
Disclaimer – I do not own Sailor Moon, nor will I ever.

Some back-story info – Sailor Moon exists in this storyline, though she won't be very prevalent. Mina was born as a twin to Serena to protect her in this timeline. They figure out pretty early on that Darien is Tuxedo Mask and Serena is Serenity, but there really isn't an Endymion, or a destiny for them to be together. Even with the revelation that Serena is Sailor Moon, Darien still insists on teasing her as though nothing has changed. Serena, after discovering Darien and Tuxedo Mask are one in the same just intensifies her crush on Darien.


Serena – aka Ren – Younger twin of Mina, always in her shadow beauty-wise; 17 yrs old

Mina – Older twin of Serena. Very outgoing, gorgeous, has done some minor modeling gigs; 17 yrs old

Darien – Serena's tormentor, but secret crush; 20 yrs old

Andrew – Darien's best friend and owner of Crowne Arcade; 21 yrs old

Prologue – So it begins…

Sept 8th
Dear Diary,

He talked to me. I can't believe the cutest boy in middle school talked to me. It was fairly brief but he asked about a few problems we were going over in math class. I knew he would notice me if I wore my contacts! I can't wait for class tomorrow, I'm gonna ask him if he wants to sit with me at lunch. Mina thinks I should go for it. She's so outgoing, sometimes I wish I were more like her. It's amazing that we're identical twins even though most people can easily tell us apart. 333 I can't wait until tomorrow though.

Sept 9th

Dear Diary,
Alan came and sat with us at lunch today! I can't believe my luck. I asked him in math class to do it and he did! Mina kept pinching my leg through lunch to keep me calmed and even though I'm sure I have tons of bruises, it was so worth it. Amy thinks I'm being silly developing feelings for a boy when I've got so much studying to do for High School entrance exams, but I'm not even worried. This is turning out to be the best year yet! If I'm lucky we'll be able to go to the Hallow's eve dance next month with couple's costumes!

Sept 11th
Dear Diary,

I've never been a fan of school, even though my grades are ok, but I cannot wait for school tomorrow. I've spent all weekend gushing with the girls much to the dismay of Luna, who feels I need to concentrate more on being a Sailor Scout than boys. Lita loves daydreaming with me though about it. Raye thinks I'm being stupid, but what does she know. Diary is this what love feels like? This giddiness and butterflies in my stomach. Mina thinks it's too soon to tell. Just because she's 10 minutes older doesn't mean she's much wiser than me does it?

Sept 19th
Dear Diary,

It's been over a week since I've written anything but it's been super busy. Queen Beryl's newest General Nephrite has proved to be relentless. There have been 4 attacks this week. My grades have started to suffer for it. Alan hasn't seemed phased at all, even though I'm pretty sure I go to school looking like a truck ran over me. We're going on an informal date! It's to Mina's volleyball tournament (who knew he liked volleyball) and we're going with other people, but I'm pretty sure it's a date! I can't even contain my excitement for this Friday.

Sept 23rd
Dear Diary,

The game was amazing. Our team won and Mina was voted MVP! I'm so proud of her! Alan sat next to me during the game and cheered just as loudly for Mina as I did. IT was so awesome! He's such a great guy! After the tourney we went out for pizza at Pizza Palace. Darien was there. I ran into him causing him to spill his whole drink all over me. I tried not to make a scene, but AHHHH that man is so frustrating! Luckily Alan came to my rescue and let me borrow his coat. Darien gave me the strangest look after that. He kept looking over at the table and shooting sparks with his eyes at Alan. So weird, not sure what his problem is. I have no idea what Raye sees in him!

Sept 26th
Dear Diary,

I did it! OMG! I asked Alan out! Well I asked if he wanted to hang out and study for our math test, but he said yes! I can't even right now! Mina thinks I should wear my cute flowery dress that I wore to our cousins wedding! I'm so excited! It's finally happening to me! Mina is gonna help me with my hair and make up too! She's so sophisticated! We're studying Wednesday night at my house!

Sept 29th
Dear Diary,

I can't believe it. This whole time I thought Alan likes me and he was just hanging out with me to get to Mina. I skipped school today after the nightmare of last night. I'm surprised mom let me, but apparently having your heartbroken is an illness. I wanted to hate Mina, this always happens. The boys I like always choose her. But I can't, she's my sister and she can't help it if she's so beautiful. Maybe Amy was right. I shouldn't worry about boys, just concentrate on my studies. Make myself invisible to them...

Well what do you think so far. I know there are gonna be some of you mad at me that I'm starting a new story and I still have a few hanging, but I PROMISE I'm working on those as well. This idea came to me and I had to get it out. It's gonna be a little on the shorter side, but I wanted to give a background with this prologue as to why Serena is the way she is. Let me know what you think. TTFN!