Let's face it. Blake's kind of a cunt.

Pour your heart out to a girl about your past, and your mother abandoning you? Fuck that, it's all about her instead! Her White Fang! Her sense of responsibility. You and your mother and your abandonment issues aren't important.

That was how Yang felt as she lay in bed in her room on Patch. She had lost her arm trying to defend that shitty kitty. The girl she had fallen in love with. She had never come out and admit it, but it was all there. The subtext of her and Blake's loving relationship was apparent for all to see, so long as their boners were large enough or their need to fulfill their lesbian wishes great enough.

Then what had she done? What had Blake, the girl who knew that Yang had abandonment issues done? She ran away. Abandoned the blonde in her time of greatest need as she struggled with the maiming of her arm. Blake is a textbook example of a person in a relationship who only takes and never gives. A selfish bitch through and through.

So depressed was Yang that she had even sent her own sister away. Her own loving sister who only wanted to make her smile. Weeks had passed since then, and she had rarely moved from her bed. The fire which had burned inside her for so long had gone out.

That was when she heard familiar voices outside. Voices she had not heard in so long. Friends from Beacon. The remains of Team JNPR. Minus one tall redhead, who had been scattered to the wind and using her nutrients to help grow plants or something.

She wished Weiss had been among them. Now that she was beginning to doubt her love for Blake, she was seeing Weiss in a whole new light. Weiss was someone she could see herself with. A perfect replacement for Blake. She was certain all of her friends would love to ship her with Weiss instead of Blake, given even the smallest opportunity to do so.

But instead of Weiss coming in, it was Jaune. A fellow blonde who had suffered a loss of his own. Where her own partner had run off to join the circus or whatever, Jaune's partner had died. So they were both feeling pretty shitty.

"Hey," the blonde boy said.

"Hey," the blonde girl said.

"Sucks about your partner."

"Sucks about your partner too."

Yang looked at her stump. It didn't even resemble an arm anymore. It was just kind of an elongated object with a rounded tip. Like a dildo. Or a penis.

Yang had never seen a penis before because she's a lesbian.

"Jaune," she said.


"Make me feel good."


So Jaune unzipped his pants and plowed Yang. And it was great. Way better than Blake. Because Blake is a selfish lover, just like she's a selfish person. Blake never got Yang off. Only ever herself. And any time Yang ever complained, Blake would play the "faunus card", talking about how oppressed she was. It always made Yang feel guilty. And it killed her sex drive.

But Jaune made her cum. His penis was wonderful. She wished that she had been screwing dicks this whole time instead of the pussy's pussy. Jaune's cock in particular was big. And he had a lot of stamina because of his aura or whatever. I'm just going to make shit up about aura as I go along like Roosterteeth does, so now it gives you increased sexual stamina. And because Jaune has a lot of aura, he's totally great at sex.

Yang felt wonderful. It was the greatest she had felt since Blake's ex-boyfriend had chopped off her arm. She should have just let him finish stabbing Blake the way he had been.

One thing was for certain though. Yang loved being stabbed... by Jaune's dick. She no longer desired Blake's cunt. She no longer desired any cunt. She was all about the cock now. She could not imagine going back to Blake. She was no longer a lesbian. She was Jaune's girl now. And she would let him slay her dragon every night.

"I really hope we don't make people angry by doing this," Jaune said.

"Let them get angry," Yang shrugged. "If they care then it'll be funny."

Jaune laughed.

Then Yang laughed.


The end.