"Here he is in Japan, middle of the highway, drowning in rain thinking about something or we could say "someone" who completes him, a certain pumpkin the one who is his soulmate one who completes his life. He just came back completing his art exhibition at Japan. He has seven hours for his flight but that seven hours didn't pass quickly, he just frustrated and asks his driver to take him to clear his mind. So the driver takes him to a magnificent bridge far away from the stressing city.

As an artist he should enjoy the view but he is not in the mood of enjoying the nature, as his thoughts are filled with her. It's been five days since he left her in his home country Korea. It is his long five days, because after their marriage it is the first time he traveled alone, he just missed her.

A small smile spread on his lips thinking about her that how his life has been changed since that certain country pumpkin entered his life. Who could have even thought that a simple middle class country pumpkin can change a cassanova into a love sick puppy.

That small smile spread wide on his face, when he got the glimpse of her picture on his mobile screen indicating her call. He immediately attended the call.

"Yeh sweety miss me" he asked immediately beating her turn. She just chuckled for his childish attitude.

"Don't be full of yourself Mr. So Yi Jung" she also replies in a childish manner, as a teacher of kinder gardeners she didn't act like one and she acted like as same as her students.

"How is your day Yi Jung?" he asked in a teasing manner.

"It's fine, how is your exhibit Sunbea "she asked, in a different joyful tone, he amused at the thought.

"It's good, what happened to you Pumpkin, your voice said that you are very happy, are you enjoying your life without me?" he asked in a teasing manner.

"No Sunbea," she said rapidly, after a pause she speaks again in a smooth tone "I…. have a good news for you"

"What is it Ga Eul yang" he asked her unable to control his anxiety

"I'll tell you, when you are here, in front of me as a person"

"you know that I can't wait please tell me GaEul yang" he said in a pleading manner.

"Sunbea you are acting just like my students." She said in a teasing manner.

"Yah ! country pumpkin tell me quickly" he demanded her

"Yah! Sunbae how many times I should tell you don't call me 'PUMPKIN'." She just scold him.

"If you not going to tell me the 'good news' I'll not stop calling you 'PUMPKIN''PUMPKIN''PUMPKIN''PUMPKIN' "he repeated that word.

"Yah stop it SO YI JUNG, if you continue I'll call you 'CASSANOVA'." She threatens him.

"Okey, I surrender myself" he said in firm manner.

"What is your flight's time. When are coming?" she asked him in a desperate voice.

" I'll reach you in twelve hours, I already told this yesterday, why are you asking again?" he asked her.

"After a long pause she said in a somber tone " I'm missing you Sunbea, please come quickly" there is also heard her hiccups which clearly states that she is at the verge of tears.

"yeh! GaEul yang please don't cry" he told her controlling his won emotion.

" Okey, I won't cry" after a long pause she continue her talk " Sunbea where are you?"

"Her question made him to realize to admire the view in front of him."Right now I'm at heaven" he said whole heartedly admiring the natural view.

"Yah Sunbea, are you with any of your girlfriends? If you do such things I'll kill you, no I would not hurt you, so I will call Jan Di so behave yourself there" she tries to get mad.

"GaEul yang I'm at middle of a highway bridge, which gives a good view, and for your kind information I'm here with my driver who is actually a guy. And I won't need anyone except you by my side" he states the fact.

"I know sunbea I'm just kidding, how is the view, care to share with me" she asks him.

"It's my pleasure GaEul yang, actually its beautiful but not beautiful as my PUMPKIN." He told her and on the other line he could hear her giggle. "Right now I'm at a cliff near a river, there are full of green meadows surrounds me, and there is also an important thing, one of your favorite thing its raining here GaEul yang I already drenched in rain with out my knowledge….."

"sunbea how many times I told you don't drown in rain" she scolds him.

"It's not fair GaEul yang, did you only have the right to drench in the rain?" he asked her.

"But Sunbea whenever you went out in rain you become ill, and become stubborn" she teased him.

"I can't control myself whenever I'm in rain it reminds me your chillness" he simply states.

"As speaking on the phone he just went through the cliff of a mountain with out noticing his surroundings. As hearing her laughs and giggles he also hears a faint shout with a roar sound. When he notices the things which are happen surrounds himself, that a flood is coming near the cliff with loud sound, his driver shouts at him to get his attention, but it is too late, because of the flood and the rain the cliff where he stands slides through the river with a bang sound.

"He would only hear her panic shouts on the line. At last only one word would came from his mouth "GaEul yang." With that there is no sound came from him.