hi, it's ya author here, how ya doin'?
...okay i know it's been two years but compared to the rest of the fuckers on this site two years of absence isn't even that bad. lol.
Gods, after all that time all you get is a goddamn author's note... Yeah i hate those too. Don't you hate it when writers just put a note right in the middle of the story? It just breaks the flow, throws you off the loop, breaks the harmony... But hear me out! I have something to say that you might want to hear.
so i'm sure a lot of you gave up on this story. I thought i did as well. Mainly because i thought all my readers became disinterested. i kept putting of writing the next chapter until i admitted to myself 'yeah, im not going to write the next chapter'. BUT THAT CHANGED.
I checked my e-mail the other day and i spotted a review from . And my first thought was 'oh hey, this story exists'. And then, 'pEoPLe stIlL ReAD tHiS?'. Well it was one person. A guest no less. Yet it was enough to spur me into this.
You know, a long time ago, i promised to never be one of those authors that publish their stories and don't complete them. and i intend to make good on that promise. stay tuned. And if i can satisfy even one person by writing the end for this story, then i'll do it.
So, why am i posting a goddamn author's note about it? Why didn't i simply post the next chapter and squeeze in a flimsy apology there? Thing is... i feel bad. I know how it is to periodically check on a fanfic to see and hope that against all odds, distance, and time, that it was updated. only to be disappointed.
TO THOSE THAT ARE STILL WAITING, please send me your suggestions. I know you must've been wondering what happens next and that you've been making up your own events and endings while i was gone. Please share them. If you emphasize that it's really important to you, then i may incorporate whatever is on your mind into the story.
Or if you just want me to do my own thing and continue the story like it was planned from the beginning (i still have my old notes), that's okay too. Let me know which one.