Well, here's the next chapter featuring a photographer Sasuke who has some unique interests. This could probably serve better in a longer multi chap but whatever.

Warning for an unhealthy relationship, rough lemon, bondage, choking and blood. Along with some minor ItaHina.



It's amazing how much more tolerable...even pretty that a person could be behind the lens.

The ruby liquid coating his leather gloves did little to hinder his progress as he lowered the camera. He clicked his tongue, a hand reaching down to tilt the drooping head to a position that he liked.

"You always wanted my attention."

Pink strands were brushed away to reveal the dull emerald orbs staring blankly at him while scarlet stained the bright strands and pale flesh that his moist fingers trailed over.

"Well," A smirk flitted across his lips as the camera was lifted back up to focus on its current subject. "Now you've got it."



It's a perfect sight.

The sun high and shining in the sky provided some interesting lighting as it's warm rays showered over the environment, apt for some gorgeous scenery shots. The raven haired photographer gazed at the scene from behind the safety of his lens, hands carefully adjusting the focus of the camera until it was crystal clear.

His patient finger lingering over the button was just about to press down when a crown of blue hair suddenly appeared near the bottom of the shot, causing him to falter and bring it out of focus along with completely ruining his shot. He tsked in frustration, lowering the device to glare at whatever dared to ruin his carefully aimed picture.

Onyx orbs blinked once they took in the sight of a blue haired woman with the most enticing eyes that he's ever seen in his life. Large and round with a unique milky shade of lavender, the gentle look to them instantly reminded him of his late mother and her appealing soft features.

Glossy, pink lips turned up in a soft smile as she settled onto the bench, delicate looking hands unfurling a paper bag to dig in and pull out a handful of crumbs. He watched in silence as she tossed it onto the ground in front of her where birds instantly flocked towards the offered food.

Before he knew it, the Uchiha was leaning down onto one knee, camera lifted back up to his face as his finger pressed onto the zoom button until his new interest was focused in the shot.

He was paid for beautiful shots of the scenery not for pictures of random women feeding birds.

But he didn't care.

This would go with his own personal collection of pictures.

The button was pressed multiple times. When her hand was in the bag, right when she flung down more crumbs, when her lips tugged into a content smile all the way to when her haunting gaze suddenly flicked up.


The camera was lowered from the raven haired man's face as he caught her gaze with his own. He gulped, no sense in trying to hide it now - he could see in her face that she obviously knew that he was taking pictures of her without permission.

He slowly stood up once she began to make her way to him after discarding the paper bag in a nearby trash can. His hold on his camera was loose and unsteady against his chest but the strap connected to it from his neck would ensure that it would never connect with the ground.

He didn't even realize how hard his heart was pounding until she was right before him, those alluring eyes examining him in curiosity now that they were up close. Though his face remained neutral and unbothered, he was the complete opposite inside - he found himself tongue tied, unable to get a word out to this woman. He couldn't understand this feeling, no one has ever left him so flustered and speechless in his life before - and she hasn't even said a single word yet.

His body tensed, standing straight as a rod when she smiled at him, hands folding demurely in front of her, "Hi."

"Hi.." He croaked out and immediately cleared his throat, cursing inwardly at how ridiculous his voice sounded there.

However, the woman didn't even notice with the way her eyes lowered to the camera dangling in his fingers before they lifted back up, "Were you...taking pictures of me?"

"...Yeah." He finally answered after a few seconds of awkward silence, free hand lifting up to rub the back of his neck as his eyes darted to the side in order to avoid her inquiring gaze. "I know I should have ask-"

But he was interrupted before he could finish.

"Uhm...do you.." The woman's head dropped down shyly, hands wringing together nervously as she attempted to gather courage to continue what she was trying to say, "...Do you...need a model?"

To say he was not surprised would be a complete lie, he most certainly was not expecting a question like that and the way he answered only proved it, "What?"

"A-ah," She blushed at his dumbfounded answer, index fingers poking together, "I-I just t-thought...b-because you l-look like a photographer a-and I n-need a job and uh..nevermind, I'm sorry!" She babbled until she lost her nerve and attempted to run off.

Only to be halted when a hand clamped around her arm, "Wait." He murmured, refusing to release his hold on her until she turned back around, assuring him that she's not gonna dart off. Eventually, once she was able to gather her wits, lavender orbs drifted up to meet onyx.

"You're willing to be my model?" Her cheeks flushed at his words and the way his dark eyes were bearing down on her with growing interest.

"W-well, if I'm good enough for you...and though I don't have any previous modeling experience," His eyes were unwittingly drawn to the way her teeth was nibbling on her bottom lip. After a couple seconds, her teeth released her plush lip as she bravely lifted her gaze back to his, "I'm willing to try my best and learn."

"Hn...I actually get paid for my photographs of nature not people." Her expression fell at his words and he noticed that he really didn't like it, "...But..I'll be willing to pay you to be my own personal model. Maybe it can be good practice for the future."

"R-really?!" She gasped, lips twisting up in delight at his words. His eyes widened a bit at the liquid beading in the corner of those bright eyes.

She was acting like it was a miracle that he was willing to hire her as a model.

"...Is there any particular reason that you're so desperate for a job?" If he was going to be paying her then he would like to know the circumstances of her situation over why she needs a job so badly that she would happily accept an offering from a stranger.

"Oh...u-uhm, I was...disowned by my father for refusing to m-marry a business partner of his," She looked down with scrunched brows, almost as if in shame. "It's a foolish decision, I know, considering the position I'm in now since I'm sure he's just waiting for me to crawl back to him and beg him to take me back...but I don't regret it and I refuse to go back, I'll find a way to my own two feet somehow."

Fortunately for the blue haired woman, the raven haired man's expression never shifted - not giving her any type of judgement over her decision. He merely released his hold on his camera in favor of crossing his arms as he tilted his head at her, "Mind telling me what your money and living situation is currently like?"

At that, the lavender eyed woman blushed and fidgeted in place, "Its...uhm..not well. I'm staying in a motel for now until I can find a place to live and money's p-pretty tight since I can't rely on my f-father."

"That's why...that's w-why, I would really appreciate i-it if you could hire me." She finished with a determined almost pleading glance towards him.

Onyx orbs stared at the petite female contemplatively, the silence stretching between them as he thought over his decision, only making her grow more nervous and tense for his answer. She shifted a bit, nibbling her lip and glancing at the intimidating man before dropping back to stare at her fiddling fingers.

"Okay, I'll hire you," He almost choked on his words at the breathtaking smile the woman sent him at his answer. His chest fluttered pleasantly as he continued, "I also have one more offer if you're willing to take it."

She immediately nodded, "Y-yes?"

"Come live with me." He blurted out with a straight face and the woman stumbled backward with a surprised squeak, cheeks growing darker at the thought of living with a man - and a rather handsome one at that too. "It's just my brother and me but we'll be happy to let you take residence in our guest room plus - it'll make it easier to do my work if you'll be right nearby when I need you."

Her fingers fisted the material of her jacket, pearly teeth gnawing at her lower lip once again as she thought it over. Her money was dwindling spending it at the motel but she also doesn't know this man at all to just want to move into his place, "I-I'm..not sure.."

He nodded in understanding, "You don't have to decide right away. If it makes you feel better then we can just meet up at this park until you feel you can trust me enough." His eyes flickered briefly down to his camera before going back to her face, "I'll pay you for whatever pictures I can take here so you don't have to worry about money."

That seemed to soothe her nerves slightly as she peeked up at him through her bangs, "T-thank you, I would like that. I just..I just hope I won't be an inconvenience," She murmured, brows furrowing in worry, "Especially money wise." She doesn't want to bring another down until they're struggling for money too.

"Money is no problem at all," He assured her with a shake of his head, "My brother is a police officer and I make a lot of money with my photographs - plus, our inheritance from our parents leaves us far from struggling for money."

"...Okay, then I accept y-your offer," She held out a friendly hand towards the male. Once his long fingers curled around hers, lavender orbs caught his with a questioning smile, "By the way, I haven't caught my new boss's name?"

"Sasuke." He answered, onyx orbs softening at the small female, "And my model's?"

Her smile brightened, "Hinata."


"Are you sure he'll be okay with this?" Hinata asked, fingers squeezing and wringing the strap of her bag.

She couldn't help but be nervous, her guts were twisting with excitement and fear - fear that the older brother will dislike this arrangement that his little brother was doing; an older brother that she hasn't even met yet considering that he was never home whenever he brought her over to check out the place.

However, it's been a couple months since they've first met and they made sure to see each other daily, whether it was to take pictures of her or going with him to take pictures of nature varied but she always made sure to stick to his side and get to know this photographer who carried an unwavering interest in her. He was surprisingly patient with her considering her embarrassment of knowingly being behind the lens but his low voice and gentle touches when he moved her to positions that he wanted eventually brought her confidence to pose on her own.

Besides his work related stuff, Sasuke has treated her to dinner multiple times despite her attempts to turn it down - she was already feeling guilty that he was willing to pay her just for traveling around with him so he could take his pictures for work. Those were the times where they could just settle down and talk, learn about each other and the similarities they shared in their cold fathers and loving mothers along with various other stuff like their favorite foods and hobbies along with how long Sasuke has been taking pictures or what Hinata really wanted as a profession in the future.

"It'll be fine. He knows about you already, I've talked to him about you and the possibility of you moving in eventually." He told her with a small smirk. Braking at a red light, he lifted a hand to run comfortingly down the silky strands of his jittery model. "So, don't worry about him."

"If...if you say so.." She took a breath and slowly released it. It helped significantly in calming her down as she sent the raven haired man a bright smile. "..I trust you."


She tilted her head in confusion when the Uchiha merely pulled his hand back to cover his lower face, clearing his throat and turning away before she could see the red sprinkled along his pale flesh. The woman was too damn cute for her own good and he couldn't handle it.

After all the time they've spent together, Sasuke had to admit that he's grown quite attached to the innocent female next to him - she was his muse and the object of his affections all in one. He has no doubt that his feelings for her are genuine - but whether or not she returns it is a mystery.

She was just so kind and caring and she actually talked to him like a normal human being - not like a trophy to be won. It was basically inevitable that he would fall for someone like her.

He would just need to slowly work on getting her to return his affections.

Sasuke blinked at the sleek red car resting in the driveway of his house, "Huh. Seems like Itachi was able to make it home for once."

Hinata looked alarmed at his words, a muffled squeak escaped her as she shakily threaded her fingers through her long hair. The Uchiha shook his head and got out of the car to make his way to the passengers side, pulling open the car door, he helped his nervous model out, "Everything will be fine." He chuckled, one hand holding loosely onto her wrist while the other picked up the violet duffle bag.

He had to release her wrist once they reached the door so he could fish out his key in his pocket but he fortunately found that he didn't have to worry about his model running off once he felt fingers curl into the material of his shirt behind him. It was hard not to let a smirk curl along his lips when he could feel the blue haired woman shuffling behind, huddling as close to him as she can to remain hidden.

It didn't take long to find Itachi. His older brother was lounging on the couch, tired eyes closed and still dressed in his police uniform.

However, the older Uchiha was alert as always. Dark eyes sliding open to catch his little brother walking in and sent him an exhausted smile, "Sasuke.."

"Itachi, you're home." He nodded in greeting, he almost made a choking sound when he felt something soft press against his lower back when Hinata pushed closer after hearing his brother's voice.

He had a pretty good guess about what was currently glued to his back and it was hard to keep his cheeks from flushing.

Thankfully, Itachi didn't pay any mind to his siblings suddenly tense stature and pink cheeks, "Yeah, finally got some time off. We're still working on that missing Haruno girl."

Hinata was incredibly distracting to the point that Sasuke was having a hard time thinking straight, "...Any leads?" He gulped, they were so big...and soft. He can't deny that he hasn't wondered what they felt like before when she would go in certain poses that showed off the size of her chest.

He shifted uncomfortably, he has never felt sexually attracted to a female before this timid woman and it was driving him up the wall.

"No. It's just like that Uzumaki girl case months ago - it's bound to be another cold case." Fingers pinched the bridge of the frustrated Uchiha's nose, rubbing soothing circles around the area. He sighed and leaned back on the couch, glancing at his brother with a raised brow, "Anyways, I can see you have a guest hiding behind you."

A startled squeak was heard before a lavender eye peered from around the photographer's arm. Itachi blinked at how his little brother was actually letting this woman cling to him without any attempts to shake her off; he chuckled and pushed himself off the couch - he has a pretty good idea who this might be now.

The blue haired woman jumped when the older Uchiha was suddenly at her side. A charming smile pulled along his lips as he gently pried one of her hands off his brother's shirt to press a light kiss on the back of it, "I'm assuming that you're my little brother's model that he's always talking about...Hinata, I believe?"

"Y-y-yes...and you're I-Itachi?" The other hand that was still gripping Sasuke's shirt only grew tighter at the other Uchiha's proximity along with her face burning a bright red after feeling his soft lips against her skin - it was a miracle that she hasn't fainted yet.

"Yes I am," A sharp breath was sucked in, lavender eyes widening when a hand cupped her cheek and lifted her face up so dark eyes could examine her features with a critical gaze. After a couple seconds of silence, Itachi smiled, thumb sliding along the reddened flesh affectionately. "I can certainly see why Sasuke is so taken with you." He purred, invading the Hyuuga's space to the point that she felt like she was going to faint any second now.

A growl was heard and Itachi couldn't stop the amused chuckle from coming out when the flustered female was yanked out of his grasp to be held protectively at his now scowling sibling's side.

"I'm just being friendly Sasuke, no need to be so hostile."

Sasuke's grip around his model's shoulder tightened, "Too friendly."

Itachi shrugged his shoulders with a shake of his head, amusement remaining on his face, "Whatever you say foolish little brother. So, judging from that bag you're holding, I'm assuming she's moving in?"

The younger Uchiha nodded wordlessly, the glare still having yet to lessen on his hard face. He was not at all pleased with his brother's attempts at flirtation with his model.

"I-if it's not too much t-trouble." Hinata piped up from her spot against Sasuke's side.

Itachi smiled at the shy female, satisfied to know that she has manners - it'd be nice if her personality was as appealing as her looks, "Of course not, you're more then welcome to stay here."

"Anyways," Sasuke butted in, scowl still firmly attached to his grumpy face, "I'm going to show her the guest room." And without another word, turned around to drag the female away.

However, his amusement only grew in volume when the blue haired woman took the time to look back with the parting words of, "It was n-nice to meet you!"


It didn't take long after that for the two to get intimate. Sasuke's soft touches would linger longer then usual whenever he would adjust her to his liking - some even becoming daring by sliding along her inner thighs or lower back but never fully touching her in places that he shouldn't. Hinata had to admit that she was actually hoping he'd eventually get bold enough to slip his hand along a more naughty area and couldn't help but feel ashamed at her growing sexual frustration.

But he was always in control, going close but never treading into territory that he wasn't invited in.

So, Hinata decided to take matters into her own hands at one point.

A warm hand trailed along her side as he adjusted her position to his liking on his bed. Soon, his palm was skimming along from her shapely hip to her thigh, squeezing it lightly before tugging it forward, thumb caressing the side of her knee and driving her nuts at the heat lingering around every area that he has touched.

Hot breath tickled the sensitive skin of her neck when he leaned over to brush aside her hair, letting the long tendrils spread along his pillow. Sucking in a shaky breath, Hinata screwed her eyes shut and decided to make her move before she chickened out.

Onyx colored eyes widened at the soft warmth that covered the edge of his mouth, just barely grazing his lips.

"Hinata." He breathed, gulping at the glazed over lavender gaze watching him intently. This wasn't good, just the brief feel of her lips was enough to send heat to his loins. "What are you do-"

He was cut off by full lips enveloping his own, silencing any questions that could come out, "Hina-" His protest was again smothered, this time by a shy tongue brushing along his parted lips.

That was it.

A muffled squeak escaped Hinata once the Uchiha finally gave in and swallowed her startled sounds with a hunger that swiftly overwhelmed her own.

It didn't take long for eager hands to claw at each others clothes, ripping them off and tossing them carelessly on the ground as tongue and teeth clashed in a fight for dominance. Before Hinata knew it, the raven haired photographer was buried deep in her, thrusting hard and fast leaving her to only dig her nails in his shoulders as she writhed helplessly beneath him.

It was quick, hot and fast paced and before Hinata knew it - an exhausted Sasuke was laying over her, panting tiredly, hand brushing tenderly over her moist forehead.

"Hinata." He managed once his breathing evened out.


"Would you be alright with a nude shot?"

And that was the beginning of their raunchy relationship. It sometimes still surprises Hinata how fast their relationship went from platonic to intimate.

But she can't say she regrets it one bit.

With Itachi gone so frequently, the two had no problems having their private photoshoots that always ended with them sweaty and tired. In midst of their many sexual trysts Hinata soon found out that Sasuke has a penchant for rough sex.

She was on her hands and knees when a hand wrapped around the long, silky strands and yanked hard, forcing her red face from the pillow causing her back to curve as hips mercilessly pounded into her from behind. A cry escaped her when the other hand dropped a loud slap against one of her cheeks.

The pain was minuscule to the blinding amount of pleasure the Uchiha was bestowing upon her sensitive body. She was so close to her climax, almost there when-


Lavender orbs shot open in panic at the familiar sound and she attempted to look back. Only to find that she couldn't when her hair was pulled harder to keep her in place, "S-S-Sasuke!" It was beyond embarrassing to know that he was taking pictures of her in the throes of pleasure in such an exposed and vulnerable position.

"Don't worry," He panted, dark eyes bright with excitement as he pressed down on the button once more, a satisfied smirk curled along his lips as he continued thrusting into his writhing model. "Like the nude photos, these will be for my eyes only. Promise."

And just like with the nude photos - Hinata agreed.

Though the more they did it the more open the Uchiha became about his depravity as he gradually added new experiments in their photoshoots. Hinata could only squirm uncomfortably with the snug ropes binding her voluptuous body, leaving her suspended in the air with limited movement. Sasuke would check the ropes to make sure they were secure and not too tight before sliding either a ball gag or open mouth gag into her mouth, sometimes adding a blindfold into the mix if he felt like it.

It would always end with him indulging himself in her bound body, unable to resist the tightness in his jeans.

The Hyuuga would soon find herself in more and more depraved acts, including once where the Uchiha wrapped a hand around her throat. He would squeeze just hard enough to leave her gasping for air while his blushing face would be hidden as always behind his camera, mindlessly snapping away until she grew dizzy from the lack of oxygen and would claw at his hand to which he would immediately drop his hold.

And he would be hard and ready as always, completely turned on from watching her struggle.

It made her think of the few times that she was able to speak to Itachi and how he had vaguely mentioned once that Sasuke did have a strange liking for morbid things since they were children. She probably should have been wary about those vague words but she just brushed them off seeing as Sasuke always got her consent before hand.

Atleast he always did.

Until now.

It was during one of their sessions when she was bound and gagged to his bed, when the immoral photographer brought out a large hunting knife. Lavender eyes widened in fear at the glinting silver, attempting to struggle in the tight bonds in vain.

The Uchiha sat down next to her on the bed, shushing her as he laid a firm hand down on her abdomen. Hinata cried from behind the gag, stomach jumping once the tip of the dangerous tool pricked the soft flesh, allowing ruby liquid to bead along the opening.

The sadistic grin on his face terrified her to no end, "Shhh," Was his response to her muffled cries and that was when his arm dragged down, amplifying the Hyuuga's whines as stinging pain flared up along her entire abdomen.

Tears pricked the edges of her lavender eyes as the Hyuuga lifted her head to see a long cut extending from beneath her left breast to her right hip. She whimpered as the scarlet liquid bubbled up along the shallow cut before steadily sliding out.

To her already growing horror, she could see Sasuke's pale cheeks darken with color as his curious fingers gingerly brushed against the cut, causing the Hyuuga to jolt in pain though he didn't seem to notice as he rubbed her life essence between his fingers with a blissful sigh, "Even your blood is beautiful.."

The blade was suddenly brought to her face and the frightened model flinched instinctively. However, all she felt was cold metal rub against her cheek and realized that he was smearing blood there, cleaning off his blade with her skin, "Yes, perfect." He muttered to himself, standing back up to fetch that dreaded camera of his.

Hinata curled up in a ball once they were finished and she was cleaned and bandaged up. Making sure to keep her back to the nude Uchiha who was fiddling with his camera.

A clink was heard as the device was finally placed down as the photographer settled onto the bed behind her. She jolted when lips pressed along the back of her neck. "I really liked today's session."

"I didn't." She replied, attempting to wiggle out of his arms winding around her waist. Only to wince once she unintentionally pressed her injury against his arm.

"Why not? You looked beautiful." He was oblivious to her wince as he scooted closer, sitting up on his elbow, he cupped her chin to draw her unsettled gaze to his questioning one.

"Sasuke, you didn't even tell me you were gonna do that." She gulped, hand curling around the bedsheet in her nervousness when his eyes darkened at her words.

"I couldn't. You wouldn't have agreed, I had to show you first," His thumb caressed her cheek affectionately, his lips brushed against her temple, "Next time will be much more easier for you."

Her hand trembled around the sheet. He wanted to do more of that? Cut her again or whatever other depraved things that he could think up?

"I-I don't want too.."

"Hinata. I promise to tell you what I'm doing beforehand," His forehead pressed against hers, dark eyes gazing into her own with purpose as his warm breath tickled her quivering lips, "Please? For me?"

She hated how she couldn't resist those pleading eyes.


She should never have gotten mixed up with this strange man.


It was later in the night that Hinata was roused by the sound of paper crinkling. She tiredly opened her eyes to see Sasuke's back to her, standing in front of his dresser and leafing through a book.

She decided to keep quiet and just watch him. She quickly realized that it was a photo album that he was going through when he lifted up a couple photos and slipped them in the album. Her brows furrowed, wondering if maybe it was photos from their most recent session.

Now that she thought about it, she never did ask to see the photos he took of her and he never offered either.

She was even more perplexed when he closed the album and made his way to his bookshelf. But instead of just slipping it in the shelf like a normal book, the Uchiha instead pushed it until it slipped into a hidden opening in the back of the shelf that he covered up with regular books.

Perhaps she'll take a look at it in the morning when he leaves, see what he finds so appealing in those types of photos - he did say that he needed to go buy some supplies, that should give her plenty of time.

Her eyes slipped closed before he realized that she was awake.


Having found the black album, Hinata places it on the dresser and flipped it open.

Only to feel her heart practically leap up into her throat at what she discovered within.

It was that redheaded Uzumaki girl that's been missing months ago. Multiple photos her bloodied and lifeless body, her glasses settled on her lap instead of on her face like it should be. Lots of the shots focused on her listless red eyes and the laceration across her neck.

She was so horrified and distracted by the pictures that Hinata didn't even notice the dark eyes watching her at the open bedroom door like a predator.

And though she could feel bile rising up in her throat at the extremely graphic pictures, Hinata decided to brave it and flipped onto the next page where she could feel her guts twist in dread at the pink hair and dull green eyes. That was the missing Haruno girl and just like the previous victim, all her photos were focused on her eyes and deep wounds littering her abdomen.

Hinata was sickened at the thought that the man she grew to have deep feelings for are the cause of these missing girls. Would she eventually end up like them too?

She needed to leave. Now.

But before she could even attempt to run away, the Hyuuga found herself engulfed by strong arms. Immediately struggling, she tried to scream only to have a hand clamp over her mouth.

"Ssh. No one will be able to hear you anyways." Her eyes widened at the silky voice that slipped into her ears.

Wrenching her head out of his grasp, Hinata turned her head to look behind her and caught Itachi's impassive gaze.

"I-Itachi! D-do you know what Sasuke has done?" He was a police officer, surely he could do something about this.

"I'm aware," His eyes narrowed, arm tightening around her waist, "And I don't plan on doing anything about it."

"W-what?" She didn't understand.

"Like I told you, I always knew that Sasuke had a more...unique taste compared to normal people. He always loved taking pictures of dead or injured animals," He shook his head. "I guess it was only natural that his interest would transfer to humans."

"H-he murdered these girls!" She cried, how could he possibly be so casual about this?! Wasn't this the case he's been working on all this time?

"And he's the only family I have left," His breath against her ear sent a shiver down her spine as he pressed closer to her back, practically hugging her to his frame. "I'm not about to turn in my baby brother after making sure to keep all traces off of him all this time."

"Besides, they were the ones that kept harassing him for his attention...and they got it." He chuckled, thumbing her exposed collarbone absentmindedly.

His grip tightened when she once again attempted to struggle violently, forcing him to grip her wrist and drag her back to Sasuke's bed. Picking her up easily and tossing her onto it, a frustrated cry escaped the model as she wriggled around once he straddled her waist and pinned her down with his weight.

Her heart was pounding in her ears when she felt cool metal slip around her wrists and yanked on her hands to find them trapped in handcuffs and locked around one of the bed's wooden posts.

"If you're worried about yourself - don't be. Sasuke may have his messed up fun," His hand rubbing against her bandaged abdomen let her know what he was talking about, "But you're the only one he has genuine feelings for, I'm sure he won't do anything that would kill you."

His dark eyes flicked up to hers in contemplation, "Though I wonder how he'll take this turn of events. It'd be such a shame to get rid of you," His hand cupped her pale cheek delicately, "If he decides he doesn't want you after your recent discovery...then I'll keep you."

Hinata was about to scream again, hoping that she could alert any neighbors when the front door was heard opening and closing.

"Hinata, I'm back. I know what I want to do for our next session."


Vote on the poll in my profile for what should be the next chapter!