A/N: Sorry this chapters so short but the next one should be a long one. All rights to respectful owners. Apologies for awful grammar, looking for beta. Hope you enjoy :)
The next day Harry woke up and did not know why he felt rubish. Then the previous night came back to him. A new emotion came to him anger. He really could not believe how they could all just do that to him, and for what being in a relationship with a Slytherin. It was pathetic Gryffindor turn that back on each other while the other houses all seem to have a form of unity.
He decided not to bother getting dressed yet and went out of his bed room. The second he left the room he felt a thud and someone embrace him.
Daphne had been waiting for him. "Oh Harry I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. If we had not started going out you'd not have had to go through all this." Her eyes where full of tears.
"Daphne it's not your fault, it's nobody's fault except Weasley and the majority of Gryffindor. You know what I'm not upset anymore."
"Really?" Daphne said through her sobs.
Harry nodded. "I'm furious with them. Come let's sit down and we can talk."
Daphne nodded and the pair went to sit on the sofa.
They sat in silence tell Daphne finally spoke. "Err so Harry what's going to happen to you now?"
"Well it's simple I'm getting resorted." Harry said.
"Wait what that's incredibly rare in Hogwarts history it has only happened twice before." Daphne said in shock.
"Really I didn't know that." Harry said.
"Yeah it's not a common thing to happen. But you think you have any idea where your going to end up?" Daphne asked
"You can keep a secret right Daphne?"
She nodded and giggled but said, "Of course Harry."
Harry paused for a slight moment. "The sorting hat wanted to put me in Slytherin." Harry said very fast.
Daphne mouth formed a perfect o in shock. "What!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah." Harry said. "And well I never told anyone that."
"Well I can understand why you would not have. But why did you not let it?" She questioned.
"Well after Hagrid telling me about all dark wizards coming from there. Weasley saying the same things. Oh and Malfoy being unpleasant and a prat it sort of turned me away from it." Harry explained.
Daphne nodded in understanding.
"Harry can I ask you a question now?" Daphne asked tentatively.
Harry nodded.
"Your a Potter the last Potter. It is well known the Potter fortune is the largest in Britain so why do you where clothes that seem like rags on you?"
"That's a fair question Daphne. Well you know who I use to be best friends with and well he's always moaning about how poor he is, so well I didn't want to make him feel well bad. Oh and when I first went to Diagon alley Hagrid would not let me buy anything that weren't on my school list." Harry said.
"That bastard didn't deserve a friend like you Harry look how he treated you."
Harry nodded sadly.
"Don't you dare feel sorry for your self that bastard is a waste of space okay Harry!" Daphne said angrily.
Harry nodded but smiled weakly at her.
"You know Harry now your free from that Weasle, you could always owl order new clothes. Personally I don't care what you wear but it will do wonders for your confidence. As well as your standing if you do wind up with me in Slytherin. I can help take your measurements if you like?"
"You know what Daphne that sounds like a great idea." Harry smiled at her.
She looked relived. "Thew thought it might offend you." She said.
"Of course not." Harry beamed.
So after lunch Daphne had gone to her dormitory and had come back with numerous magazines. All in all,it had been an enjoyable experience. Harry had detailed it with his Grinngotts vault details and had Daphne send it off for him. Then they just spent the night together doing their homework tell Daphne had to go back to the Slytherin common room due to curfew.
Harry said goodnight to Daphne hugging her good night, and she even gave him a peck on the cheek. Causing the pair to blush heavily. With that Harry shut his door for the night. With the holidays starting tomorrow Harry decided to get an early night. Knowing he'd be in for many late nights probably. So Harry changed into his pyjamas and was asleep as soon as his head hit his pillows.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed :)