And here we are, my lovelies, at the end of Alya and Draco's story. For all who have stayed with me through all 111 Chapters, thank you. I hope you have been entertained. All of you have kept this story alive and strong. I could not have asked for a better group to write for. You have my sincere thanks.
"And that is pretty much the end of our story. For now." I finally finished looking across at my beautiful daughters and son.
Miranda, my oldest and the light of my life. She is the perfect combination of my and Draco's looks. But she has his lovely eyes. She is facing her own struggles at Hogwarts. I learned the best thing I can do is to love her and support her and only step in if she specifically asks me to.
And my twins, Cissa, who looks like a small carbon copy of myself at her age and Scorpius who could have been Draco's twin instead of Cissa's. he even had the signature Malfoy smirk down.
Cissa and Scorpius would be starting school this year. I finished the story I had been sharing with them, much to Draco's amusement, a few weeks ago.
"I hope I find the boy I want to marry at Hogwarts the same as you and Miranda did." Cissa, ever my romantic sighed.
"Yes, well, let's not say that too often where Daddy can hear." I laughed "He isn't a young man anymore."
Draco laughed and leaned forward to kiss me. "I'll show you who isn't young anymore later."
The answer to the question would my tummy ever stop flipping over when he looked at me like that is absolutely not.
"But your Mum is right, no finding boys to marry until you are much older. Let's say…" he pretended to think "Oh seventy five should be a good age."
"And who says I found the guy I want to marry?" Miranda harrumphed. We all laughed at that.
Miranda was certainly my most willful child.
"Miri, I absolutely forbid you to get in to any trouble this year!" I warned her. "You have such a bright future ahead of you, it would be a shame to waste it because you are on punishment until you are thirty five." Yup, it was official, I had turned in to my mother.
"It isn't like I go looking for trouble mother." She stated with an imperius shake of her head.
"It isn't like you go out of your way to avoid it either, young lady. And don't sass your mother." Draco intervened.
Miri pouted but Draco softened the blow by pulling her in for a hug.
"And that goes double for you Scorpius," I warned him. I do not want any owls telling me you and Albus have been up to no good."
"Hey, Al and I don't go out of our way looking for trouble either!" He said indignantly.
"Speaking of which, there's your brother and Hermione." Ron and Draco had only finally warmed to one another when partnered at the Auror's office when Harry had been promoted to Head of Magical law Enforcement.
Hermione looked very chic. But then she had to, she was in a hard race for Minister of Magic. She would be the youngest ever if she won the election.
"Hey you two!" I called happily "Have you seen Harry and Gin?"
"Here they come now." Ron nodded over my shoulder. Harry had stopped to help Albus with his shoes. From the look on Ginny's face I could tell James had been a little shit again.
I hugged my twin and then my niece and nephew. "James, can't you try to not antagonize your brother?" I ruffled his hair. Not that you could tell, he had his father's wild locks.
"Anything for you Aunt Snake!" He ran off to find his friends as we all laughed.
"Is it the Slytherin thing again?" I whispered to Ginny and she nodded.
I hugged Albus. "I know you want to be a Gryffindor like your father. And I promise to try and be proud of you even if you are a Gryffindork." I promised.
He laughed.
"Well, we will be proud of you as long as you aren't a Hufflepuff, we have enough of those already." Draco teased him.
James came running back "Guess what I just saw?! Teddy was snogging Victoire! OUR Victoire! Our cousin." He finished as if he wanted to make sure that we understood.
"You little arse, I hope you didn't bug them!" Miri glared at her young cousin.
"I most certainly did! I asked what he was doing and he said he was seeing Victoire off."
"You interrupted them? You are so like your Uncle Ron." Ginny sighed making Ron shout "Hey!" and the rest of us laugh.
Ron and Hermione's daughter Rose was starting school this year too.
"Now, Rose." Ron said quite seriously. "I am not saying that have a bet going with your Uncle Draco over who will get the better grades, you or Scorpius, because that goes completely against your Mother's wishes, and I am also not saying if you bring home better grades I will split any winnings that I will absolutely NOT be getting with you." We all laughed as the kids got on the train.
It wasn't a perfect life, but it was as close to it as could be while still being interesting.