Why her?

That was a question a lot of people asked Drew ever since he and May got together. Well actually when I say people I refer to all the fangirls who couldn't stand the reality that Drew Hayden was no longer available. And since they were not travelling together, Drew often had to face a huge crowd of some disappointed and some happy girls asking him the same question again and again, "Why her?"

Not that he answered it to them. He didn't feel the need to explain his every action to everyone. Drew did that he wanted and when he wanted but when the question came from Solidad, he paused, surprised even on why she of all people was asking him this. Solidad was one of the few who had seen him from the start and knew about his feelings for her even before he himself was aware of them . As he looked at the pink haired rival/friend/inspiration of his, he realised he couldn't dodge the question this time. For she wasn't asking him out of curiosity or envy like the rest of the world, May was Solidad's friend as well and like an older sister she was worried about both of them as they were no longer kids.

Why her? He had all the beautiful girls he wanted, he was smart, handsome and the most popular/desirable guy according to many magazines. So why her? Cos she understood him? Cos she cared? Cos she was his rival? Friend? She was all of these things.

But what he saw different from everything was the fact he was not her whole world. Seems odd? Yes she loved him, but she would never back down the contest just cos he was her rival. She knew her goals and worked hard towards it. His praises were always good hear(they were very rare, mind you) but she liked his honest critique better. When he would win from her though she would congratulate him and be truly happy for him but he knew later she would ask for forgiveness from her Pokémon and sometimes even cry because of her mistakes. When she won from him it was visa versa. She knew she wasn't the strongest yet, so she worked for it. Keeping that smile on her face, ambition in heart and always thinking of new ideas for appeals.

It wasn't like he didn't knew her flaws. May was too innocent for her own good. She trusted everyone too easily, sometimes that did get her into trouble too. But she was learning, so Drew would let her get into trouble just so to let her learn from her experience.

He was important to her and he knew she collected his newspaper clippings like many fangirls but she didn't consider herself any less than him and would argue with everything she has if he says otherwise. Other girls fantasised him, she respected him(unknown to him, May had different kind of fantasies when it came to Drew). She was his partner, a partner not because he chose her but also cos she chose him.

It was her individuality, something celebrity kids lose easily being under the spotlight of their parents. She demanded respect and admiration for herself from the world, from him. And the fact she didn't settle till she got it. Handwork was her tool, persistence was her nature and she knew the value of all family and friends she had.

A girl who, if he stood at the peak of the mountain, would stand next to him, holding his hand.

That was what Drew fell for.