I did it! One day late (as almost every drabble) but I did it!

Note: FINALLY I CAN FKN UPLOAD! FFnet didn't let me, so sorry for the delay. But it seems to function now...

"Merry Christmas, Adrien!", Tom's voice boomed from the kitchen as Sabine opened the door for him. Marinette had returned home through her balcony hatch because she officially hasn't been outside at all. She had gone down to her parents to tell them Adrien would join them and ten minutes later he had ringed the bell, according to plan.

Her parents didn't seem to notice.

Adrien smirked into the kiss Marinette gave him as if she hadn't just seen him. When they parted he hugged Sabine, wishing her a Merry Christmas as well. Then he went over to Tom. He hadn't considered how dangerous that was.

The giant man immediately threw his arms around him and hugged him heartily, laughing as he did. Adrien could merely cough out a greeting back at Tom since he was pretty sure his chest had now been reduced to a pancake.

"We're so happy to have you here, Adrien! Marinette told us what was going on at your home so she asked us if you could come join us.", Sabine chimed in as Tom set him down again, finally letting him breathe a little. He gave Marinette's mother a breathless smile, grateful as she placed a comforting hand on his back, "Nobody should be alone on Christmas."

"Thanks, Madame Cheng.", he mumbled, slowly getting his breathing right again. Tom clapped a heavy hand on his shoulder and shook his head.

"No, no, call us Tom and Sabine, please. You're part of the family, son."

Adrien was close to tears as Marinette joined, hugging him tightly.

"Uhm-… Thanks, Monsieur Dupain. Uh, no, uhm-… Tom?"

"That's right, son. And now, take a seat! Dinner's almost ready!"

Marinette smirked and led him to the table, taking the seat next to him. They left their fingers interlaced while watching Marinette's parents adding the finishing touches and bringing in the food. Adrien's eyes watered for real now as he saw all the delicious things they had prepared.

"Woah, that's-… I-I'm sure I'm not allowed to eat at least half of that!"

Marinette quickly shook her head, squeezing his hand.

"Today's your free day. It's Christmas and what your father doesn't see shouldn't bother him. He hasn't bothered showing up for you so you're free to eat what you want."

He leant in, nuzzling her temple softly.

"Thank you, princess… Thank you so much."

She giggled, parting their hands to grab her fork.

"You're welcome. And now dig in! You're welcome to eat as much as you want! It's Christmas!"

Adrien grinning brightly as he looked over the table, then he smiled at her parents.

"Thank you so much!", he repeated, obviously at a loss for words.

Later that evening, when all the presents had been unpacked and all the traditions were finished, Adrien and Marinette laid in her bed, looking up at the night sky. Their Kwami's had tightly embraced each other on the little pillow Marinette had placed on her night stand for them to snuggle with each other and all they could hear was them purring and buzzing a little.

The two humans were awake, cuddling with each other and honestly having more interest for their partner than the clear sky with the stars.

Marinette's hands were entangled in Adrien's hair and he held her close on her hips, a small smile playing on both their lips when they watched the stars twinkling above them. Their focus, though, laid on petting the other. Adrien's hand moved up and down her side and she scratched his head, her fingernails sending delicious shivers of delight through his whole body when she hit just the right spot.

In this moment they were alone in this world and they wouldn't want anything changing that. Because they enjoyed what they had gifted each other this year.

A true Christmas miracle.

"Merry Christmas, Adrien.", she whispered and he smiled.

"Merry Christmas, Marinette.", he replied.