A/N: I wrote this instead of studying for finals, but the title is taken from a Led Zeppelin song. I hate to acknowledge S8, but this takes place a few years after the series finale.

"Goodbye, Hyde," she had said, her tone even and detached, and then she had turned away. She had given Red and Mrs. Forman tight, tearful hugs with promises to return soon, and then she had gotten into her car, backed out of the driveway for the last time, and driven off.


Not Steven. Hyde. Like she barely knew him. Like she was fifteen and dating Kelso for the first time and he was just some tool making snarky comments to her in the basement.


Like he didn't mean anything. Like there was no history between them, like once upon a time she hadn't kissed him or broken up with him only to get back together once or twice in that very spot on the driveway. Hyde, like she was Donna or Forman or Kelso or Fez and they were buddies. Hyde, like they weren't Jackie and Steven.

His lip curled as a bitter taste entered his mouth. They hadn't been Jackie and Steven for a while now, and now she was gone. Even when she was furious with him she had called him Steven with anger flashing in her eyes and spitfire spewing from her mouth. There were times when she hated him, times when she could barely see the details of his face through her tears, but even at their worst, there was something different in the way that she had said his name. Like it meant something. Like even when she wanted nothing to do with him, he was different.

Hyde. There was nothing different about Hyde.

She was leaving Point Place for a fancy job in Chicago, and this time he knew it was for good. This time he knew if he showed up Kelso would not be there in a towel, but it would be worse. Because this time if he showed up in Chicago he knew she would look at him like he was the pages of a book she had decided to close a long time ago and put on a shelf somewhere forever to gather dust. A book that had once been her favorite but things had changed, so she had given up on it and decided to read something new.

Hyde. Like none of it, none of them, had meant anything to her. Granted, for years he had forced himself to believe he felt the same, had thrown his stripper wife in her face like it was a game to him and called her a bitch like he couldn't see the way she wouldn't look at him anymore, but it was different now. She was gone, for real this time, gone to make something of her life and be something that meant something, and it hurt.

If everything had gone the way it was supposed to and he had not been destined to a life of not being happy, he would've married her. He would've gone to Chicago to get her back, and when he saw Kelso in that motel room, he would've listened to her when she said it wasn't what it looked like. He would've hit Kelso and they would have made up and Jackie would have come home with him. They would have figured it out, and he would have gone to Chicago with her.

In an ideal world, he would never have had to know what it felt like to see her world burning in her eyes and know that he was the one to start the fire. In an ideal world, they would be together right now, and he wouldn't have been stupid enough to hurt her all these years, and everything would be right.

He spent the rest of the afternoon in a haze, answering appropriately whenever Mrs. Forman asked him a question but not really feeling anything at all. He knew she must be in Chicago by now, in her new apartment and ready to start her new life where he was not a person in it. He could feel her absence in Point Place the way he knew when he needed to smoke or when Kelso was trying to prank him. He knew she had lost her the way he used to know her, like the answer was sitting there all along.

Hyde. Like he was no longer capable of being Steven. And maybe he wasn't anymore. Maybe he couldn't be Steven without her.