Peter wasn't sure what he expected when he reached this farm in the middle of nowhere. He took a taxi as soon as he could after escaping the secret agents' base. Some people tried to follow him, but he switched taxis three times and took the subway to get them off his trail. He had to dodge at least three monsters on the way as well, with one weird seal thing being on the subway train.
Now, standing at the edge of the road, he saw a dirt beaten path leading up a hill with a large pine tree on top. Muttering curses to himself, he walked up the hill with Annabeth's satchel still on his hip. Coming up the hill, he saw a great Greek arch with Camp Half Blood inscribed on the top.
Without much more fanfare, he walked under the arch, leading him to look down from the hill onto a valley full of buildings and fields. It looked to be a fully functioning summer camp with a large blue house down the road close to the entrance. A good sized strawberry farm spread out to the left. Behind that was a large area filled a mix of usual summer camp things, like horse stables and cabins, as well as a Greek forge, arena, and amphitheater. Further out was a large forest with a big pile of rocks jutting out like a fist. To the right was a good sized lake that fed into the Atlantic.
A little in shock, Peter didn't notice the campers coming up to him until they were close enough to ask questions.
"Hey kid! You new here or something?"
Peter could only nod dumbly. The two campers smirked at each other.
"Alright, let's take you to Chiron for your introduction. Who was your guide here? Was it a satyr or another demigod?"
"Satyr? Umm no, Annabeth directed me here."
At that they laughed, "Of course she did. You're the third demigod from her this week! At this rate she's better than half of the satyrs. They're getting a little jealous of her, you know, and are trying hard to compete with her."
Peter didn't really know how to respond to that so he just laughed a little and said, "Yeah."
The one on the left of him motioned for him to follow. "I'm Connor Stoll, by the way. This right here is my older brother, Travis Stroll. We're sons of Hermes. What about you?" The young man asked this as they made their way to the house.
"Oh, I'm Peter Parker. I'm sorry, but what exactly is this place?"
Laughing, Travis responded. "This is Camp Half Blood. Home of the Greek demigods of today. We're taking you to the camp directors now. How much has Annabeth told you?"
Peter tapped his chin before replying. "Well, we're demigods, the children of a mortal and Greek God or Goddess. Monsters from Greek mythology actually exist and hunt us… for reasons? The Mist exists to keep mortals from seeing us use powers or fight monsters. Uh… The Gods are in America because it's the heart of Western Civilization for now? That's pretty much it."
Connor looked over his shoulder, grinned and said, "You know a lot more than the ones the satyrs bring, that's for sure." The two brothers fist bumped at that.
Coming to the house, the two led him to a side porch where two men were sitting and playing cards. One was wearing this garish red Hawaiian shirt. He had dark hair and vibrant violet eyes. A sense of madness lingered around him. The other was an older gentleman in a wheelchair. He had fair features, with soft blueish eyes, and longer brown hair, with an accompanying beard. They were playing a complex game of Go Fish as Peter walked up to them.
Looking up, the one in the awful shirt muttered, "Great, another brat to take care of. Oh well, I do believe it is your turn to do the spiel, Chiron?"
Glancing at Peter, Chiron introduced himself. "Welcome to Camp Half Blood. Who was it that brought you here, young man? And what do you go by?"
"Oh um, Annabeth brought me here - I'm Peter, by the way - and I was actually wondering if she was here yet? We got into a tough situation, but I found her bag along with a note to meet up with her here."
Raising an eyebrow, Chiron picked up a card as he answered, "No, she is not here yet. Hmm, why don't you leave her stuff in the Athena cabin when you go through orientation. She'll turn up as soon as she can. You didn't happen to find a baseball cap with her bag, did you?"
Confused, Peter answered, "Uh, no, why?"
"Oh no worries. I was merely contemplating what actions she'll likely take to get here. Alright, -Go Fish, Dionysus- have the Stoll brothers show you around camp. You'll likely get claimed at dinner by your godly parent."
"Oh alright, thanks Mr. Chiron, sir. And you, Lord Dionysus," Peter said bowing his head in respect towards the other he rightfully assumed was the God of Wine, who merely asked to Chiron, "Got any threes?"
Walking back to the two brothers, Peter thought about who his godly parent might be. What if he was the son of Zeus himself! That would make him half-siblings with many of the Ancient Greek Heroes, such as Hercules (or is it Heracles?) and Perseus. Or what if he was the son of two gods? Like, some secret love child between Hecate and Hades that was uber powerful and would be the heir to the underworld! Better yet, what if he had three godly parents, one of them being from another pantheon like Annabeth implied was possible. Hell, Thor existed, maybe he really was a god and not an alien as most assumed. Oh, what if he was the son of Thor and some god like Hermes, along with Hecate? He would be super duper uber powerful with him being the heir to Asgard after Thor, but also some sort of Harry Potter like wizard capable of astounding feats!
At this point his logic shouted at him to look at the facts. He didn't have powers over lightning or water, or death, or magic (to his knowledge). He was just, smart. Yeah, he had super strength and agility, and could stick to stuff, but that was because of the weird (probably monsterly too) spider bite. And, if, a big if at this, he really did have multiple godly parents, why would they leave him in the mortal world where he could be hurt, or where others might be hurt by him?
Connor and Travis grinned and chatted with him as they showed him around camp. Apparently, it really was a summer camp, but some campers stayed year round. As the Second Titan War just happened, it was seen as a bit of a blessing for Annabeth, who was in charge of designing cabins for all the lesser gods and rebuilding all the ones that were damaged and/or burned down. Some satyrs and druids were marking out new foundations while a few dozen pegasi were flying around transporting supplies and workers from Olympus. All the original twelve cabins still stood in their horseshoe like shape around a lit fire pit.
Showing him more of the same things he saw on top of the hill after that, like the tennis courts, rock lava wall, and canoe lake, they finally took him to the beach. There he saw a demigod swimming in the water like a dolphin. Like, jumping out of the water and diving back in the span of a moment. He was kind of cute, from the flashes he did see, but not really Peter's type at all.
Connor called out to the demigod that Peter dubbed Surfer Boy in his head.
"Hey Perce! Nice tricks dude!"
Travis waved to 'Perce' as he flipped out of the water, grinned, and waved, before quickly submerging himself again. Travis nudged Peter and said in explanation, "That's Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, and basically our version of a Modern Greek Hero. He's actually dating Annabeth, lmao."
Peter stared and asked hesitantly, "Did you just say… lmao?"
Travis looked blankly ahead while Connor just laughed at his brother.
Dinner at the pavilion was quite an underwhelming experience. Yeah, sure, magic cups and sacrificial braziers, whatever. It was pretty mundane in all honesty, as everyone ignored long held table rules and sat wherever they liked during the off season. The only exciting part was that Annabeth somehow found her way back to camp, and was nuzzled up against Percy as they ate dinner. She gave Peter a smile and nod as he walked to sit with the Stolls.
At the end of the meal, Dionysus announced that, "We have a new camper amongst us. Please welcome Perry Marker!"
Grimacing, Peter sat as everyone applauded. Connor leaned over and whispered, "Don't worry, he does that with everyone. Even if you've been here for years." Relaxing a bit at that, Peter paid attention to Chiron, as he stood up- wait, he's THE CHIRON?- on all four legs and raised a toast.
"To Peter, to the Gods!"
Everyone copied him and drank from their cups.
Right after the toast, people began to look up just over his head. Shining there in grey was an owl with its wings spread out. A small little red spider hung in its beak.
Chiron himself looked a little confused, but not worried. Kneeling, he called out, "All hail, Peter Parker, son of Athena, blessed and cursed by Arachne!"
After dinner wrapped up, Peter sat in the Athena cabin with his new found sister Annabeth.
"So… we're…?" He hopingly ventured.
Laughing a little, her steel grey eyes softened a bit. "Yes, of course. We're siblings, and not the only ones either. We have quite a few in our ranks." She smiled as she answered his question.
Lying on one of the couches, Peter curiously asked, "Is it normal to be blessed and cursed by Arachne?"
Annabeth frowned. "Cursed - yes. All Athena's children are cursed by the Mother of Spiders. We all have arachnophobia because of her. Her children follow us almost constantly, even in our dreams." Pausing, with a hand on her chin, she continued, "Being blessed, now that is highly unusual. Unless you somehow got her blessing forcibly."
Stumbling for the right words, Peter blushed under her intense stare. "Well, uh you see…"
Waving his hands emphatically, he tried, "I got bit by a monster version of a spider that I think was being scientifically experimented on. Since then, my eyes glow, at least to those who can see through the Mist. And… well, I sort of…", here his voice trailed off and mumbled, "... have super powers?"
Annabeth stared at the hall behind Peter's head while she mumbled to herself in thought. "Hmm… well if that happened… then… they must have wanted… yes of course…"
Snapping back to reality, she asked, "What sort of powers?"
"Uh, super strength, agility, flexibility, metabolism, healing, senses, and this really weird trick where I can stick to stuff." Peter grinned while he listed off what he knew what he could do.
"TO WALLS?" Annabeth practically screamed.
Wincing, Peter dumbly replied, "I… actually don't know. I haven't tried that much yet."
Grimacing to herself, Annabeth told Peter, "We'll talk more about this in the morning. I have to do some research to see about this project. Why don't you lie down and sleep. Do you need to let anyone know you're gone?"
Peter bounced up. "Oh my god! Aunt May is going to kill me… I have to call her!"
Annabeth pushed Peter down before he ran out of the cabin. "Peter, that agency that kidnapped us was mortal. They likely are tracking her every mode of electronic communication if they managed to find out who you are and what powers you have. You need to lie low for the time being."
"But… how else can we contact her?" Peter asked forlornly.
His sister smiled wide and said, "We'll just send her an IM."