Back to the amusement park and to Y/n's point of view

We finally reached the office; we hear the familiar sounds of scratching agonizing our ears yet in our hearts it was a reassuring sign. Gowland was okay and in high spirit.

" What in the world is this ruckus?" the boy and my side exclaimed in surprise.

One of the employee approaches Boris," The boss is celebrating his recovery by writing songs inspired from his personal struggles."

"Eh? And here we were rushing to see him..." Boris said with both his hands at both sides of his head, covering his cat ears... How curious. I thought as I recall a sentence from a book: noises can be fatal for animal. Yet I couldn't hold back a remark:

"It's probably an inspiration from anguish sort of thing. We should avoid Gowland suffering mentally and physically from now" I said as I watched the employee that rushed to the office earlier were now scattering away from the building.

I didn't know if it was funny or bad but, the sight of everyone's concern for Gowland made their care so transparent, it was enviable. He's truly liked by many.

"What about it? Still wanna talk to 'im?" Boris asked.

"Of course!" he held my hand and we headed to the door without bothering knocking.

"Told you he was fine!" he screamed since there was too much noise.

In the room, illuminated by the natural sunlight coming from the windows, shattered teacups on the floor, at the center of that mess a man was sitting on an armchair with two employees treating his wounds.

Shirtless with his chest covered by bandages, Gowland was playing a recorder incoherently, only when Boris grabbed the instrument the unwanted concert closed its' curtains. We also heard a faint sound of grateful relief and cheering from the outside. Gowland on the other hand was more than happy to welcome us.

After the wounds were treated, I was left with the two role holders.

"Well then, what brings you to my door, Miss?" Gowland asked as he adjusted the strings of what looked like an ukulele he pulled from under the armchair like a magician.

"Oh, it's about a girl named Alice." At the sound of the name, from the corner of my eye I caught Boris's playful tail stiffened from alert.

"I want to know if you have any idea behind her disappearance and the abnormalities." I said after choosing to narrow my questions to few but rich inquiries.

Gowland's eyes that were usually cheerful seems to soften a little lost in thoughts. "Alice, huh..."

"Do you know something old man?" Boris insisted on my behalf.

"I told you before Boris. I don't. I'm sorry." the older man replied as he gave us a look implying the honesty of his words.

Yet, I couldn't back down. There must be some clue here as well. "B-But.. But, are you sure...?"

Seeing the insistence in my eager eyes, and most probably the frustration in Boris's tone as he looked away with a "Tsk", Gowland heavily sighed.

"It's true us, Domain's leaders are able sense if something is wrong and its cause but, in this case the issues is another" he seriously replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember it, Boris?" Gowland exchanged gaze with the Cheshire cat that was equally caught by the discussion.

"Alice never visited the park after her return. She stayed caged in the Hatter's mansions and its surrounding. We could only meet her with Blood's permissions. "

It was my turn looking at Boris:" is that true? "

"Well, I think... I think it was. But I met her before outside the mansions!"

"Yes, but only when the twins or Elliot are around, right? The major role holders can pick if something is up but only if we see it. " Gowland crossed his arms as he stared at the ground trying to recall the past.

"It's something that bothered me and Julius before as well... It was odd. We didn't see any discrepancy. Alice was happy. Too happy. She just left a country yet there was no turmoil in her eyes. But she was happy and strong spirited as before...

Our own fault might had been batting an eye too much".

This time the sadness and regret were visible in his eyes despite the forced smile in the Amusement park's matured yet gentle expression painted with pain.



"I think Alice is still in this world. Somewhere. The abnormalities are connected to her somehow" I declared my own reasonings and so far the possibility I'm most sure off.

The two role holders that heard my words lift their gazes and faintly hope sparked in their eyes. I proceed with my questions: "What about the abnormalities? "

With a hand on his chin, Gowland replied with interest: " it's true it happened around the officialization of Alice's disappearance ... But, not exactly. When she disappeared, we looked for her even Blood was unshakeable in his search. Initially, there wasn't anything abnormal... However soon things started up. It was the turns first. Turns usually follow a pattern unless someone used an hourglass, then storms from the country of Diamond started to show in Hearts and finally the moves happened. It was then that we, the domain leaders, noticed the gravity of the situation. A country with two Queens cannot be."

After Gowland's serious speech, I couldn't help but, think at his part of the story. Alice was still around when she disappeared. The hourglasses were items that could only be of use to Outsiders. They were usually made by the major role holders but, in certain cases it would appear to a foreigner during her or his visits.

I wasn't certain of about it but, I'm sure I never read any secondary role holders use them. While the Major role holders such as Vivaldi and Julius were seen using them but, only for a short-extended time and from Gowlands' words that didn't seem to be the case with the first abnormalities.

If this reasoning is correct, she stayed in the Hatter mansions for a while, she disappeared but still used her hourglasses despite not meeting up with any of the role holders. I need another information to have this hypothesis standing so I ask:

"Back then the abnormalities in the turns... How long was the time between the changes?"

Boris leaned closer to me and with his gloved index and thumb he formed a circle which he later placed in front of one of his golden eyes.

" A blink of an eye."

"That's right, barely a second. Can't forget something like that" Gowland added as he thinks back.

"Woah that's sounds impractical." I state in shock. I heard the two males in the room agree and chat about the ruined plans they had because of the changes, but I couldn't focus as my mind was occupied with something else.

Barely a few seconds, huh... That's not right, in the Hatter mansion prologue, Elliot or maybe it was Blood, mentioned they can't use hourglasses often and especially not consecutively. Considering the amount of consequences that would causes in no time they'll have the admin at their back.

Then it's settled. Alice was the one using those hourglass. If it is not to meet the role holders in their favorite time it must be for its second function: fast forward the time.

With a few exceptions, the Heart no kuni no Alice games was based on mechanics focused on a time limit system which consisted in the number of turns. Some games for example, the mobile version that was soon taken down from the Appstore, didn't have the turn systems. However, based on Gowland and others' words, the world or rather the game I'm currently in, has that system... Which means my stay might not be completely dependent to the vial but the turns as well.

I reached for the pocket of my dress and... Oh right.

I shyly interrupted Gowland and Boris from their bickering. "Um, Gowland. Can I have my previous attire? I left something in the pocket"

"Eh? Oh, right! Here you go Miss" Gowland smiled with an apologetic expression. Soon I felt light coming from my body. The yellow dress I had was substituted with Alice's ocean blue dress, followed by Gowland adding: "Sorry 'bout that. Alice wore a similar dress and that would have angered the Hatter bastard—"

The amusement park owner stops at his words as he saw a familiar glass bottle I pulled from the pocket. "What's wrong?" I asked when i felt his eyes grew serious as he deeply stares at the object.

Gowland's deep eyes regained their cheer:" Ah, no. It's nothing".

I wanted to press more but, ...

Knock knock*

After the owner's approval a man with the amusement park employee's uniform entered in the room. With quick decisive steps and heavy breathing, he communicated what their spy at the Hatter heard. I was invited at Blood's tea party.

I was excited but the tension and alarmed faces of the role holders pushed back my joyful mood.

"Is it bad?" I asked Boris who in turn gave me a sad smile and after a sigh he explained.

In the past, it could be either safe or bad but in recent times, Blood Dupre used it as an excuse to trap or ambush his enemy or people that wronged him. Gowland also mentioned how he lost some of his men after a teatime with the Hatter.

"Going there is a bad idea." the Cheshire cat concluded with Gowland's approval. "I agree. The best course of action to get to the button of this mess might be the bastard. However, ... Given our previous confrontation and his clear hostility towards you I think it's best to let his anger cool down".

"But, wouldn't that infuriate him even more" I asked with worry as I hold the vial strongly in my hands.

I felt a weight on the top of my head, as I look up from my seat, I watch Gowland's comforting hand patting my head.

"Nah, don't worry. The guy is quick to anger but also quick at forgetting. "

A good amount of burden I held was further lifted by Boris's followed remark: "Yeah, he forgets easily. The problem is that he remembers at the worst time and respond in the worst way when that happens."

"You should leave this place soon. I think it's better if you go to one of the Queens' sides for the time being. With their authority the Hatter can't easily abduct you. " Gowland continues. "Boris can I entrust her to you?"

"Of course! The Queen of hearts might do the job."

It might sound like I didn't have a stand in the discussion, but I tried rejecting that idea due to my knowledge of the relationship between Blood and Vivaldi, the queen of Hearts. However, I couldn't just blurt that reserved information without giving in the fact I knew more than I show.

So, when Boris said he couldn't bring me to the Queen of Diamonds castle because of the lack of info and connection he has there, I couldn't argue. At the same time, if I do go Hearts sure than enough, I could avoid Vivaldi by taking advantage of knowing her daily routines.

With that said and with the majority voting for the Heart Castle, I followed the Cheshire Cat Boris Airey and to my surprise we would use his privileges to go there: the power to go wherever he wants through doors.

After reaching his offered hand, me and Boris went to the door we came from. He holds the handle for a few second and seem to be in deep thoughts before saying: "Okay it's ready. We can go."

I said farewell to Gowland who in turn gave me a gentle smile and a wave of his hand: "Be careful, little miss! Oh, right. How were the teacup karts?"

With a moment of thought, I recall the zigzag and the bumps ride with the energic and sadistic Dum: "It rocks!" I replied with confidence and with that I followed Boris to the door.

Along the way, with a hand holding Boris', I recall the vial I held earlier... a part of me was disappointed at the lack of progress in the vial despite the encounter with Boris, Blood, Elliot and Gowland and the twins.

What knowledges will fill that bottle if I already know the characters to begin with?

Just like how Boris lead me inside the park, he now guides me out.

And Thus, we left the marvelous Amusement park.




From a third-party perspective

Mary Gowland stared with content at the door from which the two disappeared. Happy that despite the turbulent course of events and accidents, the facility he worked hard on was able to bring that young girl a smile.

"I owe you one Boris." he said.

With his subordinate at his side, however he couldn't be entirely relieved. Gowland knew the faceless he had at the Hatters and if he wasn't that one there it meant that he was caught.

Hopefully Boris will protect the girl. Still...

"Why is she carrying things that aren't hers?" he wonders with curiosity and a hand on his chin.

But nothing could compare with what his subordinate added.

"Um, Boss... There's also..." the employee asked with reluctance. Gowland listened with patience:

One of the teacup karts was outside the amusement park in a nearby river, almost all the new teacup karts were damaged, and one had crashed to one of the food stands which was also robbed.





At the Castle of Hearts' corridor.

After we passed the door, me and Boris found ourselves at the Castle's corridors. The floor was crystal clear with its rosy tile, curving arcs decorated the halls from the sides while extending towards the center of the hall ending with a further curve: it marvelously recreated the form of hearts that seems to frame the corridors. The lanterns were off, however two heart shaped windows at the end of the corridor provided enough light.

Me and Boris apparently came from one of the many doors in the hall. I couldn't help but be in awe at the precisely identical structure of the corridors I saw in the game's background arts.

" Hey". I was startled by Boris's voice. I look up at him due to the difference in high between us.

I really do forget how handsome he is I thought. He had a nice face structure, charming eyes... Truly worth of being a love interest. I thought but before I could further praise his physical appearance, the apologetic expression he held in that attractive face threw me off.

"I'm sorry I got you caught with the Hatter's shenanigans and have you leave so suddenly but... Know we meant well. If Blood get his hands on you, chances are you'll be held captive to the mansion like what happened with Alice."

"Boris... you had no idea it would become like this. Don't worry, I had to go here sooner or later—" before I could comfort him, using our linked hands he pulled me behind himself. His ears and tails still and alerts.

Woah, Deja vu. I thought to myself.

"Someone is coming." Boris whispered with a tone only I could have heard.

We stand still and stared at the other side of the end of the corridor where a big heart shaped door was.

We waited as the sounds of steps come closers.




Soon from the transparent glass of the doors we see the silhouette of a tall man with noticeable rabbit ears. The reflected light on his round glasses didn't help with seeing his expression but there's no doubt. That's Peter White.


We heard a mechanic sounds from the other side. Understanding before I could, Boris let go of my hand to reach his own weapon. However, the shoots started before we were mentally prepared to act.

bang bang bang bang* the door came down crushing to the floor by the impact. Shaken yet more than ready to act, I lean at the side of the corridor where I and Boris took refuge to avoid the bullets.

Thanks to the arcs of at the sides of the wall, there was enough space to hide.

" Germs trying to go inside in my quarters Heh. " a cold voice said with an amused unfriendly tone. " Feline germs, the worst..."

There is a good distance between where we were and Peter yet Boris and I both knew it wouldn't take him a second to rush to the arc where we were hiding.

"Y/n, go back to the door we came as soon as possible" Boris instructed me without facing me as he was busy keeping an eye on Peter.

After I nodded, I mentally thanked that the arc we chose to hide was right next the door. Without taking my eyes or turning back to the approaching enemy, I reach the handle with a hand, and turned it.


The door had opened.

Boris turned towards me with an urgent tone he screamed:" No, not yet! "

Before I knew it, almost in response, Peter White rushed to our way as he screamed:" I won't let you escape!"

I saw both Boris and Peter figure come to my way.

Out of nervousness and most probably because of the nature of urgency, I tried to pull Boris towards the slightly opened door but, to my surprised the door seemed to have gain a power of it is own.

In a flash, a strong wind seems to be gushing out and pulling me and the door to the other side. I was levitating due to the power of that wind. I hold the handle tighter it was then that I finally look back to face the door I opened and what I saw was a pitch-black nothingness in the other side! I was being sucked in!

I saw for a second, the whiteness of the prime minister's hair and his ears and caught two words: "You are..."

"Boris!" I cried as I felt my hold grew weaker.


The moment Boris launch himself to my way, my hand slipped, and I was dragged by that mysterious force, the door closed immediately.




In the darkness, I fall.

No floor.

Just an endless pool of black

I extend my arms to all sides.

No walls.





Fleeting lights.

As I fall, I pass flashing twinkling lights.

The more I fall, the lighter the hole.

Deeper I go, the slower I fall.

As I get a grasp of my surroundings I see more clearly.

It was...

...literally a hole.

The walls were made of dirt with several shelves on. Lanterns were popping out of the dirt without any symmetrical order. The walls start closing in, to the point I only have to stretch my arm to reach them. Luckily, thanks to the slow phase of my fall, I have no risk of cutting or bumping my hands with the shelves.

As I fall, slowly I could see the vanishing and appearing of something clear and azure on the shelves. With great caution and curiosity, I reach my hand to grab on those translucent objects.

It was an empty closed jar.

The flashing I saw earlier must have come from these jars reflecting the lights.

After inspecting the item in my hand, I decided to open the lid but what came out wasn't doves, flowers or confetti, ... As if it was a magic trick item.

Instead, what came out was the reverberated voice of man, whispering the following:

"It's fine for you to stay here...

... Always. "

I think I recognized that voice before... But... Who...?

"!" I scream in shock as I see the lights starting to flicker, the wind from my fall grew stronger and then, I was envelope in darkness once again.

I didn't know how much time had passed but, soon I seem to have reach the bottom.


I hit the concrete floor as I fall on my stomach. Surprisingly, I didn't get hurt. I must have fall like a feather if I didn't feel any painful impact.

I raise myself up using my arms. It was still dark, but I could feel that I was on a cold smooth concrete. I tried to spy my surroundings using my hands around. It was then I noticed that I was no longer holding the jar. Did I lost it when I fall? I didn't hear any sound of shattering glass though.

When I stood up, I extended my arms in search of any supporting walls that could lead me out.

"Is anyone there?"




I walked blindly for a while until:


I stomp on something.

Part of me was happy that I walked with cautions step or else I might slip if I step that while running. I got to my knees, took the item I stepped on.

It was cold as I hold it in my palm and inspecting it with my fingers. I trace its form and...

It was a key.

"!" I looked around as I heard a loud sound, I held the key near my chest. I looked around but, black was all I could see. The gushing noise doesn't seem to falter in fact it continued louder by the minute. It wasn't the noise that troubled me but, the ground trembling with power in accordance with the increasing clatter. I backed away in fear and to my surprised I lean on a wall. Finally.

As the Mostrous clamor hits it peaks, whatever it was, the sound and the shaking ground halter their interference. Soon after, a loud whistling followed. It was then I felt I bumped into something round and small at the height of my waste.

I stored the key on my pocket and held that round object attached to the wall. By size and that fact, I could rotate, it was a door handle. With swift rotation, I heard a cracked sound coming from the surface which slowly opened, and light filtered from the action blinding my eyes in the process.

As I get accustomed to the light, other than whistling noises I heard, the loud noises of the crowds arose as well.

In front of me was, a station full of faceless people running to get to the train.

I look further at the long bright colored train that seems to have come from a tunnel of light as the ceiling of the station was made of glass but, no light filtered from them.

I stand still for like 3 minutes since I watched the faceless force their way in the already full train. When I heard another whistling and watched the train depart with clamor at the now deserted station, I watched mesmerize its passage. It was then that I saw briefly, Alice in one of the windows. Strange may it sound but, I spot her immediately thanks to the ribbon she wore on her hair which enhance even more its color.

"Wait, Alice!" I ran as fast I could toward the binary but the more, I come closer the faster the train increased its speed.

"Stop!" struggling to breath I cried once more her name.

"Alice!" However, the train soon fade in the light of the tunnel it came from taking with its clamor and the liveliness of the people occupying the previously busy station.

I stand there alone in that spacious empty structure, out of breath I stared at the white tunnel.





To be continue…

Author's note: To be honest this was supposed to be together with chapter 6 but, I noticed there are too many events going on so I cut in half. This story may seem slow faced but, there's a reason for everything. I recommend playing the Heart no kuni Alice Anniversary to get what I mean with the turns. I also took inspiration from the manga in particular Joker no kuni no Alice, the one whose main pair is Blood and Alice. If you read the original Alice in Wonderland the jar was something I copied from there.

Just like in the game, turns in this story have thier reason and their limit. Also, Boris really got lots of screen time. xD. Thanks a bunch for reading this.