figured you could show me a few things. Plus you know those two…"
Izuku couldn't help but turn red from embarrassment as he said, "Aw Reina-chan! Knock it off!""
Just before Izuku could put his notebook back in his bag it was taken right out of his hands; this was courtesy of Katsuki himself. "Hey, I still got a bone to pick you Deku." Katsuki said.
"Hey whatcha got there Katsuki?" One of the students said. Katsuki didn't say anything as he showed them Izuku's notebook.
"For the future?" One of the students read, before they started to laugh, "Seriously? That's hilarious!"
"You're such a freaking dork!" The other had said.
"Hey come on, back off!" Reina said specifically to the two students behind Katsuki.
"Yeah, I mean, it's nothing important so please just give it back!" Izuku begged.
Though instead of Katsuki giving the book back he instead blew up the book burning it slightly, causing Izuku to scream and Reina's eyes widened in shock. "THAT'S TOO CRUEL!" Izuku exclaimed.
"Okay, Bakugou-kun you've proved your point." Reina said, "Now come on, give Izuku-kun his book back please?"
Once more instead of giving the book back, he instead threw out the open window catching Izuku and Reina by surprise.
"WHAT!?" Izuku exclaimed.
"THE HELL MAN!?" Reina yelled.
"Listen here and listen good Deku." Katsuki said ignoring Reina completely, "Most top first string heroes have stories about them from their school days. I want the shine of being able to be called on-" For a moment Katsuki looked to Reina, his face was seen turning a little red again, which Reina didn't seem to notice before he continued, "-One of the students to make it to UA from this mediocre junior high school. I mean, I'm a perfectionist!"
"One of?" Reina said with her head tilting slightly as she was a bit confused; the two students behind him snickered at the way she looked.
"So anyway…" Katsuki said, as he placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder as his hand smoked a little, "... Don't apply to the UA nerd."
Izuku shook slightly as Katsuki left to go exit the classroom, along with the other two students; Reina went to comfort Izuku, by patting him on the head.
"Come on you should at least say something back." One of the students said.
"Don't say that. He's pathetic." The other had said, "He still can't face reality."
"Okay that's it." Reina said as she started to rummage through her pockets, taking out a pair of brass knuckles as she put them on her hands, "Hey Izuku-kun? Wait here a second."
Floyd came walking back from the teacher's office stomping angrily and with slight fear as they had just contacted his family. "Oh man, my mom and sister are going to kill me…" Floyd said as he ran his hand through his hair, "... It's bad enough that they scold me for me being tardy, now I can only imagine the punishment that they have in store for me! This can't get any worse…"
Just as this was said, two of his classmates came flying out of the classroom, with bruises on their faces, while Katsuki himself stood there in shock.
Floyd looked and saw that Reina was rubbing a pair of brass knuckles together with an angry look on her face.
"And it got worse…" Floyd said not surprised to see Reina in her pissed off state.
"You mind saying that again ya bastards?" Reina said with an angry smile on her face.
"Oh man! Normally I would approve of Bakugou getting his ass kicked but only if it was me!" Floyd thought to himself.
The student yelled to Reina as his nose bleed, "HEY WHAT THE HELL?!"
The other yelled, "Don't think we won't fight back because you are a girl!"
"What? You too chicken to try?" Reina asked with a taunting smile, "Come at me bro!"
"She's really getting into this…" Izuku and Katsuki thought at the same time.
"Reina! Knock it off!" Floyd shouted. "You're just asking for the school to suspend you!"
The student growled before he went to throw a punch at her.
"Gah! Oh man!" Floyd shouted with the flick of his wrist. He used his quirk to blind one of the students.
"GAH! You damn Half-Breed!" The student yelled.
"Oi, Inkhead! The hell are you doing?!" Katsuki shouted.
"SHUT UP! I'll kick your ass later!" Floyd shouted "Right now, I'm taking Reina out of this situation!"
Floyd picked Reina up just like picking up boxes, and started to run down the hall with Izuku in tow.
"H-Hey! Floyd-kun! Put me down!" Reina shouted as she trashed about.
"I'M GONNA BE SICK!" Izuku exclaimed as Floyd ran at supersonic speed.
Floyd pointed to Katsuki as he shouted "WHEN I COME BACK YOU BETTER BE READY FOR OUR FIGHT, BAKUGOU!"
"SCREW YOU TO HELL YOU DAMNED INKHEAD!" Katsuki yelled as he flipped him off. The students groaned from Reina's attacks as one of them said, "Man, I think she knocked my tooth out…"
-Minutes After Running-
The three of them were walking down the road on their way to Izuku's house after they had retrieved his hero notebook from the koi fish pond that was provided from the school. Though Floyd was seen with a bump on his head courtesy of Reina and her brass knuckles as she looked through Izuku's notebook.
"Well at least the damage doesn't look that bad. You can still read it." Reina said as she handed the book back to Izuku, "I swear Bakugou-kun sometimes takes things too far."
"You could have let me kicked his butt for me." Floyd said as he rubbed his head.
"Look I know he can be a jerk and stuck up about himself, but he's still good friend to me." Reina told Floyd, "That and he gives me good combat advice. You should probably look into it yourself since you want to take the hero course in UA."
"Says the girl that had her guardian teach her judo, when she was ten!" Floyd said.
"Correction, I was seven and half, and it was mixed-martial arts." She corrected as she bonked him on the head where his bump was, "You okay, Izuku-kun?"
Izuku took a deep breath as he asked the two of them, "I don't know. Do you guys… Think I'm cut out for the UA?"
Reina and Floyd looked to each other before looking to Izuku.
Floyd had happily responded with as he patted him on the shoulder, "Of course dude! Forget those turdlets!"
Reina had added, "He's right. Don't be afraid of what others think of you. Don't let them fill you with doubt! Floyd-kun and I think you have what it takes to be the first Hero without a Quirk! After all you got that handy notebook don't you?"
Izuku's expression brightened up at what Reina and Floyd said; he made his hand into a fist as he looked to the sky, "You're right Reina-chan! Floyd-san!" Izuku said biting his bottom lip, "I shouldn't worry about what other people think! I'll have my head held high and move forward with my goal!"
"That's the spirit, Izuku-kun!" Reina exclaimed as she held her fist in the air, "CAN I GET AN AMEN!?"
"YEAH!" Floyd yelled before looking at Reina with a confused look, "Wait, what?"
Reina turned red with embarrassment before replying, "Sorry, I've been playing too much of Bendy and the Ink Machine."
Izuku looked confused by this while Floyd slapped himself in the face, "... Idiot…"
They continued to walk down the road before Floyd brought up a question, "So how are we gonna do this?'
"What do you mean?" Izuku asked curiously.
"Would you care elaborate?" Reina asked.
Floyd had replied, "I mean where are we gonna get started on this becoming first superhero without Quirks thing?."
"That's true…" Izuku said before he turned to Reina, "Reina-chan? You've seen UA for yourself right? Do you have an idea on what the entrance exams is gonna be like?"
"Well, no, I've only been there when I was kid and when Scruffy was to lazy to find a daycare." Reina replied, "Who knows what kind of stuff they do, for the entrance exams."
Floyd had said to Reina, "Are you serious right now?"
"Dead serious." She said bonking on the head again where his bump was.
Floyd couldn't help but yell at Reina, "DUDE! That's three times you done that today!"
Reina completely ignored Floyd as she said to Izuku, "Now that you mention it, I get by without my Quirk thanks to my black belt in Mixed Martial Arts. Why don't I train you to do close combat?"
"Are you sure you're not gonna go 'Terminator' on him?" Floyd joked
"TERMINATOR!?" Izuku exclaimed.
Reina kicked him in the back causing him to land in a pile of cherry blossom petals before saying, "No, you dingus!" She soon turned to Izuku with a smile on her face, "I can teach you a few basics."
Izuku looked to Reina unsure, "Are you sure that's alright?"
"Don't worry about it Izuku-kun. You gotta be able to pass that entrance exam somehow, I mean… It's not like anyone could just magically give you a Quirk right?" Reina said before laughing.
"Yeah I guess that's true." Izuku said nervously as he rubbed the back of his head.
Floyd had added as he got himself up "I know right? What is this a Shonen Jump Manga or something?"
The three of them walked into a tunnel as they discussed on how they could help Izuku they didn't take notice of what looked to be a monster made of slime coming up behind them. The only that seemed to have noticed was Reina as she stopped in her tracks which had gotten the attention of Izuku and Floyd.
"Reina-chan?" Floyd asked, "What is it?"
"Do you guys, smell something?" Reina asked the two of them.
"Smell wha-" Izuku asked before screaming at what was behind Reina.
"WHAT?!" Floyd shouted as he got his pens and pencils ready.
Reina wondered what Izuku was screaming about until she felt something drip on her shoulder. She slowly looked up and saw that it was what looked to be a man that was made of slime with eyes of red and human teeth smiling down on them. Reina gasped as she jumped back before exclaiming, "A VIL-VILLAIN!?"
The man made out of slime chuckled, eyeing Izuku in particular, "A medium-sized invisibility cloak… You'll do just fine for me!"
"WHAT DO WE DO!?" Izuku exclaimed as he remained frozen.
"I got this!" Floyd shouted as he started to draw out a katana from his sketch book. It seemed to have come out of the paper as it landed in his hand. Floyd yelled as he ran towards the villain, "TAKE THIS!"
He sliced the man in two, but it didn't seem to do much as his halves were put back together, "What the hell was that, kid?"
Floyd tried to reply to the Villain but had started to stammer, "Wha-What! That normally works! U-Unless. Oh… Crap…"
"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" The Villain yelled. He batted Floyd to the side causing him to the hit the wall and pass out before his sword reverted to ink.
"FLOYD-SAN!" Izuku exclaimed.
Reina quickly grabbed Izuku's wrist and started to pull him to the end of the tunnel. "COME ON WE GOTTA GO!" She yelled as she started to run with him.
Before Reina could say anything, the Villain made of slime caught them by surprise when he threw himself on top of them. Reina ended up flying out of the slime Villians body along with Izuku's book and she ended up hitting the wall. She went to stand up but she let out a gasp when she saw that the slime Villain was forcing his way into Izuku's mouth.
"IZUKU-KUN!" Reina exclaimed as she saw how much pain he was in.
"Now calm down little girl." The Slime Villain said, "I'm just going to take over his body. It'll only hurt for about 45 seconds. He'll feel better soon."
Reina stood there in shock as she watched Izuku struggled to get free. He tried to loosen his grip on him but it proved to be no use. "You shouldn't even try kid." The Slime Villain said amused, "I'm all fluid, you can't touch me as seen from your other friend earlier."
She broke out her brass knuckles once more before she charged at the Villain with full speed. She punched the Slime Villain in the gut, though she soon found herself sinking into his body and she started to struggle. The Slime Villain said still amused, "Huh looks like you wanna join your friend after all!"
"Let me-MMF!" Reina exclaimed before she started to choke on the slime. She tried to find air as her body sank further and further into the Villain's body. "I appreciate the help, you two are my hero." The Slime Villain said, "I never thought that he would come into the city, but you'll provide me a ticket out of here."
Reina continued to struggle as she found herself losing conscious, "Damn it…!" Reina thought to herself, "... I can't focus… It's hard to breath…" She looked over to Izuku as she saw that he had already passed out, "... Izuku… Kun…"
Before the Slime Villain could finish them off, a manhole cover was thrown in his direction as it had just missed him. He turned around and saw that it was someone that he knew all too well.
"It's alright, young ones!" A voice had said, "For I am here!"
The Slime Villain shrunk while who was struggling to keep her eyes open had tried to see who the person was.
"Who is that…? A pro hero…?"
She heard what sounded to be an explosion, she supposed it was the Slime Villain attacking whoever came to save them. Another explosion had followed before she heard-
"TEXAS SMASH!" The voice had yelled.
The impact caused the Slime Villain to implode just as Reina finally passed out.
"...Over here! I found someone!"
"Be careful of her Quirk… She's dangerous…"
"... No one can know… The less people know… The better…"
"Someone… Please save me."
Reina felt someone rapidly hitting her on the face as she started to come to. It wasn't long before she heard a familiar voice speak to her.
"If you don't wake up I might have to use mouth-to mouth...or draw on your face.."
Reina felt herself flinch at this before she kneed Floyd right in the stomach causing him to shriek out of surprise. "Very funny Floyd-kun…" Reina said as she sat up.
"It was joke!" Floyd shouted, "Plus you might cracked more of my ribs..."
It wasn't long before she heard the voice from the tunnel again, "Now, now young lady, you don't have to be so rough with your friend, not after I saved your lives!"
Reina froze when she realized that the voice had sounded familiar. She turned and saw a familiar bulky man with yellow blonde hair standing before her, Floyd and Izuku who had sat there in complete and utter shock. She couldn't believe it, but it was-
"ALL MIGHT!?" Both Reina and Izuku had exclaimed out of shock and surprise.
Floyd had added with a smile, "The World's Greatest Hero!"
"I'm glad you're all okay!" All Might had said, "Sorry 'bout getting you all caught up in my Villain fighting. I don't usually make mistakes like this, but I was in high spirits on my day off in a new place." He took a moment to laugh to himself before continuing, "But you were all a big help! Thanks!"
Floyd said to All Might with his thumb up, "No problem!"
"How are you not freaked out by this!?" Reina yelled.
Floyd simply replied, "Dude! My mom and dad are Pro Heroes! They take me to these things back in America!"
"Even so-!?" Reina tried to say.
It wasn't long before Izuku started to fidget around, as he looked through his pockets, "Oh an autograph! I need you to sign-" He soon noticed his notebook had been nearby, "-My book!"
He picked up the notebook and opened to what he thought was an empty page, but it was now it had All Might written across the whole two pages.
"HE ALREADY DID!?" Reina and Izuku exclaimed.
Floyd had said to Izuku as he patted him on the shoulder, "Huh, that's a pro hero for ya.."
"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Izuku couldn't help yell as he bowed rapidly, "IT WILL BE AN HEIRLOOM! A FAMILY TREASURE!"
"Okay!" All Might said as he showed his thumb. He than patted his pocket that was of a empty soda bottle that had the Slime Villain inside "Now young children, I have to take this guy to the police station. See you again on the other side of the screen!"
The three of them looked surprised at this.
"Wait you're leaving?" Reina asked.
"Already?" Izuku said.
Floyd had also added, "You just got here!"
"True! But pros are constantly fighting enemies and time!" All Might said as he started to stretch.
"But…" Izuku said before he mumbled to himself; Only Reina and Floyd heard him, "They're still things I want to ask…"
Floyd had whispered, "Dude, louder!"
"He's not gonna hear you!" Reina added, before her face lit up, "Wait… I have an idea."
All Might squatted as he prepared himself to jump, "Well then… I'M COUNTING ON YOU AND YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT!"
With that All Might jumped high into the air as he was flying through the sky. Though it wasn't long before he realized that there was something heavy on his leg. He saw that Reina, Floyd and Izuku were holding on for dear life as they couldn't help but scream.
"I IMMEDIATELY REGRET HAVING THIS IDEA!" Reina yelled through the wind.
"I THINK I'M GONNA BE SICK AGAIN!" Izuku exclaimed.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!" All Might said as he tried to get them off, "Let me go! Your fanaticism is too much!"
"Oh, good point." All Might said as he stopped what he was doing.
Floyd couldn't help but yell at All Might, "IS THERE ANY CHANCE YOU WANT TO STOP NOW?!"
"Okay! Okay! I get it!" All Might said, "Just close your eyes and mouth in the meantime!"
They did as they were told as they tightened their grip on All Might, leaving an awkward silence between the four of them. They didn't realize that All Might had started to cough a little.
Eventually they landed on the roof of a building where the three of them managed to catch their breath and get their thoughts together.
"Oh my God… I thought I was going to die…" Reina said in-between breaths.
Floyd had said taking deep breaths, "My life flashed before my eyes for a sec."
"Tha-That was scary…" Izuku stammered.
"Good grief." All Might said, "If you talk to the people downstairs, I'm sure they'll let you down. I am seriously out of time so I really must be going."
"Wait!" Reina yelled, "Please, my friend would like to-"
"No, I will not wait!" All Might said cutting her off.
Floyd had tried to say to All Might, "Come on dude. Just one question,"
"Sorry, I have no time to talk!" He said cutting him off.
"Wait!" Izuku said before asking, "Is there a chance I can become a hero even without a Quirk!?"
This time All Might had stopped completely dead in his tracks and once more there was silence. He turned to Izuku who had his head down the whole time as his hands shook slightly.
Izuku spoke up again, "Can someone without a Quirk… Be like you!?"
"Izuku-kun…" Reina said turning to him.
Floyd had commented on Izuku as he patted him on the head, "You did your best"
"Without a Quirk…" All Might soon said to himself. Suddenly All Might felt something in his body snap before smoke began to emerge.
"Oh no!" All Might said, "Holy shit, goddamnit!" The only one who seemed to notice that his body started to smoke up was Floyd.
Floyd tried to get his friends attention as he said, "Uhhh guys…?"
Izuku ignored him as he said, "Well, it might be the reason why I've been asking is because, I don't have a Quirk myself…"
"You see, Izuku-kun has always been made fun of, but he's been working hard so that he can enter the UA." Reina said.
Floyd tried to get their attention again as he said, "Dudes… Something's off."
The two still ignored him as they both continued.
"Maybe that's why…" Izuku said, "... I don't know… But I think saving people is important. I mean saving people with a fearless smile… I want to be the greatest hero in the world like you!"
"See?" Reina said, "You can't say no to a face like that."
"GUYS!" Floyd yelled finally getting their attention.
"What!?" Reina exclaimed, "What could be so important?!"
Floyd replied as he pointed to where All Might was, "That."
The two of them turned what looked to be a puff of smoke at first, but when the smoke cleared they saw what looked to be an over skinny man with long limbs and neck; the clothes he wore which was a simple white t-shirt and a pair of green cargo pants were baggy on him, and he had on a frown instead of a smile, and his eyes were revealed to be blue and his hair looked more disheveled than it was before.
This had shocked the three of them as they looked to the man with disbelief.
"EEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHH!?" Was all the three of them had screamed.
(Ending Theme: Yuri On Ice Ending-You Only Live Once Performed By YURI! On ICE Feat w. Hatano)