Chapter 2 - Mina's Plan

Sorry it's been so long to post. Hopefully you guys will enjoy this chapter. I'm slowly trying to start working on my writing again, so hopefully more stories will get some updates soon. Enjoy!

"It's not like he notices me that way..." Serena trailed off quietly. While she mostly said it to herself, she didn't realize that Mina had picked up on that last tidbit. And with that information an idea was forming in her pretty blonde head.

"Hey Serena, why don't we get out of here and have a girls night? It's been a while since we've gotten the whole gang together and just hung out and gossip!" Mina said enthusiastically. She looked over at Amy for backup giving a pushing signal.

It took a few seconds, but Amy finally understood the meaning behind Mina's weird hand gestures. "Yeah Serena," she agreed. "We haven't hung out in a while. I'm sure we can convince Lita to make those triple chocolate cupcakes you love!"

At the mention of Lita's super chocolate cupcakes, Serena's eyes brightened 1000 watts! "I mean, Lita doesn't have to go through all that trouble unless she wants to," Serena stated slyly. After all, any excuse Lita had to bake was a good enough excuse in her book. "I suppose we are due for a girls night. We can pig out, watch a sappy movie and read Raye's newest manga!"

Serena hopped off her pedestal and started to walk out the door of the arcade. After she left, Amy turned inquisitive eyes towards Mina. "What was all that about?"

"You'll see," Mina said in a singsong voice. "I have a plan to push Serena and Darien together!"

~~~Later that night~~~

All 5 girls were huddled on the floor of Raye's large room in the temple. Snacks were spread out and they were actively debating which of the sappy movies Serena had brought to watch.

"Ok I really think we should see Love Actually," Serena stated. "It's one of my favorites and it's got Hugh Grant in it. Can you say yummy?"

"Ren, we watch that one every time!" Mina argued. "We need something a little more risque like 50 Shades or old school with Basic Instinct!"

"NOOO!" everyone shouted at once.

"Fine, fine, fine," she conceded. "What about Kissing Booth? It's totally romantic. And it's about a girl who has a crush on her best friend's brother!"

After finally agreeing on the movie, Raye turned on Netflix to Kissing Booth while the girls all laid out on the floor. They each took turns describing how hot Jacob was and who their ideal person looked like. All except Serena.

Eyeing the rest of the group and having already explained the plan beforehand to the girls, Mina piped up. "So Ren, what does your ideal hottie look like?"

Pulling herself off the floor and grabbing a pillow to cuddle while hugging her legs, Serena looked at her friends. They were all paying close attention now. Suffice to say, she had given this a lot of thought and while she had one perfect "hottie" in mind as she described him, she tried to stay vague.

"Well firstly, I'd have to say he'd need to be a little bit older. Boys our age are way too immature for a serious relationship," Serena stated. She paused and thought for a second, careful of her next few sentences. Instead she decided to describe Tuxedo Mask. "I'd like him to be tall, dark and handsome. With just the right amount of danger, maybe even a forbidden love..."

"That sounds like Darien!" Mina chirped up happily! She eyed her sister knowingly.

"No it doesn't! I was describing Tuxedo Mask, dummy!" Serena interjected. "As if I thought that jerkface was even remotely attractive. Tuxedo Mask is so dreamy..."

"Actually, Ren, that does describe Darien a fair bit too," Ami interrupted. She began to type some things into her mini laptop out of the sight of the other girls. "Darien is a few years older than us, he's pretty tall for a guy, has dark black hair, definitely attractive and because of the age difference, he could even be considered a 'forbidden love.'"

"I'm not describing Darien!" Serena shouted, getting to her feet. "You guys are so mean to twist my words like that!"

Turning around, Ren stormed out of Raye's room. Watching her go, Mina turned knowingly to the girls. "Whether she wants to admit it or not, she's got it bad for Darien. I live with her, I'm pretty sure I know. Besides their fights are completely for show. You could cut through the sexual tension between those two with a plastic butter knife!"

"I dunno Mina, she seemed pretty adamant that it WASN'T Darien," Lita corrected.

"Me doth she thinks protest too much!" Mina said striking a "Sailor V" pose complete with victory sign. "Besides I am the Sailor scout of Love. I'm pretty sure I have a good handle on these things!"

"Mina, it's 'me thinks she doth protest,'" Ami corrected shaking her head in her hands. "Not whatever it was you said."

"Semantics, my dear Ami, semantics."

Before Ami can correct her again, Mina dashes out the door after her sister. Ignoring the blonde she returns to her laptop. Continuing to imput numbers, she's shocked by the results. "Why did we never notice before..." she trails off also leaving the room down the opposite hallway.

"Anyone else think this is the weirdest sleepover ever? No? Just me?" Raye asks quietly from her perch on pile of blankets. Sighing Raye and Lita turn back to the movie, sure that the other girls will join them at some point.

Mina continues down the hallway in search of her sister. While she was glad she could confirm her suspicions, she also hated upsetting her sister. Hearing a soft sob, she turned the corner that opened out onto the large porch area of the temple, only to find her sister curled up near the steps. Approaching quietly, she sits beside Serena and catches her as she flings her head into Mina's lap. Sitting there quietly, with Serena sobbing and Mina stroking her hair as she did so, she let her sister cry it out. After a few mins of Serena's sobs subsiding she decided to speak up.

"Ren, I'm sorry. We weren't making fun of you for liking Darien," Mina started, then paused. "Actually you liking him would be perfect. It's clear to anyone with eyes the guy likes you too."

"You don't have to say that," sniffled the blonde mass. "We all know what he really thinks of me. I'm a whiny crybaby and a fat slob."

Letting out a breath of exasperation, "I highly doubt that. Your problem is you wear those funky glasses even though you don't need them and close that are two sizes too big. I bet if you just let your beautiful self shine through like you do with us, Darien would be swept off his feet."

Wiping her tears and pulling her hair out of her face as she sat up, she turned to her sister. "That's easy for you to say," Serena said staring at her sister. "You're gorgeous. Any time you walk into a room, all the guys stare like you're the last piece of Kobe steak on the planet. Meanwhile, I'm just a plain old hamburger."

"Leave it to you to make a food comparison," Mina laughs. "But the fact remains. We're sisters. We look so damn much alike it's funny. You just don't share your beautiful self with the world. Ever since that unfortunate incident with Alan, you've shut yourself off."

At the mention of Alan's name Serena's eyes filled with rage. "Alan wanted you and led me on. Everyone always wants you. No one ever wants me."

"Sweetie that's not true," Mina tried to correct. Looking at her sister however, she knew Serena wouldn't believe her. So instead she tried a different approach. "Alright, what if you could become me?"

Shocked to her core, Serena looked at her sister incredulously. "WHAT?"

"Not for real," Mina justified. "But with some help and coaching from me. And a serious make over, you could definitely pass for me. I can show you how to walk, talk and dress just like me. Pretty soon you'll have guys eating out of the palm of your hand."

Staring at her as if she'd sprouted another head, Serena stood mouth agape. "Just think about it Serena. You'll be able to get any guy you want," Mina stated, then adding, "Even Darien?"

As soon as she said his name, she knew she had Serena hook, line and sinker. Did her sister really think no one knew of her OBVIOUS attraction to the dark-haired college student? However, her sister's silence seemed to signal she hadn't quite convinced her, until...

"Alright! Let's do it!"

I kind of lost sight for a while on where I wanted to go with this. I'll probably go back and fix any continuity issues after this is posted. So I do apologize in advance. I'm already working on the next chapter. Hope to have it out in the next week or so but we'll see. Life and kids and work always seems to get in the way.