AN: Hi there readers,

I'm TurquoiseTriangle and this is my first ever fanfiction story. I don't own the Sonic the Hedgehog game series but the only things I own are some of the characters and new parts. Please note that this will be different to the game because some parts that were supposed to be in this story would be changed or removed. Put down a review but please no nasty comments (you could at least put down some improvements I should do).

Look around you, what can you see that's going on?

Do you see everything we have is gone and never returned?

Our whole home in flames and we have nowhere to go?

All our family and friends killed for nothing and we are all ourselves?

Why is all this happening and becoming unfair for us?

Why do those demons wanted to take over our home?

Why do they wanted us to fear and be known to be worthless?

Don't they know we have meaningful lives with beautiful future dreams?

Don't they know that they took everything that is worthy for us?

When will this war end...?

Chapter 1 - Life of a Wolf

Australia, 27/07, Clay's POV

"Do we have to do this?" I said. "I'm bad in that."

"It's good for your health," said Belt.

Before I could make any more excuses, Belt hustled me outside. We went outside our treehouse and went to the tree where he hung the punching bag.

"Now this time, I want you to not give up easily OK?" said Belt.

I groaned. "OK, then."

Before I move on, I should have introduce myself. Sorry, it was a bit rude of me but I forgot to.

My name is Clay Colourz. I'm a wolf.

But not that kind of 'wolf' you would be thinking. I'm an animal person like Sonic the Hedgehog. My ears are curved upwards, my quills have white tips on them, have fangs, white fur on my chest and a short bushy tail with a white tip.

Unlike other wolves, my fur color is turquoise. I even wear blue headphones, a wooden cross necklace, a dark grey zip-less vest, dark grey gloves with yellow rings, dark grey pants and black/purple shoes.

My older brother, Belt, is just like me. But except that he has different look. His fur is red but sometimes change colour based on his mood. His vest, gloves and shoes are ice blue and his rings are mint green. He doesn't wear headphones or a wooden cross necklace but he wears black glasses since he couldn't see properly and a tan three-pouched utility belt.

I and Belt have live together in one of Australia's largest forests. We live in our tree-house in the middle of the woods by ourselves. It's quite lonely there since nobody came over. Belt was the only person I known for so long. We get along with each other very well though we might not have EVERYTHING in common.

Anyway, Belt already steered me to the punching bag. I don't like it at all. I'm not really that strong or tough and that bag is really hard to hit. I hate it.

I stood in front of it and Belt went behind it.

"OK," he said. "Show me what you got."

I did one punch but it wasn't enough. It only moved the punching bag a bit.

"Harder," said Belt.

I did another one and that moved the punching bag further.

"You can do this."

I tried my best to move the punching bag further. I tried to punch the bag very hard that it would sent Belt flying. But Belt didn't fall yet. Finally, I had an idea. I took a few steps back and then ran towards it. Instead of punching it, I KICKED it.


This caused the punching bag swing upwards. But I realized that this caused to knock Belt and he was flying up in the air. Luckily, he landed on some bushes. Though that saved him, these bushes were prickly.

"Ow...," he groaned.

I went up to him.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

Belt smiled weakly, "Good one but that doesn't count."

I helped him on his feet before looking at his watch.

"I got to get dinner soon," he said. "You get back into the tree-house now."

I did what he said and went straight to the tree-house. Belt followed behind me. The tree-house might look small from outside but inside, it was very roomy.

"Now stay there and I'll be right back," said Belt as I got inside.

"Wait," I said.

"What is it?"

"Yesterday, I found something in your room."

"What was it?"

I rushed into his room and picked up a photo that was on Belt's desk. I came back and showed him. It was a photo of two wolves. There was a light purple female wolf who was wearing a purple and white dress. Next to her was a blue male wolf who wore a uniform.

"Who are they?" I asked. "Do we know them before?"

"Um…yes," said Belt. "They were our parents."

I was surprised. "That's them? Mum and Dad?"


"Wow! I didn't know that were them when I first found it. So they raised us before, right?"


"So what happened to them? How come they are not with us anymore?"

Belt started to look nervous. His fur was turning redder.

"Um…um…I don't know."

"You don't know what happened to them?"

"Um…I do know…um…but…I think they may have…"

Belt's voice trailed off. He hesitated. It seemed like it was hard for him to answer. He then quickly forgot about it and said to me, "We'll talk about it later."

He closed the door hatch. I looked out of the window to see him walking slowly. He let out a big sigh of relief and went on.

"Well that was weird," I thought. "I wonder why Belt didn't want to tell."

I was thinking about going outside and joined Belt but I couldn't. He didn't allowed me to. He always wanted me to be safe inside because I'm too 'young'. But I have already turned 14 and I'm old enough to go with him. I guessed he was overprotective and feared that I might be lost.

Anyway, I looked at the photo of my parents. I wondered how it would be like if I get to see them. But most importantly, what happened to them?

I placed the photo back in Belt's room and went to my own room. I was about to go on my bed when I saw something on my desk.

It was another glasses just like Belt's but it had an olive-green dome-shaped headset and a microphone on it. It was supposed to be a gift for him.

In 4 days, it is going to be Belt's birthday and I decided to give Belt an upgrade. Just a few days ago, when I was at home alone, I ordered those headset glasses online and I hid it from him. These glasses are much better than Belt's. They are more powerful and can make people see more clearly.

"Belt would be happy to get those glasses," I thought. "Hopefully on his birthday, he would cheer up."

AN: Here is Clay's bio

Name: Clay Colourz

Age: 14

Species: Wolf

Eye Color: Gold

Fur Color: Turquoise

Skin Color: Light Peach

Quill/Hair Style: Four small tufts of fur sticking from both sides of the head and have white tips.

Attire: Blue Headphones with Black Headband, Wooden Cross Necklace, Dark Grey Zipless Vest, Dark Grey Gloves with Large Yellow Rings (one ring on each wrist), Brown Belt with Yellow Buckle, Dark Grey Pants with a stripe of White/Purple Flag Pattern, Black/Purple Shoes with Yellow Buckles

Noticeable Features: Have fangs

Personality: Friendly, Kind, Shy, Sensitive, Short-Tempered, Compassionate (care for everyone and sometimes care for the bad guys), Negative, Wolfish, Struggles to tell his feelings, Lazy at sometimes, Gets embarrassed easily, Can be greedy


- Have an interest in music and art

- Gets frustrated when trying to talk

- Likes to tie up his quills as a ponytail

...And that is it. First Chapter done! Sorry that this isn't that exciting but the action will come soon. Chapter 2 is coming soon!