My first story focusing mainly on Tim Drake, please review
Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or DC
As Tim walked out of the memorial Garden with Cassie's hand in his, he spotted his brother in the corner watching him. He wondered how he was doing, he had just witnessed one of his oldest friends basically vanish from existence, not to mention he had been the one who organized the mission to begin with. All this combined would cause anyone to have some problems.
"I'll be right back" Robin said as he nodded toward Nightwing. Wondergirl saw who he was nodding toward and nodded her head
"Okay, I'll just go talk to Batgirl a little bit" Cassie said seeing the red head typing away at the computer. He pecked her lips before walking toward his team leader
"You okay?" Robin asked
Nightwing continued to look at him "I see you finally worked up the courage to ask out your girl?" he said with a small smile. Tim knew it was forced but decided not to question it
"Yeah, you know with everything- It made me decide life is to short to beat around the bush about how you feel for someone" Tim explained
Dick nodded, there was a small bit of silence, Robin sensed that he was wanting to tell him something
"Nightwing look I know you usually go to Wall- "he stopped himself "Or Barbara for your emotional venting, but if you need to talk I'm here"
"I'm leaving the Gotham and Bludhaven" Nightwing suddenly spoke
Robin's eyes widened in shock "What? What do you mean? You can't leave Gotham, what about Batman? What about the team? Or- "
Nightwing sighed "Batman has help, he has you and Batgirl. As for the team I am handing down my mantle to Babs. You all will be fine without me"
"Where are you going?" Tim asked
Nightwing shook is head "That is information I am choosing to keep classified from everyone"
Nightwing smiled at his little brother "Look, I got to take care of some things before I go." He clapped Tim's shoulder "I'm glad you finally got your girl, take care of her and don't make the same mistakes that I would" he sent him his signature smirk and embraced him in a quick hug before walking away and toward the computer to where Barbara was
Tim saw Cassie in the corner texting on her phone and walked over to her
"Hey, is everything okay?" she smiled sliding her phone into her pocket
Tim forced a smile and nodded his head "Everything is fine"
"How's the boss doing?" she questioned
Tim knew Nightwing wouldn't want everyone to know that he was leaving. He liked Cassie a lot, but she was quiet the gossiper "He's as good as he can be. Considering everything that has happened"
3 months later Robin found himself crouched on top of the Wayne enterprise building alone, he had a lot to be thankful for. The team hadn't had any hardships, heck it seemed like things were slowing down which they were all thankful for compared to how it had been 3 months ago. Also, he and Cassie were 3 months into their relationship and still going strong.
But if he was honest with himself, he was exhausted. In the past 3 days he hadn't gotten more then 2 hours of sleep and coffee was the only thing keeping him going at this point. Ever since Barbara had to step down from the Batgirl mantel last month he had to take on her work as well as keeping up his own as Robin.
He still couldn't believe it, Barbara was caring Dick's child. Not only that but she was already 4 months along. He kind of felt bad for Dick, he knew if he knew about the baby then he would be here in a heartbeat to help support her. Then again it was Dick's fault that he didn't know, he was the one who ran away because things got a little rough and decided not to let anyone know where he was.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
Robin immediately jumped at the unfamiliar voice. Putting himself in a fight stance and holding his staff securely, ready for a fight
Out of the darkness stepped a blonde girl in a purple hooded cape, black tights, a tight-fitting purple long sleeved shirt and sunglasses "Woah their stud, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help" she held her hands up
"Help? What do you mean?" he asked confused, still not letting his guard down
The girl jumped up on the ledge of the building "I'm a big fan of you guy's, I've noticed that over the past few months you and the big Bats have lost 2 of your team members. Figured maybe I could offer a hand" she said as she walked along the ledge balancing herself with ease
Tim shook his head "It doesn't work like that"
She looked at him and smirked "I figured, but who says I'm going to take no for an answer" she said as she jumped of the ledge of the building
Quickly Robin rushed to the buildings edge bracing himself for the worst. To his surprise he saw the mystery girl jump down the fire escape with ease before running down the alleyway and disappearing into the night.