Disclaimer: I just like to write stuff, I don't own Vampire Knight. You'll know who is my oc lol

Warnings: OOCness, Swearing, grammar mistakes, OC, gay vampires, yaoi, boyxboy


Title: Revenge Is Oh So Sweet

Pairings: Kaname x Zero, ? x Shizuka Hio

Setting: Kiryuu household

Genre: Romance/Fantasy

Prompt: It wasn't Shizuka Hio who killed Zero's "parents" it was another pureblood.

A/N: If you've read my other fic called "Kaze: Prompts-Ideas-Whatever" you'll know where this is from, I decided to take this prompt and turn it into a proper fic because I kinda like the idea so I wanted to continue it. So if you've already read this part just skip to the next chapter, and if you haven't read my other fic, welcome! Please enjoy yourself and have fun! XD

"Ichiru, listen to me. I need you to be really quiet and keep your aura as low as you can. And no matter what you hear, don't come out unless it's me, my parents or Kaya okay? Promise me Ichiru." Zero said sternly, eye's afraid for his adoptive brother yet determined to protect him.

"But Zero-nii-" Ichiru pleaded, worried that the person he sees as an older sibling was going to be hurt. He needed to keep Zero with him as he felt something terrible will happen to his big brother. Zero shook his head, his mind made up, "Promise me Ichiru."

The younger boy could only nod as Zero gave him a special anti-vampire dagger, leaving a kiss on his forehead and closing the door. Locking it tight, he could hear Zero-nii whisper protection charms to seal the entrance of his room. Tears gathered in his eyes, he wished he wasn't weak so he could protect Zero, he only hoped someone came quickly to save them. His parents were fighting a pureblood but knew sooner or later they would die and Zero-nii... Zero-nii would be captured, taken against his will by that horrible vampire his aunty warned him about should the bad vamp find out Zero's lineage.

Ichiru prayed as he held the dagger close to his chest. Aunty and uncle will come, they have to, they got to! Zero's in danger, his nii-chan needs their help.

'Please... please don't let anything happen to nii-chan.'


"Well, well, well... One of the most prestigious hunters defeated easily by little ole me, lying graciously at my feet, dying." The pureblood with mismatched eyes stared amusingly at the bleeding couple, darkly smirking at the pitiful humans.

"Now, I'll ask you once again. Where is Shizuka?" The tall vampire struck the air with his whip menacingly. Rei Kiryuu spat saliva and blood at the deranged male before answering "I don't know and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you bloodsucker!" The pureblood narrowed his eye's and lashed his blood-whip across the hunters face, relishing at the pain he inflicted and the fearful gasp from the hunters wounded wife who was crawling slowly to reach her husband.

"Then you leave me no choice." Just as he was about to end the man's life, a shuriken nicked his cheek and another came close to his heart from behind which he deflected, though he felt a slight sting as the throwing objects were anti-vampire weaponry. He hadn't sense there was someone else here, whoever it was certainly caught him off guard; quickly turning around to face the perpetrator, it was a boy... a boy who has similar features to his ex-fiancée Shizuka. He sneered.

"What do we have here... a tiny little boy, trying to save-"

"Screw you old man, leave my family alone!" Zero growled then threw a few more shuriken's at the dodging pureblood quite a bit of them nicking the vampire, who grew agitated that a boy - a human boy - managed to get a hit on him yet found himself interested. He wondered if the boy would make a good servant, his blue and red eyes roved over the child. He grinned sharply, he'll turn the boy into his slave.

He appeared in front of Zero slamming the body onto the ground, gripping delicate wrists with one hand and pulling the boy's head to the side, revealing Zero's vulnerable neck. He placed his lips near the child's earlobe "Remember you belong to me." Fangs as sharp as a blade sunk mercilessly into Zero's neck causing unrelenting agony to coarse through the silverettes struggling body, crimson nectar of a pureblood mixed with a hunter entered the vampires mouth; he moaned at the sugary taste, it was sweeter than any other blood of a vampire or human, much sweeter than Juri's.

"Get the fuck away from my son!" A feminine voice growled viciously and a solid punch landed on his cheek, surprised, his body flew against the wall; looking up he saw Shizuka, silvery hair flowing and white kimono stained with her Zero's blood, glaring with hatred as she held her son protectively against her chest.

"How dare you touch him! I'll kill you Rido!" Shizuka roared, wind surrounded her body as cherry blossoms appeared then like tiny needles they targeted Rido, he rolled away but more kept coming; Rido used his whip to lash at the female pureblood, yet it did nothing to stop the furious woman who made sure to add poison to the petals attacking Rido then blasted him with a spinning ball of wind. It damaged the left side of Rido's figure, his bloody orbs glaring at Shizuka as he bared his fangs at her - crouching low - he readied himself to tear apart Shizuka and steal the boy but before he could, he sensed multiple signatures of high-level hunters and another - unfamiliar - pureblood.

Rido narrowed his eyes and hissed "You're lucky this time Shizuka, I will kill you later and your precious son will become mine." He disappeared in a fluttering of tiny bats, Shizuka cursed; she won't let that piece of shit get her son, not while she lives.

Her light-violet orbs soften as they came upon her son, she brought Zero's neck to her lips and gently bit where Rido did, the poison from her fangs would fight against Rido's for control. Moving away from Zero she wiped clean her son's nape, she knows her Zero is strong, her boy is a fighter just like his father and herself.

Running footsteps came from behind her, she recognized the aura of her mate come closer before kneeling beside her and gathering her into his muscular arms.

"Shizuka." Her mate's gruff voice spoke into her ear, sighing she leaned heavily into his side. Holding Zero tightly, she kissed her son's forehead. A tear slid down her cheek.

She was too late to save her friends, the godparents of her little Zero and almost lost her son to that despicable demon. Rido is on the run, but he'll come back to take her son...she won't let him. Her son was safe for now. She felt her mate's lips touch her temple, "That fucker won't get Zero, our son will stay with Kaien while my hunters search for any clues for where that bloodsucker could be." His deep voice soothed her worries.

A female hunter with brownish-blonde hair and chocolate coloured eyes walked over to the two deceased Kiryuu's, bending down to closed their eye's she did a small prayer. Hoping their spirits find peace. Standing up she glanced at her sensei and his mate, then down to Zero whom she saw as a younger brother. She vowed to make that bastard pureblood pay for harming her cute bro and for killing her friends.

"Kaya, let the other's know so we can prepare a burial for the Kiryuu's, and find Ichiru." Shizuka's mate commanded, Kaya saluted her superior and nodded.

"Of course, right on it Yagari-sensei." Kaya said and walked out of the room, leaving Shizuka Hio and Touga Yagari to mourn the loss of their comrades and the suffering their child went through. Touga once again kissed his wife on the temple, rubbing her upper arms in comfort. He nearly lost his son to Rido, if his wife hadn't made it in time Zero would have been forcefully mated to that low-life bloodsucker, he frowned and almost growled.

"Rido will pay for it in blood, his death will either be by our own hands or Zero's. Our son has a vengeful side like us, he will seek to destroy Rido and we will make sure our boy will succeed. Won't we Touga?" Shizuka said determinedly, staring up into the dark blue eye of her mate, knowing instinctively her mate agreed. She knows the Vampire Council is corrupt, those old greedy bastards had a hand in her temporary imprisonment, and were working with some board members of the Hunters Association.

'They won't get away with hurting my family. They will pay, oh yes they will.' Shizuka promised to herself.

A/N: Take care and stay safe you gorgeous beasts! *wink*