Cinder sat inside of the therapist office with her all to common scowl present. Her sharp eyes slowly scanned the room more so out of habit than an interest of what's inside. From the walls that were littered with generic motivational posters to the pictures of the loved ones on the desk, she made sure to commit all of their faces to memory' she shouldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

"Mistress, I told you there's nothing to be worried about" Cinder slowly turned her head now aiming her scowl at the young woman sitting beside her, Emerald saw the look and flinched before turning her gaze to the ground. The older woman let out a sigh before letting her face relax to it's normal only slightly annoyed expression

"I told you to stop calling me that, for this friendship thing to work you have to address me as your peer. So Cinder or one of the pre-approved nicknames we talked about." Cinder noticed how quickly the dark-skinned girl looked up with a small smile

"I understand . . . Cindy" Cinder just let out a small grunt but showed no displeasure

"Elm, I want you to be completely honest with me. Do you think I need therapy?" Emerald just stared at her for a good long while trying her best to find the right way to articulate her response.

"Cindy, you need this like a fish needs water or a dog needs a bone. I mean your mind is the equilateral of a murdering ghost possessing a chainsaw that works for the IRS. I can't-"

"For the sake of this friendship and your well being I will advise you to stop now, however, I do thank you for the honesty" Cinder slowly brought up her hand up and pattered Emerald on the shoulder, it was a small jester but spoke volumes about how much the woman has changed. The office door opened ending to moment just as quickly as it started, the two looked that way to be greeted by a rather young woman that couldn't have been older than twenty-one. With clipboard in hand, she walked into the room, her uniform was a pretty standard affair for someone in her field. A simple tan jacket with a blue shirt and a black skirt that was rather short if Cinder did say so herself. Cinder's eyes never left the woman as she walked in, following every one of her moments gathering as much data as she could form the woman doing the simple act of walking to her desk. Once seated the therapist smiled at the two women

"Let me introduce myself, I'm-"

"Blanchette Wilts, you are a graduate of a university in Vale and was born on a small farm on the edge of Haven." Blanchette and Elm blankly stared at Cinder no bothering to hide the look of surprise and aw that was very apparent on their faces. Cinder scoffed before pointing to the desk "Her name along with her credential are all there, those pictures are taken near a fairly famous place in Haven. The last point I could have been wrong but from her reaction, I can see that I was spot on, never smart to have your life on display for others to see."

The women cleared her throat before placing her smile back on "How very perceptive of you Mrs. A-"

"Just call me Cinder"

"Right, anyways since you seem to know enough about me how about telling me about yourself?" Cinder crossed her arms and stared at the girl for a moment seeing if she get the message that she really didn't feel like relaying more information than needed, but it seemed as if the young woman was more than willing to play this game. After what seemed like an eternity Cinder got tired of the stalemate and conceded, the sooner she played along the sooner she could go and take care of an important task "As you already know, my name is Cinder"

"Cinder Arc!" Cinder shot the green haired girl a dirty look and only to get a but it's true in response. With a tired sigh, she turned back to her therapist and started again.

"Right, my name is Cinder Arc. I have been with my significant other for about for years now and we have four children totally. I currently work as a combat instructor at beacon while he stays home and plays stay at home dad." Surprisingly Blanchette didn't even flinch she heard that Cinder had four children with her husband of four years, normally that little tidbit catches people off guard "The girl beside me is my friend Emerald, she has assisted me for many years. I'm pretty sure that I don't have to tell you of my past or my crimes" The girl simply nodded and jotted down in her notes, Cinder couldn't help but wonder what was being written about her. She didn't care too much but she would really prefer if there was nothing about her family.

"Alright Cinder, if you don't mind could you tell me why you've decided to start coming to therapy? You seem like a very mentally sound person, and I can't see someone like you willingly doing something like this" Cinder instantly pointed to Emerald who gave a nervous chuckle before rubbing the back of her head.

"She has been pestering me about it for awhile now, even so, I can't say that it was unwarranted." Blanchette for the first time today saw some kind of emotion on Cinders face beside annoyances and before this session ends she wanted to at least get somewhere "And what makes you say that? Is it because of your past or are you having a hard time adapting to your new life?" Cinder gave the girl a light scoff before shaking her head "I've come to terms with what I've done and have no problems living with it. As I told you I've been married for over four years so I'm more and accustom to how I live in my day to day life, I'm quite fond of the little family I've built… and that seems to be the issue" Cinder sighed as she looked at one of the pictures on the therapist desk, she thought hard about what she was going to say next but decided that it was for the best to get it off her chest "I guess you can say that I'm a little overprotective of all of them and this has caused more than a few problems in my day to day life."