Chapter 5: Starkiller Base

Captain Phasma walked through the halls of Starkiller base , passing by a few stormtroopers before something grabbed her.

Chewbacca grabbed Phasma and held her in place as Han and Finn came out holding their blasters at her.

"FN-2187." She said in her cold tone.

"Captain, I need you to a access the system for us. Come on, that's an order." Finn said smiling.

They carefully lead the chrome armored stormtrooper to a computer as BB-8 came up beside it.

"You can't possibly think you'll get away with this, there's an army of stormtroopers here." Phasma said.

"That's true, but I remember you being fond of the base attack drill. It puts all personal on alert and to certain stations." Finn said.

Chewie growled at Phasma who reluctantly entered in the code as BB-8 started to record the information.

"Alright we have Rey's location and the data the Resistance wanted." Han said.

"Send out the call." Finn said before Phasma entered the code.

"Now I think I know what to do with her, the garba-"

Captain Phasma locked Chewie's injured arm in a bar before slamming his head into the wall.

Phasma smacked Han back before grabbing Finn by the throat and held him against the wall.

Finn choked , desperately trying to breath as he grabbed at her hands.

"Desertion is punishable by dead FN-2187." She said as Finn kicked at her to no avail.

Chewie roared as he grabbed Phasma and forced her through another door.

Phasma punched Chewie's head , forcing him back before the door between them shut.

BB-8 beeped as Finn breathed deeply.

"I'm ok, I'm ok." He said.

Elsewhere Rey was still strapped to the board.

She felt the same feeling she had felt on Takodera and kept trying to make sense of it. A thought came to her mind, it would have made sense given what was happening and was worth a try.

Rey saw a single stormtrooper guarding her and concentrated.

"You will unshackle me , and leave." She said.

The stormtrooper turned to Rey who continued to concentrate.

"You will unshackle me, and leave." She said as he came closer.

"You will unshackle me, and leave." Rey said as he put his hands on the shackles. Rey grunted as the stormtrooper tightened the shackles before walking back to the doorway, Rey regretting her decision.

Moments later they both heard a sound over the intercom.

"Another drill?" The stormtrooper said sounding annoyed before he left.

Rey still in pain from the too tight shackles looked at the tighteners.

Rey concentrated and breathed deeper while closing her eyes.

The shackle tighteners slowly started to move on their own, eventually getting to be where they were originally as Rey panted, feeling exhausted.

Moments later the door opened as Finn ran in.



He rushed over and undid the shackles.

"You're alive!" She shouted sounding very relieved.

"We're going to get you out of here." Finn said as Han came in.

"Han, Chewie , you came too."

"What can I say kid, Chewie kinda likes you." Han said.

Kylo returned to the chamber before seeing Rey was gone.

"Ghaaaaaa!" Kylo screamed.

Outside the chamber, two stormtroopers were walking by when they heard the room getting torn up. The one of the left stopped the other before they turned around and walked the other way.

Rey, Finn, Han, Chewie, and BB-8 hid in a maintenance corridor.

"Alright getting in was easy, getting out is going to be hard. We don't have the room to go to light speed without hitting the shield. Meaning we have to disable them before we can leave." Han said looking at the schematics.

"I know how to get to the generator. If we detonate some charges in there, we'll have our window." Finn said.

Kylo marched into the command center before using the force to pull one of the officers to his grip.

"What's going on!? Where are the stormtroopers!?"

The officer looked terrified.

"Sssir, captain Phasma initiated a base attack drill."

"And has anyone seen captain Phasma?"

Moments later door opened as captain Phasma came in.

"Sir, FN-2187 is here with the Resistance agents." She said.

Kylo dropped the officer.

"They free'd the girl. Lock down the base's hangers!"

"As long as the shield is up they can't fly off planet." Phasma said before Kylo turned to her.

"The shields."

Finn carefully lead them through the base exterior towards the shield control building.

"The new republic is gone?" Rey said in horror.

"Essentially , the Resistance are the only one's who stand in their way now." Finn said.

The shield control building was massive and in the shape of a hexagon with a satellite on the top.

Each entry way had several Stormtroopers guarding it.

"How do we get in?" Rey asked.

"These couplings release a charge every three minutes, but the shaft is large enough for us to move through. We'll have to be fast."

Chewie growled as she shook his head.

"We've done worse things Chewie."

Finn opened the shaft as they saw the large power cords moving underground.

"Wait for it." Finn said before they saw a surge of electricity move past them.


They jumped down and ran as fast as they could towards the shield building.

They tried to only focus on getting through rather than the electrical surge that would go right through them.

A droid slowly lowered in front of them before Chewie shot it.

After doing so an alarm went off.

"What did he do?" Rey asked.

"He set off the alarm, in thirty seconds a second charge will kill anything inside here!" Finn shouted.

"Ok, so run faster!" Han shouted as they ran through the flashing red lights.

As they got to another hatch , Han and Chewie climbed up with Chewie holding BB-8.

Finn tripped as Rey stopped.

"Go!" He shouted before Rey helped Finn up.

"Not without you." She said before grabbing Finn's hand and dragging him with her up the hatch before a surge of electricity filled the shaft.

"I say next time we take our chances with the Stormtroopers." Han said trying to catch his breath.

Chewie growled and nodded.

The group saw they were inside the building. The interior was massive and dark with a light coming fro the center. There were two main section separated by a walkway that had a very deep shaft below.

Various droids were performing duties in the building as Chewie passed out detonation packs.

"I'll take down here, Chewie's got the second floor, you kids take the top." Han said.

They split up and began putting their charges on anything that looked important.

As Rey put the charges on a computer she stopped and had to brace herself. She felt the same fear and cold feeling from before.

Finn noticed her frightened expression.

"Rey, what's wrong?"

"He's here." She said terrified.

They heard the door open as a series of footsteps followed.

Rey and Finn looked down to see none other than Kylo Ren enter the ground floor with a squad of Stormtroopers.

"Spread out and find them." He said.

Han stayed hidden before he saw Kylo.

Kylo began to make his way across the walkway as Han took a deep breath.

Despite every instinct telling him not to, Han walked out of his hiding place and up to the start of the walkway.

He looked down at Kylo who was now almost halfway across before taking one last breath.

"Ben!" Han shouted.

Kylo stopped immediately.

The stormtroopers quickly aimed their weapons at Han as Chewie looked down from the second level.

He had a very scared look on his face seeing this.

Rey and Finn saw this as well.

"What's he doing!?" Finn said frantically.

"Did he call him Ben?" Rey said confused.

Kylo Ren slowly turned and faced Han.

"Han Solo." He said in his usual tone.

"I've been waiting for this day, the force has brought you to me."

Han slowly approached.

"Take off that mask, you won't need it." Han said.

"And what do you think you'll see if I do?"

Han gave a more determined expression.

"My son."

Rey and Finn watched closely as Kylo reached for the helmet and heard something unlock.

Kylo now lifted the helmet off his head as they saw his face for the first time. He had light skin and brown eyes with black hair that was thick and came down almost past his head.

Rey was almost shocked seeing him like this, before she had almost been to terrified to imagine what was beneath the helmet, but now she saw a human face, not only that he did not seem evil or demented, he almost seemed handsome in a way, looking a bit like a younger version of Han.

Rey never would have imagined he was Han's son. She now knew why talking about Luke and his Jedi was so hard for Han, it wasn't just losing his old friend. It was living with the guilt that his own son had joined the dark side.

Han saw his son's face for the first time in years, he was almost overwhelmed by it.

Kylo have a more angry/frustrated expression.

"Your son is dead. Ben Solo was weak , like his father and uncle. So I destroyed him!"

"That's what Snoke told you isn't it, but it's not true, and you know it." Han said as he slowly moved closer.

"My son is alive."

"No, my master is wise. He will bring peace and justice to the galaxy, and balance to the force."

"Ben Snoke is using you for your power, just like Palpatine used your grandfather for his. Once he has no further use of you, you're dead. You know it's true."

"No, my master chose me, to save the galaxy, save it from the likes of you!" Kylo said sounding very defensive.

"Ben, leave this place, come with me, get away from Snoke."

Kylo backed away.

"No! You're weak! Just like mother and uncle Luke! I'm Vader's heir! Snoke isn't afraid of my power!"

Rey and Finn heard fear in Kylo as he spoke.

Han kept walking towards him.

"Ben, it's time to stop this. You can still make it right, let it go, your anger, your hatred." He said slowly reaching for Kylo's hand.

"Stop." Kylo said sounding as if he were on the verge of crying.

"Ben, come home." Han said.

Kylo was shaking before he remembered his master's words.

"Even you have not faced a test like this before."

Kylo closed his eyes before igniting his lightsaber.

Han convulsed as the red lightsaber stabbed through his stomach.

"No!" Rey shouted as Chewie roared, Finn looking just as shocked.

Despite being stabbed, Han reached out for his son's face one last time managing to touch it before falling over the shaft and out of sight.

Back on D'Qar Leia braced herself against a table, finding it hard to breath as Maz saw her.

Maz removed her goggled and wiped her eyes.

"He's gone." Leia said.

Chewie roared as he fired a blaster bolt that hit Kylo's side. Kylo grunted in pain as smoke rose from the burn mark on his armor.

Kylo's head shot up to Chewie, a his expression now one of anger and hatred as he reached out and closed his hand.

Rey and Finn were knocked off their feet as the upper areas were torn apart by the force, Chewie running as stormtroopers on the ground level fired at him.

Rey and Finn got out as well before Chewie detonated the bombs.

The rest of the walkways collapsed as the antenna short circuited.

The stormtroopers were trapped inside as Rey and Finn saw Chewie get on a parked speeder with BB-8 before flying off.

"Where's he going?" Finn asked.

"Come on." Rey said as they got into another. The speeder was grey and rectangular shaped with two back engines, two seats and a front turret.

They heard something inside the shield building, the debris was hurled away from the doors as the stormtroopers sprinted out.

"Drive!" Rey shouted as Finn lifted the speeder off and flew away from the base.

The sun was setting fast as the two tried to catch their breath in the cold.

Finn saw Rey holding her face as she teared up and tried to breath.

"Rey, Han."

"Not now Finn, we can talk once we're off this damn planet." Rey said as she tried to cope with Han's death.

Finn stayed quite as he drove.

Moments later the speeder shook as something hit it.

The two turned to see a pair of stormtroopers on a second speeder behind them.

One was on the front turret firing as Finn did his best to evade the blue blasts.

Rey saw Finn's blaster and returned fire, but each of her blasts missed their mark, Rey shouting in frustration.

"You're lucky I don't have my vibroblade!" She shouted in anger.

"Switch with me!" Finn shouted as the two switched positions.

Rey started driving as Finn fired back.

He carefully aimed and hit the turret, disabling it.

"I got em!" Finn shouted before the stormtrooper gunner pulled out his own rifle and aimed at Rey.

"Duck!" Finn shouted as Rey ducked, the blaster bolt going just over her head and hitting the controls.

"Oh no." Rey said as her speeder made a sharp turn and flew off the path going over a hill as the two screamed before bouncing across the ground and into a forest before they crashed into tree.

Finn was shaking a little as he got out.

"I'm ok, I'm ok. Rey?"

"I'm fine." She said.

"Those stormtroopers won't be far behind, let's get moving, the Falcon's on that plateau." Finn said pointing up.

The two started to run through the snow but the sun was now gone as the darkness of the night filled the forest.

As they moved Rey felt the cold get more intense.

"Finn." Rey said, the two heard a lightsaber ignite as they turned to see Kylo Ren behind them.

He had the same intense expression on his face, but something else had changed. Rey could feel something was different about Kylo from before. That was when she saw the color of his eyes had changed, they weren't brown anymore, they were yellow.

They could see the burn mark on his armor from Chewie's shot , but it seemed to have no effect on him, as he stood just like before,

"You will not escape me, I will bring you to the Supreme Leader." Kylo said intensely.

"Murderer, monster!" Rey shouted.

"Whatever that fool told you was nothing but a lie, the rebellion, the Jedi, all of them were evil. The source of this galaxy's pain and suffering. Now you're coming with me one way or another." Kylo said intensely.

Rey grabbed Finn's gun and tried to shoot Kylo but he grabbed her with the force and hurled Rey into a tree, Rey screaming before she was hit and fell into the snow.

"Rey!" Finn shouted as he ran over to her.

"Traitor!" Kylo shouted at Finn , full of anger and hatred. Finn got up and faced Kylo before igniting the lightsaber and holding it up.

Kylo saw the lightsaber and stared at it intensely.

"That lightsaber, it's rightfully mine!"

"You want it, come and take it." Finn said before he ran at Kylo.

"Very well." Kylo said before he knocked the lightsaber out of Finn's hand with one strike.

Finn now looked terrified as he saw the almost feral expression on Kylo's face before he was hurled away and into a tree by the force, several of his bones breaking as he crashed then landed.

Kylo turned and saw the lightsaber in the snow before reaching out to it.

Kylo for some reason found it very difficult to pull the lightsaber to his hand.

He gave a more intense look as he tried to pull the lightsaber. He finally lifted up but didn't fly to Kylo.

Instead the lightsaber flew past Kylo and landed in the hands of none other than Rey who had gotten back up.

Rey almost couldn't believe what she had done, she knew now beyond a shadow of a doubt, she was force sensitive.

Kylo seemed even angrier as he saw this.

Rey ignited the lightsaber and held it up, the lightsaber was lighter than her old vibroblade. Rey had a serious expression on her face as she faced Kylo.

"I've killed real Jedi girl, do you really want to do this?"

"No, but I must." Rey said as she and Kylo charged at each other.

Their lightsabers crashed against each other. Rey used her techniques from Lor to try and fight Kylo. She noticed that since her awakening, her physical abilities felt more enhanced than usual. She was faster and stronger, her strikes having more weight behind them then before.

However, Kylo seemed different as well. While he still retained his form, Kylo was more feral now, his intense expression looking like he was ready to rip her throat out with his teeth.

Rey was knocked back by one strikes as she fell backwards, Kylo screaming as he cut through any tree or branch between them.

Rey caught Kylo's lightsaber before forcing it up. Despite doing this, Kylo smashed himself into Rey knocking her back before he kicked her onto the ground.

Kylo violently slashed at her on the ground, Rey doing her best to get up before Kylo forced her lightsaber aside before smashing his fist across her face.

Rey stumbled backwards , coughing up some blood into the snow.

As Rey tried to fight again, Kylo hurled her further away with another blast of force energy.

Rey saw she was near Finn before seeing Kylo coming at her.

Rey closed her eyes and concentrated.

Finn's eyes slowly opened as he almost felt something around him Rey held her arms up before closing her hands.

She opened her eyes and thrusted her hands forward, Kylo was hurled several yards away before crashing into the snow.

Rey pulled Luke's lightsaber back to her hand before helping Finn get to his feet.

"Rey, you got him." Finn said in amazement.

As Rey got Finn to his feet she felt the cold feeling get more intense.

They turned to see four stormtroopers rush up before backing up.

Kylo got back to his feet, looking as if he was ready to erupt.

"Ghaaaaaa!" Kylo screamed , the ground almost shaking as Finn and Rey saw the trunks of the trees around them begin to burst before they trees were lifted up by the force.

"Run!" Rey shouted as they sprinted away as fast as they could, the maelstrom of trees and other projectiles swirling around them.

The stormtroopers were now terrified as Kylo moved towards Rey and Finn, holding both arms up as the ground around the two began to crack with more trees , rocks, and even animals flew at the, narrowly missing them or Rey slashing them apart with her lightsaber.

On D'Qar Leia felt a cold feeling through the force.

"Ben." She said.

Maz felt it as well.

"Leia, your son is gone."

Onboard his flagship, Snoke's head raised at general Hux.

"Supreme Leader, what's wrong?"

"Kylo Ren, he's ready to complete his training. Bring him to me."

Rey and Finn continued to run before a tree trunk hit they backs and hurled them onto the ground as before Kylo pulled them closer.

Rey and Finn were now terrified before a large blast hit the ground near Kylo, knocking him off balance.

A few lights shined down on Finn and Rey as the Millennium Falcon flew over them, the ramp opening as Chewie called out to them.

Rey helped Finn inside before the ramp closed.

Rey laid Finn down in the medical cot before the ship shook.

"What was that?"

Chewie growled that something was keeping them held in place.

Outside the ship, Kylo held his hand at the Falcon , using the force to pull it closer.

The ramp lowered again as Rey carefully moved down.

She saw Kylo holding the ship in place and concentrated before unleashing another blast of force energy. The blast knocked Kylo Ren off balance enough for the Falcon to break free.

Chewie flew the ship away as Kylo's stormtroopers rushed up and fired at it, but were unable to brin the ship down.

They then nervously turned to Kylo.

"Sir, are you ok?"

Kylo kept staring at the Falcon intensely as it flew away.

The Falcon returned to D'Qar before landing.

They came out before Rey handed Finn off to the medics before BB-8 rolled inside.

Rey saw Leia tearing up as Chewie came over to her before the two hugged.

Maz approached Rey before seeing the lightsaber in her hand.


"I see you took the lightsaber after all." She said.

"The force, I could use it." Rey said.

"Yes my dear, just like I said you could. You fought Kylo Ren didn't you."

"Yes, he was too powerful. I didn't stand a chance."

"You are strong Rey, but Kylo is too well trained. You will need a master to defeat him and Snoke. But now there is only one left who can teach you."

Leia came over to Rey.

"Leia." Rey said before Leia hugged her too.

Rey went inside as she looked over Finn who was put in the med bay.

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of him."

Rey went to the command center where she saw BB-8 uploaded the information into the computer.

"Oh my, captain Solo is gone. This is a tragedy, I know the captain and I weren't always on the best terms but-" C3P0 started before BB-8 's data showed.

"Well, this information will definitely give us a chance. It's not much, but a chance is better then nothing." Ackbar said before they saw something else come up.

Leia's eyes widened as she saw it was none other than the rest of the map to find Luke.

"The map to master Skywalker, the First Order did have it!"

"We can find him." Leia said.

Leia heard a familiar chirp as R2D2 shot to life and rushed over, shaking as he happily chirped.

"R2 you live!"

"We can find Tython now, and Luke, I'm going." Leia said.

"No." Maz said as Leia turned to her.

"The girl Rey, she must go, and go alone." Maz said.

"What?" Rey said.

"Luke is my brother." Leia said.

"Leia, the force is speaking to me. If you go to find Luke, he won't come back, Rey is our only chance of brining Luke back, our only chance of restoring the Jedi order. She and only she can do this."

"I can't, I can't." Rey said shaking.

Maz came up and put her hand on Rey's.

"Rey, it's time for you to stop waiting. You must go and seize your destiny, and this is your destiny. The force is calling out to you, find Luke, save him."

Leia gave a hard look.

"Go, bring my brother home." Leia said.

Chewie nodded.

R2 rolled up to Rey and almost angrily beeped.

"R2 insists he goes as well. He won't let anyone see master Luke without him."

Rey recognized the droid from one of her visions.

"You were Luke's droid."

R2 beeped.

"And Luke's father's droid?"

"You belonged to Darth Vader!?" C3P0 said in disbelief.

R2 chirped back.

"I was built by Darth Vader!? I have no recollection of this!?"

R2 beeped.

"Captain Antilles wiped my memory? That slimy , I don't feel sorry about Vader killing him anymore." C3P0 said.

"Take R2 with you, that droid means a lot to Luke. He could help." Rey said.

Chewie groaned.

"You want me to take the Falcon, I'm not the best pilot."

R2 beeped.

"Alright then R2."

The two entered the Millennium Falcon before looking back at Leia and Maz one more time.

The ramp closed as Rey lead R2 to the cockpit.

Now that Han was dead, it almost felt wrong to sit in the captain's seat, but did so reluctantly.

R2 plugged in and helped Rey pilot the ship before they locked in the coordinates to Tython.

The Falcon flew through hyperspace. Rey was deep in thought, almost overwhelmed. Just a few days ago she was a scavenger on Jakku, waiting for her family to return. Now she was flying the Millennium Falcon with Luke Skywalker's droid and his lightsaber, looking for Skywalker at the birthplace of the Jedi order.

Finally the ship came out of hyperspace as she saw a planet surrounded in an ocean.

In one hemisphere was a large continent, but R2 said he was picking up a signal from somewhere in the vast ocean.

"Alright, take us in." Rey said as they flew to the planet's surface.

Rey felt the force was incredibly strong on Tython, stronger than she had ever felt it before.

As they broke through the clouds Rey saw int he ocean were a series of somewhat small rocky and green islands rising out of the ocean.

Her eyes widened as she realized these were the islands from her vision.

Rey felt a stronger presence coming from one of the islands.

"Set us down there." She said as R2 helped Rey land the ship on the base of the island.

Rey and R2 left the Falcon as they saw a staircase leading them up the island.

"Can you move up stairs?" She asked.

R2 chirped.

"Alright let's go."

Rey and R2 began the long process of scaling the island's stone staircase as they moved further and further up. The sounds of the ocean and birds flying overhead was a welcome after Starkiller base and Jakku.

The climb felt like an eternity, but Rey was determined to find Luke, R2 just as determined.

Eventually they neared the top, Rey stopping a she saw more green around it. Rey saw the entrance to an ancient stone temple, there was no roof, but smaller chambers each made of stone and lead to the interior.

Rey felt the presence get stronger as she and R2 carefully moved through the temple.

Rey's eyes widened as she saw a crate of supplies opened in the temple. She went over and saw they had been opened recently, meaning someone was living there.

She and R2 rushed through the temple but found no one. However, the presence was still near her, Rey felt it.

They moved further up the island before reaching the peak.

Rey and R2 stooped, Rey almost unable to move as she saw the back of a figure wearing a grey hooded robe, standing in front of a makeshift gravestone , and looking out at the ocean.

R2 chirped and beeped in excitement as Rey tried to breath.

The figure slowly turned around, revealing a brown tunic and a white undershirt on his chest and the face of an older man under the hood.

He raised his arms, Rey seeing his right hand was the same cybernetic hand that she had seen in the vision touch R2 in front of the burning temple.

The man removed his hood as Rey now saw his face for the first time. His hair was long , grey, and messy with a grey/white beard and mustache.

He said nothing, and only stared at Rey who was so overwhelmed that she could barely move. Still Rey found the strength to take out the lightsaber and hold it up at him.

The older man started at the lightsaber intensely before raising his cybernetic hand.

The lightsaber flew from Rey's hand into the man's cybernetic hand as he stared at it before turning back to Rey.

Luke had an almost tired expression as he looked back at Rey, neither saying a word as R2 rolled up beside his former master and placed his body against him.

"Luke." Rey said finally breaking the silence, and for some reason , she almost felt on the verge of tears.

Luke raised his hand back up aiming the end of the lightsaber at Rey as he kept the same almost tired expression.

Author's note

And thus ends my remake of Star Wars the Force Awakens, if you guys really liked it I might do something similar when the Last Jedi comes out if you'd want to see it

I tried to make Rey less perfect and more of a compelling character who couldn't just do everything, and had room to grow her skillset

Kylo's unstable nature after killing Han showed more of his true turn to the dark side

And of course Leia hugs Chewie, plus we needed to see R2 and Luke reunite

but if there were changes you didn't like feel free to let me know

So until next story,

Please review, comment, suggest or ask(VIA PM)