Thank you for the wonderful reviews that you keep leaving me. They are truly the reason that I keep writing!

They both drove back to his pent house in a daze. A little girl. They were bringing a mini Donna into the world.

"We should return that paint." Donna smiled over to him. It beyond amused her that he was so shocked that she was right. She knew from the moment she let herself be excited about the baby. After all she was Donna.

His devilish smile burst forth and he came out of his daze. "A girl." He said it again. "Not only are we going to return that paint. We are going to buy everything we need for the nursery!" The entire pregnancy he had been wishing for the little one to be the perfect image of her mother. To have two women in his life that he would take bullets for.

She laughed as he changed course sped down the road. It was so like him to be impulsive and impatient. At the store they picked out everything they could for their daughter. Crib, bedding, mobile, stroller, car seat, and the most adorable clothes. Donna wanted to keep shopping but there were certain limitations that her body now had. "Harv, I need to get off my feet." Her eyes were getting lazy. She would not pretend that exhaustion was setting in. Late afternoon was her normal nap time.

He knew her limits, so they headed back to the apartment. She retreated to the bedroom to rest and he started to put away some of the things that the had bought. The furniture would be delivered later in the week, but they already had the dressers set up. It was time for Harvey to make his home office into his little girl's bedroom.

A few hours later found him making her dinner in the kitchen. His head was killing him, and he felt like there was something pulling at his brain. Something willing him to realize that this was all too good to be true. That his life didn't work this way. It was messy and complicated. He wanted to ignore it. This was the life that he wanted with her. This life. Her pregnant with their little girl. A future. He wanted to stay in the fantasy just a little while longer. Hand to his head he begged not to wake up. He didn't want to lose what was most important to his life.

The last thing he remembered of the dream was seeing her in the doorway. Radiant as ever in one of his tee-shirts draped over her bump. He tried to hold on to the image. Tried to make sense of the words on her lips while reality pulled him back up.

And just like that Harvey Reginald Specter woke up to what he expected.

The sound of machines beeping. Amazing pain in his abdomen and a splitting headache. He wasn't freezing though. Her voice coming through the fog. "Harvey?" Desperate and afraid.

Donna had let the last two days pass with thinking of a million different conversations in which to tell the unconscious man that she ruined his love life again. None of them ended with her and him having make up sex. She had been almost fallen asleep again in the awful chair when he stirred. Her heart jumped when his hand clenched even a little. She jumped up and slammed the nurses button. His chest began to rise and fall more rapidly. His eyes were coming up agonizingly slowly. When he finally did seem to start to open them she breathed his name in disbelief.

He started coughing and a moan escaped his lips.

"Take it slow. You have been out for a while." She grabbed the cup of water and a straw that she had been drinking out of and brought it to his lips. Donna wasn't sure if he knew that he was in the hospital or what happened.

He took the drink offered and was able to get a baring on the surroundings. Harvey was relieved that she was there. "Donna, what…" He couldn't finish the sentence before the nurse came in. She went to checking his vitals and sending the red head out of the room.

Out In the hallway tears that Donna didn't know she still had poured from her eyes. Relief filled her mind. An entire week of worrying and praying that his eyes would open. She immediately opened her phone and dialed for Mike. "He's awake. I don't know any details yet. The nurses rushed me out of the room to check him over." The young lawyer said something about being there as soon as he could. There was something that he needed to take care of before coming back. Donna paid no mind to what it could be because her only focus was getting back to him.

They finally let her back in thirty excruciating minutes later. The doctor had given him the neurological clear and went over the surgery with him. He also was made aware of the seven-day coma and the possible side effects. When he saw her in the doorway his mind flashed back to his dream world. Quickly he shook it from his mind. He needed to be rational. There were so many things that they needed to go over. His euphoria at seeing her was replaced with irritation at their situation. "Where is everyone?" Another cough escaped.

A small smile was on her lips. Just hearing his voice again was enough to make all the worry worth it. "Mike and Rachel are on their way. Louis is out on a date with Sheila I think, not entirely sure what is going on with those two." About half way through the week Louis had come into the hospital more flushed than usual. He hated to push more on Donna, but it took one look for him to cascade all the troubles he had been having. Sheila had come to him again and said that she called off her wedding. The aftermath of that was apparently some arguing and them in bed. At that point of the conversation, Donna had stopped listening. "Jessica is boarding a plane." She knew he wanted to know about the one person she wanted nothing to do with.

He hated to ask. After how they left things Harvey was really hoping that she would offer the information. Paula had been less than happy when he told her what happened between them. Part of him wanted to just enjoy this reunion with Donna. The selfish part of him that wanted his life to be as simple as it was in his dream. "Where is Paula?"

Of course, he asked about the therapist. Donna tried to stop her face from falling a little, but failed. "Harvey," The tears threatened to return. Even with all the trial runs, she didn't know how to tell him. "She, uh, I'm sorry Harvey." She waited for a devastating comment that she knew she deserved. There was a line that was crossed and as much as she wanted to pretend that it didn't change everything and everyone around them, it did.

To a point he was relieved. Harvey did not want to deal with the heartbreak that he was going to put Paula through. "Come here." The despair that washed over her face when he mentioned his now ex-girlfriend almost killed him. "It will be alright. I am sure I would have figured out a way to screw it up eventually." He gave a small awkward chuckle and it hurt.

She returned his amusement. The amount of relief that kept coming this night was overwhelming. "How is it that you are the one in a hospital bed with a sizable hole in your abdomen, and yet you are reassuring me?" She wanted to bend down and kiss him, but stopped herself. Instead she settled for holding on to his hand.

A few minutes passed silently.

"Harvey do you remember what happened before. Do you know who did this?" She asked the question carefully because she didn't want to stress him out with too much at once, but ever since Mike had told her that it wasn't some random incident, the wheels had been turning in her mind.

Harvey thought hard for a few moments trying to recall. What he could remember was her kissing him and the phone call to Paula. After that it was all jumbled into the dream of them together. "I don't. I remember the office and making the phone call, but after that I don't. Doc said it could come back eventually though." At the moment, he was not overly worried with the who. He wanted to focus on them. Focus on the issues that they had. "It's not important right now though."

Tension hung in the air with words unspoken. She didn't want to push him right now and left the questions for another day. "Harvey, we don't need to do this right now. You are weak and need to rest." She wanted to avoid this conversation for as long as possible.

His signature smirk was still fully intact. "I have been in a coma for a week. I think I have had enough rest for now. What did you need to know?"

She continued to hesitate. There was no running away right now. Typical lawyer, demanding answers. "I needed to know if you still loved me." Again, her heart was in her throat. "Three years ago, you told me you loved me, and I should have pushed you harder then." It was one of the regrets that she had. She often wondered what would have happened if she had insisted on them facing each other rather than running away from the feelings that they both had. "I wanted more."

Harvey's eyes began to falter. He could not imagine how he could be tired after being asleep for days. "Did you get your answers?" He had leaned into the kiss and wanted more after it was done. He wanted her. The fact that he had called Paula almost immediately after was also his answer. That did not mean that the road they were facing was going to be easy though. There were so many complications in their life that would try and stop them.

Before Donna got her answer out Mike came into the room. It was the perfect excuse for Donna to make her escape from what he was making her face.

Now that we are completely in reality several things will happen. What are they might you ask? Well guess you will have to wait for the next chapter to find out!