It has been a REALLY LONG TIME since I last wrote ANYTHING! I actually was a little shocked that I managed to write even this little bit.

Inspired by a prompt on Tumblr

Dedicated to Steph!

Friday, most likely the longest day of the entire week. Espically during exam review week. Although it was one of the most important times of the year, it was also one of the most boring. Studying for hours at school, then again after school, straight up until the exam. Not to mention the training that came with preparing for the practical exam. It was definetly an exhausting time for all, espically for Midoriya Izuku. He was still working on mastering his quirk and saying it was tiring would be an understatment.

Midoriya watched the clock at the front of the classroom tick by. The seconds seemed to drag on and Aizawa-san's words were never ending. The green haired boys eyes started to droop and he let out a large yawn.

"I guess being that pretty would be really tiring..." Midoriya's eyes went wide as the mumbled comment came from the blond boy sitting in front of him. A blush creeped up his neck and his freckled cheeks turned a light pink.

"Then you must be exhausted Kaa-chan..." Midoriya chuckled back in response. Smoke exploded out of the blond's ears and his face turned a deeper shade of red then Midoriya's. Boy was Bakugo in deep.