It was almost a perfect move-in day. The sun was bright, the weather was warm, Takumi slept amazingly the night before. Perfect.
Mikoto had dropped him and Kamui off at the same building with identical, hysterically large suitcases for each. They had both looked at each other excitedly as they entered the dorm building, suitcases in tow, before they immediately deflated in front of the RA's handing out keys. They each got keys with different room numbers, and it looks like they weren't rooming together. Unfortunate really. They'd been hoping to share a dorm like last year.
It was fortunate they were on the same floor, but unfortunate because that floor happened to be the top floor in a building with no elevator. Takumi was more than a little mad once he finally lugged the suitcase to the top of the stairs.
"Come on Kamui." Takumi huffed out, panting in half in exertion and half in frustration. Three flights of stairs was way too much in a building with no elevator. "I believe in you man. You can make it."
"Go on without me Takumi." Kamui jokingly called from somewhere below Takumi. "Live on in my memory, brother, don't forget my sacrifice." Kamui made a sound like a dying bird. Takumi couldn't help but laugh wholeheartedly.
"I'm going to go check out my room." Takumi called over his shoulder, and, after hearing what sounded like a huffed agreement from Kamui, Takumi exited the stairwell onto the floor. He glanced at the number on his key (number 305), and then at the first door in front of him.
301 was plastered on a gold plate on the door, and a solitary paper sword with the name 'Lucina' was taped to the door. From the looks of it, Takumi thought she might be the RA of the floor.
The door next to Lucina's, number 303 had two paper name tags on it, a small computer with the name "Owain" and a dancer with the name "Inigo" on it.
302 across the hall had "Hinata" and "Oboro" written on a sword and a sewing needle respectively, and taped to the door. Takumi smiled, beforing moving towards his own door. He'd come back and say hi once he was done unpacking.
On the door was a small picture of a bow with his name on it, and a small book with his roommate's name.
"Leo." He spoke aloud to himself, wondering what kind of person this Leo fellow might be.
Unpacking was a challenge, but mostly painless compared to the stairs incident. His room was small, but not too cramped. Each bed was raised above a desk, pushed to each side of the room, and a large window let in a decent amount of sunlight. There was a small fridge on the left side, and a sink and mirror on the right. Takumi decided to take the left side. It seemed like the lighter side to take.
Once it was over and done with, Takumi popped out of his room before coming face to chest with a taller man. Blond, Takumi noted before the other pushed him away slightly.
"Watch where you're going." The blond scoffed, and Takumi stepped away quickly, looking up at the taller man. He was met with an icy glare.
"What the hell is up your ass?" He asked quickly, his neutral expression turning into a scowl at the presence of such rude company.
The blond said no more, ignoring Takumi completely in favor of dragging his suitcase into the room Takumi had just been in and - oh. Oh no. Takumi panicked as he watched the other man walk into his room and close the door behind him, and that could only mean one thing.
That man was Leo. That rude asshole was his roommate for the entire semester, maybe even longer.
'So, I guess that's what kind of person Leo is' Takumi thought unhappily as he headed towards Oboro and Hinata's shared room.
"I just- ugh, I can't believe my roommate acts like that to people he just met!" Takumi groaned, sitting on Oboro's desk chair while the other sat on her bed above him. "Like, why me? Why couldn't I just room with Kamui? This is so dumb." His whine intensified as he looked up at Oboro. She just kept on knitting.
"I don't know what to tell you my dude." She shrugged. "You could ask the RA for a transfer. Or you could just stick it out and see. But I have to agree with you, he does sound like a dick."
There was a loud noise from outside the room, and both Takumi and Oboro jumped suddenly.
"Hey hey, it's my two favorite people in this world!" Hinata grinned from the doorway with his suitcase in tow. Takumi smiled standing to give Hinata a hug.
"Hey yourself, you big nerd. What took you so long to get here?" Oboro piped up, climbing down from the bunk to join in on the hug, squishing Takumi between his two taller friends.
"Oh, you know.." Hinata trailed off.
"I don't."
"Um, there was this really pretty girl outside." Hinata ground out, and both Oboro and Takumi laughed.
"So, Hinata." Takumi started, breaking up the group hug just to see Hinata's face. "Your voice sounds deeper. Anything you wanna tell us?" Hinata looked shocked for a moment before breaking out in a shit-eating grin.
"Takumi, my friend, I am SO glad you noticed, because, dude, this new round of T doses feels better than anything I've ever felt before!" Hinata flexed for good measure. "And I do have to say, my dear Oboro, that you are looking positively stunning today."
"Oh shut up you weeb!" Oboro laughed, punching Hinata in the arm lightly.
"Although," Takumi started, looking puzzled. "How did you two end up in a room together?" Hinata and Oboro looked at each other and both started giggling. Takumi frowned. "For real though, how?"
Oboro was the first to speak up. "I guess it's because we're both trans."
"And they didn't really know where to put us. So they just put us together." Hinata finished her thought, both smiling gleefully.
Takumi laughed and brought them back into a group hug. "I'm so happy you guys are here."
It was a couple hours of video games with the crew before Takumi decided to return to his room to see if his roommate wanted to apologize for being a dick, or, at the very least, engage in some sort of civil conversation.
He didn't. He introduced himself as Leo, but that's really all he said to Takumi. Any other questions Takumi asked, Leo would ignore in favor of his book.
And now it was late, or late for Takumi at least. He was an early bird, went to bed early. So when the RA came and knocked on the door to announce an introductions meeting in the common room at 9, Takumi inwardly groaned. That was already past his bedtime, and now he had to socialize past his bedtime? Blasphemy.
So here he was, sitting in the common room with a bunch of other people and Leo. Sitting next to Leo no less.
Takumi was tired and really, really didn't want to be here. But his RA had insisted on him being there for the 'get to know you' meeting, and Takumi didn't want to start the year by pissing off his RA. Considering he'd already somehow pissed off his roommate, Takumi didn't really want to start the semester off on anyone else's bad side.
Said RA cleared her throat as she stood, adopting an open pose and a casual smile. "Hi everyone!" Takumi thought she was way too chipper for this audience. "I'd like to thank you all for showing up to my first floor meeting." She blinked quickly, the smile never leaving her lips, but her eyes hardening. "If you all will just give me one more minute, I've got to go grab someone out of their room." She turned on her heel before one of the other students perked up suddenly.
"Lucina," Takumi glanced at the man speaking, catching his gaze on the man's silver hair and worried disposition. "You should really just leave him alone, you know how he gets when he's in the middle of something."
"He shouldn't have started a game of goddamn Starcraft when he knew I had a meeting scheduled, Inigo." She huffed, glancing down the hall at the door that Takumi assumed was this mysterious Starcraft-playing person's door. "He's got to start respecting me."
"Lucina, you know he respects you." Another girl spoke up, and Takumi cautiously leaned over to Leo.
"Do you have any idea what they're talking about?" Takumi whispered, glancing around the room once more. Leo grunted in a half-hearted shrug and glared down at the other. Takumi kept the gaze for a second, and when the intense scowl from his roommate was starting to become uncomfortable, he turned away, tuning back into the conversation between what seemed to be several of his floormates.
A girl with red pigtails scoffed, "I do not have the time or energy to listen to another sibling squabble." She looked exhausted, with dark bags under her eyes, and, as if to prove Takumi's thoughts correct, she let out a big yawn.
There was commotion down the hall, and half of the room groaned in aggravation. Takumi assumed this was the sibling squabble he had just heard about. He was about to say something else to Leo before his RA burst back into the common room, dragging a smaller, blue haired boy behind her by the collar. He looked extremely upset and Lucina plopped him down in an open chair next to her.
"Now that we have everybody," She started again, hands clasping together in front of her as she stood at the head of the table. The blinding smile from before returned. "We can properly start introductions. I'll go first and then you each can follow suit with your name and an interesting fact! My name is Lucina, and I'll be your RA this year, and my interesting fact is that I'm currently training to tryout for the Ylissian fencing team for the Olympics next year." Alright, Takumi had to admit that was pretty awesome.
With a pointed look from Lucina, the smaller, blue-haired Starcraft player tried, and failed, to look a little less miserable as he introduced himself. "I'm Morgan," He started, looking extremely displeased as he kept his eyes on the table. "My cool fact is that I'm a Grandmaster Starcraft player. For those of you that don't know, Grandmaster is the highest rank you can get in Starcraft." Takumi saw him point a glare at his sister. Siblings indeed.
It was at this point that Takumi started to zone out, thinking about his own siblings with a smile.
He was brought out of his reverie when Leo's elbow made contact with his arm lightly. He noticed that Leo was staring at him with his signature icy expression and Takumi couldn't help but stare back. Then he noticed the entire room was staring at him and he flushed in embarrassment.
"My name's Takumi." He started quickly, fidgeting with the cuffs of his shirt. "I guess my cool fact is that I practice archery." He looked around, noting a couple of solemn nods and bored expressions, and inwardly groaned. He really just wanted to leave. Or he wanted to until Leo's hardened voice spoke up from beside him.
"My name is Leo," The blond had started, much like everyone else. Leo had trailed off, glaring off into the distance in thought. "I believe my 'cool fact'," He punctuated the words with air quotes, and Lucina looked mildly annoyed, "is that I'm double majoring in literature and history." Ah, a man of the humanities. If Leo wasn't such a dick, Takumi thought that they might have made good friends. But he was pretty sure his relationship with his stuck-up, blond haired roommate was forever in the gutter.
Boisterous laughter popped up from the other side of Leo, and Takumi peered over, coming face to face with a silver haired man with an eyepatch.
"Come now Leo, you have so many more interesting facts about you than just your major." The man grinned viciously, wrapping his lengthy arm around the width of Leo's shoulders and squeezing him tight. Leo continued to look annoyed.
"Niles." He ground out, tensing in the man's grip, but Niles just continued to grin.
"He absolutely.." Niles trailed off, leaning in closer to Leo with every syllable. When he was meer inches from Leo's face, and when everyone else in the room looked super uncomfortable, he finished his sentence with, "Loves tomatoes." Leo rolled his eyes. "Tomatoes are his favorite, so if you get off on a rough start.." Niles looked up to meet Takumi's eyes, pointedly staring right at him. "Bring him some tomato soup. It cheers him right up." He could hear Leo's pointed groan as Niles was pushed, rather forcefully, away from the blond, and Takumi almost missed the way Leo's face reddened. Almost.
While his own flush had been from pure embarrassment, Takumi thought that maybe Leo's had been more than that. Perhaps a flush of indecency, closeness. Intimacy.
Takumi really didn't know anything about Leo, and he assumed he never would. But Niles had given him both the methods and the means to appease the blond, and Takumi was stubborn enough to try it. He decided to file that information on Leo away for later.
From beside Leo, Niles stood, coming to his full height before bowing eloquently. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen." The man stood back up, giving out a smirk. Leo had his face in his hands and Lucina was pinching the bridge of her nose, but his own brother Kamui was staring in awe at this odd man. Takumi swore he could see a flush rise through Kamui's neck. Leave it to his brother to admire the abnormal ones. "I am absolutely delighted to introduce myself as Niles." Takumi really didn't like this guy's tone, or his menacing smirk. He especially didn't like the way Kamui was still staring, or the way Niles was staring right back. It irked him.
"I will be one of your RM's this year." He continued, "And my very special fact is that I am an astronomy major." He was looking at Takumi again, and he shifted in his seat slightly from the intensity of his stare. "I also hold this school's archery record at 286 points in target archery." With that, Niles sat, and Takumi let out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding in.
And then Takumi zoned out again, staring at the table in front of him. He wasn't sure why, but he felt exhausted. He just wanted to go to sleep, despite it only being around 9 o'clock.
At some point, he actually did fall asleep with his head on the table, but he didn't really think anyone noticed (or cared) that much. He didn't dream in his sleep.
After some time, he was shaken awake lightly, opening heavy eyes to see Leo standing over him. The blond looked perturbed, so Takumi instantly jolted into consciousness and shook Leo's hand off his shoulder.
"What do you want Leo?" Takumi spat, wiping some drool from the corner of his mouth. The room was empty except for the two of them.
Leo's gaze hardened and his eyes narrowed, not quite glaring, but definitely not friendly. "The meeting is over." Leo nodded towards the table quickly and Takumi turned, coming face to face with a medium sized puddle of drool. "You might want to clean that up."
Takumi looked between the puddle and Leo a couple of times before he used his sweater sleeve to wipe up the drool, much to Leo's disdain.
"Dude," He started, looking more and more repulsed by the second. "There's a bathroom right down the hall. Why didn't you just grab some paper towels or something?" At Takumi's slight shrug, Leo scoffed and turned away. "That's disgusting." Anger flared inside Takumi and in a flash, Takumi was up in Leo's face. From here, Leo looked shocked, maybe even scared, but Takumi was too mad to notice.
"Why don't you just fuck right off," Takumi growled, shoving Leo away from him. "You've been nothing but rude to me since you got here!" The startled look on Leo's face only further fueled Takumi's rage. "Why would you even-" Takumi trailed off with an angry groan, trying to get the words out but failing.
A small cough came from the door, and both men turned to see Niles leaning casually on the doorframe, eyebrows furrowed. He looked upset or angry, or perhaps a mix of both. "Are we still going to dinner Leo?" He asked, voice just smooth and suave, betraying none of his emotions. Leo straightened and nodded before Niles grinned, striding forward to wrap an arm around Leo's shoulders. "Perfect. I know just the place." Niles sent one more menacing look in Takumi's direction before guiding Leo out of the room swiftly.
And there Takumi was left, angry, fuming, huffing, and annoyed. So annoyed that he kicked over a chair and instantly regretted it when the loud noise met his ears. He sat the chair upright again and headed to his room to, hopefully, sleep off his frustration.
A/N: comments, follows, and favs are greatly appreciated